959 resultados para RECTAL-CANCER SURGERY
Breast conserving surgery followed by radiation therapy is the treatment of choice for early breast cancer. For patients who choice or need a mastectomy, breast reconstruction provides an acceptable alternative. Breast cancer surgery has been evolving through minimally invasive approaches. Sentinel node biopsy has already remplaced axillary lymph node dissection in the evaluation of the axilla. Local ablation of the tumor may be a valuable alternative to surgery in the future.
Extended pharmacological venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis beyond discharge is recommended for patients undergoing high-risk surgery. We prospectively investigated prophylaxis in 1,046 consecutive patients undergoing major orthopaedic (70%) or major cancer surgery (30%) in 14 Swiss hospitals. Appropriate in-hospital prophylaxis was used in 1,003 (96%) patients. At discharge, 638 (61%) patients received prescription for extended pharmacological prophylaxis: 564 (77%) after orthopaedic surgery, and 74 (23%) after cancer surgery (p < 0.001). Patients with knee replacement (94%), hip replacement (81%), major trauma (80%), and curative arthroscopy (73%) had the highest prescription rates for extended VTE prophylaxis; the lowest rates were found in patients undergoing major surgery for thoracic (7%), gastrointestinal (19%), and hepatobiliary (33%) cancer. The median duration of prescribed extended prophylaxis was longer in patients with orthopaedic surgery (32 days, interquartile range 14-40 days) than in patients with cancer surgery (23 days, interquartile range 11-30 days; p<0.001). Among the 278 patients with an extended prophylaxis order after hip replacement, knee replacement, or hip fracture surgery, 120 (43%) received a prescription for at least 35 days, and among the 74 patients with an extended prophylaxis order after major cancer surgery, 20 (27%) received a prescription for at least 28 days. In conclusion, approximately one quarter of the patients with major orthopaedic surgery and more than three quarters of the patients with major cancer surgery did not receive prescription for extended VTE prophylaxis. Future effort should focus on the improvement of extended VTE prophylaxis, particularly in patients undergoing major cancer surgery.
Hypoksiaan liittyvät biologiset merkkiaineet leikkausta edeltävällä sädehoidolla tai kemosädehoidolla hoidetussa peräsuolisyövässä Peräsuolensyöpä on yleinen pahanlaatuinen kasvain. Leikkausta edeltävä sädehoito annetaan yleensä T3-T4-kasvaimille. Tutkimuksella pyrittiin selvittämään, voidaanko kasvaimen hapenpuutteeseen liittyvillä biologisilla merkkiaineilla arvioida peräsuolisyövän ennustetta leikkausta edeltävän sädehoidon tai kemosädehoidon jälkeen. Tällaisia merkkiaineita ovat hapenpuutteen vaikutuksesta aktivoituva HIF-1alfa hiilihappoanhydraasi IX (CA IX), sokerin kuljetukseen solussa osallistuva GLUT-1 sekä solun tukirankaproteiini ezrin. Tutkimukseen otettiin 178 potilasta, jotka olivat saaneet ennen leikkausta lyhyen (n=77) tai pitkän sädehoidon (n=10), pitkän sädehoidon ja solunsalpaajahoidon (n=37) tai ei mitään hoitoa (n=54). Lisäksi osalta leikkausta edeltävää sädehoitoa saaneelta potilaalta tutkittiin hoitoja edeltävät, diagnostiset näytteet (n=80). Tutkimuksessa käytettiin immunehistokemiallisia värjäysmenetelmiä. Kasvaimen regressiota (TRG) arvioitiin pitkän sädehoidon jälkeisistä näytteistä. Leikkausnäytteissä negatiivinen/heikko CA IX intensiteetti liittyi sekä pidempään tautispesifiseen (p=0.034) että tautivapaaseen elinaikaan (p=0.003) ja pitkän sädehoidon jälkeen HIF-1alfa-negatiivisuus pidempään tautispesifiseen (p=0.001) sekä negatiivinen/heikko GLUT-1 pidempään tautivapaaseen elinaikaan (p=0.066). Voimakas ezrin-ilmentymä diagnostisissa näytteissä liittyi lyhyempään tautivapaaseen ja tautispesifiseen (p=0.027 ja p=0.002) ennusteeseen. Monimuuttuja-analyysissä vahva CA IX intensiteetti leikkausnäytteissä ennusti itsenäisesti huonompaa tautivapaata ja tautispesifistä selviytymistä. Erinomainen TRG liittyi negatiiviseen/heikkoon CA IX- (p=0.057), ezrin- (p=0.012) ja GLUT-1 -ilmentymään (p=0.013) leikkausnäytteissä. Kun kaikki neljä merkkiainetta analysoitiin yhdessä monimuuttuja-analyysissä, CA IX intensiteetti leikkausnäytteissä ennusti itsenäisesti tautispesifistä elinaikaa. Voimakas CA IX-ilmentymä leikkausnäytteissä ja positiivinen HIF-1alfa- ja vahva GLUT-1-ilmentymä pitkän sädehoidon jälkeisissä leikkausnäytteissä sekä vahva ezrin-ilmentymä diagnostisissa näytteissä liittyivät epäsuotuisaan ennusteeseen. Monimuuttujaanalyysissä kohtalainen/voimakas CA IX intensiteetti leikkausnäytteissä ennusti itsenäisesti huonompaa tautivapaata ja tautispesifistä elinaikaa. CA IX on vahva biologinen merkkiaine peräsuolisyövässä.
