752 resultados para Public Research
日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所は研究者数約150 名、50 年の歴史を持つ社会科学系の研究機関である。 日本における開発途上国研究の拠点として世界への知的 貢献をなすことを目指し、途上国の経済、社会、政治、 国際協力・援助に関する幅広い研究を行っている。当研 究所のような独立行政法人で機関リポジトリを公開して いる例は日本ではまだ数少ない。国立情報学研究所ウェ ブサイト内の国内の機関リポジトリ一覧(http://www. nii.ac.jp/irp/list/)によると、大学以外を母体とする機関 リポジトリ(共同リポジトリを除く)は2010 年3 月時 点で11 7 件中6 件のみである。 機関リポジトリは学術情報のオープンアクセス化の潮 流の中で、セルフアーカイビングによりそれを実現する 代表的な方法である。加えて、機関の研究成果を蓄積保 存し無料で広く公開することは研究所のミッションであ る「世界への知的貢献」に寄与し、また公的研究機関と しての説明責任を果たす上でも重要であると考えられ る。そのような観点から、当研究所の事例をご紹介して みたい。
La ciudad de Madrid y su área metropolitana han sido y son ahora también, uno de los más importantes polos de actividad científico-tecnológica de España. Madrid concentra en una región uniprovincial una gran parte de las instituciones públicas de investigación y desarrollo del país. La mayor parte se concentran en la ciudad de Madrid y el resto en el área metropolitana inmediata en un reducido espacio territorial. Madrid ha sido un lugar de primer nivel para localización y producción científico-tecnológica nacional: desde los inicios de la Edad de la Ilustración en la época de Carlos III, posteriormente en el siglo XIX, en el periodo del “Cajalismo” de principios del XX, con la JAE (Junta de Ampliación de Estudios) hasta 1939, con el CSIC “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas” desde 1939 hasta ahora y en la actualidad con los organismos ministeriales de Ciencia e Tecnología y con “MADRID NETWORK”, la agencia regional de desarrollo de parques científico-tecnológicos. Ha habido una secuencia temporal y espacial en la ubicación de las sedes de instituciones científico-técnicas en la ciudad a través del tiempo. En esta tesis doctoral se ha analizado la creación de este sistema y sus características básicas. Se ha evaluado si se ha formado un conjunto de áreas significativas en la ciudad que permitan hablar de un proyecto, o un grupo de proyectos, que han formado el sistema científico-técnico de Madrid. Al final se ha analizado cómo es en la actualidad este sistema, por medio de un estudio de la nueva red de parques científicos tecnológicos y si este último proyecto del sistema científico tecnológico de Madrid está concluido o si por el contrario está pendiente de terminar y desarrollar en estos momentos a principios del siglo XXI. Se ha estudiado los sectores y actividades a los que se dedican las empresas y organismos públicos presentes en los parques. ABSTRACT: The city of Madrid and its metropolitan area have been, and now are too, one of the most important scientific and technical activity poles of Spain. Madrid concentrates in a single-province region a great part of the public Research and Development institutions of the country. The majority are concentrated in the city of Madrid and the rest in the immediate metropolitan area in a limited territorial space. Madrid has been a first level place for location and national scientific and technical production: since the beginnings of the Age of Enlightenment in the Carlos III epoch, during the XIX century, in the “Cajalismo” period at first of the XX century, With JAE “Junta de Ampliación de Estudios” until 1939, with CSIC “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas” since 1939 up to now and nowadays with the Ministerial agencies of Science and Technology and with “MADRID NETWORK” the regional agency for the development of scientific and technical parks. There has been a temporal and spatial sequence in location of the scientific and technical headquarters and institutions in the city over time. In this doctoral thesis it has been analyzed the building this system and its basic characteristics. It has been evaluated if it has formed a set of significant areas in the city that lead us to talk about one project, or a group of projects, that have formed the scientific and technical system of Madrid. At the end is has been analyzed how is this system actually, by means of a study of the new network of scientific and technologic parks and if this last project of the Madrid´s scientific and technologic system is finished or, on the other hand, it is waiting to be finished, and be developed, in this moment, at the beginning of the XXI century. It has studied the sectors and activities to which are dedicated the companies and public organism that stay in the parks.
