969 resultados para Pyrolytic reactor


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BACKGROUND: Aqueous two-phase micellar systems (ATPMS) are micellar surfactant solutions with physical properties that make them very efficient for the extraction/concentration of biological products. In this work the main proposal that has been discussed is the possible applicability and importance of a novel oscillatory flow micro-reactor (micro-OFR) envisaged for parallel screening and/or development of industrial bioprocesses in ATPMS. Based on the technology of oscillatory flow mixing (OFM), this batch or continuous micro-reactor has been presented as a new small-scale alternative for biological or physical-chemical applications. RESULTS: ATPMS experiments were carried out in different OFM conditions (times, temperatures, oscillation frequencies and amplitudes) for the extraction of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) in Triton X-114/buffer with Cibacron Blue as affinity ligand. CONCLUSION: The results suggest the potential use of OFR, considering this process a promising and new alternative for the purification or pre-concentration of bioproducts. Despite the applied homogenization and extraction conditions have presented no improvements in the partitioning selectivity of the target enzyme, when at rest temperature they have influenced the partitioning behavior in Triton X-114 ATPMS. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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Analytical expressions are derived for the time and magnitude of failure of an isothermal CSTR with substrate-inhibited kinetics, caused by slow catalyst deactivation under three types of parallel and series mechanisms. Reactors operating at high space velocity are found to be most susceptible to early failure and poisoning by product is more dangerous than by reactant. The magnitude of the jump across steady states depends solely on the Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic parameters and a detailed analysis of reactor behavior during the jump itself is given.


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A laboratory scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operating for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) and fed with a mixture of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) showed stable and efficient EBPR capacity over a four-year-period. Phosphorus (P), poly-beta-hydroxyalkanoate (PHA) and glycogen cycling consistent with classical anaerobic/aerobic EBPR were demonstrated with the order of anaerobic VFA uptake being propionate, acetate then butyrate. The SBR was operated without pH control and 63.67+/-13.86 mg P l(-1) was released anaerobically. The P% of the sludge fluctuated between 6% and 10% over the operating period (average of 8.04+/-1.31%). Four main morphological types of floc-forming bacteria were observed in the sludge during one year of in-tensive microscopic observation. Two of them were mainly responsible for anaerobic/aerobic P and PHA transformations. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and post-FISH chemical staining for intracellular polyphosphate and PHA were used to determine that 'Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis' was the most abundant polyphosphate accumulating organism (PAO), forming large clusters of coccobacilli (1.0-1.5 mum) and comprising 53% of the sludge bacteria. Also by these methods, large coccobacillus-shaped gammaproteobacteria (2.5-3.5 mum) from a recently described novel cluster were glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs) comprising 13% of the bacteria. Tetrad-forming organisms (TFOs) consistent with the 'G bacterium' morphotype were alphaproteobacteria , but not Amaricoccus spp., and comprised 25% of all bacteria. According to chemical staining, TFOs were occasionally able to store PHA anaerobically and utilize it aerobically.


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BP Refinery (Bulwer Island) Ltd (BP) located on the eastern Australian coast is currently undergoing a major expansion as a part of the Queensland Clean Fuels Project. The associated wastewater treatment plant upgrade will provide a better quality of treated effluent than is currently possible with the existing infrastructure, and which will be of a sufficiently high standard to meet not only the requirements of imposed environmental legislation but also BP's environmental objectives. A number of challenges were faced when considering the upgrade, particularly; cost constraints and limited plot space, highly variable wastewater, toxicity issues, and limited available hydraulic head. Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology was chosen for the lagoon upgrade based on the following; SBR technology allowed a retro-fit of the existing earthen lagoon without the need for any additional substantial concrete structures, a dual lagoon system allowed partial treatment of wastewaters during construction, SBRs give substantial process flexibility, SBRs have the ability to easily modify process parameters without any physical modifications, and significant cost benefits. This paper presents the background to this application, an outline of laboratory studies carried out on the wastewater and details the full scale design issues and methods for providing a cost effective, efficient treatment system using the existing lagoon system.


