204 resultados para Proteasomal Cleavages


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Ligand activation of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) induces several post-translational modifications (PTMs). Among the different PTMs, MR is known to be dynamically ubiquitylated with impact on its stability and transcriptional activity. Previously, we have shown that MR is monoubiquitylated at the basal state and that aldosterone stimulation induces monoubiquitylation removal prompting polyubiquitin-dependent destabilization of the receptor and proteasomal degradation. This study investigated the role of the aldosterone induced ubiquitin-specific protease USP2-45 on the ubiquitylation state of MR. METHODS: Renal epithelial cells M1 were co-transfected with MR with or without wild-type or inactive USP2-45. The association of MR with USP2-45 or TSG101 as well as MR ubiquitylation state were determined by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. MR transcriptional activity was assessed via a luciferase reporter gene. RESULTS: We show that USP2-45 is able to bind MR and, similarly to aldosterone, induce MR monoubiquitylation removal, disruption of MR/TSG101 association and destabilization of MR at protein level. CONCLUSION: This study provides a novel role for USP2-45 by playing a pivotal role in the regulation of the ubiquitylation state of MR and reveals the existence of a negative feedback loop for limiting the aldosterone induced response.


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Synthetic inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) antagonists induce degradation of IAP proteins such as cellular IAP1 (cIAP1), activate nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) signaling, and sensitize cells to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha). The physiological relevance of these discoveries to cIAP1 function remains undetermined. We show that upon ligand binding, the TNF superfamily receptor FN14 recruits a cIAP1-Tnf receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2) complex. Unlike IAP antagonists that cause rapid proteasomal degradation of cIAP1, signaling by FN14 promotes the lysosomal degradation of cIAP1-TRAF2 in a cIAP1-dependent manner. TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK)/FN14 signaling nevertheless promotes the same noncanonical NF-kappaB signaling elicited by IAP antagonists and, in sensitive cells, the same autocrine TNFalpha-induced death occurs. TWEAK-induced loss of the cIAP1-TRAF2 complex sensitizes immortalized and minimally passaged tumor cells to TNFalpha-induced death, whereas primary cells remain resistant. Conversely, cIAP1-TRAF2 complex overexpression limits FN14 signaling and protects tumor cells from TWEAK-induced TNFalpha sensitization. Lysosomal degradation of cIAP1-TRAF2 by TWEAK/FN14 therefore critically alters the balance of life/death signals emanating from TNF-R1 in immortalized cells.