A relevância do gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos justifica-se pelos impactos à saúde e ao meio ambiente. Resíduos gerados em serviços de saúde podem apresentar periculosidade por suas características físico-químicas e biológicas. No Brasil, todo grande gerador é obrigado a elaborar o Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos, e todo estabelecimento de saúde deve criar o Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde. Objetivo: Desenvolver modelo de gestão de resíduos sólidos para apoiar a elaboração e implantação desses planos em instituições públicas de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação de produtos de saúde. Métodos: Estudo de caso conduzido no Instituto Butantan, localizado no município de São Paulo/SP. Foi realizado considerando as seguintes etapas: diagnóstico do gerenciamento dos resíduos e elaboração, implantação e avaliação de Plano Integrado de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos. Todo o processo teve como abordagem a gestão participativa, compartilhada e integrada, envolvendo todos os atores da instituição. Na avaliação foram considerados o atendimento legal quanto à gestão e gerenciamento, às práticas e procedimentos implantados e à atuação dos envolvidos. Resultados: Destacam-se a caracterização e quantificação para cada fluxo de resíduos, a elaboração do Guia Prático de Descarte de Resíduos, o Modelo de Gestão para instituições de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação de produtos de uso em saúde humana baseado nas premissas do ciclo PDCA e o sistema informatizado de gerenciamento para estruturação e controle da gestão dos resíduos. Conclusões: Verifica-se que o processo desenvolvido ao longo do estudo propiciou mudança de cultura, envolvimento dos funcionários por meio da capacitação contínua para atuação e segurança do trabalhador e melhoria no gerenciamento dos resíduos, promovendo a redução de custos de destinação e a valorização dos resíduos.
Low-carbon energy technologies are pivotal for decarbonising our economies up to 2050 while ensuring secure and affordable energy. Consequently, innovation that reduces the cost of low-carbon energy would play an important role in reducing transition costs. We assess the two most prominent innovation policy instruments (i) public research, development and demonstration (RD&D) subsidies and (ii) public deployment policies. Our results indicate that both deployment and RD&D coincide with increasing knowledge generation and the improved competitiveness of renewable energy technologies. We find that both support schemes together have a greater effect that they would individually, that RD&D support is unsurprisingly more effective in driving patents and that timing matters. Current wind deployment based on past wind RD&D spending coincides best with wind patenting. If we look into competitiveness we find a similar picture, with the greatest effect coming from deployment. Finally, we find significant cross-border effects, especially for winddeployment. Increased deployment in one country coincides with increased patenting in nearby countries. Based on our findings we argue that both deployment and RD&D support are needed to create innovation in renewable energy technologies. However, we worry that current support is unbalanced. Public spending on deployment has been two orders of magnitude larger (in 2010 about €48 billion in the five largest EU countries in 2010) than spending on RD&D support (about €315 million). Consequently, basing the policy mix more on empirical evidence could increase the efficiency of innovation policy targeted towards renewable energy technologies.
On cover: ADA110211.
The failures of traditional target-species management have led many to propose an ecosystem approach to fisheries to promote sustainability. The ecosystem approach is necessary, especially to account for fishery-ecosystem interactions, but by itself is not sufficient to address two important factors contributing to unsustainable fisheries: inappropriate incentives bearing on fishers and the ineffective governance that frequently exists in commercial, developed fisheries managed primarily by total-harvest limits and input controls. We contend that much greater emphasis must be placed on fisher motivation when managing fisheries. Using evidence from more than a dozen natural experiments in commercial fisheries, we argue that incentive-based approaches that better specify community and individual harvest or territorial rights and price ecosystem services and that are coupled with public research, monitoring, and effective oversight promote sustainable fisheries.
