950 resultados para Protein-polyelectrolyte Interaction


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Biological membranes are constituted from lipid bilayers and proteins. Investigation of protein-membrane interaction, essential for biological function of cells, must rest upon solid knowledge of lipid bilayer behavior. Thus, extensive studies of an experimental model for membranes, lipid bilayers in water solution, have been undertaken in the last decades. These systems present structural, thermal and electrical properties which depend on temperature, ionic strength or concentration. In this talk, we shall discuss statistical models for lipid bilayers, as well as the relation between their properties and results for properties of lipid dispersions investigated by the laboratories supervised by Teresa Lamy (IF-USP) and Amando Ito (FFCL-USP).


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S100A12 (Calgranulin C) is a small acidic calcium-binding peripheral membrane protein with two EF-hand structural motifs. It is expressed in macrophages and lymphocytes and highly up-regulated in several human inflammatory diseases. In pigs, S100A12 is abundant in the cytosol of granulocytes, where it is believed to be involved in signal modulation of inflammatory process. In this study, we investigated the interaction of the porcine S100A12 with phospholipid bilayers and the effect that ions (Ca2+, Zn2+ or both together) have in modifying protein-lipid interactions. More specifically, we intended to address issues such as: (1) is the protein-membrane interaction modulated by the presence of ions? (2) is the protein overall structure affected by the presence of the ions and membrane models simultaneously? (3) what are the specific conformational changes taking place when ions and membranes are both present? (4) does the protein have any kind of molecular preferences for a specific lipid component? To provide insight into membrane interactions and answer those questions, synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and surface plasmon resonance were used. The use of these combined techniques demonstrated that this protein was capable of interacting both with lipids and with ions in solution, and enabled examination of changes that occur at different levels of structure organization. The presence of both Ca2+ and Zn2+ ions modify the binding, conformation and thermal stability of the protein in the presence of lipids. Hence, these studies examining molecular interactions of porcine S100A12 in solution complement the previously determined crystal structure information on this family of proteins, enhancing our understanding of its dynamics of interaction with membranes.


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Das ADAM10-Gen kodiert für eine membrangebundene Disintegrin-Metalloproteinase, die das Amyloidvorläuferprotein spaltet. Im Mausmodell konnte bewiesen werden, dass die Überexpression von ADAM10 die Plaquebildung vermindern und das Langzeitgedächtnis verbessert. Aus diesem Grund ist es für einen möglichen Therapieansatz für die Alzheimer’sche Erkrankung erforderlich, die Organisation des humanen ADAM10-Gens und seines Promotors aufzuklären. Beim Vergleich der genomischen Sequenzen von humanem und murinem ADAM10 zeigte sich eine hohe Übereinstimmung. Beide Gene umfassen 160 kbp und bestehen aus 16 Exons. Die ersten 500 bp stromaufwärts vom Translationsstartpunkt zwischen dem Menschen, der Maus und der Ratte sind hoch konserviert. Diese Region beinhaltet spezifische regulatorische Elemente, die die ADAM10-Transkription modulieren. In den ersten 2179 bp stromaufwärts vom humanen ADAM10-Translationsstartpunkt fanden sich einige potentiellen Transkriptionsfaktor-bindungsstellen (Brn-2, SREBP, Oct-1, Creb1/cJun, USF, Maz, MZF-1, NFkB und CDPCR3HD). Es wurde eine charakteristische GC-Box und eine CAAT-Box, aber keine TATA-Box identifiziert. Nach Klonierung dieser 2179 bp großen Region wurde eine starke Promotoraktivität, insbesondere in neuronalen Zelllinien, gefunden. Bei der Analyse von Deletionskonstrukten wurde die Region zwischen -508 und -300 als essentiell für die Transkriptionsaktivierung bestimmt. Die Promotoraktivität wird zudem streng herunterreguliert, wenn in die Region 317 bp stromaufwärts vom Startpunkt der Translation eine Punktmutation eingeführt wird. Diese per Computeranalyse als USF-Bindungsstelle deklarierte Region spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei der ADAM10-Transkription. Im EMSA wurde eine Protein-DNA-Interaktion für diese Region gezeigt. Durch transienten Transfektionen in Schneider Drosophila Insektenzellen konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Überexpression von Sp1 und USp3 für die ADAM10-Promotoraktivität entscheidend ist. In EMSA-Studien bestätigte sich eine Protein-DNA-Interaktion für die Region -366 bp stromaufwärts vom Translationsstartpunkt. Die Punktmutation in der CAAT-Box veränderte die die Promotoraktivität nicht. Da weiterhin für diese potentielle Bindungsstelle kein Bindungsfaktor vorausgesagt wurde, scheint die CAAT-Box keine Bedeutung bei der Promotorregulation zu spielen. Schließlich fand sich im EMSA eine Protein-DNA-Interaktion für die Bindungsstelle 203 bp stromaufwärts vom Translationsstartpunkt. Diese in Computeranalysen als RXR-Bindungsstelle identifizierte Region ist ebenfalls von Bedeutung in der Promotorregulation. Auf der Suche nach Substanzen, die die ADAM10-Promotoraktivität beeinflussen, wurde ein negativer Effekt durch die apoptoseauslösende Substanz Camptothecin und ein positiver Effekt durch die zelldifferenzierungsauslösende Substanz all-trans Retinsäure festgestellt. Mit dieser Arbeit wurde die genomische Organisation des ADAM10-Gens zusammen mit dem zugehörigen Promotor aufgeklärt und ein neuer Regulationsmechanismus für die Hochregulation der Expression der alpha-Sekretase ADAM10 gefunden. Im Weiteren sollen nun die genauen Mechanismen bei der Hochregulation der alpha-Sekretase ADAM10 durch Retinsäure untersucht und durch Mikroarray-Analysen an RNA-Proben transgener Mäuse, welche ADAM10 überexpremieren, neue therapeutische Ansätze zur Behandlung der Alzheimer´schen Erkrankung identifiziert werden.


