96 resultados para Pyrochlore


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The solid solutions of CdYFeWO7, which are cubic pyrochlores of the type A(2)B(2)O(7), have been prepared and their structures were determined using Ab initio method. Rietveld refinement of the powder XRD data showed that CdYFeWO7 adopted cubic (Fd-3m) structure, while oxides crystallized in a defect-pyrochlore structure where both O (48f) and O'(8b) sites were partially occupied, and the frustrated cations sublattice precluded long range ordering of Fe/W in the pyrochlore structure. Charge distribution analysis also suggested incomplete occupation of different oxygen sites, thus the compound was non-stoichiometric, with the formula CdYFeW0.982O6.94, Magnetic measurements were carried out to find that Fe ions were in the high spin trivalent state. Curie Weiss paramagnetism down to similar to 5 K and the characteristic superposition between FC and ZFC suggested spin liquid rather than spin glass state.


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Among complex oxides containing rare earth and manganese BaLn(2)Mn(2)O(7)( Ln = rare earth) with the layered perovskite type and Ln(2)(Mn, M)O-7 with pyrochlore-related structure were studied since these compounds show many kinds of phases and unique phase transitions. In BaLn(2)Mn(2)O(7) there appear many phases, depending on the synthetic conditions for each rare earth. The tetragonal phase of so-called Ruddlesden-Popper type is the fundamental structure and many kinds of deformed modification of this structure are obtained. For BaEu2Mn2O7 at least five phases have been identified from the results of X-ray diffraction analysis with the space group P4(2)/mnm, Fmmm, Immm and A2/m in addition to the fundamental tetragonal I4/mmm phase. In the pyrochlore-related type compounds, Ln(2)Mn(2-x)M(x)O(7)(M = Ta, Nb, W etc), there also appear several phases With different crystal structures. With regard to every rare earth, Ln(2)MnTaO(7) phase is stable only for excess Ta and can be obtained under high oxygen partial pressure process. This group has trigonal structure with zirkelite type ( P3(1)21 space group).


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A series of La2O3-ZrO2-CeO2 composite oxides were synthesized by solid-state reaction. The final product keeps fluorite structure when the molar ratio Ce/Zr >= 0.7/0.3, and below this ratio only mixtures of La2Zr2O7 (pyrochlore) and La2O3-CeO2 (fluorite) exist. Averagely speaking, the increase of CeO2 content gives rise to the increase of thermal expansion coefficient and the reduction of thermal conductivity, but La-2(Zr0.7Ce0.3)(2)O-7 has the lowest sintering ability and the lowest thermal conductivity which could be explained by the theory of phonon scattering. Based on the large thermal expansion coefficient of La2Ce3.25O9.5, the low thermal conductivities and low sintering abilities of La2Zr2O7 and La-2(Zr0.7Ce0.3)(2)O-7, double-ceramic-layer thermal barrier coatings were prepared. The thermal cycling tests indicate that such a design can largely improve the thermal cycling lives of the coatings. Since no single material that has been studied so far satisfies all the requirements for high temperature thermal barrier coatings, double-ceramic-layer coating may be an important development direction of thermal barrier coatings.


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The PVP/lanthanum nitrate/zirconium oxychloride (PVP-precursor) nanofiber was prepared by electrospinning technique. Lanthanum zirconate (La2Zr2O7, LZ) in the nanofiber is formed after calcination at 800 degrees C and the nanofiber with pyrochlore structure and a diameter of 100-500 nm can be obtained by calcination of the above precursor fiber at 1000 degrees C for 12 h. The surface of the fiber is rough but the continuous microstructure is still maintained after calcination. LZ fibers stack randomly, resulting in a structure with a low contact area between the fibers. This special structure makes the fiber to have a high resistance to sintering at elevated temperatures. The BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) specific surface areas of the LZ fiber and powder calcined at different temperatures are shown in this paper, and the fiber was characterized by TG-DTA (thermal gravimetry-differential thermal analysis), XRD (X-ray diffraction), N-2 absorption-desorption porosimetry and SEM (scanning electron microscopy).


