981 resultados para Quantum mechanical model


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The electron hole transfer (HT) properties of DNA are substantially affected by thermal fluctuations of the π stack structure. Depending on the mutual position of neighboring nucleobases, electronic coupling V may change by several orders of magnitude. In the present paper, we report the results of systematic QM/molecular dynamic (MD) calculations of the electronic couplings and on-site energies for the hole transfer. Based on 15 ns MD trajectories for several DNA oligomers, we calculate the average coupling squares 〈 V2 〉 and the energies of basepair triplets X G+ Y and X A+ Y, where X, Y=G, A, T, and C. For each of the 32 systems, 15 000 conformations separated by 1 ps are considered. The three-state generalized Mulliken-Hush method is used to derive electronic couplings for HT between neighboring basepairs. The adiabatic energies and dipole moment matrix elements are computed within the INDO/S method. We compare the rms values of V with the couplings estimated for the idealized B -DNA structure and show that in several important cases the couplings calculated for the idealized B -DNA structure are considerably underestimated. The rms values for intrastrand couplings G-G, A-A, G-A, and A-G are found to be similar, ∼0.07 eV, while the interstrand couplings are quite different. The energies of hole states G+ and A+ in the stack depend on the nature of the neighboring pairs. The X G+ Y are by 0.5 eV more stable than X A+ Y. The thermal fluctuations of the DNA structure facilitate the HT process from guanine to adenine. The tabulated couplings and on-site energies can be used as reference parameters in theoretical and computational studies of HT processes in DNA


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The probability of a quantum particle being detected in a given solid angle is determined by the S-matrix. The explanation of this fact in time-dependent scattering theory is often linked to the quantum flux, since the quantum flux integrated against a (detector-) surface and over a time interval can be viewed as the probability that the particle crosses this surface within the given time interval. Regarding many particle scattering, however, this argument is no longer valid, as each particle arrives at the detector at its own random time. While various treatments of this problem can be envisaged, here we present a straightforward Bohmian analysis of many particle potential scattering from which the S-matrix probability emerges in the limit of large distances.


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A very high level of theoretical treatment (complete active space self-consistent field CASSCF/MRCI/aug-cc-pV5Z) was used to characterize the spectroscopic properties of a manifold of quartet and doublet states of the species BeP, as yet experimentally unknown. Potential energy curves for 11 electronic states were obtained, as well as the associated vibrational energy levels, and a whole set of spectroscopic constants. Dipole moment functions and vibrationally averaged dipole moments were also evaluated. Similarities and differences between BeN and BeP were analysed along with the isovalent SiB species. The molecule BeP has a X (4)Sigma(-) ground state, with an equilibrium bond distance of 2.073 angstrom, and a harmonic frequency of 516.2 cm(-1); it is followed closely by the states (2)Pi (R(e) = 2.081 angstrom, omega(e) = 639.6 cm(-1)) and (2)Sigma(-) (R(e) = 2.074 angstrom, omega(e) = 536.5 cm(-1)), at 502 and 1976 cm(-1), respectively. The other quartets investigated, A (4)Pi (R(e) = 1.991 angstrom, omega(e) = 555.3 cm(-1)) and B (4)Sigma(-) (R(e) = 2.758 angstrom, omega(e) = 292.2 cm(-1)) lie at 13 291 and 24 394 cm(-1), respectively. The remaining doublets ((2)Delta, (2)Sigma(+)(2) and (2)Pi(3)) all fall below 28 000 cm(-1). Avoided crossings between the (2)Sigma(+) states and between the (2)Pi states add an extra complexity to this manifold of states.


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The understanding of cell manipulation, for example in microinjection, requires an accurate model of the cells. Motivated by this important requirement, a 3D particlebased mechanical model is derived for simulating the deformation of the fish egg membrane and the corresponding cellular forces during microrobotic cell injection. The model is formulated based on the kinematic and dynamic of spring- damper configuration with multi-particle joints considering the visco-elastic fluidic properties. It simulates the indentation force feedback as well as cell visual deformation during microinjection. A preliminary simulation study is conducted with different parameter configurations. The results indicate that the proposed particle-based model is able to provide similar deformation profiles as observed from a real microinjection experiment of the zebrafish embryo published in the literature. As a generic modelling approach is adopted, the proposed model also has the potential in applications with different types of manipulation such as micropipette cell aspiration.


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We propose a simple quantum field theoretical toy model for black-hole evaporation and study the backreaction of Hawking radiation onto the classical background. It turns out that the horizon is also pushed back in this situation (i.e., the interior region shrinks) though this backreaction is not caused by energy conservation but by momentum balance. The effective heat capacity and induced entropy variation can have both signs-depending on the parameters of the model.


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It is of major importance to consider non-ideal energy sources in engineering problems. They act on an oscillating system and at the same time experience a reciprocal action from the system. Here, a non-ideal system is studied. In this system, the interaction between source energy and motion is accomplished through a special kind of friction. Results about the stability and instability of the equilibrium point of this system are obtained. Moreover, its bifurcation curves are determined. Hopf bifurcations are found in the set of parameters of the oscillating system.


