885 resultados para Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI mutant


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A copper-binding complex formed in the exopolysaccharide fraction of Image was isolated and characterized using a variety of techniques. By comparison with model Cu(II) complexes of uronic acids, it is shown that the Image forms a square-planer, cupric complex similar to cupric glucuronates.


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Analysis of 35S labled nucleosides prepared from tRNA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by phosphocellulose column chromatography, thin layer chromatography and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography revealed the presence of 2-methylthioribosylzeatin in it. 2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosyl purine; ms-2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-cis-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-cis-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-trans-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-trans-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ms-ribosylzeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; s4U2, 4-thiouridine; s2U*, 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine; s2C, 2-thiocytidine; TLC — thin layer chromatography.


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35S-Labeled thionucleosides prepared from Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa tRNAs were chromatographed separately on a phosphocellulose column with a linear salt gradient of 0.005–0.1 M ammonium formate (pH 3.9). The thionucleosides of E. coli tRNA were quantitatively separated into four peaks which were identified using authentic samples as 4-thiouridine (78 %), 2-methylthio-N6-isopentenyladenosine (8 %), 2-thiocytidine (2.5 %) and 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine (11.5 %). In the case of P. aeruginosa tRNA four radioactive thionucleoside peaks were also observed. One major difference was the almost complete absence of 2-methylthio-N6-isopentenyladenosine and the presence of a new peak of radioactivity in the nucleosides of P. aeruginosa. The relative proportions of the various thionucleosides were found to be different in E. coli and P. aeruginosa tRNAs.


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Analysis of 35S labled nucleosides prepared from tRNA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by phosphocellulose column chromatography, thin layer chromatography and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography revealed the presence of 2-methylthioribosylzeatin in it. 2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosyl purine; ms-2iPA, 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-cis-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-cis-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ribosyl-trans-zeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-trans-2-butenylamino)-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; ms-ribosylzeatin, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurine; s4U2, 4-thiouridine; s2U*, 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine; s2C, 2-thiocytidine; TLC — thin layer chromatography.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa tRNA was treated with iodine, CNBr and N-ethylmaleimide,three thionucleotide-specific reagents. Reaction with iodine resulted in extensive loss of acceptor activity by lysine tRNA, glutamic acid tRNA, glutamine tRNA, serine tRNA and tyrosine tRNA. CNBr treatment resulted in high loss of acceptor ability by lysine tRNA, glutamic acid tRNA and glutamine tRNA. Only the acceptor ability of tyrosine tRNA was inhibited up to 66% by N-ethylmaleimide treatment, a reagent specific for 4-thiouridine. By the combined use of benzoylated DEAE-cellulose and DEAESephadex columns, lysine tRNA of Ps. aeruginosa was resolved into two isoaccepting species, a major, tRNAL'y and a minor, tRNA'Ys. Co-chromatography of 14C-labelled tRNALYS and 3H-labelled tRNALy, on benzoylated DEAE-cellulose at pH4.5 gave two distinct, non-superimposable profiles for the two activity peaks, suggesting that they were separate species. The acceptor activity of these two species was inhibited by about 95% by iodine and CNBr. Both the species showed equal response to codons AAA and AAG and also for poly(A) and poly(A1,Gl) suggesting that the anticodon of these species was UUU. Chemical modification of these two species by iodine did not inhibit the coding response. The two species of lysine of Ps. aeruginosa are truly redundant in that they are indistinguishable either by chemical modification or by their coding response.


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This study aims in identifying MBLs particularly Zn requiring Molecular Class B enzymes produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii. The resistance by these organisms are in a rise against all antibiotics including carbapenems and no prescribed CLSI guidelines is available for detecting them. Clinical isolates antibiotic susceptibility was determined by number of phenotypic tests by addition of 50mM of 10 mu l zinc as cofactor for metallo beta lactamase production along with 0.5M ETDA of 5 mu l (930 mu g per disk) plain disks. Increase in zone size of the meropenem -EDTA disk compared to the meropenem disk without EDTA was recorded positive. For Zn requiring MBLs zone towards both disks of EDTA and Zn along with meropenem is detected by DDST.