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Two new compounds with the formula of CdYMWO7 (M = Cr, Mn) were prepared by solid state reaction. They crystallized with orthorhombic structure with the cell parameters of a = 11.7200 Angstrom, b = 7.1779 Angstrom, c = 6.9805 Angstrom (CdYCrWO7), and a = 11.7960 Angstrom, b = 6.1737 Angstrom, c = 7.6530 Angstrom (CdYMnWO7). These compounds are insulators with high resistivities at room temperature. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of CdYMWO7 (M = Cr and Mn) show Curie-Weiss Law's behaviors from 80 to 300 K. The magnetic moments at room temperature fit very well with those corresponding to Cr3+ and Mn3+ ions. This suggests that both Cr and Mn ions exist in + 3 oxidation state in CdYMWO7 compounds. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Periodic arrays of nanorings of morphotropic phase boundary lead zirconium titanate ( PZT) have been successfully fabricated using a novel self-assembly technique: close-packed monolayers of latex nanospheres were deposited onto Pt-coated silicon substrates, and then plasma cleaned to form ordered arrays of isolated nanospheres, not in contact with each other. Subsequent pulsed laser deposition of PZT, high angle argon ion etching and thermal annealing created the arrays of isolated nanorings, with diameters of similar to 100 nm and wall thicknesses of similar to 10 nm. Energy dispersive x-ray analysis confirms that the rings are compositionally morphotropic phase boundary PZT, and high resolution transmission electron microscopy imaging of lattice fringes demonstrates some periodicities consistent with perovskite rather than pyrochlore material. The dimensions of these nanorings, and the expected 'soft' behaviour of the ferroelectric material from which they are made, means that they offer the most likely opportunity to date for observing whether or not vortex arrangements of electrical dipoles, analogous to those seen in ferromagnetic nanostructures, actually exist.


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Frustration – the inability to simultaneously satisfy all interactions – occurs in a wide range of systems including neural networks, water ice and magnetic systems. An example of the latter is the so called spin-ice in pyrochlore materials [1] which have attracted a lot of interest not least due to the emergence of magnetic monopole defects when the ‘ice rules’ governing the local ordering breaks down [2]. However it is not possible to directly measure the frustrated property – the direction of the magnetic moments – in such spin ice systems with current experimental techniques. This problem can be solved by instead studying artificial spin-ice systems where the molecular magnetic moments are replaced by nanoscale ferromagnetic islands [3-8]. Two different arrangements of the ferromagnetic islands have been shown to exhibit spin ice behaviour: a square lattice maintaining four moments at each vertex [3,8] and the Kagome lattice which has only three moments per vertex but equivalent interactions between them [4-7]. Magnetic monopole defects have been observed in both types of lattices [7-8]. One of the challenges when studying these artificial spin-ice systems is that it is difficult to arrive at the fully demagnetised ground-state [6-8].
Here we present a study of the switching behaviour of building blocks of the Kagome lattice influenced by the termination of the lattice. Ferromagnetic islands of nominal size 1000 nm by 100 nm were fabricated in five island blocks using electron-beam lithography and lift-off techniques of evaporated 18 nm Permalloy (Ni80Fe20) films. Each block consists of a central island with four arms terminated by a different number and placement of ‘injection pads’, see Figure 1. The islands are single domain and magnetised along their long axis. The structures were grown on a 50 nm thick electron transparent silicon nitride membrane to allow TEM observation, which was back-coated with a 5 nm film of Au to prevent charge build-up during the TEM experiments.
To study the switching behaviour the sample was subjected to a magnetic field strong enough to magnetise all the blocks in one direction, see Figure 1. Each block obeys the Kagome lattice ‘ice-rules’ of “2-in, 1-out” or “1-in, 2-out” in this fully magnetised state. Fresnel mode Lorentz TEM images of the sample were then recorded as a magnetic field of increasing magnitude was applied in the opposite direction. While the Fresnel mode is normally used to image magnetic domain structures [9] for these types of samples it is possible to deduce the direction of the magnetisation from the Lorentz contrast [5]. All images were recorded at the same over-focus judged to give good Lorentz contrast.
The magnetisation was found to switch at different magnitudes of the applied field for nominally identical blocks. However, trends could still be identified: all the blocks with any injection pads, regardless of placement and number, switched the direction of the magnetisation of their central island at significantly smaller magnitudes of the applied magnetic field than the blocks without injection pads. It can therefore be concluded that the addition of an injection pad lowers the energy barrier to switching the connected island, acting as a nucleation site for monopole defects. In these five island blocks the defects immediately propagate through to the other side, but in a larger lattice the monopoles could potentially become trapped at a vertex and observed [10].

[1] M J Harris et al, Phys Rev Lett 79 (1997) p.2554.
[2] C Castelnovo, R Moessner and S L Sondhi, Nature 451 (2008) p. 42.
[3] R F Wang et al, Nature 439 (2006) 303.
[4] M Tanaka et al, Phys Rev B 73 (2006) 052411.
[5] Y Qi, T Brintlinger and J Cumings, Phys Rev B 77 (2008) 094418.
[6] E Mengotti et al, Phys Rev B 78 (2008) 144402.
[7] S Ladak et al, Nature Phys 6 (2010) 359.
[8] C Phatak et al, Phys Rev B 83 (2011) 174431.
[9] J N Chapman, J Phys D 17 (1984) 623.
[10] The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the EPSRC under grant number EP/D063329/1.