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Abstract : Host-Cell Factor 1 (HCF-1) was first discovered in the study of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. HCF-1 is one of the two cellular proteins that compose the VP16-induced complex, a key activator of HSV lytic infection. lncleed, when HSV infects human cells, it is able to enter two modes of infection: lytic or latent. The V`P16-induced complex promotes the lytic mode and in so doing the virus targets important cellular regulatory proteins, such as HCF-1, to manipulate the status of the infected cell. Indeed, HCF-1 regulates human cell proliferation and the cell cycle at different steps. In human, HCF-1 is unusual in that it undergoes a process of proteolytic maturation that results from cleavages at six centrally located 26 amino acid repeats called HCF-1pro repeats. This generates a heterodimeric complex of stably associated amino- (HCF-1n) and carboxy- (HCF-1c) terminal subunits. The absence of the HCF-1 N or HCF-1; subunit leads predominantly to either G1 or M phase defects, respectively. We have hypothesized that HCF-1 forms a heterodimeric complex to permit communication between the two subunits of HCF-1 involved in regulating different phases of the cell cycle. Indeed, there is evidence for such inter-subunit communication because a point mutation called P134S in the HCF-1N subunit in the temperature-sensitive hamster cell line tsBN67 causes, addition to G1- phase defects associated with the HCF-1n subunit, M-phase defects similar to the defects seen upon loss of HCF-1 function. Furthermore, inhibition of the proteolytic maturation of HCF-1 by deletion of the six HCF-1pro repeats (HCF-1Aimo) also leads to M-phase defects, specifically cytokinesis defects leading to binucleation, indicating that there is loss of HCF-15 function in the absence of HCF-1 maturation. I demonstrate that individual point mutations in each of the six HCF-1pro repeats that prevent HCF-1 proteolytic maturation also lead to binucleation; however, this defect can be latgely rescued by the presence of just one HCF-1pRO sequence in I-ICF»1. These results argue that processing itself is important for the HCF-1g function. In fact, until now, the hypothesis was that the proteolytic processing per se is more important for HCF-1C function than the proteolytic processing region. But I show that processing per se is not sufticient to rescue multinucleation, but that the HCF-lpm sequence itself is crucial. This discovery leads to the conclusion that the I-ICF-1pRO repeats have an additional function important for HCF-le function. From the studies of others, one potential function of the HCF-lrxo tepeats is as a binding site for O-link NAcetyl glycosamine tansferase (OGT) to glycosylate an HCF-1n-sunbunit region called the Basic region. This new function suggests the Basic region of HCF-1n is also implicated in the communication between the two subunits. This inter-subunit communication was analyzed in more detail with the studies of the Pl34S mutation and the residues 382-450 region of HCF-l that when removed prevents HCF-l subunit association. I demonstrate that the point mutation also leads to a binucleation defect in Hela cells as well as in the tsBN67 cells. In addition, the effect of this mutation on the regulation of HCF-1c activity seems to interfere with that of the HCF-lpgg repeats because the sum of the deletion of the proteolytic processing region and the point mutation surprisingly leads to re-establishment of correct cytokinesis. The study of the 382-450 HCF-lN region also yielded surprising results. This region important for the association of the two subunits is also important for both HCF-1c function in M phase and G1 phase progression. Thus, I have discovered two main functions of this region: its role in the regulation of HCF-lc function in M phase and its involvement in the regulation of G1/S phase ?- an HCF-1n function. These results support the importance of inter-subunit communication in HCF-1 functions. My research illuminates the understanding of the interaction of the two subunits by showing that the whole HCF-1n subunit is involved in the inter-subunit communication in order to regulate HCF-1c function. For this work, I was concentrated on the study of cytokinesis; the first phenotype showing the role of HCF-1c in the M phase. Then, I extended the study of the M phase with analysis of steps earlier to cytokinesis. Because some defects in the chromosome segregation was already described in the absence of HCF-1, I decided to continue the study of M phase by checking effects on the chromosome segregation. I showed that the HCF-1n subunit and HCF-1pro repeats are both important for this key step of M phase. I show that the binucleation phenotype resulting from deletion or mutation in HCF-1pro repeats, Pl34S point mutation or the lack of the region 382-450 are correlated with micronuclei, and chromosome segregation and alignment defects. This suggests that HCF«lç already regulates M phase during an early step and could be involved in the complex regulation of chromosome segregation. Because one of the major roles of HCF-1 is to be a transcription regulator, I also checked the capacity of HCF-1 to bind to the chromatin in my different cell lines. All my recombinant proteins can bind the chromatin, except for, as previously described, the HCF-1 with the P134S point mutation, This suggests that the binding of HCF-1 to the chromatin is not dependant to the Basic and proteolytic regions but more to the Kelch domain. Thus, if the function of HCF-ig in M phase is dependant to its chromatin association, the intercommunication and the proteolytic region are not involved in the ability to bind to the chromatin but more to bind to the right place of the chromatin or to be associated with the co-factors. Résumé : L'étude de l'infection par le virus Herpes Simplex (HSV) a permis la découverte de la protéine HCF-1 (Host-Cell Factor). HCF-1 est une des protéines cellulaires qui font partie du complexe induit par VP16 ; ce complexe est la clef pour l'activation de la phase lytique de HSV. Afin de manipuler les cellules infectées, le complexe induit pas le VPIG devrait donc cibler les protéines importantes pour la régulation cellulaire, telles que la protéine HCF-1. Cette dernière s'avère donc être un senseur pour la cellule et devrait également jouer un rôle de régulation lors des différentes phases du cycle cellulaire. Chez l'humain, HCF-1 a la particularité de devoir passer par une phase de maturation pour devenir active. Lors de cette maturation, la protéine subit une coupure protéolytique au niveau de six répétitions composées de 26 acides aminés, appelé HCF-1pro repeats. Cette coupure engendre la formation d'un complexe formé de deux sous-unités, HCF-1n et HCF-1c, associées l'une à l'autre de façon stable. Enlever la sous-unité HCF-IN ou C entraîne respectivement des défauts dans la phase G1 et M. Nous pensons donc que HCF-1 forme un complexe hétérodimérique afin de permettre la communication entre les molécules impliquées dans la régulation des différentes phases du cycle cellulaire. Cette hypothèse est déduite suite à deux études: l'une réalisée sur la lignée cellulaire tsBN67 et l'autre portant sur l'inhibition de la maturation protéolytique. La lignée cellulaire tsBN67, sensible à la température, porte la mutation Pl 345 dans la sous-unité HCF-1n. Cette mutation, en plus d'occasionner des défauts dans la phase G1 (défauts liés à la sous-unité HCF-1N), a aussi pour conséquence d'entrainer des défauts dans la phase M, défauts similaires à ceux dus a la perte de la sous-unité HCF-1c. Quant à la maturation protéolytique, l'absence de la région de la protéolyse provoque la binucléation, défaut lié à la cytokinèse, indiquant la perte de la fonction de la sous-unité HCF-1c. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai démontré que des mutations dans les HCF-1=no repeats, qui bloquent la protéolyse, engendrent la binucléation ; cependant ce défaut peut être corrigé pas l'ajout d'un HCF-1pro repeat dans un HCF-1 ne contenant pas la région protéolytique. Ces résultats soutiennent l'idée que la région protéolytique est importante pour le bon fonctionnement de HCF-1c. En réalité jusqu'a maintenant on supposait que le mécanisme de coupure était plus important que la région impliquée pour la régulation de la fonction de HCF-1;. Mais mon étude montre que la protéolyse n'est pas suffisante pour éviter la binucléation ; en effet, les HCF-1pro repeats semblent jouer le rôle essentiel dans le cycle cellulaire. Cette découverte conduit à la conclusion que les HCF-1pro repeats ont sûrement une fonction autre qui serait cruciale pour la foncton de HCF-1c. Une des fonctions possibles est d'être le site de liaison de l'O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transférase (OGT) qui glycosylerait la région Basique de HCF-1n. Cette nouvelle fonction suggère que la région Basique est aussi impliquée dans la communication entre les deux sous- unités. L'intercommunication entre les deux sous-unités ai été d'ailleurs analysée plus en détail dans mon travail à travers l'étude de la mutation Pl34S et de la région 382-450, essentielle pour l'association des deux sous»unités. J'ai ainsi démontré que la mutation P134S entraînait aussi des défauts dans la cytokinése dans la lignée cellulaire Hela, de plus, son influence sur HCF-1c semble interférer avec celle de la région protéolytique. En effet, la superposition de ces deux modifications dans HCF-1 conduit au rétablissement d'une cytokinése correcte. Concernant la région 382 à 450, les résultats ont été assez surprenants, la perte de cette région provoque l'arrêt du cycle en G1 et la binucléation, ce qui tend à prouver son importance pour le bon fonctionnement de HCF-1n et de HCF-1c. Cette découverte appuie par conséquent l'hypotl1èse d'une intercommunicatzion entre les deux sous-unités mettant en jeu les différentes régions de HCF-1n. Grâce à mes recherches, j'ai pu améliorer la compréhension de l'interaction des deux sous-unités de HCF-1 en montrant que toutes les régions de HCF-1n sont engagées dans un processus d'intercommunication, dont le but est de réguler l'action de HCF-1c. J'ai également mis en évidence une nouvelle étape de la maturation de HCF-1 qui représente une phase importante pour l'activation de la fonction de HCF-1c. Afin de mettre à jour cette découverte, je me suis concentrée sur l'étude de l'impact de ces régions au niveau de la cytokinése qui fut le premier phénotype démontrant le rôle de HCF-1c dans la phase M. A ce jour, nous savons que HCF-1c joue un rôle dans la cytokinèse, nous ne connaissons pas encore sa fonction précise. Dans le but de cerner plus précisément cette fonction, j'ai investigué des étapes ultérieures ai la cytokinèse. Des défauts dans la ségrégation des chromosomes avaient déjà été observés, ai donc continué l'étude en prouvant que HCF-1n et les HCF-1pro repeats sont aussi importants pour le bon fonctionnement de cette étape clef également régulée par HCF-1c. J' ai aussi montré que la région 382-450 et la mutation P134S sont associées à un taux élevé de micronoyaux, de défauts dans la ségrégation des chromosomes. L'une des fonctions principales de HCF-1 étant la régulation de la transcription, j'ai aussi contrôlé la capacité de HCF-1 à se lier à la chromatine après insertion de mutations ou délétions dans HCF-1n et dans la région protéolytique. Or, à l'exception des HCF-1 contenant la mutation P134S, la sous-unité HCF-1c des HCF-1 tronquées se lie correctement à la chromatine. Cette constatation suggère que la liaison entre HCF-1c et chromatine n'est pas dépendante de la région Basique ou Protéolytique mais peut-être vraisemblablement de la région Kelch. Donc si le rôle de HCF-1c est dépendant de sa capacité â activer la transcription, l'intercommunication entre les deux sous-unités et la région protéolytique joueraient un rôle important non pas dans son habileté à se lier à la chromatine, mais dans la capacité de HCF-1 à s'associer aux co-facteurs ou à se placer sur les bonnes régions du génome.