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Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) via the nitrite pathway and anaerobic-anoxic-enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) are two processes that can significantly reduce the energy and COD demand for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The combination of these two processes has the potential of achieving simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal with a minimal requirement for COD. A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was operated in alternating anaerobic-aerobic mode with a low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration (0.5 mg/L) during the aerobic period, and was demonstrated to accomplish nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal. Under anaerobic conditions, COD was taken up and converted to poly-hydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), accompanied by phosphorus release. In the subsequent aerobic stage, PHA was oxidized and phosphorus was taken up to


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Biological nitrogen removal via nitrite pathway in wastewater treatment is very important especially in the cost of aeration and as an electron donor for denitrification. Wastewater nitrification and nitrite accumulations were carried out in a biofilm reactor. The biofilm reactor showed almost complete nitrification and most of the oxidized ammonium was present as nitrite at the ammonium load of 1.2 kg N/m3/d. Nitrite accumulation was achieved by the selective inhibition of nitrite oxidizers by free ammonia and oxygen limitation. Nitrite oxidation activity was recovered as soon as the inhibition factor was removed. Fluorescence in situ hybridization studies of the nitrite accumulating biofilm system have shown that genus Nitrosomonas which is specifically hybridized with probe NSM 156 was the dominant nitrifying bacteria while Nitrospira was less abundant than those of normal nitrification systems. Further FISH analysis showed that the combinations of Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira cells were identified as important populations of nitrifying bacteria in an autotrophic nitrifying biofilm system.


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Understanding the mechanism of liquid-phase evaporation in a three-phase fixed-bed reactor is of practical importance, because the reaction heat is usually 7-10 times the vaporization heat of the liquid components. Evaporation, especially the liquid dryout, can largely influence the reactor performance and even safety. To predict the vanishing condition of the liquid phase, Raoult's law was applied as a preliminary approach, with the liquid vanishing temperature defined based on a liquid flow rate of zero. While providing correct trends, Raoult's law exhibits some limitation in explaining the temperature profile in the reactor. To comprehensively understand the whole process of liquid evaporation, a set of experiments on inlet temperature, catalyst activity, liquid flow rate, gas flow rate, and operation pressure were carried out. A liquid-region length-predicting equation is suggested based on these experiments and the principle of heat balance.


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O presente trabalho tem como objectivo avaliar economicamente e determinar a viabilidade da implementação de um reactor nuclear para produção de energia eléctrica. Faz-se uma abordagem a aspectos da energia nuclear no mundo e em particular a energia nuclear na união europeia, faz-se uma análise sobre a estrutura do sector nuclear em Espanha e o futuro da energia no mundo. É realizada uma análise sobre a energia nuclear em Portugal, são abordados aspectos como o planeamento energético, a localização da central nuclear, os recursos nacionais e internacionais, a inspecção e regulação nuclear e o impacto industrial. Por fim, faz-se uma análise sobre o mix energético português. Faz-se uma descrição do ciclo de combustível, isto é, um estudo a todas as fases pela qual o combustível nuclear passa desde a sua extracção, passando pela produção de energia e processamento dos resíduos. São descritos os principais componentes de uma central nuclear e o seu princípio de funcionamento. São analisados em detalhe os principais componentes de um reactor PWR (Objecto de estudo deste trabalho) e faz-se uma breve descrição de alguns modelos de reactores nucleares. É feita uma breve abordagem aos principais acidentes nucleares que ocorreram, e descrita a escala de ocorrências nucleares e as várias fases de desmantelamento de uma central. São apresentados os principais custos da central nuclear. Também é apresentado um estudo de viabilidade económica analisando três cenários diferentes e é apresentada uma análise de sensibilidade do VAL em função de algumas variáveis que têm grande influência na avaliação económica. São apresentadas as principais conclusões.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química