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This work is about the combination of functional ferroelectric oxides with Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes for microelectronic applications, as for example potential 3 Dimensional (3D) Non Volatile Ferroelectric Random Access Memories (NVFeRAM). Miniaturized electronics are ubiquitous now. The drive to downsize electronics has been spurred by needs of more performance into smaller packages at lower costs. But the trend of electronics miniaturization challenges board assembly materials, processes, and reliability. Semiconductor device and integrated circuit technology, coupled with its associated electronic packaging, forms the backbone of high-performance miniaturized electronic systems. However, as size decreases and functionalization increases in the modern electronics further size reduction is getting difficult; below a size limit the signal reliability and device performance deteriorate. Hence miniaturization of siliconbased electronics has limitations. On this background the Road Map for Semiconductor Industry (ITRS) suggests since 2011 alternative technologies, designated as More than Moore; being one of them based on carbon (carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene) [1]. CNTs with their unique performance and three dimensionality at the nano-scale have been regarded as promising elements for miniaturized electronics [2]. CNTs are tubular in geometry and possess a unique set of properties, including ballistic electron transportation and a huge current caring capacity, which make them of great interest for future microelectronics [2]. Indeed CNTs might have a key role in the miniaturization of Non Volatile Ferroelectric Random Access Memories (NVFeRAM). Moving from a traditional two dimensional (2D) design (as is the case of thin films) to a 3D structure (based on a tridimensional arrangement of unidimensional structures) will result in the high reliability and sensing of the signals due to the large contribution from the bottom electrode. One way to achieve this 3D design is by using CNTs. Ferroelectrics (FE) are spontaneously polarized and can have high dielectric constants and interesting pyroelectric, piezoelectric, and electrooptic properties, being a key application of FE electronic memories. However, combining CNTs with FE functional oxides is challenging. It starts with materials compatibility, since crystallization temperature of FE and oxidation temperature of CNTs may overlap. In this case low temperature processing of FE is fundamental. Within this context in this work a systematic study on the fabrication of CNTs - FE structures using low cost low temperature methods was carried out. The FE under study are comprised of lead zirconate titanate (Pb1-xZrxTiO3, PZT), barium titanate (BaTiO3, BT) and bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3, BFO). The various aspects related to the fabrication, such as effect on thermal stability of MWCNTs, FE phase formation in presence of MWCNTs and interfaces between the CNTs/FE are addressed in this work. The ferroelectric response locally measured by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) clearly evidenced that even at low processing temperatures FE on CNTs retain its ferroelectric nature. The work started by verifying the thermal decomposition behavior under different conditions of the multiwall CNTs (MWCNTs) used in this work. It was verified that purified MWCNTs are stable up to 420 ºC in air, as no weight loss occurs under non isothermal conditions, but morphology changes were observed for isothermal conditions at 400 ºC by Raman spectroscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). In oxygen-rich atmosphere MWCNTs started to oxidized at 200 ºC. However in argon-rich one and under a high heating rate MWCNTs remain stable up to 1300 ºC with a minimum sublimation. The activation energy for the decomposition of MWCNTs in air was calculated to lie between 80 and 108 kJ/mol. These results are relevant for the fabrication of MWCNTs – FE structures. Indeed we demonstrate that PZT can be deposited by sol gel at low temperatures on MWCNTs. And particularly interesting we prove that MWCNTs decrease the temperature and time for formation of PZT by ~100 ºC commensurate with a decrease in activation energy from 68±15 kJ/mol to 27±2 kJ/mol. As a consequence, monophasic PZT was obtained at 575 ºC for MWCNTs - PZT whereas for pure PZT traces of pyrochlore were still present at 650 ºC, where PZT phase formed due to homogeneous nucleation. The piezoelectric nature of MWCNTs - PZT synthesised at 500 ºC for 1 h was proved by PFM. In the continuation of this work we developed a low cost methodology of coating MWCNTs using a hybrid sol-gel / hydrothermal method. In this case the FE used as a proof of concept was BT. BT is a well-known lead free perovskite used in many microelectronic applications. However, synthesis by solid state reaction is typically performed around 1100 to 1300 ºC what jeopardizes the combination with MWCNTs. We also illustrate the ineffectiveness of conventional hydrothermal synthesis in this process due the formation of carbonates, namely BaCO3. The grown MWCNTs - BT structures are ferroelectric and exhibit an electromechanical response (15 pm/V). These results have broad implications since this strategy can also be extended to other compounds of materials with high crystallization temperatures. In addition the coverage of MWCNTs with FE can be optimized, in this case with non covalent functionalization of the tubes, namely with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). MWCNTs were used as templates to grow, in this case single phase multiferroic BFO nanorods. This work shows that the use of nitric solvent results in severe damages of the MWCNTs layers that results in the early oxidation of the tubes during the annealing treatment. It was also observed that the use of nitric solvent results in the partial filling of MWCNTs with BFO due to the low surface tension (<119 mN/m) of the nitric solution. The opening of the caps and filling of the tubes occurs simultaneously during the refluxing step. Furthermore we verified that MWCNTs have a critical role in the fabrication of monophasic BFO; i.e. the oxidation of CNTs during the annealing process causes an oxygen deficient atmosphere that restrains the formation of Bi2O3 and monophasic BFO can be obtained. The morphology of the obtained BFO nano structures indicates that MWCNTs act as template to grow 1D structure of BFO. Magnetic measurements on these BFO nanostructures revealed a week ferromagnetic hysteresis loop with a coercive field of 956 Oe at 5 K. We also exploited the possible use of vertically-aligned multiwall carbon nanotubes (VA-MWCNTs) as bottom electrodes for microelectronics, for example for memory applications. As a proof of concept BiFeO3 (BFO) films were in-situ deposited on the surface of VA-MWCNTs by RF (Radio Frequency) magnetron sputtering. For in situ deposition temperature of 400 ºC and deposition time up to 2 h, BFO films cover the VA-MWCNTs and no damage occurs either in the film or MWCNTs. In spite of the macroscopic lossy polarization behaviour, the ferroelectric nature, domain structure and switching of these conformal BFO films was verified by PFM. A week ferromagnetic ordering loop was proved for BFO films on VA-MWCNTs having a coercive field of 700 Oe. Our systematic work is a significant step forward in the development of 3D memory cells; it clearly demonstrates that CNTs can be combined with FE oxides and can be used, for example, as the next 3D generation of FERAMs, not excluding however other different applications in microelectronics.


