990 resultados para Pt(111) electrodes


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Neste trabalho, utilizamos o método de primeiros princípios, RS-LMTO-ASA (“Real Space - Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital - Atomic Sphere Approximation”), baseado na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT) e implementado para o cálculo de estruturas magnéticas não-colineares, para investigar as propriedades magnéticas de nanoestruturas de metais de transição 3d (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co e Ni) adsorvidas na superfície de Pt(111). Diferentes geometrias como adátomos, dímeros, trímeros, fios lineares e zig-zag foram consideradas e, o tamanho dos aglomerados foi variado de 2 a 7 átomos. Mostramos que os aglomerados de Fe, Co e Ni sobre a superfície de Pt(111), para todas as geometrias simuladas, apresentam um ordenamento ferromagnético. Devido à redução do número de coordenação presente na superfície, os momentos de spin e orbital nos sítios de Fe, Co e Ni, para as diferentes geometrias, mostram-se elevados comparados com os respectivos valores dos momentos destes metais como bulk. Para os glomerados de Cr e Mn mostramos que a interação de troca antiferromagnética entre primeiros vizinhos leva a um ordenamento antiferromagnético colinear no caso de geometrias lineares. No entanto, se o antiferromagnetismo é frustrado por restrição geométrica imposta aos aglomerados pela superfície triangular do substrato, obtém-se um comportamento magnético não-colinear para aglomerados de Cr e Mn sobre a Pt(111). Nossos resultados estão em boa concordância com os resultados experimentais da literatura e com os resultados teóricos obtidos por outros métodos, quando existentes.


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We investigated the electrochemical oxidation of glycerol on low-index Pt single crystals in acidic media (H2SO4 and HClO4) by cyclic voltammetry and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and we verified that this is a surface sensitive reaction. Pt(100) and Pt(110) surface structures favor the breaking of the C-C-C bond at low potentials (say 0.05 V), as seen by the formation of CO, one of the adsorbed residues of the glycerol dissociation, which poisons these surfaces even at high potentials. Pt(111) surface structure does not favor the C-C-C bond breaking at potentials as low as 0.05 V. However, Pt(111) is less poisoned by residues of glycerol dissociation and, for this reason, it is more active for glycerol oxidation than Pt(100) and Pt(110) at low potentials. Carbonyl containing compounds and CO2 were detected as reaction products of the glycerol oxidation on all investigated single-crystal Pt surfaces. The ratio between CO2 and carbonyl containing compounds is clearly much higher for Pt(100) and Pt(110) than for Pt(111). (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Perchlorate adsorption on Au(1 1 1) was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy. We found that the electrosorption valency of ClO4− on Au(1 1 1) is ∼ 0.6 and the total coverage of ClO4− on Au(1 1 1) is higher (∼ 0.15) than previously estimated (∼ 0.04). Based on the experimental adsorption isotherms obtained from infrared spectra and the reconstruction-free cyclic voltammograms, we proposed a mechanism for the ClO4− adsorption on Au(1 1 1).


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Quais propriedades magnéticas são modificadas quando se agrupam átomos de Fe/Co para formar estruturas quasi-2D, se comparadas aos nanofios (quasi-1D) de FexCo1-x? E como estas propriedades reagem com a variação da proporção de Fe/Co nos aglomerados? A fim de responder a estas questões, trímeros de FexCo1-x depositados em Pt(111) são investigados utilizando o método de primeiros princípios Real Space-Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital-Atomic Sphere Approximation (RS-LMTO-ASA) no âmbito da Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT). Diferentes configurações de trímeros triangulares são consideradas, variando-se as posições e a concentração dos átomos de Fe/Co. Neste trabalho, demonstra-se a ocorrência de uma tendência não-linear estritamente decrescente dos momentos orbitais médios como função da concentração de Fe, distinta do encontrado tanto para os nanofios de FexCo1-x (dependência linear) quanto para a monocamada correspondente (dependência não-linear). Os resultados obtidos mostram ainda que os momentos orbitais variam com o ambiente local e com a direção de magnetização, especialmente quando associados aos átomos de Co, em concordância com publicações anteriores. A mudança de dimensionalidade quasi-1D (nanofios) para quasi-2D (trímeros compactos) não afeta o comportamento dos momentos de spin, que permanecem descritos por uma função linear com respeito à proporção de Fe/Co. Ambos o formato e a concentração de Fe nos sistemas apresentam um papel importante nos valores de energia de anisotropia magnética. Em adição, observou-se que o subtrato de Pt opera ativamente na definição das propriedades magnéticas dos aglomerados. Embora todas as configurações lineares e compactas dos aglomerados de FexCo1-x sejam estáveis e exibam interações fortemente ferromagnéticas entre os primeiros vizinhos, nem todas revelaram o ordenamento colinear como estado fundamental, apresentando uma interação de Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya não-desprezível induzida pelo acoplamento spin-órbita. Estes casos específicos são: o trímero triangular de Co puro e o trímero linear (nanofio) de Fe puro, para o qual foi verificado o acoplamento do tipo Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida entre os átomos de Fe constituintes. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para o entendimento de quais mecanismos definem o magnetismo nos trímeros de FexCo1-x/Pt(111), e discutem as questões presentes atualmente na literatura no contexto destes sistemas.