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Research on individual social policy preferences has highlighted a number of socio-structural cleavages as determinants. Studies investigating public opinion on the various redistributive schemes that make up today's welfare states have shown the relevance of class-related factors such as income or education as key explanatory variables (Ferrera 1993; Taylor-Gooby 1995, 1998; and Svallfors 1997). More recent studies, however, have suggested that other factors are also likely to play a role. Among these, the most important are age, gender, and individual values (Armingeon 2006; Deitch 2004; and Roller 2000, 2002). The scenario that emerges from the existing literature is one of multiple intersecting cleavages, but it remains unclear as to what today is the relative weight and specific impact of each of these cleavages.


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We study the effect of civil conflict on social capital, focusing on Uganda's experience during the last decade. Using individual and county-level data, we document large causal effects on trust and ethnic identity of an exogenous outburst of ethnic conflicts in 2002-2005. We exploit two waves of survey data from Afrobarometer (Round 4 Afrobarometer Survey in Uganda, 2000, 2008), including information on socioeconomic characteristics at the individual level, and geo-referenced measures of fighting events from ACLED. Our identification strategy exploits variations in the both the spatial and ethnic intensity of fighting. We find that more intense fighting decreases generalized trust and increases ethnic identity. The effects are quantitatively large and robust to a number of control variables, alternative measures of violence, and different statistical techniques involving ethnic and spatial fixed effects and instrumental variables. Controlling for the intensity of violence during the conflict, we also document that post-conflict economic recovery is slower in ethnically fractionalized counties. Our findings are consistent with the existence of a self-reinforcing process between conflicts and ethnic cleavages.


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Many disorders are associated with altered serum protein concentrations, including malnutrition, cancer, and cardiovascular, kidney, and inflammatory diseases. Although these protein concentrations are highly heritable, relatively little is known about their underlying genetic determinants. Through transethnic meta-analysis of European-ancestry and Japanese genome-wide association studies, we identified six loci at genome-wide significance (p < 5 × 10(-8)) for serum albumin (HPN-SCN1B, GCKR-FNDC4, SERPINF2-WDR81, TNFRSF11A-ZCCHC2, FRMD5-WDR76, and RPS11-FCGRT, in up to 53,190 European-ancestry and 9,380 Japanese individuals) and three loci for total protein (TNFRS13B, 6q21.3, and ELL2, in up to 25,539 European-ancestry and 10,168 Japanese individuals). We observed little evidence of heterogeneity in allelic effects at these loci between groups of European and Japanese ancestry but obtained substantial improvements in the resolution of fine mapping of potential causal variants by leveraging transethnic differences in the distribution of linkage disequilibrium. We demonstrated a functional role for the most strongly associated serum albumin locus, HPN, for which Hpn knockout mice manifest low plasma albumin concentrations. Other loci associated with serum albumin harbor genes related to ribosome function, protein translation, and proteasomal degradation, whereas those associated with serum total protein include genes related to immune function. Our results highlight the advantages of transethnic meta-analysis for the discovery and fine mapping of complex trait loci and have provided initial insights into the underlying genetic architecture of serum protein concentrations and their association with human disease.


