989 resultados para Quasi-Uniform Space


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A class of self-propagating linear and nonlinear travelling wave solutions for compressible rotating fluid is studied using both numerical and analytical techiques. It is shown that, in general, a three dimensional linear wave is not periodic. However, for some range of wave numbers depending on rotation, horizontally propagating waves are periodic. When the rotation ohgr is equal to $$\sqrt {(\gamma - 1)/(4\gamma )}$$ , all horizontal waves are periodic. Here, gamma is the ratio of specific heats. The analytical study is based on phase space analysis. It reveals that the quasi-simple waves are periodic only in some plane, even when the propagation is horizontal, in contrast to the case of non-rotating flows for which there is a single parameter family of periodic solutions provided the waves propagate horizontally. A classification of the singular points of the governing differential equations for quasi-simple waves is also appended.


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Current-voltage (I-V) and impedance measurements were carried out in doped poly(3-methylthiophene) devices by varying the carrier density. As the carrier concentration reduces the I-V characteristics indicate that the conduction mechanism is limited by metal-polymer interface, as also observed in impedance data. The temperature dependence of I-V in moderately doped samples shows a trap-controlled space-charge-limited conduction (SCLC); whereas in lightly doped devices injection-limited conduction is observed at lower bias and SCLC at higher voltages. The carrier density-dependent quasi-Fermi level adjustment and trap-limited transport could explain this variation in conduction mechanism. Capacitance measurements at lower frequencies and higher bias voltages show a sign change in values due to the significant variations in the relaxation behaviour for lightly and moderately doped samples. The electrical hysteresis increases as carrier density is reduced due to the time scales involved in the de-trapping of carriers.


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A construction of a new family of distributed space time codes (DSTCs) having full diversity and low Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoding complexity is provided for the two phase based cooperative diversity protocols of Jing-Hassibi and the recently proposed Generalized Non-orthogonal Amplify and Forward (GNAF) protocol of Rajan et al. The salient feature of the proposed DSTCs is that they satisfy the extra constraints imposed by the protocols and are also four-group ML decodable which leads to significant reduction in ML decoding complexity compared to all existing DSTC constructions. Moreover these codes have uniform distribution of power among the relays as well as in time. Also, simulations results indicate that these codes perform better in comparison with the only known DSTC with the same rate and decoding complexity, namely the Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Design (CIOD). Furthermore, they perform very close to DSTCs from field extensions which have same rate but higher decoding complexity.


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This paper presents an improved hierarchical clustering algorithm for land cover mapping problem using quasi-random distribution. Initially, Niche Particle Swarm Optimization (NPSO) with pseudo/quasi-random distribution is used for splitting the data into number of cluster centers by satisfying Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC). Themain objective is to search and locate the best possible number of cluster and its centers. NPSO which highly depends on the initial distribution of particles in search space is not been exploited to its full potential. In this study, we have compared more uniformly distributed quasi-random with pseudo-random distribution with NPSO for splitting data set. Here to generate quasi-random distribution, Faure method has been used. Performance of previously proposed methods namely K-means, Mean Shift Clustering (MSC) and NPSO with pseudo-random is compared with the proposed approach - NPSO with quasi distribution(Faure). These algorithms are used on synthetic data set and multi-spectral satellite image (Landsat 7 thematic mapper). From the result obtained we conclude that use of quasi-random sequence with NPSO for hierarchical clustering algorithm results in a more accurate data classification.


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In several chemical and space industries, small bubbles are desired for efficient interaction between the liquid and gas phases. In the present study, we show that non-uniform electric field with appropriate electrode configurations can reduce the volume of the bubbles forming at submerged needles by up to three orders of magnitude. We show that localized high electric stresses at the base of the bubbles result in slipping of the contact line on the inner surface of the needle and subsequent bubble formation occurs with contact line inside the needle. We also show that for bubble formation in the presence of highly non-uniform electric field, due to high detachment frequency, the bubbles go through multiple coalescences and thus increase the apparent volume of the detached bubbles. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Perfect space-time block codes (STBCs) are based on four design criteria-full-rateness, nonvanishing determinant, cubic shaping, and uniform average transmitted energy per antenna per time slot. Cubic shaping and transmission at uniform average energy per antenna per time slot are important from the perspective of energy efficiency of STBCs. The shaping criterion demands that the generator matrix of the lattice from which each layer of the perfect STBC is carved be unitary. In this paper, it is shown that unitariness is not a necessary requirement for energy efficiency in the context of space-time coding with finite input constellations, and an alternative criterion is provided that enables one to obtain full-rate (rate of complex symbols per channel use for an transmit antenna system) STBCs with larger normalized minimum determinants than the perfect STBCs. Further, two such STBCs, one each for 4 and 6 transmit antennas, are presented and they are shown to have larger normalized minimum determinants than the comparable perfect STBCs which hitherto had the best-known normalized minimum determinants.