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Bacterial biofilms are associated with 80-90% of infections. Within the biofilm, bacteria are refractile to antibiotics, requiring concentrations >1,000 times the minimum inhibitory concentration. Proteins, carbohydrates and DNA are the major components of biofilm matrix. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) biofilms, which are majorly associated with chronic lung infection, contain extracellular DNA (eDNA) as a major component. Herein, we report for the first time that L-Methionine (L-Met) at 0.5 mu M inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) biofilm formation and disassembles established PA biofilm by inducing DNase expression. Four DNase genes (sbcB, endA, eddB and recJ) were highly up-regulated upon L-Met treatment along with increased DNase activity in the culture supernatant. Since eDNA plays a major role in establishing and maintaining the PA biofilm, DNase activity is effective in disrupting the biofilm. Upon treatment with L-Met, the otherwise recalcitrant PA biofilm now shows susceptibility to ciprofloxacin. This was reflected in vivo, in the murine chronic PA lung infection model. Mice treated with L-Met responded better to antibiotic treatment, leading to enhanced survival as compared to mice treated with ciprofloxacin alone. These results clearly demonstrate that L-Met can be used along with antibiotic as an effective therapeutic against chronic PA biofilm infection.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa has for some time been known as a denitrifier. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was chosen for further studies, because P. aeruginosa occurs abundantly in Plusssee and moreover there are contradictory assertions on the gas products of denitrification by this bacteria. In experimental research the pattern of growth and gas production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on nutrient broth was studied.


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A Fibrose Cística (FC) é uma doença letal, de caráter autossômico recessivo, que acomete populações de diferentes etnias. A doença caracteriza-se pelo comprometimento sistêmico das glândulas exócrinas e, na maioria dos pacientes, a doença pulmonar acaba tornando-se a patologia predominante. A infecção por P. aeruginosa é a principal causa de mortalidade dos pacientes com FC. O Sistema de Secreção Tipo III da bactéria é expresso na fase aguda da doença e é responsável por injetar proteínas citotóxicas no interior da célula eucariótica. Há um grande interesse em se investigar a resposta de anticorpos anti P. aeruginosa em pacientes com FC a fim de diagnosticar a colonização e ou infecção pulmonar antes da cultura, permitindo a antibioticoterapia preventiva, a fim de se evitar a infecção pulmonar crônica. Nesta tese, investigamos a resposta de anticorpos (IgG+IgM+IgA) contra as proteínas do SSTT de P. aeruginosa, através do Western-Blot. Participaram do estudo 51 pacientes com FC, de 1.1 a 16.8 anos acompanhados no Departamento de Pneumologia do Instituto Fernandes Figueira - FioCruz, durante um período aproximado de 2 anos. De cada paciente foram coletadas de 1 a 4 amostras de sangue, com intervalo médio de 6 meses entre as coletas. O grupo controle negativo consistiu de 28 indivíduos não fibrocísticos, de 2 a 17 anos, atendidos no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto - HUPE UERJ. As proteínas do SSTT foram extraídas das cepas PAO1 e PAOΔExsA (regulador da expressão do SSTT) de P. aeruginosa. Controles positivos e negativos foram utilizados em todas as reações. Para a identificação das proteínas do SSTT na reação utilizou-se antisoro de camundongos imunizados com a proteína recombinante PcrV. Doze (75%) dos 16 pacientes fibrocísticos considerados não infectados por P. aeruginosa tiveram a primeira sorologia positiva para PopB e 15 (93,75%) para ExoS/ExoT, indicando a colonização ou infecção por P. aeruginosa. Aproximadamente 25% e 35,7% dos soros do grupo controle mostraram reatividade fraca com PopB ou ExoS/ExoT, respectivamente. O tempo decorrido entre a primeira sorologia positiva e o primeiro isolamento de P. aeruginosa nestes pacientes variou de 18 a 30 meses. Concluindo, é possível fazer o diagnóstico sorológico da infecção pulmonar por P. aeruginosa antes do isolamento da bactéria pela cultura.