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Die räumliche und zeitliche Organisation von Genexpression ist für die Entwicklung und das Funktionieren eines jeden Lebewesens von immenser Bedeutung. Dazu laufen eine Vielzahl von Regulationsprozessen auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen ab. In dieser Arbeit wurden im ersten Teil Untersuchungen zur Genregulation des Drosophila optomotor-blind Genes und zur Funktion des Omb Proteins durchgeführt. Eine Mutante, der ein großer Teil der upstream regulatory region (URR) fehlt wurde erzeugt, aus einer Vielzahl von Linien isoliert und molekular charakterisiert. Die biologischen Auswirkungen dieser Deletion werden in Shen et al. (2008) beschrieben. Plasmide zur Erzeugung transgener Fliegen, mit deren Hilfe eine bereits von Sivasankaran et al. (2000) durchgeführte Enhancer-reporter-Analyse vervollständigt werden sollte, wurden hergestellt. Die bereits bekannte Inversion In(1)ombH31 wurde molekular kartiert. Eine Reihe von Konstrukten mit Punktmutationen in der Omb T-Domäne wurden generiert, die unter anderem über deren Funktion hinsichtlich DNA-Protein Interaktion und einer potentiellen Metallionenbindefähigkeit (ATCUN) hin Aufschluss geben sollen. Des Weiteren wurde eine Reihe von P-Element-Deletionslinien auf den Verlust eines alternativen omb Transkriptionsstartpunktes hin untersucht, mit dem Ziel eine vollständige Protein-Nullmutante zur Verfügung zu haben. Der zweite Abschnitt dieser Arbeit befasste sich mit der Erzeugung von Dpp-GFP-Fusionskonstrukten, mit deren Hilfe weitere Erkenntnisse über den Dpp-Langstreckentransport erhofft werden. Es wurde außerdem damit begonnen bei einem weitern Drosophila T-Box Transkriptionsfaktor, Optomotor-blind related gene-1 (Org-1), eine Reihe von Varianten mit homopolymeren polyAlanin und polyGlutamin Expansionen unterschiedlicher Länge herzustellen. Durch Experimente mit diesen Konstrukten soll Aufschluss darüber gewonnen werden, ob Glutamin-Expansionen, wie in der Literatur vorgeschlagen, aktivierend und Alanin-Expansionen in Transkriptionsfaktoren vielleicht reprimierend auf Genaktivität wirken. Letztlich wurden in dieser Arbeit im Rahmen des DROSDEL Projektes (Ryder et al., 2004, 2007) Deletionen in der distalen Hälfte des Chromosomenarms 3R hergestellt. Der DROSDEL Deletionskit, der durch eine Kooperation europäischer Labore entstand stellt der Drosophila Forschung einen umfassenden Satz molekular basengenau definierter Defizienzen zur Verfügung.


