949 resultados para Quantitative methodology
This paper aims to design and develop a control and monitoring system of vending machines, based on a Central Processing Unit with peripheral Internet communication. Coupled with the condom vending machines, a data acquisition module will be connected to the original circuits in order to collect and send, via internet, the information to the healthy government agencies, in the form of charts and reports. In the face of this, such agencies may analyze these data and compare them with the rates of reduction, in medium or long term, of the STD/AIDS in their respective regions, after the implementation of these vending machines, together with the conventional preventing programs. Reading the methodology, this paper is about an explaining and bibliography research, with the aspect of a qualitative-quantitative methodology, presenting a deductive method of approach and an indirect documentation technique research. About the results of the tests and simulations, we concluded that the implementation of this system will have the same success in any other type of dispenser machine
Includes bibliography
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
O desenvolvimento econômico em nível municipal tem sido tradicionalmente estudado a partir de variáveis econômicas, da estrutura política ou da capacidade endógena de inovar e criar riqueza. A hipótese teórica que guia esta pesquisa é que o desenvolvimento econômico de um município depende essencialmente da qualificação da gestão municipal. A partir de uma abordagem multidisciplinar e interdisciplinar, em nível metodológico, expõe-se a primeira fase da investigação, exploratória, baseada em uma metodologia quantitativa, em diversos municípios do estado do Pará. Expõem-se e analisam-se as variáveis planejamento e a gestão de pessoas. Como conclusão, observa-se a importância que adquire o planejamento a médio e longo prazos e a formação do pessoal para o fortalecimento institucional.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this study we intent to contextualize the topic environmental vulnerability on the world stage, highlighting similarities and differences in their conceptions in Portugal and Brazil. In the literature about the vulnerability is already established the contribution of Geotechnologies, especially the Systems of Remote Sensing and Orbital Imaging as well as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and its potential for modelling physical and socioeconomic aspects for the prevention, mitigation and facing risk manifestations, whether natural, technological or mixed. This paper aims to discuss the methodological framework of vulnerability studies and the results of application in the modelling of socioeconomic and environmental data in the context of the Region Centre of Portugal and the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The methodology for analysing the vulnerability of these regions was based on quantitative studies of the capacity of resistance and resilience of populations and territories. The results were consistent with the socio-environmental realities of the study areas and reflect the complexity of facing and recovery of risk situations in case of territories and populations under low economic conditions and urban infrastructure, whether in Brazil and Portugal.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
For constituting itself a science, Psychology has coursed along way. From the time he was considered a Philosophy’s discipline until to be recognized as a legitimate science, Psychology had to devoteto the definition of its object of study, the development and refinement of theoretical-methodological frameworks and, in particular, to consolidation process of their research strategies and knowledge construction. Therefore, in order to regard the demands of the classical scientific paradigm, which is very influenced by Positivism, Psychology made use, initially, of quantitative methodology and laboratory research. This article presents some of the process of identity construction of Psychology as a science, focusing on its transition path between the quantitativist paradigm of scientific knowledge production to the qualitativist paradigm, until that is more commonly practiced nowadays: the collaborative use of these methodological strategies. For presenting the qualitative researching Psychology, we discussed, beyond its proposal and differentiation elements in relation to quantitative research, the different methods used for this mode and, in particular, the interview - which is considered the main way of data collection in surveys conducted by psychologists and, therefore, it is an important element the process of knowledge building that science, in addition to being the most qualified space for dialogue between there searcher and the research subject.
Falhas de mercado e redes em políticas públicas: desafios e possibilidades ao Sistema Único de Saúde
Os princípios e as diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) impõem uma estrutura de assistência baseada em redes de políticas públicas que, combinada ao modelo de financiamento adotado, conduz a falhas de mercado. Isso impõe barreiras à gestão do sistema público de saúde e à concretização dos objetivos do SUS. As características institucionais e a heterogeneidade dos atores, aliadas à existência de diferentes redes de atenção à saúde, geram complexidade analítica no estudo da dinâmica global da rede do SUS. Há limitações ao emprego de métodos quantitativos baseados em análise estática com dados retrospectivos do sistema público de saúde. Assim, propõe-se a abordagem do SUS como sistema complexo, a partir da utilização de metodologia quantitativa inovadora baseada em simulação computacional. O presente artigo buscou analisar desafios e potencialidades na utilização de modelagem com autômatos celulares combinada com modelagem baseada em agentes para simulação da evolução da rede de serviços do SUS. Tal abordagem deve permitir melhor compreensão da organização, heterogeneidade e dinâmica estrutural da rede de serviços do SUS e possibilitar minimização dos efeitos das falhas de mercado no sistema de saúde brasileiro.
Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade da descrição dos procedimentos metodológicos de artigos que utilizaram a modelagem em equações estruturais (MEE), incluindo a análise fatorial confirmatória e a path analysis, e que foram publicados na RAE, RAUSP, REAd, O&S, RAC e RAE-eletrônica entre 2001 e 2010. A partir da revisão da literatura metodológica, foi elaborado um check list para avaliar as treze etapas da MEE, sendo validado com 33 especialistas. Os principais resultados da análise de 68 artigos encontrados foram: a impossibilidade de replicar os estudos devido à falta de informações e o uso de estratégias exploratórias sem a posterior validação. Por outro lado, a justificativa do método utilizado e a explicação das implicações teóricas dos resultados são aspectos que têm sido atendidos plenamente. O check list foi um importante subproduto desta pesquisa, pois, a partir dele, são propostas novas linhas de investigação e até mesmo seu uso como ferramenta didática.
El presente artículo, que presenta una síntesis de un trabajo de investigación , se propone explicitar las representaciones sociales que, sobre la formación profesional y el currículo académico en vigencia, sostienen estudiantes y graduados del Profesorado en Educación Especial respecto de su formación académico profesional. Al relevar y gestar una formulación científica sobre las representaciones sociales de los estudiantes y graduados se está realizando un acto fundacional, en el ámbito que nos ocupa, cual es el de darle relevancia estructural a dichas voces en la evaluación de las prácticas académicas que se desarrollan en el ámbito de la formación en educación especial en la UNaM. Efectuar un análisis crítico de la formación profesional en la Universidad, supone evaluar los proyectos curriculares y las prácticas que los estructuran y sostienen. Esto nos introduce en el controvertido universo de la evaluación, altamente determinado desde lo político. Evaluar es poner en valor. Esto solo es posible desde un cierto posicionamiento. Sin embargo, cuando advertimos este fuerte componente político de la tarea de evaluar, no estamos proponiendo renunciar a su utilidad como modo de mejorar la calidad de la educación, sino estamos señalando que toda evaluación se realiza desde un cierto sistema de valores, ideas y creencias, en el que resulta imperioso recuperar las voces de los actores implicados en el entramado de la formación académica, que tensiona fuertemente, el par “teoría profesada"-“teoría al uso" permitiendo mirar y mirar-nos en el proceso-producto del quehacer docente en la universidad. Se trata de una investigación inscripta en el modelo paradigmático interpretativo, con una metodología cuanti-cualitativa.
Durante las últimas décadas se observa una tendencia sostenida al crecimiento en las dimensiones de los grandes buques portacontenedores, que produce, que las infraestructuras portuarias y otras destinadas al tráfico de contenedores deban adaptarse para poder brindar los servicios correspondientes y mantenerse competitivas con otras para no perder el mercado. Esta situación implica importantes inversiones y modificaciones en los sistemas de transporte de contenedores por el gran volumen de carga que se debe mover en un corto periodo de tiempo, lo que genera la necesidad de tomar previsiones relacionadas con la probable evolución a futuro de las dimensiones que alcanzarán los grandes buques portacontenedores. En relación a los aspectos citados surge la inquietud de determinar los condicionantes futuros del crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores, con una visión totalizadora de todos los factores que incidirán en los próximos años, ya sea como un freno o un impulso a la tendencia que se verifica en el pasado y en el presente. En consideración a que el tema a tratar y resolver se encuentra en el futuro, con un horizonte de predicción de veinte años, se diseña y se aplica una metodología prospectiva, que permite alcanzar conclusiones con mayor grado de objetividad sobre probables escenarios futuros. La metodología prospectiva diseñada, conjuga distintas herramientas metodológicas, cualitativas, semi-cuantitativas y cuantitativas que se validan entre sí. Sobre la base del pasado y el presente, las herramientas cuantitativas permiten encontrar relaciones entre variables y hacer proyecciones, sin embargo, estas metodologías pierden validez más allá de los tres a cuatro años, por los vertiginosos y dinámicos cambios que se producen actualmente, en las áreas política, social y económica. Las metodologías semi-cuantitativas y cualitativas, empleadas en forma conjunta e integradas, permiten el análisis de circunstancias del pasado y del presente, obteniendo resultados cuantitativos que se pueden proyectar hacia un futuro cercano, los que integrados en estudios cualitativos proporcionan resultados a largo plazo, facilitando considerar variables cualitativas como la creciente preocupación por la preservación del medio ambiente y la piratería. La presente tesis, tiene como objetivo principal “identificar los condicionantes futuros del crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores y determinar sus escenarios”. Para