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The adsorption of nitric oxide (NO) on a Pt (111) surface modified with irreversible adsorbed bismuth adatoms is reported. While the voltammetric results reveal a close interaction between the two co-adsorbed compounds. In-situ infrared spectroscopy and scanning tunnelling microscopy indicate the formation of segregated adlayers. Formation of compressed Bi adlayers with modified redox properties is proposed to reconcile both results. This agrees with the observation of Bi islands in the STM images when NO is coadsorbed, not observed in the absence of NO.


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The interface between a Pt(111) electrode and a room temperature ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, was investigated with the laser-induced temperature jump method. In this technique, the temperature of the interface is suddenly increased by applying short laser pulses. The change of the electrode potential caused by the thermal perturbation is measured under coulostatic conditions during the subsequent temperature relaxation. This change is mainly related to the reorganization of the solvent components near the electrode surface. The sign of the potential transient depends on the potential of the experiment. At high potential values, positive transients indicate a higher density of anions than cations close the surface, contributing negatively to the potential of the electrode. Decreasing the applied potential to sufficiently low values, the transient becomes negative, meaning that the density of cations becomes then higher at the surface of the electrode. The potential dependence of the interfacial response shows a marked hysteresis depending on the direction in which the applied potential is changed.


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A platinum (Pt) on pure ceria (CeO2) supported by carbon black (CB) anode was synthesized using a combined process of precipitation and coimpregnation methods. The electrochemical activity of methanol oxidation reaction on synthesized Pt-CeO2/CB anodes was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry experimentation. To improve the anode property on Pt-CeO2/CB, the influence of particle morphology and particle size on anode properties was examined. The morphology and particle size of the pure CeO2 particles could be controlled by changing the preparation conditions. The anode properties (i.e., peak current density and onset potential for methanol oxidation) were improved by using nanosize CeO2 particles. This indicates that a larger surface area and higher activity on the surface of CeO2 improve the anode properties. The influence of particle morphology of CeO2 on anode properties was not very large. The onset potential for methanol oxidation reaction on Pt-CeO2/CB, which consisted of CeO2 with a high surface area, was shifted to a lower potential compared with that on the anodes, which consisted of CeO2 with a low surface area. The onset potential on Pt-CeO2/CB at 60 degrees C became similar to that on the commercially available Pt-Ru/carbon anode. We suggest that the rate-determining steps of the methanol oxidation reaction on Pt-CeO2/CB and commercially available Pt-Ru/carbon anodes are different, which accounts for the difference in performance. In the reaction mechanism on Pt-CeO2/CB, we conclude that the released oxygen species from the surface of CeO2 particles contribute to oxidation of adsorbed CO species on the Pt surface. This suggests that the anode performance of the Pt-CeO2/CB anode would lead to improvements in the operation of direct methanol fuel cells at 80 degrees C by the enhancement of diffusion of oxygen species created from the surface of nanosized CeO2 particles. Therefore, we conclude that fabrication of nanosized CeO2 with a high surface area is a key factor for development of a high-quality Pt-CeO2/CB anode in direct methanol fuel cells.


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The surface chemistry of benzene and bromobenzene over Pt(111) has been studied by temperature-programmed XPS/MS and NEXAFS. Time-resolved XPS shows that benzene adopts a single chemically distinguishable environment during low-temperature adsorption within the monolayer, with a saturation coverage at θC6H6 = 0.2 ML. Around 20% of a benzene monolayer desorbs molecularly, while the remainder dehydrogenates to surface carbon. Bromobenzene likewise adsorbs molecularly at 90 K, giving rise to two C 1s environments at 284.4 and 285.3 eV corresponding to the C−H and C−Br functions, respectively. The saturation C6H5Br monolayer coverage is 0.11 ML. NEXAFS reveals that bromobenzene adopts a tilted geometry, with the ring plane at 60 ± 5° to the surface. Bromobenzene multilayers desorb at ∼180 K, with higher temperatures promoting competitive molecular desorption versus C−Br scission within the monolayer. Approximately 30% of a saturated bromobenzene monolayer either desorbs reversibly or as reactively formed hydrocarbons. Debromination yields a stable (phenyl) surface intermediate and atomic bromine at 300 K. Further heating results in desorption of reactively formed H2, C6H6, and HBr; however, there was no evidence for either biphenyl or Br2 formation. Pt(111) is an efficient surface for low-temperature bromobenzene hydrodebromination to benzene and HBr. © 2007 American Chemical Society.