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The severity of Helicobacter pylori infections largely depends on the genetic diversity of the infecting strain, and particularly on the presence of the cag pathogenicity island (cag-PAI). This virulence locus encodes a type-IV secretion system able to translocate in the host cell at least the cag-encoded toxin CagA and peptidoglycan fragments, that together are responsible for the pathogenic phenotype in the host. Little is known about the bacterial regulators that underlie the coordinated expression of cag gene products, needed to assemble a functional secretion system apparatus. To fill this gap, a comprehensive analysis of the transcriptional regulation of the cag-PAI operons was undertaken. To pursue this goal, a robust tool for the analysis of gene expression in H. pylori was first implemented. A bioluminescent reporter system based on the P. luminescens luxCDABE operon was constructed and validated by comparisons with transcriptional analyses, then it was systematically used for the comprehensive study and mapping of the cag promoters. The identification of bona fide cag promoters had permitted to pinpoint the set of cag transcriptional units of the PAI. The responses of these cag transcriptional units to metabolic stress signals were analyzed in detail, and integrated with transcription studies in deletion mutants of important H. pylori virulence regulators and protein-DNA interaction analyses to map the binding sites of the regulators. Finally, a small regulatory RNA cncR1 encoded by the cag-PAI was identified, and the 5’- and 3’-ends of the molecule were mapped by primer extension analyses, northern blot and studies with lux reporter constructs. To identify regulatory effects exerted by cncR1 on the H. pylori gene expression, the cncR1 knock out strain was derived and compared to the parental wild type strain by a macroarray approach. Results suggest a negative effect exerted by cncR1 on the regulome of the alternative sigma54 factor.


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Endoperoxide antimalarials based on the ancient Chinese drug Qinghaosu (artemisinin) are currently our major hope in the fight against drug-resistant malaria. Rational drug design based on artemisinin and its analogues is slow as the mechanism of action of these antimalarials is not clear. Here we report that these drugs, at least in part, exert their effect by interfering with the plasmodial hemoglobin catabolic pathway and inhibition of heme polymerization. In an in vitro experiment we observed inhibition of digestive vacuole proteolytic activity of malarial parasite by artemisinin. These observations were further confirmed by ex vivo experiments showing accumulation of hemoglobin in the parasites treated with artemisinin, suggesting inhibition of hemoglobin degradation. We found artemisinin to be a potent inhibitor of heme polymerization activity mediated by Plasmodium yoelii lysates as well as Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein II. Interaction of artemisinin with the purified malarial hemozoin in vitro resulted in the concentration-dependent breakdown of the malaria pigment. Our results presented here may explain the selective and rapid toxicity of these drugs on mature, hemozoin-containing, stages of malarial parasite. Since artemisinin and its analogues appear to have similar molecular targets as chloroquine despite having different structures, they can potentially bypass the quinoline resistance machinery of the malarial parasite, which causes sublethal accumulation of these drugs in resistant strains.


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Expression of replication-dependent histone genes requires a conserved hairpin RNA element in the 3' untranslated regions of poly(A)-less histone mRNAs. The 3' hairpin element is recognized by the hairpin-binding protein or stem-loop-binding protein (HBP/SLBP). This protein-RNA interaction is important for the endonucleolytic cleavage generating the mature mRNA 3' end. The 3' hairpin and presumably HBP/SLBP are also required for nucleocytoplasmic transport, translation, and stability of histone mRNAs. RNA 3' processing and mRNA stability are both regulated during the cell cycle. Here, we have determined the three-dimensional structure of a 24-mer RNA comprising a mammalian histone RNA hairpin using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. The hairpin adopts a novel UUUC tetraloop conformation that is stabilized by base stacking involving the first and third loop uridines and a closing U-A base pair, and by hydrogen bonding between the first and third uridines in the tetraloop. The HBP interaction of hairpin RNA variants was analyzed in band shift experiments. Particularly important interactions for HBP recognition are mediated by the closing U-A base pair and the first and third loop uridines, whose Watson-Crick functional groups are exposed towards the major groove of the RNA hairpin. The results obtained provide novel structural insight into the interaction of the histone 3' hairpin with HBP, and thus the regulation of histone mRNA metabolism.