lo cual, la misma se estructura en fases consecutivas y que se retroalimentan continuamente. Las tres primeras fases son un enfoque sobre el pasado y el presente, que establece el problema a resolver. Se estudian los antecedentes y el estado del conocimiento en relación a los factores y circunstancias que motivaron y facilitaron la tendencia al crecimiento de los grandes buques. También se estudia el estado del conocimiento de las metodologías para predecir el futuro y se diseña de una metodología prospectiva. La cuarta fase, denominada Resultados, se desarrolla en distintas etapas, fundamentadas en las fases anteriores, con el fin de resolver el problema dando respuestas a las preguntas que se formularon para alcanzar el objetivo fijado. En el proceso de esta fase, con el objeto de predecir probables futuros, se aplica la metodología prospectiva diseñada, que contempla el análisis del pasado y el presente, que determina los factores cuya influencia provocó el crecimiento en dimensiones de los grandes buques hasta la actualidad, y que constituye la base para emplear los métodos prospectivos que permiten determinar qué factores condicionarán en el futuro la evolución de los grandes buques. El probable escenario futuro formado por los factores determinados por el criterio experto, es validado mediante un modelo cuantitativo dinámico, que además de obtener el probable escenario futuro basado en las tendencias de comportamiento hasta el presente de los factores determinantes considerados, permite estudiar distintos probables escenarios futuros en función de considerar un cambio en la tendencia futura de los factores determinantes. El análisis del pasado indica que la tendencia al crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores hasta el presente, se ha motivado por un crecimiento económico mundial que se tradujo en un aumento del comercio internacional, particularmente entre los países de Asia, con Europa y Estados Unidos. Esta tendencia se ha visto favorecida por el factor globalización y la acelerada evolución tecnológica que ha permitido superar los obstáculos que se presentaron. Es de destacar que aún en periodos de crisis económicas, con pronósticos de contracciones en el comercio, en los últimos años continuó la tendencia al crecimiento en dimensiones, en busca de una economía de escala para el transporte marítimo de contenedores, en las rutas transoceánicas. La investigación de la evolución de los grandes buques portacontenedores en el futuro, se efectúa mediante el empleo de una metodología prospectiva en la que el criterio experto se valida con un método cuantitativo dinámico, y además se fundamenta en una solida base pre-prospectiva. La metodología diseñada permite evaluar con un alto grado de objetividad cuales serán los condicionantes que incidirán en el crecimiento en tamaño de los grandes buques portacontenedores en el escenario con mayor probabilidad de acontecer en los próximos veinte años (2032), y también en otros escenarios que podrían presentarse en el caso de que los factores modifiquen su tendencia o bien se produzcan hechos aleatorios. El resultado se sintetiza en que la tendencia al crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores en los próximos 20 años se verá condicionada por factores en relación a los conceptos de oferta (los que facilitan u obstaculizan la tendencia), demanda (los que motivan o impulsan la tendencia) y factores externos (los que desestabilizan el equilibrio entre oferta y demanda). La tendencia al crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores se verá obstaculizada / limitada principalmente por factores relacionados a las infraestructuras, resultando los pasos y/o canales vinculados a las rutas marítimas, los limitantes futuros al crecimiento en dimensiones de los grandes buques portacontenedores; y la interacción buque / infraestructura (grúas) un factor que tenderá a obstaculizar esta tendencia de los grandes portacontenedores. El desarrollo económico mundial que estimula el comercio internacional y los factores precio del petróleo y condicionantes medioambientales impulsarán la tendencia al crecimiento de los grandes buques portacontenedores. Recent years have seen a sustained tendency towards the growth in the dimensions of large container ships. This has meant that port and other infrastructure used for container traffic has had to be adapted in order to provide the required services and to maintain a competitive position, so as not to lose market share. This situation implies the need for major investments in modifications to the container transport system, on account of the large volume of traffic to be handled in a short period of time. This in turn has generated a need to make provision for the probable future evolution of the ultimate dimensions that will be reached by large container ships. Such considerations give rise to the question of what are the future determinants for the growth of large container ships, requiring an overall vision of all the factors that will apply in future years, whether as a brake on or an incentive to the growth tendency which has been seen in the past and present In view of the fact that the theme