936 resultados para Psoriatic-arthritis


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The phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) family are cAMP specific phosphodiesterases that play an important role in the inflammatory response and is the major PDE type found in inflammatory cells. A significant number of PDE4 specific inhibitors have been developed and are currently being investigated for use as therapeutic agents. Apremilast, a small molecule inhibitor of PDE 4 is in development for chronic inflammatory disorders and has shown promise for the treatment of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis as well as other inflammatory diseases. It has been found to be safe and well tolerated in humans and in March 2014 it was approved by the US food and drug administration for the treatment of adult patients with active psoriatic arthritis. The only other PDE4 inhibitor on the market is Roflumilast and it is used for treatment of respiratory disease. Roflumilast is approved in the EU for the treatment of COPD and was recently approved in the US for treatment to reduce the risk of COPD exacerbations. Roflumilast is also a selective PDE4 inhibitor, administered as an oral tablet once daily, and is thought to act by increasing cAMP within lung cells. As both (Apremilast and Roflumilast) compounds selectively inhibit PDE4 but are targeted at different diseases, there is a need for a clear understanding of their mechanism of action (MOA). Differences and similarity of MOA should be defined for the purposes of labelling, for communication to the scientific community, physicians, and patients, and for an extension of utility to other diseases and therapeutic areas. In order to obtain a complete comparative picture of the MOA of both inhibitors, additional molecular and cellular biology studies are required to more fully elucidate the signalling mediators downstream of PDE4 inhibition which result in alterations in pro- and anti-inflammatory gene expression. My studies were conducted to directly compare Apremilast with Roflumilast, in order to substantiate the differences observed in the molecular and cellular effects of these compounds, and to search for other possible differentiating effects. Therefore the main aim of this thesis was to utilise cutting-edge biochemical techniques to discover whether Apremilast and Roflumilast work with different modes of action. In the first part of my thesis I used novel genetically encoded FRET based cAMP sensors targeted to different intracellular compartments, in order to monitor cAMP levels within specific microdomains of cells as a consequence of challenge with Apremilast and Roflumilast, which revealed that Apremilast and Roflumilast do regulate different pools of cAMP in cells. In the second part of my thesis I focussed on assessing whether Apremilast and Roflumilast cause differential effects on the PKA phosphorylation state of proteins in cells. I used various biochemical techniques (Western blotting, Substrate kinase arrays and Reverse Phase Protein array and found that Apremilast and Roflumilast do lead to differential PKA substrate phosphorylation. For example I found that Apremilast increases the phosphorylation of Ribosomal Protein S6 at Ser240/244 and Fyn Y530 in the S6 Ribosomal pathway of Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial fibroblast and HEK293 cells, whereas Roflumilast does not. This data suggests that Apremilast has distinct biological effects from that of Roflumilast and could represent a new therapeutic role for Apremilast in other diseases. In the final part of my thesis, Phage display technology was employed in order to identify any novel binding motifs that associate with PDE4 and to identify sequences that were differentially regulated by the inhibitors in an attempt to find binding motifs that may exist in previously characterised signalling proteins. Petide array technology was then used to confirm binding of specific peptide sequences or motifs. Results showed that Apremilast and Roflumilast can either enhance or decrease the binding of PDE4A4 to specific peptide sequences or motifs that are found in a variety of proteins in the human proteome, most interestingly Ubiquitin-related proteins. The data from this chapter is preliminary but may be used in the discovery of novel binding partners for PDE4 or to provide a new role for PDE inhibition in disease. Therefore the work in this thesis provides a unique snapshot of the complexity of the cAMP signalling system and is the first to directly compare action of the two approved PDE4 inhibitors in a detailed way.