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We used multiple sets of simulations both at the atomistic and coarse-grained level of resolution to investigate interaction and binding of α-tochoperol transfer protein (α-TTP) to phosphatidylinositol phosphate lipids (PIPs). Our calculations indicate that enrichment of membranes with such lipids facilitate membrane anchoring. Atomistic models suggest that PIP can be incorporated into the binding cavity of α-TTP and therefore confirm that such protein can work as lipid exchanger between the endosome and the plasma membrane. Comparison of the atomistic models of the α-TTP-PIPs complex with membrane-bound α-TTP revealed different roles for the various basic residues composing the basic patch that is key for the protein/ligand interaction. Such residues are of critical importance as several point mutations at their position lead to severe forms of ataxia with vitamin E deficiency (AVED) phenotypes. Specifically, R221 is main residue responsible for the stabilization of the complex. R68 and R192 exchange strong interactions in the protein or in the membrane complex only, suggesting that the two residues alternate contact formation, thus facilitating lipid flipping from the membrane into the protein cavity during the lipid exchange process. Finally, R59 shows weaker interactions with PIPs anyway with a clear preference for specific phosphorylation positions, hinting a role in early membrane selectivity for the protein. Altogether, our simulations reveal significant aspects at the atomistic scale of interactions of α-TTP with the plasma membrane and with PIP, providing clarifications on the mechanism of intracellular vitamin E trafficking and helping establishing the role of key residue for the functionality of α-TTP.


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p53 is a tumor suppressor gene that is the most frequent target inactivated in cancers. Overexpression of wild-type p53 in rat embryo fibroblasts suppresses foci formation by other cooperating oncogenes. Introduction of wild-type p53 into cells that lack p53 arrests them at the G1/S boundary and reverses the transformed phenotype of some cells. The function of p53 in normal cells is illustrated by the ability of p53 to arrest cells at G1 phase of the cell cycle upon exposure to DNA-damaging agents including UV-irradiation and biosynthesis inhibitors.^ Since the amino acid sequence of p53 suggested that it may function as a transcription factor, we used GAL4 fusion assays to test that possibility. We found that wild-type p53 could specifically activate transcription when anchored by the GAL4 DNA binding domain. Mutant p53s, which have lost the ability to suppress foci formation by other oncogenes, were not able to activate transcription in this assay. Thus, we established a direct correlation between the tumor suppression and transactivation functions of p53.^ Having learned that p53 was a transcriptional activator, we next sought targets of p53 activation. Because many transcription factors regulate their own expression, we tested whether p53 had this autoregulatory property. Transient expression of wild-type p53 in cells increased the levels of endogenous p53 mRNA. Cotransfection of p53 together with a reporter bearing the p53 promoter confirmed that wild-type p53 specifically activates its own promoter. Deletion analysis from both the 5$\sp\prime$ and 3$\sp\prime$ ends of the promoter minimized the region responsible for p53 autoregulation to 45 bp. Methylation interference identified nucleotides involved in protein-DNA interaction. Mutations within this protected site specifically eliminated the response of the promoter to p53. In addition, multiple copies of this element confer responsiveness to wild-type p53 expression. Thus, we identified a F53 responsive element within the p53 promoter.^ The presence of a consensus NF-$\kappa$B site in the p53 promoter suggested that NF-KB may regulate p53 expression. Gel-shift experiments showed that both the p50 homodimer and the p50/p65 heterodimer bind to the p53 promoter. In addition, the p65 subunit of NF-$\kappa$B activates the p53 promoter in transient transfection experiments. TNF $\alpha$, a natural NF-$\kappa$B inducer, also activates the p53 promoter. Both p65 activation and TNF $\alpha$ induction require an intact NF-$\kappa$B site in the p53 promoter. Since NF-$\kappa$B activation occurs as a response to stress and p53 arrests cells in G1/S, where DNA repair occurs, activation of p53 by NF-$\kappa$B could be a mechanism by which cells recover from stress.^ In conclusion, we provided the first data that wild-type p53 functions as a transcriptional activator, whereas mutant p53 cannot. The correlation between growth suppression and transcriptional activation by p53 implies a pathway of tumor suppression. We have analyzed upstream components of the pathway by the identification of both p53 and NF-$\kappa$B as regulators of the p53 promoter. ^