to be dealt with and resolved relates to the future, with a forecasting horizon of some 20 years, a foresight methodology has been designed and applied so as to enable conclusions about probable future scenarios to be reached with a greater degree of objectivity. The designed methodology contains different methodological tools, both qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative, which are internally consistent. On the basis of past and present observations, the quantitative elements enable relationships to be established and forecasts to be made. Nevertheless such an approach loses validity more than three or four years into the future, on account of the very rapid and dynamic changes which may be seen at present in political, social and economic spheres. The semi-quantitative and qualitative methodologies are used coherently together and allow the analysis of past and present conditions, thus obtaining quantitative results which for short-term projections, which when integrated with the qualitative studies provide results for the long-term, facilitating the consideration of qualitative variables such as the increasing importance of environmental protection and the impact of piracy. The principal objective of the present thesis is "to identify the future conditions affecting the growth of large container ships and to determine possible scenarios". The thesis is structured in consecutive and related phases. The first three phases focus on the past and present in order to determine the problem to be resolved. The background is studied in order to establish the state of knowledge about the factors and circumstances which have motivated and facilitated the growth tendency for large container ships and the methodologies that have been used. In this way a specific foresight methodology is designed. The fourth phase, Results, is developed in distinct stages based on the previous phases, so as to resolve the problem posed and responding to the questions that arise. In this way the determined objective is reached. The fourth phase sees the application of the methodology that has been designed in order to predict posible futures. This includes analysis of the past and present factors which have caused the growth in the dimensions of large container ships up to the present. These provide the basis on which to apply the foresight methods which enable the future factors which will condition the development of such large container ships. The probable future scenarios are made up of the factors identified by expert judgement (using the Delphi technique) and validated by means of a dynamic quantitative model. This model both identifies the probable future scenarios based on past and present factors and enables the different future scenarios to be analysed as a function of future changes in the conditioning factors. Analysis of the past shows that the growth tendency up to the present for large container ships has been motivated by the growth of the world economy and the consequent increased international trade, especially between the countries of Asia with Europe and the United States. This tendency has been favoured by the trend towards globalization and by the rapid technical evolution in ship design, which has allowed the obstacles encountered to be overcome. It should be noted that even in periods of economic crisis, with an expectation for reduced trade, as experienced in recent years, the tendency towards increased ship dimensions has continued in search of economies of scale for the maritime transport of containers on transoceanic routes. The present investigation of the future evolution of large container ships has been done using a foresight methodology in which the expert judgement is validated by a dynamic quantitative methodology, founded on a firm pre-foresight analysis. The methodology that has been designed permits the evaluation, with a high degree of objectivity, of the future factors that will affect the growth of large container ships for the most probable scenario expected in the next 20 years (up to 2032). The evaluation applies also to other scenarios which may arise, in the event that their component factors are modified or indeed in the light of random events. In summary, the conclusión is that the tendency for growth in large container ships in the future 20 years will be determined by: factors related to supply, which slow or halt the tendency; factors related to demand, which encourage the tendency and finally, external factors which interrupt the equilibrium between supply and demand. The tendency for increasing growth in large container ships will be limited or even halted by factors related to infrastructure, including the natural and man-made straits and canals used by maritime transport. In addition the infrastructure required to serve such vessels both in port (including cranes and other equipment) and related transport, will tend to slow the growth tendency. The factors which will continue to encourage the tendency towards the growth of large container ships include world economic development, which stimulates international trade, and an increasing emphasis on environmental aspects.