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RESUMEN Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de las diferentes enfermedades oftalmológicas que aparecen en el contexto de una enfermedad autoinmune (EAI) en pacientes de un centro de referencia reumatológica en Colombia, según características clínicas y sociodemográficas durante un período de 15 años, comprendido entre los años 2000 a 2015. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional de prevalencia. El tipo de muestreo fue aleatorio estratificado con asignación proporcional en el programa Epidat 3.4. Los datos se analizaron en el programa SPSS v22.0 y se realizó análisis univariado de las variables categóricas, para las variables cuantitativas se realizaron medidas de tendencia central. Resultados: De 1640 historias clínicas revisadas, se encontraron 634 pacientes (38,65%) con compromiso ocular. Si excluimos los pacientes con SS, que por definición presentan ojo seco, 222 pacientes (13,53%) presentaron compromiso oftalmológico. Del total de pacientes, el 83,3% fueron mujeres. La AR fue la enfermedad autoinmune con mayor compromiso oftalmológico con 138 pacientes (62,2%), y en último lugar la sarcoidosis con 1 solo paciente afectado. La QCS fue la manifestación más común en todos los grupos diagnósticos de EAI, con 146 pacientes (63,5%). De 414 pacientes con Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) y QCS 8 presentaron compromiso ocular adicional, siendo la uveítis la segunda patología ocular asociada en pacientes con SS y la primera causa en las espondiloartropatias (71,4 %). Los pacientes con catarata (4,1%) presentaron la mayor prevalencia de uso de corticoide (88.8%). De 222 pacientes, 28 (12,6%) presentaron uveítis. Del total de pacientes, 16 (7,2%) presentaron maculopatía por antimalaráricos y 6 (18,75%) de los pacientes con LES. Los ANAS se presentaron en el 100% los pacientes con trastorno vascular de la retina. Los pacientes con epiescleritis presentaron la mayor proporción de positivización de anticuerpos anti-DNA. La EAI que más presentó epiescleritis fue LES con 4 pacientes (12,5%) El 22% de paciente con anticuerpos anti-RNP presentaron escleritis y 32,1% de los pacientes con uveítis presentaron HLA-B27 positivo. Las manifestaciones oftalmológicas precedieron a las sistémicas entre un 11,1% y un 33,3% de los pacientes. Conclusión: Las enfermedades oculares se presentan con frecuencia en los pacientes colombianos con EAI (38.65%), siendo la AR la enfermedad con mayor compromiso ocular (62,2%) y la QCS la enfermedad ocular con mayor prevalencia en todas las EAI (63,5%). La uveítis se presentó en 28 pacientes (12,6%). Las manifestaciones oftalmológicas pueden preceder a las sistémicas. El examen oftalmológico debe ser incluido en los pacientes con EAI, por ser la enfermedad ocular una comorbilidad frecuente. Adicionalmente, los efectos oftalmológicos de las medicaciones sistémicas utilizadas en EAI deben ser estrechamente monitorizados, durante el curso del tratamiento.


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Objective: To examine the prospective dose–response relationships between both leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) and walking with self-reported arthritis in older women. Design, setting and participants: Data came from women aged 73–78 years who completed mailed surveys in 1999, 2002 and 2005 for the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health. Women reported their weekly minutes of walking and moderate to vigorous physical activities. They also reported on whether they had been diagnosed with, or treated for, arthritis since the previous survey. General estimating equation analyses were performed to examine the longitudinal relationship between LTPA and arthritis and, for women who reported walking as their only physical activity, the longitudinal relationship between walking and arthritis. Women who reported arthritis or a limited ability to walk in 1999 were excluded, resulting in data from 3613 women eligible for inclusion in these analyses. Main results: ORs for self-reported arthritis were lowest for women who reported “moderate” levels of LTPA (OR 0.78; 95% CI 0.67 to 0.92), equivalent to 75 to <150 minutes of moderate-intensity LTPA per week. Slightly higher odds ratios were found for women who reported “high” (OR 0.81; 95% CI 0.69 to 0.95) or “very high” (OR 0.84; 95% CI 0.72 to 0.98) LTPA levels, indicating no further benefit from increased activity. For women whose only activity was walking, an inverse dose–response relationship between walking and arthritis was seen. Conclusions: The results support an inverse association between both LTPA and walking with self-reported arthritis over 6 years in older women who are able to walk.


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Background: Methotrexate alone or in combination with other agents is the standard treatment for moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis. As the biological agents are expensive, they are not usually used until methotrexate has failed to give a good response. Thus, there is scope for the development of cheaper drugs that can be used instead of methotrexate or in addition to methotrexate. Objectives/methods: Pamapimod is a p38α inhibitor being developed for use in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The objective was to evaluate the recent clinical trials of pamapimod in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis. Results: There is no clear cut evidence that pamapimod alone or in the presence of methotrexate is efficacious in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis, but it does cause adverse effects. Conclusion: It is unlikely that pamapimod will be useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the point at which differences in clinical assessment scores on physical ability, pain and overall condition are sufficiently large to correspond to a subjective perception of a meaningful difference from the perspective of the patient. METHODS: Forty patients with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis participated in an evening of clinical assessment and one-on-one conversations with each other regarding their arthritic condition. The assessments included tender and swollen joint counts, clinician and patient global assessments, participant assessment of pain and the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) on physical ability. After each conversation, participants rated themselves relative to their conversational partner on physical ability, pain and overall condition. These subjective comparative ratings were compared to the differences of the individual clinical assessments. RESULTS: In total there were 120 conversations. Generally participants judged themselves as less disabled than others. They rated themselves as "somewhat better" than their conversation partner when they had a (mean) 7% better score on the HAQ, 6% less pain, and 9% better global assessment. In contrast, they rated themselves as "somewhat worse" when they had a (mean) 16% worse score on the HAQ, 16% more pain, and 29% worse global assessment. CONCLUSIONS: Patients view clinically important differences in an asymmetric manner. These results can provide guidance in interpreting results and planning clinical trials.