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The exact propagator beyond and at caustics for a pair of coupled and driven oscillators with different frequencies and masses is calculated using the path-integral approach. The exact wavefunctions and energies are also presented. Finally the propagator is re-calculated through an alternative method, using the δfunction. © 1992 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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In previous articles we reported through theoretical studies the piezoelectric effect in BaTiO3, SmTiO3, and YFeO3. In this paper, we used the Douglas-Kroll-Hess (DKH) second-order scalar relativistic method to investigate the piezoelectricity in YTiO3. In the calculations we used the [6s4p] and [10s5p4d] Gaussian basis sets for the O (3P) and Ti (5S) atoms, respectively, from the literature in combination with the (30s21p16d)/[15s9p6d] basis set for the Y ( 3D) atom, obtained by generator coordinate Hartree-Fock (GCHF) method, and they had their quality evaluated using calculations of total energy and orbital energies (HOMO and HOMO-1) of the 2TiO+1 and 1YO+1 fragments. The dipole moment, the total energy, and the total atomic charges in YTiO3 in C s space group were calculated. When we analyze those properties we verify that it is reasonable to believe that YTiO3 does not present piezoelectric properties. Copyright © 2011 Raimundo Dirceu de Paula Ferreira et al.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work, we present a supersymmetric extension of the quantum spherical model, both in components and also in the superspace formalisms. We find the solution for short- and long-range interactions through the imaginary time formalism path integral approach. The existence of critical points (classical and quantum) is analyzed and the corresponding critical dimensions are determined.


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We analyse the phase diagram of a quantum mean spherical model in terms of the temperature T, a quantum parameter g, and the ratio p = -J(2)/J(1) where J(1) > 0 refers to ferromagnetic interactions between first-neighbour sites along the d directions of a hypercubic lattice, and J(2) < 0 is associated with competing anti ferromagnetic interactions between second neighbours along m <= d directions. We regain a number of known results for the classical version of this model, including the topology of the critical line in the g = 0 space, with a Lifshitz point at p = 1/4, for d > 2, and closed-form expressions for the decay of the pair correlations in one dimension. In the T = 0 phase diagram, there is a critical border, g(c) = g(c) (p) for d >= 2, with a singularity at the Lifshitz point if d < (m + 4)/2. We also establish upper and lower critical dimensions, and analyse the quantum critical behavior in the neighborhood of p = 1/4. 2012 (C) Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this thesis is the atomic-scale simulation of the crystal-chemical and physical (phonon, energetic) properties of some strategically important minerals for structural ceramics, biomedical and petrological applications. These properties affect the thermodynamic stability and rule the mineral-environment interface phenomena, with important economical, (bio)technological, petrological and environmental implications. The minerals of interest belong to the family of phyllosilicates (talc, pyrophyllite and muscovite) and apatite (OHAp), chosen for their importance in industrial and biomedical applications (structural ceramics) and petrophysics. In this thesis work we have applicated quantum mechanics methods, formulas and knowledge to the resolution of mineralogical problems ("Quantum Mineralogy”). The chosen theoretical approach is the Density Functional Theory (DFT), along with periodic boundary conditions to limit the portion of the mineral in analysis to the crystallographic cell and the hybrid functional B3LYP. The crystalline orbitals were simulated by linear combination of Gaussian functions (GTO). The dispersive forces, which are important for the structural determination of phyllosilicates and not properly con-sidered in pure DFT method, have been included by means of a semi-empirical correction. The phonon and the mechanical properties were also calculated. The equation of state, both in athermal conditions and in a wide temperature range, has been obtained by means of variations in the volume of the cell and quasi-harmonic approximation. Some thermo-chemical properties of the minerals (isochoric and isobaric thermal capacity) were calculated, because of their considerable applicative importance. For the first time three-dimensional charts related to these properties at different pressures and temperatures were provided. The hydroxylapatite has been studied from the standpoint of structural and phonon properties for its biotechnological role. In fact, biological apatite represents the inorganic phase of vertebrate hard tissues. Numerous carbonated (hydroxyl)apatite structures were modelled by QM to cover the broadest spectrum of possible biological structural variations to fulfil bioceramics applications.


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Calculations were run on the methylated DNA base pairs adenine:thymine and adenine:difluorotoluene to further investigate the hydrogen-bonding properties of difluorotoluene (F). Geometries were optimized using hybrid density functional theory. Single-point calculations at the MP2(full) level were performed to obtain more rigorous energies. The functional counterpoise method was used to correct for the basis set superposition error (BSSE), and the interaction energies were also corrected for fragment relaxation. These corrections brought the B3LYP and MP2 interaction energies into excellent agreement. In the gas phase, the Gibbs free energies calculated at the B3LYP and MP2 levels of theory predict that A and T will spontaneously form an A:T pair while A:F spontaneously dissociates into A and F. Solvation effects on the pairing of the bases were explored using implicit solvent models for water and chloroform. In aqueous solution, both A:T and A:F are predicted to dissociate into their component monomers. Semiempirical calculations were performed on small sections of B-form DNA containing the two pairs, and the results provide support for the concept that base stacking is more important than hydrogen bonding for the stability of the A:F pair within a DNA helix.