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The laser-induced luminescence studies of the rare earth titanates (R2Ti2O7) (R = La, Nd and Gd) using 355 nm radiation from an Nd:YAG laser are presented. These samples with submicron or nanometer size are prepared by the self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) method and there is no known fluorescence shown by these rare earths in the visible region. Hence, the luminescence transitions shown by the La2Ti2O7 near 610 nm and Gd2Ti2O7 near 767 nm are quite interesting. Though La3+ ions with no 4f electrons have no electronic energy levels that can induce excitation and luminescence processes in the visible region, the presence of the Ti3+ ions leads to luminescence in this region.


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Lead calcium titanate (Pb(1-x)Ca(x)TiO(3) or PCT) thin films have been thermally treated under different oxygen pressures, 10, 40 and 80 bar, by using the so-called chemical solution deposition method. The structural, morphological, dielectric and ferroelectric properties were characterized by x-ray diffraction, FT-infrared and Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and polarization-electric-field hysteresis loop measurements. By annealing at a controlled pressure of around 10 and 40 bar, well-crystallized PCT thin films were successfully prepared. For the sample submitted to 80 bar, the x-ray diffraction, Fourier transformed-infrared and Raman data indicated deviation from the tetragonal symmetry. The most interesting feature in the Raman spectra is the occurrence of intense vibrational modes at frequencies of around 747 and 820 cm(-1), whose presence depends strongly on the amount of the pyrochlore phase. In addition, the Raman spectrum indicates the presence of symmetry-breaking disorder, which would be expected for an amorphous (disorder) and mixed pyrochlore-perovskite phase. During the high-pressure annealing process, the crystallinity and the grain size of the annealed film decreased. This process effectively suppressed both the dielectric and ferroelectric behaviour. Ferroelectric hysteresis loop measurements performed on these PCT films exhibited a clear decrease in the remanent polarization with increasing oxygen pressure.


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Measurements of the magnetic susceptibility of the frustrated pyrochlore magnet Gd(2)Sn(2)O(7) have been performed at temperatures below T = 5 K and in magnetic fields up to H = 12 T. The phase boundaries determined from these measurements are mapped out in an H-T phase diagram. In this gadolinium compound, where the crystal-field splitting is small and the exchange and dipolar energy are comparable, the Zeeman energy overcomes these competing energies, resulting in at least four magnetic phase transitions below 1 K. These data are compared against those for Gd(2)Ti(2)O(7) and will, we hope, stimulate further studies.


