998 resultados para QUANTUM-GRAVITY


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Resolution of cosmological singularities is an important problem in any full theory of quantum gravity. The Milne orbifold is a cosmology with a big-bang/big-crunch singularity, but being a quotient of flat space it holds potential for resolution in string theory. It is known, however, that some perturbative string amplitudes diverge in the Milne geometry. Here we show that flat space higher spin theories can effect a simple resolution of the Milne singularity when one embeds the latter in 2 + 1 dimensions. We explain how to reconcile this with the expectation that non-perturbative string effects are required for resolving Milne. Along the way, we introduce a Grassmann realization of the inonfi-Wigner contraction to export much of the AdS technology to -our flat space computation. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier BAT.


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O objetivo desta tese é verificar se algumas soluções de matéria da teoria da relatividade geral também satisfazem as equações da teoria de Horava-Lifshitz no limite infravermelho. Para isso, partimos das soluções mais simples possíveis, tais como é o caso de um fluido de radiação nula e de poeira, conhecidas na relatividade geral, e encontramos que estas não correspondem a quaisquer soluções na teoria de gravitação de Hořava-Lifshitz para o limite de baixas energias, infravermelho, no qual esta teoria deveria se reduzir à anterior. Este resultado nos remete a novos desafios na direção de ajustes teóricos que permitam que esta teoria descreva corretamente tanto o cenário cosmológico quanto o de formação de estruturas, estáveis ou colapsadas. Para tornar o trabalho mais claro, é feita uma introdução à teoria de Hořava- Lifshitz, tema central deste trabalho, e como ela se acopla com a matéria.


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We reconstruct the interaction rate between dark matter and the holographic dark energy with the parametrized equation of states and the future event horizon as the infrared cutoff length. It is shown that the observational constraints from the 192 type Ia Supernovae (SnIa) and baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurement permit the negative interaction in the wide region. Moreover, the usual phenomenological descriptions cannot describe the reconstructed interaction well for many cases. The other possible interaction is also discussed.


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Lovelock terms are polynomial scalar densities in the Riemann curvature tensor that have the remarkable property that their Euler-Lagrange derivatives contain derivatives of the metric of an order not higher than 2 (while generic polynomial scalar densities lead to Euler-Lagrange derivatives with derivatives of the metric of order 4). A characteristic feature of Lovelock terms is that their first nonvanishing term in the expansion g λμ = η λμ + h λμ of the metric around flat space is a total derivative. In this paper, we investigate generalized Lovelock terms defined as polynomial scalar densities in the Riemann curvature tensor and its covariant derivatives (of arbitrarily high but finite order) such that their first nonvanishing term in the expansion of the metric around flat space is a total derivative. This is done by reformulating the problem as a BRST cohomological one and by using cohomological tools. We determine all the generalized Lovelock terms. We find, in fact, that the class of nontrivial generalized Lovelock terms contains only the usual ones. Allowing covariant derivatives of the Riemann tensor does not lead to a new structure. Our work provides a novel algebraic understanding of the Lovelock terms in the context of BRST cohomology. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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This thesis deals with some aspects of the Physics of the early universe, like phase transitions, bubble nucleations and premodial density perturbations which lead to the formation structures in the universe. Quantum aspects of the gravitational interaction play an essential role in retical high-energy physics. The questions of the quantum gravity are naturally connected with early universe and Grand Unification Theories. In spite of numerous efforts, the various problems of quantum gravity remain still unsolved. In this condition, the consideration of different quantum gravity models is an inevitable stage to study the quantum aspects of gravitational interaction. The important role of gravitationally coupled scalar field in the physics of the early universe is discussed in this thesis. The study shows that the scalar-gravitational coupling and the scalar curvature did play a crucial role in determining the nature of phase transitions that took place in the early universe. The key idea in studying the formation structure in the universe is that of gravitational instability.


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A possible slowing down of the cosmic expansion is investigated through a cosmographic approach. By expanding the luminosity distance to fourth order and fitting the SN Ia data from the most recent compilations (Union, Constitution and Union 2), the marginal likelihood distributions for the deceleration parameter today suggest a recent reduction of the cosmic acceleration and indicate that there is a considerable probability for q(0) > 0. Also in contrast to the prediction of the Lambda CDM model, the cosmographic q(z) reconstruction permits a cosmic expansion history where the cosmic acceleration could already have peaked and be presently slowing down, which would imply that the recent accelerated expansion of the universe is a transient phenomenon. It is also shown that to describe a transient acceleration the luminosity distance needs to be expanded at least to fourth order. The present cosmographic results depend neither on the validity of general relativity nor on the matter-energy contents of the universe.