We explore the causal links between service firms' knowledge investments, their innovation outputs and business growth based on a bespoke survey of around 1100 UK service businesses. We combine the activity based approach of the innovation value chain with firms' external links at each stage of the innovation process. This introduces the concept of 'encoding' relationships through which learning improves the effectiveness of firms' innovation processes. Our econometric results emphasise the importance of external openness in the initial, exploratory phase of the innovation process and the significance of internal openness (e.g. team working) in later stages of the process. In-house design capacity is strongly linked to a firm's ability to absorb external knowledge for innovation. Links to customers are important in the exploratory stage of the innovation process, but encoding linkages with private and public research organisations are more important in developing innovation outputs. Business growth is related directly to both the extent of firms' service innovation as well as the diversity of innovation, reflecting marketing, strategic and business process change.
We analyse industry–academic links in the context of a dual economy (or disarticulated industrial structure) in Ireland, as an example of a peripheral territory in the EU. The duality found in the Irish industrial structure is the result of a FDI-led industrialisation strategy which has resulted in two distinct economic sectors – foreign and indigenous, respectively – with weak interactions between the two. Through increased public funding of academic research, the Irish government aimed to attract and embed new waves of higher-value foreign direct investment and increase the dynamism of its indigenous enterprise base. Based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative data, the paper analyses a crucial aspect of Ireland’s recent emphasis on STI policy – industry-academic linkages – and finds that the measures introduced reproduce in the public research system the uneven development found in Ireland’s productive system between indigenous industry and the foreign-owned industrial base.
Financial aid and the persistence of associate of arts graduates transferring to a senior university
This study examined the effects of financial aid on the persistence of associate of arts graduates transferring to a senior university in one of four consecutive fall semesters (1998-2001). Situated in an international metropolitan area in the southeastern United States, the institution where the study was conducted is a large public research university identified as a Hispanic Serving Institution. Archival databases served as the source of information on the academic and social background of the 4,669 participants in the study. Data from institutional financial aid records were pooled with the data in the student administrative system.^ For purposes of this study, persistence was defined as ongoing progress until completing the baccalaureate degree. Student social background variables used in the study were gender, ethnicity, age, and income, with GPA and part-time or full-time enrollment status being the academic variables. Amount and type of aid, including grants, loans, scholarships, and work study were incorporated in the models to determine the effect of financial aid on the persistence of these transfer students. Because the dependent variable persistence had three possible outcomes (graduated, still enrolled, dropped out) multinomial logistic regression was the appropriate technique for analyzing the data; four multinomial models were employed in the analysis.^ Findings suggest that grants awarded based on the financial need of students and loans were effective in encouraging the persistence of students, but scholarships and work study were not effective.^
Higher education institutions across the United States have developed global learning initiatives to support student achievement of global awareness and global perspective, but assessment options for these outcomes are extremely limited. A review of research for a global learning initiative at a large, Hispanic-serving, urban, public, research university in South Florida found a lack of instruments designed to measure global awareness and global perspective in the context of an authentic performance assessment. This quasi-experimental study explored the development of two rubrics for the global learning initiative and the extent to which evidence supported the rubrics' validity and reliability. One holistic rubric was developed to measure students' global awareness and the second to measure their global perspective. The study utilized a pretest/posttest nonequivalent group design. Multiple linear regression was used to ascertain the rubrics' ability to discern and compare average learning gains of undergraduate students enrolled in two global learning courses and students enrolled in two non-global learning courses. Parallel pretest/posttest forms of the performance task required students to respond to two open-ended questions, aligned with the learning outcomes, concerning a complex case narrative. Trained faculty raters read responses and used the rubrics to measure students' global awareness and perspective. Reliability was tested by calculating the rates of agreement among raters. Evidence supported the finding that the global awareness and global perspective rubrics yielded scores that were highly reliable measures of students' development of these learning outcomes. Chi-square tests of frequency found significant rates of inter-rater agreement exceeding the study's .80 minimum requirement. Evidence also supported the finding that the rubrics yielded scores that were valid measures of students' global awareness and global perspective. Regression analyses found little evidence of main effects; however, post hoc analyses revealed a significant interaction between global awareness pretest scores and the treatment, the global learning course. Significant interaction was also found between global perspective pretest scores and the treatment. These crossover interactions supported the finding that the global awareness and global perspective rubrics could be used to detect learning differences between the treatment and control groups as well as differences within the treatment group.