PURPOSE: This study investigated short-term changes in body composition, handgrip strength, and presence of lymphedema in women who underwent breast cancer surgery.METHODS: Ninety-five women participated in a cross-sectional study, divided into two groups: Control (n=46), with healthy women, and Experimental (n=49), with women six months after breast cancer surgery . The Experimental Group was subdivided into right total mastectomy (RTM, n=15), left total mastectomy (LTM, n=11), right quadrant (RQ, n=13), and left quadrant (LQ, n=10). It was also redistributed among women with presence (n=10) or absence (n=39) of lymphedema. Presence of lymphedema, handgrip strength, and body composition were assessed.RESULTS: Trunk lean mass and handgrip strength were decreased in the Experimental Group. Total lean mass was increased in the LTM compared to RTM or LQ. Left handgrip strength in LTM was decreased compared to RTM and RQ and in LQ compared to RTM and RQ. Finally, total lean mass, trunk fat mass, trunk lean mass, right and left arm lean mass were increased in women with lymphedema.CONCLUSIONS: Breast cancer survivors have changes in their body composition and in handgrip strength six months after surgery; however, the interaction between the type of surgery and its impact is unclear. Furthermore, women who developed lymphedema in this period showed more significant changes in the body composition, but they were not enough to cause impairment in handgrip strength.
Objective: To describe the preoperative upper limb lymphoscintigraphic pattern in women with breast cancer. Methods: Thirty-seven patients undergoing lymphoscintigraphy within 30 days of surgery were investigated. Lymphoscintigraphic studies of 37 upper limbs ipsilateral to surgery and 32 contralateral upper limbs were performed. The examination protocol consisted in obtaining static images of the upper limb in semi-flexion after 10 minutes, and 1 and 2 hours after subcutaneous injection of 1 mCi (37 MBq) of Tc-99m-dextran in the dorsum of the hand. The velocity of axillary lymph node visualization (I, visible at 10 minutes; II, 1 hour; III, 2 hours; and IV, invisible) and degree (intensity) of nodal uptake (a, marked; b, moderate; c,mild; and d, absent) were analyzed. Results: Optimal lymphatic functional pattern (Ia) was observed in four (11%) patients, in the ipsilateral upper limb, and six (19%), in the contralateral upper limb. Worse condition was observed in three (8%) patients (IVd) in the ipsilateral upper limb and two (6%) patients in the contralateral upper limb. The remaining patients showed intermediate states of velocity and uptake intensity. Conclusion: This study found relevant changes in preoperative lymphoscintigraphy, demonstrating preexisting functional differences in the lymphatic system. © 2011 Elsevier Editora Ltda.