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Here we present a status report of the first spherical antenna project equipped with a set of parametric transducers for gravitational detection. The Mario Schenberg, as it is called, started its commissioning phase at the Physics Institute of the University of Sao Paulo, in September 2006, under the full support of FAPESP. We have been testing the three preliminary parametric transducer systems in order to prepare the detector for the next cryogenic run, when it will be calibrated. We are also developing sapphire oscillators that will replace the current ones thereby providing better performance. We also plan to install eight transducers in the near future, six of which are of the two-mode type and arranged according to the truncated icosahedron configuration. The other two, which will be placed close to the sphere equator, will be mechanically non-resonant. In doing so, we want to verify that if the Schenberg antenna can become a wideband gravitational wave detector through the use of an ultra-high sensitivity non-resonant transducer constructed using the recent achievements of nanotechnology.


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we study the one-loop quantum corrections for higher-derivative superfield theories, generalizing the approach for calculating the superfield effective potential. In particular, we calculate the effective potential for two versions of higher-derivative chiral superfield models. We point out that the equivalence of the higher-derivative theory for the chiral superfield and the one without higher derivatives but with an extended number of chiral superfields occurs only when the mass term is contained in the general Lagrangian. The presence of divergences can be taken as an indication of that equivalence. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we study fermion perturbations in four-dimensional black holes of string theory, obtained either from a non-extreme configuration of three intersecting five-branes with a boost along the common string or from a non-extreme intersecting system of two two-branes and two five-branes. The Dirac equation for the massless neutrino field, after conformal re-scaling of the metric, is written as a wave equation suitable to study the time evolution of the perturbation. We perform a numerical integration of the evolution equation, and with the aid of Prony fitting of the time-domain profile, we calculate the complex frequencies that dominate the quasinormal ringing stage, and also determine these quantities by the semi-analytical sixth-order WKB method. We also find numerically the decay factor of fermion fields at very late times, and show that the falloff is identical to those showing for massless fields in other four-dimensional black hole spacetimes.


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We report the results concerning the influence of vacuum polarization due to quantum massive vector, scalar and spinor fields on the scalar sector of quasinormal modes in spherically symmetric charged black holes. The vacuum polarization from quantized fields produces a shift in the values of the quasinormal frequencies, and correspondingly the semiclassical system becomes a better oscillator with respect to the classical Reissner-Nordstrom black hole.


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The Mario Schenberg gravitational wave detector has started its commissioning phase at the Physics Institute of the University of Sao Paulo. We have collected almost 200 h of data from the instrument in order to check out its behavior and performance. We have also been developing a data acquisition system for it under a VXI System. Such a system is composed of an analog-to-digital converter and a GPS receiver for time synchronization. We have been building the software that controls and sets up the data acquisition. Here we present an overview of the Mario Schenberg detector and its data acquisition system, some results from the first commissioning run and solutions for some problems we have identified.


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In this paper, we analyze the action of the gravitational field on the dynamical Casimir effect. We consider a massless scalar field confined in a cuboid cavity placed in a gravitational field described by a static and diagonal metric. With one of the plane mirrors of the cavity allowed to move, we compute the average number of particles created inside the cavity by means of the Bogoliubov coefficients computed through perturbative expansions. We apply our result to the case of an oscillatory motion of the mirror, assuming a weak gravitational field described by the Schwarzschild metric. The regime of parametric amplification is analyzed in detail, demonstrating that our computed result for the mean number of particles created agrees with specific associated cases in the literature. Our results, obtained in the framework of the perturbation theory, are restricted, under resonant conditions, to a short-time limit.


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Recent investigations of various quantum-gravity theories have revealed a variety of possible mechanisms that lead to Lorentz violation. One of the more elegant of these mechanisms is known as Spontaneous Lorentz Symmetry Breaking (SLSB), where a vector or tensor field acquires a nonzero vacuum expectation value. As a consequence of this symmetry breaking, massless Nambu-Goldstone modes appear with properties similar to the photon in Electromagnetism. This thesis considers the most general class of vector field theories that exhibit spontaneous Lorentz violation-known as bumblebee models-and examines their candidacy as potential alternative explanations of E&M, offering the possibility that Einstein-Maxwell theory could emerge as a result of SLSB rather than of local U(1) gauge invariance. With this aim we employ Dirac's Hamiltonian Constraint Analysis procedure to examine the constraint structures and degrees of freedom inherent in three candidate bumblebee models, each with a different potential function, and compare these results to those of Electromagnetism. We find that none of these models share similar constraint structures to that of E&M, and that the number of degrees of freedom for each model exceeds that of Electromagnetism by at least two, pointing to the potential existence of massive modes or propagating ghost modes in the bumblebee theories.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Suppose we have identified three clusters of galaxies as being topological copies of the same object. How does this information constrain the possible models for the shape of our universe? It is shown here that, if our universe has flat spatial sections, these multiple images can be accommodated within any of the six classes of compact orientable three-dimensional flat space forms. Moreover, the discovery of two more triples of multiple images in the neighbourhood of the first one would allow the determination of the topology of the universe, and in most cases the determination of its size.