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O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo o estudo da possibilidade de recuperação de calor de um efluente proveniente do tratamento primário da fábrica do grupo Portucel Soporcel (fábrica produtora de pasta de papel), para o aquecimento da corrente de lamas do digestor anaeróbio da SimRia S.A. – ETAR Norte, (ambas localizadas em Cacia, distrito de Aveiro). A solução consiste na implementação de um sistema de permuta térmica entre estas duas correntes, constituído fundamentalmente por dois permutadores de placas em espiral, montados em paralelo que operam em contra-corrente. Segundo este novo sistema de aquecimento, as lamas abandonam o digestor anaeróbio da mesma ETAR a um caudal de 110 m3/h, que se dividirá em duas linhas, sendo admitidas em cada permutador a 55 m3/h e a uma temperatura de 32 ºC regressando ao digestor a uma temperatura de 37 ºC (temperatura óptima a que ocorre a digestão anaeróbia das lamas). O efluente disponível, abandona o tratamento primário da Portucel, a 45 ºC e é encaminhado até aos permutadores da SimRia S.A., onde vai trocar calor com as lamas e regressa à Portucel a 40ºC, sendo admitido nas torres de arrefecimento da fábrica de papel. A nova instalação proposta pretende substituir a actual existente na ETAR em causa, em que a corrente de água que aquece as lamas, circula num circuito fechado entre um único permutador e uma caldeira, alimentada com o biogás que se produz no digestor anaeróbio, e que é responsável pelo controlo da temperatura da corrente de água. Pretende-se que a implementação deste novo método de aquecimento de lamas seja uma alternativa económica relativamente ao actual sistema, uma vez que vai substituir a corrente de biogás alimentada à caldeira podendo este recurso ser transformado em energia eléctrica e posteriormente comercializada. A análise financeira realizada ao projecto demonstrou que o projecto é rentável, uma vez que, a diferença entre todos ganhos e custos ao fim dos 10 anos de vida útil estimados é de cerca de 150 000,0 €. O período de retorno do investimento é alcançado no final dos primeiros 6 anos e a taxa interna de rentabilidade obtida foi de 36 %. Posteriormente incluiu-se neste estudo a possibilidade de tratamento das lamas geradas na fábrica da Portucel na ETAR da SimRia recorrendo a um terceiro digestor. Conclui-se que se trata duma opção vantajosa, uma vez que permite obter um caudal de biogás 44 m3/h, que convertido em potência permite obter 150 kW que poderá ser aproveitado para produção de energia ou comercializado gerando uma receita adicional de 130 000,0 €/ano para as entidades envolvidas.


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Na actualidade, quando se procura a diversificação energética, em especial de fontes renováveis, a gasificação surge como uma forma promissora de aproveitamento da biomassa, nomeadamente dos resíduos florestais, para a geração de energia eléctrica. Neste contexto, passou-se em revista as diversas formas de gasificação, a sua evolução histórica e os diversos tipos de reactores com as suas vantagens e desvantagens. De igual forma, foram analisadas as disponibilidades e características da biomassa no mundo e em Portugal, destacando-se as suas potencialidades e as dificuldades no seu aproveitamento. Fez-se o dimensionamento de um reactor-gasificador de leito fluidizado borbulhante à escala piloto, bem como dos equipamentos complementares, sistema de alimentação, ventilador, ciclone, filtro para o gás produzido e gerador eléctrico. As dimensões dum reactor para trabalhos laboratoriais foram determinadas por cálculo das condições hidrodinâmicas, que, também, permitiram calcular o caudal de ar a utilizar. Por balanços materiais, considerando-se uma composição experimental do gás de síntese citada na literatura, determinou-se uma possível composição da alimentação e um caudal de alimentação.