To describe the preoperative upper limb lymphoscintigraphic pattern in women with breast cancer. Thirty-seven patients undergoing lymphoscintigraphy within 30 days of surgery were investigated. Lymphoscintigraphic studies of 37 upper limbs ipsilateral to surgery and 32 contralateral upper limbs were performed. The examination protocol consisted in obtaining static images of the upper limb in semi-flexion after 10 minutes, and 1 and 2 hours after subcutaneous injection of 1 mCi (37 MBq) of Tc-99m-dextran in the dorsum of the hand. The velocity of axillary lymph node visualization (I, visible at 10 minutes; II, 1 hour; III, 2 hours; and IV, invisible) and degree (intensity) of nodal uptake (a, marked; b, moderate; c,mild; and d, absent) were analyzed. Optimal lymphatic functional pattern (Ia) was observed in four (11%) patients, in the ipsilateral upper limb, and six (19%), in the contralateral upper limb. Worse condition was observed in three (8%) patients (IVd) in the ipsilateral upper limb and two (6%) patients in the contralateral upper limb. The remaining patients showed intermediate states of velocity and uptake intensity. This study found relevant changes in preoperative lymphoscintigraphy, demonstrating preexisting functional differences in the lymphatic system.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aim The study aimed to determine the value of postchemoradiation biopsies, performed after significant tumour downsizing following neoadjuvant therapy, in predicting complete tumour regression in patients with distal rectal cancer. Method A retrospective comparative study was performed in patients with rectal cancer who achieved an incomplete clinical response after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Patients with significant tumour downsizing (> 30% of the initial tumour size) were compared with controls (< 30% reduction of the initial tumour size). During flexible proctoscopy carried out postchemoradiation, biopsies were performed using 3-mm biopsy forceps. The biopsy results were compared with the histopathological findings of the resected specimen. UICC (Union for International Cancer Control) ypTNM classification, tumour differentiation and regression grade were evaluated. The main outcome measures were sensitivity and specificity, negative and positive predictive values, and accuracy of a simple forceps biopsy for predicting pathological response after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Results Of the 172 patients, 112 were considered to have had an incomplete clinical response and were included in the study. Thirty-nine patients achieved significant tumour downsizing and underwent postchemoradiation biopsies. Overall, 53 biopsies were carried out. Of the 39 patients who achieved significant tumour downsizing, the biopsy result was positive in 25 and negative in 14. Only three of the patients with a negative biopsy result were found to have had a complete pathological response (giving a negative predictive value of 21%). Considering all biopsies performed, only three of 28 negative biopsies were true negatives, giving a negative predictive value of 11%. Conclusion In patients with distal rectal cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiation, post-treatment biopsies are of limited clinical value in ruling out persisting cancer. A negative biopsy result after a near-complete clinical response should not be considered sufficient for avoiding a radical resection.
Over the past decades, major progress in patient selection, surgical techniques and anaesthetic management have largely contributed to improved outcome in lung cancer surgery. The purpose of this study was to identify predictors of post-operative cardiopulmonary morbidity in patients with a forced expiratory volume in 1 s <80% predicted, who underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). In this observational study, 210 consecutive patients with lung cancer underwent CPET with completed data over a 9-yr period (2001-2009). Cardiopulmonary complications occurred in 46 (22%) patients, including four (1.9%) deaths. On logistic regression analysis, peak oxygen uptake (peak V'(O₂) and anaesthesia duration were independent risk factors of both cardiovascular and pulmonary complications; age and the extent of lung resection were additional predictors of cardiovascular complications, whereas tidal volume during one-lung ventilation was a predictor of pulmonary complications. Compared with patients with peak V'(O₂) >17 mL·kg⁻¹·min⁻¹, those with a peak V'(O₂) <10 mL·kg⁻¹·min⁻¹ had a four-fold higher incidence of cardiac and pulmonary morbidity. Our data support the use of pre-operative CPET and the application of an intra-operative protective ventilation strategy. Further studies should evaluate whether pre-operative physical training can improve post-operative outcome.
Role of intra- and peritumoral budding in the interdisciplinary management of rectal cancer patients
The presence of tumor budding (TuB) at the invasive front of rectal cancers is a valuable indicator of tumor aggressiveness. Tumor buds, typically identified as single cells or small tumor cell clusters detached from the main tumor body, are characterized by loss of cell adhesion, increased migratory, and invasion potential and have been referred to as malignant stem cells. The adverse clinical outcome of patients with a high-grade TuB phenotype has consistently been demonstrated. TuB is a category IIB prognostic factor; it has yet to be investigated in the prospective setting. The value of TuB in oncological and pathological practice goes beyond its use as a simple histomorphological marker of tumor aggressiveness. In this paper, we outline three situations in which the assessment of TuB may have direct implications on treatment within the multidisciplinary management of patients with rectal cancer: (a) patients with TNM stage II (i.e., T3/T4, N0) disease potentially benefitting from adjuvant therapy, (b) patients with early submucosally invasive (T1, sm1-sm3) carcinomas at a high risk of nodal positivity and (c) the role of intratumoral budding assessed in preoperative biopsies as a marker for lymph node and distant metastasis thus potentially aiding the identification of patients suitable for neoadjuvant therapy.