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A Finite Feedback Scheme (FFS) for a quasi-static MIMO block fading channel with finite N-ary delay-free noise-free feedback consists of N Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) at the transmitter, one corresponding to each possible value of feedback, and a function at the receiver that generates N-ary feedback. A number of FFSs are available in the literature that provably attain full-diversity. However, there is no known full-diversity criterion that universally applies to all FFSs. In this paper a universal necessary condition for any FFS to achieve full-diversity is given, and based on this criterion the notion of Feedback-Transmission duration optimal (FT-optimal) FFSs is introduced, which are schemes that use minimum amount of feedback N for the given transmission duration T, and minimum T for the given N to achieve full-diversity. When there is no feedback (N = 1) an FT-optimal scheme consists of a single STBC, and the proposed condition reduces to the well known necessary and sufficient condition for an STBC to achieve full-diversity. Also, a sufficient criterion for full-diversity is given for FFSs in which the component STBC yielding the largest minimum Euclidean distance is chosen, using which full-rate (N-t complex symbols per channel use) full-diversity FT-optimal schemes are constructed for all N-t > 1. These are the first full-rate full-diversity FFSs reported in the literature for T < N-t. Simulation results show that the new schemes have the best error performance among all known FFSs.


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Infinite horizon discounted-cost and ergodic-cost risk-sensitive zero-sum stochastic games for controlled Markov chains with countably many states are analyzed. Upper and lower values for these games are established. The existence of value and saddle-point equilibria in the class of Markov strategies is proved for the discounted-cost game. The existence of value and saddle-point equilibria in the class of stationary strategies is proved under the uniform ergodicity condition for the ergodic-cost game. The value of the ergodic-cost game happens to be the product of the inverse of the risk-sensitivity factor and the logarithm of the common Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue of the associated controlled nonlinear kernels. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sequential Monte Carlo methods, also known as particle methods, are a widely used set of computational tools for inference in non-linear non-Gaussian state-space models. In many applications it may be necessary to compute the sensitivity, or derivative, of the optimal filter with respect to the static parameters of the state-space model; for instance, in order to obtain maximum likelihood model parameters of interest, or to compute the optimal controller in an optimal control problem. In Poyiadjis et al. [2011] an original particle algorithm to compute the filter derivative was proposed and it was shown using numerical examples that the particle estimate was numerically stable in the sense that it did not deteriorate over time. In this paper we substantiate this claim with a detailed theoretical study. Lp bounds and a central limit theorem for this particle approximation of the filter derivative are presented. It is further shown that under mixing conditions these Lp bounds and the asymptotic variance characterized by the central limit theorem are uniformly bounded with respect to the time index. We demon- strate the performance predicted by theory with several numerical examples. We also use the particle approximation of the filter derivative to perform online maximum likelihood parameter estimation for a stochastic volatility model.


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Damage-induced anisotropy of quasi-brittle materials is investigated using component assembling model in this study. Damage-induced anisotropy is one significant character of quasi-brittle materials coupled with nonlinearity and strain softening. Formulation of such complicated phenomena is a difficult problem till now. The present model is based on the component assembling concept, where constitutive equations of materials are formed by means of assembling two kinds of components' response functions. These two kinds of components, orientational and volumetric ones, are abstracted based on pair-functional potentials and the Cauchy - Born rule. Moreover, macroscopic damage of quasi-brittle materials can be reflected by stiffness changing of orientational components, which represent grouped atomic bonds along discrete directions. Simultaneously, anisotropic characters are captured by the naturally directional property of the orientational component. Initial damage surface in the axial-shear stress space is calculated and analyzed. Furthermore, the anisotropic quasi-brittle damage behaviors of concrete under uniaxial, proportional, and nonproportional combined loading are analyzed to elucidate the utility and limitations of the present damage model. The numerical results show good agreement with the experimental data and predicted results of the classical anisotropic damage models.


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Cell culture and growth in space is crucial to understand the cellular responses under microgravity. The effects of microgravity were coupled with such environment restrictions as medium perfusion, in which the underlying mechanism has been poorly understood. In the present work, a customer-made counter sheet-flow sandwich cell culture device was developed upon a biomechanical concept from fish gill breathing. The sandwich culture unit consists of two side chambers where the medium flow is counter-directional, a central chamber where the cells are cultured, and two porous polycarbonate membranes between side and central chambers. Flow dynamics analysis revealed the symmetrical velocity profile and uniform low shear rate distribution of flowing medium inside the central culture chamber, which promotes sufficient mass transport and nutrient supply for mammalian cell growth. An on-orbit experiment performed on a recovery satellite was used to validate the availability of the device.