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A hallmark of group/species A rotavirus (RVA) replication in MA-104 cells is the logarithmic increase in viral mRNAs that occurs four-12 h post-infection. Viral protein synthesis typically lags closely behind mRNA synthesis but continues after mRNA levels plateau. However, RVA non-structural protein 1 (NSP1) is present at very low levels throughout viral replication despite showing robust protein synthesis. NSP1 has the contrasting properties of being susceptible to proteasomal degradation, but being stabilised against proteasomal degradation by viral proteins and/or viral mRNAs. We aimed to determine the kinetics of the accumulation and intracellular distribution of NSP1 in MA-104 cells infected with rhesus rotavirus (RRV). NSP1 preferentially localises to the perinuclear region of the cytoplasm of infected cells, forming abundant granules that are heterogeneous in size. Late in infection, large NSP1 granules predominate, coincident with a shift from low to high NSP1 expression levels. Our results indicate that rotavirus NSP1 is a late viral protein in MA-104 cells infected with RRV, presumably as a result of altered protein turnover.


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SUMMARY Both proteasomes and additional proteases play an essential role in the generation of most antigenic peptides presented by MHC class I molecules. Therefore, it is of major importance to characterize the mechanisms leading to the production of correct antigenic peptides to improve the design of vaccines. As a model determinant we used the melanoma-associated protein Melan-A, which contains the immunodominant CTL-epitope Melan-A26/27-35/HLA-A*0201 and against which a high frequency of T lymphocytes has been detected in many melanoma patients. In a first part, we have studied the effects of antigen processing on the induction of a specific T cell response in vivo. Our results have shown that the immunoproteasome, expressed in most cells after exposure to Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and constitutively in some specialized cells such as dendritic cells, does not efficiently process the HLA¬A2-restricted peptide Melan-A26-35. We have produced recombinant lentiviral vectors (rec. 1v) and vaccinia virus (rec. vv) encoding either preprocessed Melan-A26-35(A27L) peptide or full-length Melan-A(A27L). The immunization of HLA-A2/Kb mice with thoses viruses indicates that immunoproteasomes negatively affect the induction of anti-Melan-A T cell responses in animals immunized with vectors coding for the full- length protein. This negative effect was abrogated in HLA-A2/Kb LMP2-/- mice, lacking the immunoproteasomes. Therefore, we can conclude that the expression of immunoproteasomes limits the induction of the anti-Melan-A T cell response. In a second part, we show that the in vitro degradation of a Melan-A26/27-35 precursor by the proteasomes produces both the final antigenic peptide and N-terminally extended intermediates. When human melanoma cells expressing the corresponding fragments were exposed to specific CTL, those expressing the minimal antigenic sequence were recognized more efficiently than those expressing the N-terminally extended intermediates. We demonstrated that the N-terminally extended intermediates were inefficiently trimmed by cytosolic proteases. These results imply that both proteasomes and post-proteasomal peptidases influence the availability of antigenic peptides and that the efficiency of presentation may be affected by conditions that alter the ratio between fully and partially processed proteasomal products. RESUME Le protéasome ainsi que d'autres protéases jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'apprêtement de la plupart des peptides antigéniques présentés par les molécules de MHC classe I. Il est donc particulièrement important de connaître les mécanismes menant à la production du peptide antigénique correct afin de pouvoir mieux définir de futurs vaccins. Nous avons utilisé la protéine associée au mélanome, Melan-A, contenant un épitope immunodominant Melan-A26/27-35/HLA-A*0201 contre lequel une fréquence élevée de lymphocytes T a été detectée dans plusieurs patients atteints de mélanome. Dans une première partie, nous avons étudié les effets de l'apprêtement du peptide antigéniques Melan-A26-35 sur l'induction de cellules T spécifiques dans la souris. Nos résultats ont démontré que l'immunoprotéasome, exprimé dans la plupart des cellules après exposition à de l'IFN-γ et exprimé constitutivement dans certaines cellules spécialisées, telles les cellules dendritiques, n'apprête pas efficacement le peptide antigénique Melan-A26-35 restreint par HLA-A2 in vitro. Nous avons produit des vecteurs lentiviraux recombinants ainsi que des virus vaccinia codant pour le peptide antigénique Melan-A26-35(A27L) et pour la protéine entière Melan-A(A27L). L'immunisation de souris HLA-A2/Kb avec ces virus démontre que l'immunoprotéasome affecte négativement l'induction d'une réponse T contre Melan¬-A dans les souris immunisées avec des virus contenant la séquence de la protéine entière. Cet effet négatif est complètement aboli dans les souris HLA-A2/Kb LMP2-/- qui n'expriment pas l'immunoprotéasome. Deuxièmement, nous avons demontré que la dégradation d'un peptide précurseur contenant Melan-A26/27-35 par le protéasome produit à la fois le peptide antigénique ainsi que des peptides rallongés à leurs extrémités N-terminales. Lorsque ces fragments sont exprimés dans des cellules humaines et exposés à des cellules T cytotoxiques (CTL), celles qui expriment le peptide antigénique final sont reconnus plus efficacement que celles exprimant les peptides rallongés en N-terminus. Nous avons démontré que les peptides rallongés en N-terminus ne sont pas apprêtés efficacement par les peptidases du cytosol. L'inefficacité de l'apprêtement des peptides rallongés dans le cytosol offre un certain avantage pour les peptides directement produits par le protéasome. Ces résultats impliquent donc que le protéasome ainsi que les peptidases post-proteasomales influencent l'accessibilité des peptides antigéniques.