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As infecções em cirurgia cardíaca ainda apresentam um cenário importante nas infecções associadas à assistência a saúde (IAAS), favorecendo ao paciente à aquisição de infecções por micro-organimos multirreristentes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil de resistência a antimicrobianos, verificar a presença de genes que codificam as enzimas dos tipos oxacilinases e metalo-beta-lactamases e descrever as características demográficas e clínicas dos pacientes colonziados/infectados por Acinetobacter spp. e P.aeruginosa internados no Centro de Terapia Intensiva Cardíaca do HUPE no período de 2005 a 2010. A maioria das 46 amostras de Acinetobacter spp e das 35 de P.aeruginosa foram de origem respiratória seguido de sangue. A maioria das amostras de A. baumannii apresentou altos percentuais de resistência a: ceftazidina, cefepime, piperacilina-sulbactam, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxona e CIM ≥32 μg/mL para os carbapenêmicos. Uma amostra foi resistente a Polimixina B. O gene blaOXA-23 foi detectado em 65% das amostras e uma amostra apresentou o gene blaOXA-24. Não foram detectados os genes blaOXA-58-like e blaOXA-143. Para P. aeruginosa os percentuais de resistência para todos os antimicrobianos foram inferiores a 32%. Quatro amostras apresentaram resistência intermediária a polimixina B e nenhum gene de resistência foi detectado. Os prontuários dos pacientes foram analisados a fim de associar as características clínicas com os processos infecciosos identificados e seu desfecho clínico. Na análise por tipo de micro-organismo associado ao processo infeccioso à idade acima de 70 anos, DM e uso da ventilação mecânica por tempo prolongado foi maior no grupo dos pacientes que apresentaram infecção por P.aeruginosa. O IAM, a ICC em internações anteriores e suas complicações (choque cardiogênico e arritmia) tiveram impacto na mortalidade na série de pacientes (p<0,05). A insuficiência renal entre todas as comorbidades foi à única que teve associação com a mortalidade (OR= 8,3). Não houve associação entre a mortalidade e o micro-organismo que causou a infecção (Acinetobacter spp. p=0,3 e P.aeruginosa p=0,2) ou a resistência a carbapenêmicos (p=0,5). Foram observados dois casos de mediastinte por Acinetobacter spp. e dois por P. aeruginosa sendo um achado inédito no Brasil até o momento.


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Para pesquisar o papel de ExoU no desencadeamento de resposta inflamatória nas vias aéreas, células epiteliais respiratórias humanas (CERs) da linhagem BEAS-2B foram tratadas com AA radiomarcado e infectadas com a cepa PA103 de P. aeruginosa, que secreta ExoU, e com os mutantes PA103exoU (com deleção do gene exoU), PA103ΔUT/exoU (com deleção de exoU e complementação com o gene funcional) e PA103UT/S142A (com deleção de exoU e complementação com gene com mutagênese sítio-específica no domínio catalítico da enzima). Após 1 hora, a liberação de AA pelas culturas infectadas com as cepas produtoras de ExoU foi significativamente superior à observada em culturas infectadas pelas cepas não-produtoras ou por células controle. O tratamento das bactérias com MAFP, um inibidor de PLA2, resultou em significativa redução na liberação de AA. Células infectadas pelas cepas PA103 e PA103ΔUT/exoU secretaram PGE2 e LTB4 em concentrações significativamente maiores que as secretadas por células infectadas pelas demais cepas ou não infectadas. O tratamento com o MAFP reduziu significativamente a secreção de PGE2. A análise, por citometria de fluxo, de células infectadas e não infectadas tratadas com anticorpo anti-COX-2 mostrou que o percentual de células infectadas por PA103 marcadas foi significativamente superior ao percentual encontrado em culturas controle. Nenhuma diferença foi observada quanto ao percentual de células marcadas em culturas infectadas por PA103ΔexoU. O tratamento das culturas com NS-398 (um inibidor seletivo de COX-2) resultou na diminuição significativa da concentração de PGE2, secretada por células infectadas com PA103, mas não por células infectadas com PA103ΔexoU ou por células controle. Corpúsculos lipídicos (CLs) são domínios citoplasmáticos ricos em COX-2 e outras enzimas responsáveis pelo metabolismo do AA, sede da produção de eicosanóides. Como células infectadas pelas cepas produtoras de ExoU liberam AA livre, formulamos a hipótese de que a maior produção de eicosanóides por estas células seria dependente da indução do aumento no número dos CLs. No entanto, a análise por citometria de fluxo de células tratadas com uma sonda lipofílica com afinidade com os CLs mostrou que o percentual de células marcadas em culturas infectadas pelas cepas produtoras de ExoU foi significativamente inferior ao percentual em culturas controle ou infectadas pelas outras 2 cepas bacterianas. O tratamento das células com MAFP inibiu significativamente a redução do percentual de células contendo CLs. A análise, por citometria de fluxo, de células controle ou infectadas tratadas simultaneamente com a sonda lipofílica e com o anticorpo anti-PGE2, mostrou, em células infectadas com PA103, a redução da mediana da intensidade de marcação com a sonda lipofílica e o aumento da mediana da intensidade de marcação com o anticorpo anti-PGE2. Nossa hipótese é que a presença de ExoU nas células infectadas com a cepa PA103 resulte no metabolismo de glicerofosfolipídios presente nos CLs levando à diminuição da afinidade dos CLs pela sonda lipofílica e à síntese local de PGE2.