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Objective: To examine the association between individual- and neighborhood-level disadvantage and self-reported arthritis. Methods: We used data from a population-based cross-sectional study conducted in 2007 among 10,757 men and women ages 40–65 years, selected from 200 neighborhoods in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia using a stratified 2-stage cluster design. Data were collected using a mail survey (68.5% response). Neighborhood disadvantage was measured using a census-based composite index, and individual disadvantage was measured using self-reported education, household income, and occupation. Arthritis was indicated by self-report. Data were analyzed using multilevel modeling. Results: The overall rate of self-reported arthritis was 23% (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 22–24). After adjustment for sociodemographic factors, arthritis prevalence was greatest for women (odds ratio [OR] 1.5, 95% CI 1.4–1.7) and in those ages 60–65 years (OR 4.4, 95% CI 3.7–5.2), those with a diploma/associate diploma (OR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1–1.6), those who were permanently unable to work (OR 4.0, 95% CI 3.1–5.3), and those with a household income <$25,999 (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.7–2.6). Independent of individual-level factors, residents of the most disadvantaged neighborhoods were 42% (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.2–1.7) more likely than those in the least disadvantaged neighborhoods to self-report arthritis. Cross-level interactions between neighborhood disadvantage and education, occupation, and household income were not significant. Conclusion: Arthritis prevalence is greater in more socially disadvantaged neighborhoods. These are the first multilevel data to examine the relationship between individual- and neighborhood-level disadvantage upon arthritis and have important implications for policy, health promotion, and other intervention strategies designed to reduce the rates of arthritis, indicating that intervention efforts may need to focus on both people and places.


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“Epidemics” of a benign disease causing polyarthralgia and rash were first described in Australia in 1927.63 Following the recovery of the causative agent and the advent of serologic tests able to diagnose Ross River virus infection, epidemic polyarthritis has been recognized as endemic in Australia and has occurred as epidemics in numerous Pacific nations. Approximately 4000 cases of epidemic polyarthritis are reported in Australia each year, with a peak of 7800 cases in 1996. Some confusion has been generated recently by use of the term Ross River fever to describe clinical Ross River virus infections because fever does not develop in more than half of those with clinical disease.59 Additional confusion has been generated by efforts to describe any polyarthritis caused by an Australian arbovirus as epidemic polyarthritis. The term epidemic polyarthritis should be used to describe only clinical disease caused by Ross River virus.


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Patrick Danoy, Meng Wei, Hadler Johanna, et al. Association of variants in MMEL1 and CTLA4 with rheumatoid arthritis in the Han Chinese population. Ann Rheum Dis 2011;70:1793–97. The following authors were listed as contributing equally to the study...


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Background: The genome-wide association study era has made great progress in identifying susceptibility genes and genetic loci for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in populations of White European ancestry. However, few studies have tried to dissect disease aetiopathogenesis in other ethnic populations. Objective: To investigate these associations in the Han Chinese population. Methods: Haplotypes from the HapMap database Chinese population were used to select tag-single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (r2 =0.8) across 19 distinct RA genomic regions. A two phase case-control association study was performed, with 169 SNPs genotyped in phase I (n=571 cases, n=880 controls), and 64 SNPs achieving p<0.2 in the first phase being genotyped in phase II (n=464 cases, n=822 controls). Association statistics were calculated using permutation tests both unadjusted and adjusted for the number of markers studied. Results: Robust association was detected for MMEL1 and CTLA4 , and modest association was identified for another six loci: PADI4 , STAT4 , PRDM1 , CDK6 , TRAF1-C5 and KIF5A-PIP4K2C. All three markers genotyped in MMEL1 demonstrated association, with peak signal for rs3890745 (p=2.6×10 -5unadjusted, p=0.003 adjusted, OR=0.79). For CTLA4 , significance was detected for three of five variants showing association, with peak association for marker rs12992492 (p=4.3×10-5 unadjusted, p=0.0021 adjusted, OR=0.77). Lack of association of common variants in PTPN22 with RA in Han Chinese was confirmed. Conclusion: This study identifies MMEL1 and CTLA4 as RA susceptibility genes, provides suggestive evidence of association for a further six loci in the Han Chinese population and confirms lack of PTPN22 association in Asian populations. It also confirms the value of multiethnic population studies to help dissect disease aetiopathogenesis.


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We read with great interest the paper by Laivoranta-Nyman et al.1 They studied Finnish patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and controls, and suggested that there exist susceptibility, neutral and protective HLA-DR-DQ haplotypes that do not match the predictions of current hypotheses for the mechanism of association of the HLA class II region and RA...


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Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have a significantly higher risk of coronary heart disease, despite being less likely to report symptoms of angina, and are more likely to experience unrecognised myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death than non-RA controls.1 Furthermore, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction has been described in up to 40% of patients with RA.2...