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The hypermodified, hydrophobic 2-methylthio-N$\sp6$-(dimethylallyl)-adenosine (ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A) residue occurs $3\sp\prime$ to the anticodon in tRNA species that read codons beginning with U. The first step (i$\sp6$A37 formation) of this modification is catalyzed by dimethylallyl diphosphate:tRNA dimethyallyltransferase (EC, which is the product of the miaA gene. Subsequent steps were proposed to be catalyzed by MiaB and MiaC enzymes to complete the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 modification. The study of functions of the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 is very important because this modified base is one of the best candidates for a role in global control in response to environmental stress. This dissertation describes the further delineation of functions of the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 modification in E. coli K-12 cells. This work provides significant information on functions of tRNA modifications in E. coli cells to adapt to stressful environmental conditions. Three hypotheses were tested in this work.^ The first hypothesis tested was that non-optimal translation processes cause increased spontaneous mutagenesis by the induction of SOS response in starving cells. To test this hypothesis, I measured spontaneous mutation rates of wild type cells and various mutant strains which are defective in tRNA modification, SOS response, or oxidative damage repair. I found that the miaA mutation acts as a mutator that increased Lac$\sp+$ reversion rates and Trp$\sp+$ reversion frequencies of the wild-type cells in starving conditions. However, the lexA3(Ind)(which abolishes the induction of SOS response) mutation abolished the mutator phenotype of the miaA mutant. The recA430 mutation, not other identified SOS genes, decreased the Lac$\sp+$ reversion to a less extent than that of the lexA3(Ind) mutation. These results suggest that RecA together with another unidentified SOS gene product are responsible for the process.^ The second hypothesis tested was that MiaA protein binds to full-length tRNA$\sp{\rm Phe}$ molecules in form of a protein dimer. To test this hypothesis, three versions of the MiaA protein and seven species of tRNA substrates were purified. Binding studies by gel mobility shift assays, filter binding assays and gel filtration shift assays support the hypothesis that MiaA protein binds to full-length tRNA$\sp{\rm Phe}$ as a protein dimer but as a monomer to the anticodon stem-and-loop. These results were further supported by using steady state enzyme kinetic studies.^ The third hypothesis tested in this work was that the miaB gene in E. coli exists and is clonable. The miaB::Tn10dCm insertion mutation of Salmonella typhimurium was transduced to E. coli K-12 cells by using P$\sb1$ and P$\sb{22}$ bacteriophages. The insertion was confirmed by HPLC analyses of nucleotide profiles of miaB mutants of E. coli. The insertion mutation was cloned and DNA sequences adjacent to the transposon were sequenced. These DNA sequences were 86% identical to the f474 gene at 14.97 min chromosome of E. coli. The f474 gene was then cloned by PCR from the wild-type chromosome of E. coli. The recombinant plasmid complemented the mutant phenotype of the miaB mutant of E. coli. These results support the hypothesis that the miaB gene of E. coli exists and is clonable. In summary, functions of the ms${2{\cdot}6}\atop1$A37 modification in E. coli cells are further delineated in this work in perspectives of adaptation to stressful environmental conditions and protein:tRNA interaction. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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The adenovirus type 2/5 E1A proteins transform primary baby rat kidney (BRK) cells in cooperation with the activated Ras (T24 ras) oncoprotein. The N-terminal half of E1A (exon 1) is essential for this transformation activity. While the C-terminal half of E1A (exon 2) is dispensable, a region located between residues 225 and 238 of the 243R E1A protein negatively modulates in vitro T24 ras cooperative transformation as well as the tumorigenic potential of E1A/T24 ras-transformed cells. The same C-terminal domain is also required for binding of a cellular 48-kDa phosphoprotein, C-terminal binding protein (CtBP). We have cloned the cDNA for CtBP via yeast two-hybrid interaction cloning. The cDNA encodes a 439-amino acid (48 kDa) protein that specifically interacts with exon 2 in yeast two-hybrid, in vitro protein binding, and in vivo coimmunoprecipitation analyses. This protein requires residues 225-238 of the 243R E1A protein for interaction. The predicted protein sequence of the isolated cDNA is identical to amino acid sequences obtained from peptides prepared from biochemically purified CtBP. Fine mapping of the CtBP-binding domain revealed that a 6-amino acid motif highly conserved among the E1A proteins of various human and animal adenoviruses is required for this interaction. These results suggest that interaction of CtBP with the E1A proteins may play a critical role in adenovirus replication and oncogenic transformation.