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Based on the multidomain structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A, a fusion protein termed rPEA has been constructed, which is expected to serve as a gene carrier in vitro. The expression and purification of rPEA are described. The basal properties of rPEA as a gene carrier are evaluated by investigating its interaction with plasmid DNA and mimic biomembrane by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and electrochemical methods. rPEA is proved to be able to bind with plasmid DNA with high affinity. It can also interact with lipid membrane and increase permeability of the membrane, so the probe molecules can easily reach the gold surface and exhibit the electrochemical response.


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The global rise in antibiotic resistance is a significant problem facing healthcare professionals. In particular within the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung, bacteria can establish chronic infection and resistance to a wide array of antibiotic therapies. One of the principle pathogens associated with chronic infection in the CF lung is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. P. aeruginosa can establish chronic infection in the CF lung partly through the use of the biofilm mode of growth. This biofilm mode of growth offers a considerable degree of protection from a wide variety of challenges such as the host immune system or antibiotic therapy. The threat posed by the emergence of chronic pathogens is prompting the development of next generation antimicrobials. The biofilm mode of growth is often central to the establishment of chronic infection and the development of antibiotic resistance. Thus, targeting biofilm formation has emerged as one of the principle strategies for the development of next generation antimicrobials. In this thesis two separate approaches were used to identify potential anti - biofilm targets. The first strategy focused on the identification of novel genes with a role in a biofilm formation. High throughput screening identified almost 300 genes which had a role in biofilm formation. A number of these genes were characterised at a phenotypic and a molecular level. The second strategy focused on the identification of compounds capable of inhibiting biofilm formation. A collection of marine sponge isolated bacteria were screened for the ability to inhibit the central pathway regulating biofilm formation, quorum sensing. A number of distinct isolates were identified that had quorum sensing inhibition activity from which, a Pseudomonas isolate was selected for further characterisation. A specific compound capable of inhibiting quorum sensing was identified using chemical analytical technologies in the supernatant of this marine isolate.


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As an opportunistic Gram-negative pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa must be able to adapt and survive changes and stressors in its environment during the course of infection. To aid survival in the hostile host environment, P. aeruginosa has evolved defense mechanisms, including the production of an exopolysaccharide capsule and the secretion of a myriad of degradative proteases and lipases. The production of outer membrane-derived vesicles (OMVs) serves as a secretion mechanism for virulence factors as well as a general bacterial response to envelope-acting stressors. This study investigated the effect of sublethal physiological stressors on OMV production by P. aeruginosa and whether the Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) and the MucD periplasmic protease are critical mechanistic factors in this response. Exposure to some environmental stressors was determined to increase the level of OMV production as well as the activity of AlgU, the sigma factor that controls MucD expression. Overexpression of AlgU was shown to be sufficient to induce OMV production; however, stress-induced OMV production was not dependent on activation of AlgU, since stress caused increased vesiculation in strains lacking algU. We further determined that MucD levels were not an indicator of OMV production under acute stress, and PQS was not required for OMV production under stress or unstressed conditions. Finally, an investigation of the response of P. aeruginosa to oxidative stress revealed that peroxide-induced OMV production requires the presence of B-band but not A-band lipopolysaccharide. Together, these results demonstrate that distinct mechanisms exist for stress-induced OMV production in P. aeruginosa.


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BACKGROUND: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the major pathogen associated with chronic and ultimately fatal lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). To investigate how P. aeruginosa-derived vesicles may contribute to lung disease, we explored their ability to associate with human lung cells. RESULTS: Purified vesicles associated with lung cells and were internalized in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Vesicles from a CF isolate exhibited a 3- to 4-fold greater association with lung cells than vesicles from the lab strain PAO1. Vesicle internalization was temperature-dependent and was inhibited by hypertonic sucrose and cyclodextrins. Surface-bound vesicles rarely colocalized with clathrin. Internalized vesicles colocalized with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) marker, TRAPalpha, as well as with ER-localized pools of cholera toxin and transferrin. CF isolates of P. aeruginosa abundantly secrete PaAP (PA2939), an aminopeptidase that associates with the surface of vesicles. Vesicles from a PaAP knockout strain exhibited a 40% decrease in cell association. Likewise, vesicles from PAO1 overexpressing PaAP displayed a significant increase in cell association. CONCLUSION: These data reveal that PaAP promotes the association of vesicles with lung cells. Taken together, these results suggest that P. aeruginosa vesicles can interact with and be internalized by lung epithelial cells and contribute to the inflammatory response during infection.