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Damage-induced anisotropy of quasi-brittle materials is investigated using component assembling model in this study. Damage-induced anisotropy is one significant character of quasi-brittle materials coupled with nonlinearity and strain softening. Formulation of such complicated phenomena is a difficult problem till now. The present model is based on the component assembling concept, where constitutive equations of materials are formed by means of assembling two kinds of components' response functions. These two kinds of components, orientational and volumetric ones, are abstracted based on pair-functional potentials and the Cauchy - Born rule. Moreover, macroscopic damage of quasi-brittle materials can be reflected by stiffness changing of orientational components, which represent grouped atomic bonds along discrete directions. Simultaneously, anisotropic characters are captured by the naturally directional property of the orientational component. Initial damage surface in the axial-shear stress space is calculated and analyzed. Furthermore, the anisotropic quasi-brittle damage behaviors of concrete under uniaxial, proportional, and nonproportional combined loading are analyzed to elucidate the utility and limitations of the present damage model. The numerical results show good agreement with the experimental data and predicted results of the classical anisotropic damage models.


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Space-time correlations or Eulerian two-point two-time correlations of fluctuating velocities are analytically and numerically investigated in turbulent shear flows. An elliptic model for the space-time correlations in the inertial range is developed from the similarity assumptions on the isocorrelation contours: they share a uniform preference direction and a constant aspect ratio. The similarity assumptions are justified using the Kolmogorov similarity hypotheses and verified using the direct numerical simulation DNS of turbulent channel flows. The model relates the space-time correlations to the space correlations via the convection and sweeping characteristic velocities. The analytical expressions for the convection and sweeping velocities are derived from the Navier-Stokes equations for homogeneous turbulent shear flows, where the convection velocity is represented by the mean velocity and the sweeping velocity is the sum of the random sweeping velocity and the shearinduced velocity. This suggests that unlike Taylor’s model where the convection velocity is dominating and Kraichnan and Tennekes’ model where the random sweeping velocity is dominating, the decorrelation time scales of the space-time correlations in turbulent shear flows are determined by the convection velocity, the random sweeping velocity, and the shear-induced velocity. This model predicts a universal form of the spacetime correlations with the two characteristic velocities. The DNS of turbulent channel flows supports the prediction: the correlation functions exhibit a fair good collapse, when plotted against the normalized space and time separations defined by the elliptic model.


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In this thesis an extensive study is made of the set P of all paranormal operators in B(H), the set of all bounded endomorphisms on the complex Hilbert space H. T ϵ B(H) is paranormal if for each z contained in the resolvent set of T, d(z, σ(T))//(T-zI)-1 = 1 where d(z, σ(T)) is the distance from z to σ(T), the spectrum of T. P contains the set N of normal operators and P contains the set of hyponormal operators. However, P is contained in L, the set of all T ϵ B(H) such that the convex hull of the spectrum of T is equal to the closure of the numerical range of T. Thus, NPL.

If the uniform operator (norm) topology is placed on B(H), then the relative topological properties of N, P, L can be discussed. In Section IV, it is shown that: 1) N P and L are arc-wise connected and closed, 2) N, P, and L are nowhere dense subsets of B(H) when dim H ≥ 2, 3) N = P when dimH ˂ ∞ , 4) N is a nowhere dense subset of P when dimH ˂ ∞ , 5) P is not a nowhere dense subset of L when dimH ˂ ∞ , and 6) it is not known if P is a nowhere dense subset of L when dimH ˂ ∞.

The spectral properties of paranormal operators are of current interest in the literature. Putnam [22, 23] has shown that certain points on the boundary of the spectrum of a paranormal operator are either normal eigenvalues or normal approximate eigenvalues. Stampfli [26] has shown that a hyponormal operator with countable spectrum is normal. However, in Theorem 3.3, it is shown that a paranormal operator T with countable spectrum can be written as the direct sum, N ⊕ A, of a normal operator N with σ(N) = σ(T) and of an operator A with σ(A) a subset of the derived set of σ(T). It is then shown that A need not be normal. If we restrict the countable spectrum of T ϵ P to lie on a C2-smooth rectifiable Jordan curve Go, then T must be normal [see Theorem 3.5 and its Corollary]. If T is a scalar paranormal operator with countable spectrum, then in order to conclude that T is normal the condition of σ(T) ≤ Go can be relaxed [see Theorem 3.6]. In Theorem 3.7 it is then shown that the above result is not true when T is not assumed to be scalar. It was then conjectured that if T ϵ P with σ(T) ≤ Go, then T is normal. The proof of Theorem 3.5 relies heavily on the assumption that T has countable spectrum and cannot be generalized. However, the corollary to Theorem 3.9 states that if T ϵ P with σ(T) ≤ Go, then T has a non-trivial lattice of invariant subspaces. After the completion of most of the work on this thesis, Stampfli [30, 31] published a proof that a paranormal operator T with σ(T) ≤ Go is normal. His proof uses some rather deep results concerning numerical ranges whereas the proof of Theorem 3.5 uses relatively elementary methods.


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For the first time to our knowledge, in a high-energy laser facility with an output energy of 454.37 J, by using a temporal-space-transforming pulse-shaping system with our own design of a knife-edge apparatus, we obtained a quasi-square laser pulse. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.