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The metalloprotease meprin has been implicated in tissue remodelling due to its capability to degrade extracellular matrix components. Here, we investigated the susceptibility of tenascin-C to cleavage by meprin beta and the functional properties of its proteolytic fragments. A set of monoclonal antibodies against chicken and human tenascin-C allowed the mapping of proteolytic fragments generated by meprin beta. In chicken tenascin-C, meprin beta processed all three major splicing variants by removal of 10 kDa N-terminal and 38 kDa C-terminal peptides, leaving a large central part of subunits intact. IN similar cleavage pattern was found for large human tenascin-C variant where two N-terminal peptides (10 or 15 kDa) and two C-terminal fragments (40 and 55 kDa) were removed from the intact subunit. N-terminal sequencing revealed the exact amino acid positions of cleavage sites. In both chicken and human tenascin-C N-terminal cleavages occurred just before and/or after the heptad repeats involved in subunit oligomerization. In the human protein, an additional cleavage site was identified in the alternative fibronectin type III repeat D. Whereas all these sites are known to be attacked by several other proteases, a unique cleavage by meprin beta was located to the 7th constant fibronectin type III repeat in both chicken and human tenascin-C, thereby removing the C-terminal domain involved in its anti-adhesive activity. In cell adhesion assays meprin beta-digested human tenascin-C was not able to interfere with fibronectin-mediated cell spreading, confirming cleavage in the anti-adhesive domain. Whereas the expression of meprin beta and tenascin-C does not overlap in normal colon tissue, inflamed lesions of the mucosa from patients with Crohn's disease exhibited many meprin beta-positive leukocytes in regions where tenascin-C was strongly induced. Our data indicate that, at least under pathological conditions, meprin beta might attack specific functional sites in tenascin-C that are important for its oligomerization and anti-adhesive activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This book addresses the debate on the democratic deficit of European foreign and defence policies. This debate revolves around two dimensions. The first one has to do with the accountability of CFSP institutions. Is the current degree of parliamentary oversight of these policies the most appropriate? Has the disengagement of national parliaments regarding European foreign policy been counterbalanced by giving sufficient powers to the European Parliament? And, regarding the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP), are national parliaments effectively controlling it? The second dimension of the debate is related to the wider question of whether the European Parliament is capable of legitimising EU policy outcomes. In the absence of a Europe-wide demos and of a true party system, what interests do Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) represent when dealing with foreign policy issues? Are there transnational cleavages in foreign policy or are they mainly national? Furthermore, is the European Parliament developing a transnational, autonomous stance on foreign policy issues, different from that of the Council or the Commission? The present volume is the result of the 2nd Meeting of the FORNET Working Group on “Evolution and Accountability of CFSP Institutions” organised by the Observatory of European Foreign Policy (Research line of the Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus), which took place in Barcelona, the 4 and 5 March 2005.