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The goal of this work was the treatment of polluted waste gases in a bubble column reactor (BCR), in order to determinate the maximum value of reactor’s efficiency (RE), varying the inlet concentration (C in) of the pollutants. The gaseous mixtures studied were: (i) air with styrene and (ii) air with styrene and acetone. The liquid phase used to contain the biomass in the reactor was a basal salt medium (BSM), fundamental for the microorganisms’ development. The reactor used in this project consists of a glass column of 620mm height and inside diameter 75mm. In all essays there were continually measured: pH, dissolved oxygen and liquid’s temperature. Temperature and pH were controlled (T=24ºC, 7.0 ≤ pH ≤ 7.7). In all experiments the liquid volume (including the biomass) used in the reactor was kept constant (1.5L) as well as the total gas flowrate (1 L/min). Concerning the goal of the work, some parameters were calculated: the organic load (OL), removal efficiency (RE), elimination capacity (EC), biomass concentration (xf) and dry biomass concentration (Xdw). In a first series of experiments, the gas mixture used was air with styrene, varying its concentration from 191 mg.m-3 to 6500 mg.m-3.It was concluded that the RE maximum value (97%) was obtained for C in Sty = 4200 mg.m-3. For the maximum tested value of C in Sty, RE obtained was 20%. In a second step, the gaseous mixture included acetone, varying C in Sty between 225 mg.m-3 and 2659 mg.m-3 and C in Ac between 153mg.m-3 and 1389 mg.m-3. The aim of these tests was the determination of C in Ac for which RE was maximum, obtaining C in Ac = 750 mg.m-3. A third series of experiments was performed, in which C in Ac was maintained equal to that value and C in Sty was varied until higher values (5422 mg.m-3). RE maximum values obtained in this last series were 100% for styrene and 40% for acetone. One important conclusion is the fact that the microorganisms available degrade better styrene than acetone. On the ambit of this study, it was possible to identify the species available in biomass: Xanthobacter antotrophicus py2, Enterobacter aerogenes, Nocardia, Corynebacterium Spp., Rhodococcus rhodochrous e Pseudomonas Sp.


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O reactor “Fed-batch” Proporcional utiliza o aumento de pressão que se verifica no interior do reactor, provocado pela acumulação do dióxido de carbono produzido no decurso da degradação aeróbia de um composto orgânico, para adicionar substrato ao reactor, sendo a alimentação proporcional à velocidade ou taxa de degradação de substrato. Nestas circunstâncias, e pretendendo-se avaliar da fiabilidade daquele tipo de reactor, era necessário verificar se a reacção biológica era perturbada pela acumulação de dióxido de carbono. Assim, o presente trabalho teve por objectivo estudar a influência do dióxido de carbono, dissolvido na solução de fermentação, no crescimento microbiano e no consumo de substrato, através da comparação do funcionamento, em paralelo, de dois reactores “fed-batch”, sendo um proporcional e outro aberto. Constatou-se que os valores das constantes cinéticas, taxa específica de consumo de substrato (qobs) e coeficiente de rendimento celular (Y(X/S)), determinados no reactor “Fed-batch” Proporcional e num reactor “Fed-batch” Aberto, operados em condições equivalentes, eram semelhantes. Os valores da taxa de crescimento específica (μobs) apresentam diferenças mais significativas, no entanto a maioria dos testes estatísticos não-paramétricos aplicados demonstraram que o conjunto de valores de cada reactor pertencem à mesma distribuição. A taxa de consumo de oxigénio (OUR), que reflecte a viabilidade da biomassa, é normalmente superior no reactor “Fed-batch” Aberto. Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo não evidenciaram efeitos inibidores, para a reacção biológica, provocados pelo dióxido de carbono dissolvido, ou pelos iões bicarbonato que se acumulam no reactor “Fed-batch” Proporcional.


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Human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) have received considerable attention in the field of cell-based therapies due to their high differentiation potential and ability to modulate immune responses. However, since these cells can only be isolated in very low quantities, successful realization of these therapies requires MSCs ex-vivo expansion to achieve relevant cell doses. The metabolic activity is one of the parameters often monitored during MSCs cultivation by using expensive multi-analytical methods, some of them time-consuming. The present work evaluates the use of mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy, through rapid and economic high-throughput analyses associated to multivariate data analysis, to monitor three different MSCs cultivation runs conducted in spinner flasks, under xeno-free culture conditions, which differ in the type of microcarriers used and the culture feeding strategy applied. After evaluating diverse spectral preprocessing techniques, the optimized partial least square (PLS) regression models based on the MIR spectra to estimate the glucose, lactate and ammonia concentrations yielded high coefficients of determination (R2 ≥ 0.98, ≥0.98, and ≥0.94, respectively) and low prediction errors (RMSECV ≤ 4.7%, ≤4.4% and ≤5.7%, respectively). Besides PLS models valid for specific expansion protocols, a robust model simultaneously valid for the three processes was also built for predicting glucose, lactate and ammonia, yielding a R2 of 0.95, 0.97 and 0.86, and a RMSECV of 0.33, 0.57, and 0.09 mM, respectively. Therefore, MIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate data analysis represents a promising tool for both optimization and control of MSCs expansion processes.