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The catalytic destruction of 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) over model sulfated Pt(111) surfaces has been investigated by fast X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. TCA adsorbs molecularly over SO4 precovered Pt(111) at 100 K, with a saturation coverage of 0.4 monolayer (ML) comparable to that on the bare surface. Surface crowding perturbs both TCA and SO4 species within the mixed adlayer, evidenced by strong, coverage-dependent C 1s and Cl and S 2p core-level shifts. TCA undergoes complete dechlorination above 170 K, accompanied by C−C bond cleavage to form surface CH3, CO, and Cl moieties. These in turn react between 170 and 350 K to evolve gaseous CO2, C2H6, and H2O. Subsequent CH3 dehydrogenation and combustion occurs between 350 and 450 K, again liberating CO2 and water. Combustion is accompanied by SO4 reduction, with the coincident evolution of gas phase SO2 and CO2 suggesting the formation of a CO−SOx surface complex. Reactively formed HCl desorbs in a single state at 400 K. Only trace (<0.06 ML) residual atomic carbon and chlorine remain on the surface by 500 K.


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The adsorption and decomposition of ethylene over a Pt{111} single crystalsurface has been investigated by fast x-ray spectroscopy. At 100 K ethene displays precursor-mediated adsorption kinetics, adopting a single environment with a saturation C2H4 coverage of 0.25 ML and binding energy of 283.2 eV. Thermal decomposition proceeds above 240 K via dehydrogenation to ethylidyne with an activation barrier of 57±3 kJ mol−1 and preexponential factor ν=1×1010±0.5 s−1. Site-blocking by preadsorbed SO4 reduces the saturation ethene coverage but induces a new, less reactive π-bonded ethene species centered around 283.9 eV, which in turn decomposes to ethylidyne at 350 K.


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SO2 oxidation has been followed by Fast XPS over Pt{111}. Preadsorbed oxygen reduces the low temperature saturation coverage of SO2 with respect to the clean surface. Heating a mixed O2/SO2 adlayer results in efficient oxidation of both upright and flat-lying SO2 molecules to surface-bound SO4. Sulphate decomposes above room temperature liberating gas-phase SO2 and SO3. Propene adsorbs molecularly at 100 K over clean Pt{111} and dehydrogenates above 250 K to form a stable propylidyne adlayer, which in turn decomposes above 400 K to form graphitic carbon. Preadsorbed surface sulphate enhances the sticking probability of propene via formation of an alkyl-sulphate complex. Thermal decomposition of this complex accounts for low temperature propene combustion and is accompanied by atomic sulpur deposition. Propylidyne forms as on clean Pt but is less reactive undergoing partial oxidation above 450 K with residual surface oxygen.


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The thermal decomposition of propene over clean and sulphate precovered Pt{111} has been followed by Fast XPS. The saturation propene coverage over the clean surface is 0.21 mL at 90 K. Propene is stable up to 200 K, above which molecular desorption and dehydrogenation result in the formation of a stable propylidyne intermediate adlayer at 300 K. Propylidyne decomposes above 400 K eventually forming graphitic carbon above 800 K. Preadsorbed surface sulphate promotes room temperature propene combustion associated with the decomposition of a thermally unstable alkyl--sulphate complex. Propylidyne also forms as on clean Pt{111}, but is less reactive, its decomposition above 450 K triggering partial oxidation with residual surface oxygen to liberate gas phase CO.


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The time dependence of the concentration of CO2 in an electrochemical thin layer cavity is studied with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in order to evaluate the extent to which the thin layer cavity is diffusionally decoupled from the surrounding bulk electrolyte. For the model system of CO on Pt(111) in 0.1 M HClO4, it is found that the concentration of CO2, formed by electro-oxidation of CO, equilibrates rapidly with the surrounding bulk electrolyte. This rapid equilibration indicates that there is diffusion out of the thin layer, even on the short time scales of typical infrared experiments (1-3 min). However, since the measured CO2 absorbance intensity as a function of time is reproducible to within 10%, a new time-dependent method for surface coverage calibration using solution-phase species is proposed.