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Transcription of the Bacillus subtilis pur operon is repressed in response to a signal of excess adenine. We have purified the repressor protein and have identified, cloned, and overexpressed the purR regulatory gene that controls transcription initiation of the operon. B. subtilis purR encodes a 62-kDa homodimer that binds to the pur operon control region. The PurR binding site which overlaps the promoter encompasses approximately 110 bp. The protein-DNA interaction is inhibited by 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate. A mutation that deletes the repressor binding site or one that disrupts purR abolishes binding activity in vitro and repression of transcription in vivo in response to the excess adenine signal. These results lead to a model in which an excess-adenine signal is transmitted to PurR via the 5-phosphoribosyl 1-pyrophosphate pool. In addition, purR is autoregulated. There is no structural or mechanistic similarity between the B. subtilis and Escherichia coli purine repressors.


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As doenças tropicais negligenciadas (DTNs) causam um imenso sofrimento para a pessoa acometida e em muitos casos podem levar o indivíduo a morte. Elas representam um obstáculo devastador para a saúde e continuam a ser um sério impedimento para a redução da pobreza e desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Das 17 doenças desse grupo, a leishmaniose, incluindo a leishmaniose cutânea, tem grande destaque devido sua alta incidência, os gastos para o tratamento e as complicações geradas em processos de coinfecção. Ainda mais agravante, os investimentos direcionados ao controle, combate e principalmente a inovação em novos produtos é ainda muito limitado. Atualmente, a academia tem um importante papel na luta contra essas doenças através da busca de novos alvos terapêuticos e também de novas moléculas com potencial terapêutico. É nesse contexto que esse projeto teve como meta a implantação de uma plataforma para a identificação de moléculas com atividade leishmanicida. Como alvo terapêutico, optamos pela utilização da enzima diidroorotato desidrogenase de Leishmania Viannia braziliensis (LbDHODH), enzima de extrema importância na síntese de novo de nucleotídeos de pirimidina, cuja principal função é converter o diidroorotato em orotato. Esta enzima foi clonada, expressa e purificada com sucesso em nosso laboratório. Os estudos permitiram que a enzima fosse caracterizada cineticamente e estruturalmente via cristalografia de raios- X. Os primeiros ensaios inibitórios foram realizados com o orotato, produto da catálise e inibidor natural da enzima. O potencial inibitório do orotato foi mensurado através da estimativa do IC50 e a interação proteína-ligante foi caracterizada através de estudos cristalográficos. Estratégias in silico e in vitro foram utilizadas na busca de ligantes, através das quais foram identificados inibidores para a enzima LbDHODH. Ensaios de validação cruzada, utilizando a enzima homóloga humana, permitiram identificar os ligantes com maior índice de seletividade que tiveram seu potencial leishmanicida avaliado in vitro contra as formas promastigota e amastigota de Leishmania braziliensis. A realização do presente projeto permitiu a identificação de uma classe de ligantes que apresentam atividade seletiva contra LbDHODH e que será utilizada no planejamento de futuras gerações de moléculas com atividade terapêutica para o tratamento da leishmaniose. Além disso, a plataforma de ensaios otimizada permitirá a avaliação de novos grupos de moléculas como uma importante estratégia na busca por novos tratamentos contra a leishmaniose


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Ce projet de recherche explore un nouveau mécanisme de régulation de l’activité du domaine HECT de la ligase Itch. Ce domaine est responsable de la polyubiquitylation des protéines impliquant le plus souvent leur dégradation par le protéasome. Itch est une ligase de l’ubiquitine de la famille CWH contenant un domaine HECT catalytique en C-terminal, quatre domaines WW, et un domaine C2 N-terminal qui est important pour sa localisation cellulaire. Les ligases CWH interagissent par leur domaine WW avec leurs ligands. Un mécanisme proposé pour ces ligases est que la première molécule d’ubiquitine liée au substrat active le domaine HECT de manière à former une chaine d’ubiquitine sur le substrat. Itch a une particularité dans la famille CWH, car elle possède un domaine riche en proline qui lui permet d’interagir avec plusieurs protéines à domaine SH3. Dans cette étude, nous avons déterminé l’effet de l’ubiquitylation initiale des protéines SH3 sur l’activité du domaine HECT de la ligase Itch, et sur la régulation de ces substrats.