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Thin Cd(2)Nb(2)O(7) films were grown on single-crystal p-type SiO(2)/Si substrates by the metallo-organic decomposition (MOD) technique. The films were investigated by X-ray diffraction, X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy, and field emission scanning electron microscopy, and showed a single phase (cubic pyrochlore), a crack-free spherical grain structure, and nanoparticles with a mean size of about 68 nm. A Cauchy model was also used in order to obtain the thickness and index of refraction of the stack layers (transparent layer/SiO(2)/Si) by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The dielectric constant (K) of the films was calculated to be about 25 from the capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present electron-microprobe and single-crystal X-ray-diffraction data for a microlite-group mineral with a formula near NaCaTa(2)O(6)F from the Morro Redondo mine, Coronel Murta, Minas Gerais, Brazil. On the basis of these data, the formula is A(Na(0.88)Ca(0.88)Pb(0.02)square(0.22))(Sigma 2.00) (B)(Ta(1.70)Nb(0.14)Si(0.12)As(0.04))(Sigma 2.00) (X)[(O(5.75)(OH)(0.25)](Sigma 6.00) (Y)(F(0.73)square(0.27))(Sigma 1.00). According to the new nomenclature for the pyrochlore-supergroup minerals, it is intermediate between fluornatromicrolite and "" fluorcalciomicrolite"". The crystal structure, F (d3) over barm, a = 10.4396(12) angstrom, has been refined to an R(1) value of 0.0258 (wR(2) = 0.0715) for 107 reflections (MoK alpha radiation). There is a scarcity of crystal-chemical data for pyrochlore-supergroup minerals in the literature. A compilation of these data is presented here.


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Rare earth elements have recently been involved in a range of advanced technologies like microelectronics, membranes for catalytic conversion and applications in gas sensors. In the family of rare earth elements like cerium can play a key role in such industrial applications. However, the high cost of these materials and the control and efficiencies associated processes required for its use in advanced technologies, are a permanent obstacle to its industrial development. In present study was proposed the creation of phases based on rare earth elements that can be used because of its thermal behavior, ionic conduction and catalytic properties. This way were studied two types of structure (ABO3 and A2B2O7), the basis of rare earths, observing their transport properties of ionic and electronic, as well as their catalytic applications in the treatment of methane. For the process of obtaining the first structure, a new synthesis method based on the use of EDTA citrate mixture was used to develop a precursor, which undergone heat treatment at 950 ° C resulted in the development of submicron phase BaCeO3 powders. The catalytic activity of perovskite begins at 450 ° C to achieve complete conversion at 675 ° C, where at this temperature, the catalytic efficiency of the phase is maximum. The evolution of conductivity with temperature for the perovskite phase revealed a series of electrical changes strongly correlated with structural transitions known in the literature. Finally, we can establish a real correlation between the high catalytic activity observed around the temperature of 650 ° C and increasing the oxygen ionic conductivity. For the second structure, showed clearly that it is possible, through chemical processes optimized to separate the rare earth elements and synthesize a pyrochlore phase TR2Ce2O7 particular formula. This "extracted phase" can be obtained directly at low cost, based on complex systems made of natural minerals and tailings, such as monazite. Moreover, this method is applied to matters of "no cost", which is the case of waste, making a preparation method of phases useful for high technology applications


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Lead calcium titanate (Pb1-xCaxTiO3 or PCT) thin films have been thermally treated under different oxygen pressures, 10, 40 and 80 bar, by using the so-called chemical solution deposition method. The structural, morphological, dielectric and ferroelectric properties were characterized by x-ray diffraction, FT-infrared and Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and polarization-electric-field hysteresis loop measurements. By annealing at a controlled pressure of around 10 and 40 bar, well-crystallized PCT thin films were successfully prepared. For the sample submitted to 80 bar, the x-ray diffraction, Fourier transformed-infrared and Raman data indicated deviation from the tetragonal symmetry. The most interesting feature in the Raman spectra is the occurrence of intense vibrational modes at frequencies of around 747 and 820 cm(-1), whose presence depends strongly on the amount of the pyrochlore phase. In addition, the Raman spectrum indicates the presence of symmetry-breaking disorder, which would be expected for an amorphous (disorder) and mixed pyrochlore-perovskite phase. During the high-pressure annealing process, the crystallinity and the grain size of the annealed film decreased. This process effectively suppressed both the dielectric and ferroelectric behaviour. Ferroelectric hysteresis loop measurements performed on these PCT films exhibited a clear decrease in the remanent polarization with increasing oxygen pressure.