Results from a qualitative interview study of three physics professors at a large public research university are presented. Faculty view building physics expertise as moving through stages, developing knowledge skills, and adopting the norms of the community, which is consistent with the legitimate peripheral participation model.
This paper explores the dynamics of inter-sectoral technological integration by introducing the concept of bridging platform as a node of pervasive technologies, whose collective broad applicability may enhance the connection between ‘distant’ knowledge by offering a technological coupling. Using data on patents obtained from the CRIOS-PATSTAT database for four EU countries (Germany, UK, France and Italy), we provide empirical evidence that bridging platforms are likely to connect more effectively innovations across distant technological domains, fostering inter-sectoral technological integration and the development of original innovation. Public research organisations are also found to play a crucial role in terms of technological integration and original innovation due to their higher capacity to access and use bridging platforms within their innovation activities.
The Brazilian agricultural research agency has, over the years, contributed to solve social problems and to promote new knowledge, incorporating new advances and seeking technological independence of the country, through the transfer of knowledge and technology generated. However, the process of transfering of knowledge and technology has represented a big challenge for public institutions. The Embrapa is the largest and main brazilian agricultural research company, with a staff of 9.790 employees, being 2.440 researchers and an annual budget of R$ 2.52 billion. Operates through 46 decentralized research units, and coordinate of the National Agricultural Research System - SNPA. Considering that technology transfer is the consecration of effort and resources spent for the generation of knowledge and the validity of the research, this work aims to conduct an assessment of the performance of Embrapa Swine and Poultry along the production chain of broilers and propose a technology transfer model for this chain, which can be used by the Public Institutions Research – IPPs. This study is justified by the importance of agricultural research for the country, and the importance of the institution addressed. The methodology used was the case study with a qualitative approach, documentary and bibliographic research and interviews with use of semi-structured questionnaires. The survey was conducted in three stages. In the first stage, there was a diagnosis of the Technology Transfer Process (TT), the contribution of the Embrapa Swine and poultry for the supply chain for broiler. At this stage it was used bibliographical and documentary research and semi- structured interviews with agroindustrial broiler agents, researchers at Embrapa Swine and Poultry, professionals of technology transfer, from the Embrapa and Embrapa Swine and Poultry, managers of technology transfer and researchers from the Agricultural Research Service - ARS. In the second step, a model was developed for the technology transferring poultry process of Embrapa. In this phase, there were made documentary and bibliographic research and analysis of information obtained in the interviews. The third phase was to validate the proposed model in the various sectors of the broilers productive chain. The data show that, although the Embrapa Swine and Poultry develops technologies for broiler production chain, the rate of adoption of these technologies by the chain is very low. It was also diagnosed that there is a gap between the institution and the various links of the chain. It was proposed an observatory mechanism to approximate Embrapa Swine and Poultry and the agents of the broiler chain for identifying and discussing research priorities. The proposed model seeks to improve the interaction between the institution and the chain, in order to identify the chain real research demands and the search and the joint development of solutions for these demands. The proposed TT model was approved by a large majority (96.77%) of the interviewed agents who work in the various links in the chain, as well as by representatives (92%) of the entities linked to this chain. The acceptance of the proposed model demonstrates the willingness of the chain to approach Embrapa Swine and Poultry, and to seek joint solutions to existing problems.