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The protease activity of the paracaspase Malt1 contributes to antigen receptor-mediated lymphocyte activation and lymphomagenesis. Malt1 activity is required for optimal NF-κB activation, but little is known about the responsible substrate(s). Here we report that Malt1 cleaved the NF-κB family member RelB after Arg-85. RelB cleavage induced its proteasomal degradation and specifically controlled DNA binding of RelA- or c-Rel-containing NF-κB complexes. Overexpression of RelB inhibited expression of canonical NF-κB target genes and led to impaired survival of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma cell lines characterized by constitutive Malt1 activity. These findings identify a central role for Malt1-dependent RelB cleavage in canonical NF-κB activation and thereby provide a rationale for the targeting of Malt1 in immunomodulation and cancer treatment.


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One of the challenges of tumour immunology remains the identification of strongly immunogenic tumour antigens for vaccination. Reverse immunology, that is, the procedure to predict and identify immunogenic peptides from the sequence of a gene product of interest, has been postulated to be a particularly efficient, high-throughput approach for tumour antigen discovery. Over one decade after this concept was born, we discuss the reverse immunology approach in terms of costs and efficacy: data mining with bioinformatic algorithms, molecular methods to identify tumour-specific transcripts, prediction and determination of proteasomal cleavage sites, peptide-binding prediction to HLA molecules and experimental validation, assessment of the in vitro and in vivo immunogenic potential of selected peptide antigens, isolation of specific cytolytic T lymphocyte clones and final validation in functional assays of tumour cell recognition. We conclude that the overall low sensitivity and yield of every prediction step often requires a compensatory up-scaling of the initial number of candidate sequences to be screened, rendering reverse immunology an unexpectedly complex approach.


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Objectives:  Neuropeptides are important signal initiators in advanced prostate cancer, partially acting through activation of nuclear factor kappa B. Central to nuclear factor kappa B regulation is the ubiquitin-proteasome system, pharmacological inhibition of which has been proposed as an anticancer strategy. We investigated the putative role of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib in neuropeptides signaling effects on prostate cancer cells. Methods:  Human prostate cancer cell lines, LNCaP and PC-3, were used to examine cell proliferation, levels of proapoptotic (caspase-3, Bad) and cell cycle regulatory proteins (p53, p27, p21), as well as total and phosphorylated Akt and p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase proteins. Furthermore, 20S proteasome activity, subcellular localization of nuclear factor kappa B and transcription of nuclear factor kappa B target genes, interleukin-8 and vascular endothelial growth factor, were assessed. Results:  Neuropeptides (endothelin-1, bombesin) increased cell proliferation, whereas bortezomib decreased proliferation and induced apoptosis, an effect maintained after cotreatment with neuropeptides. Bad, p53, p21 and p27 were downregulated by neuropeptides in PC-3, and these effects were reversed with the addition of bortezomib. Neuropeptides increased proteasomal activity and nuclear factor kappa B levels in PC-3, and these effects were prevented by bortezomib. Interleukin-8 and vascular endothelial growth factor transcripts were induced after neuropeptides treatment, but downregulated by bortezomib. These results coincided with the ability of bortezomib to reduce mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in both cell lines. Conclusions:  These findings are consistent with bortezomib-mediated abrogation of neuropeptides-induced proliferative and antiapoptotic signaling. Thus, the effect of the drug on the neuropeptides axis needs to be further investigated, as neuropeptide action in prostate cancer might entail involvement of the proteasome.


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The mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) plays a crucial role in the regulation of Na(+) balance and blood pressure, as evidenced by gain of function mutations in the MR of hypertensive families. In the kidney, aldosterone binds to the MR, induces its nuclear translocation, and promotes a transcriptional program leading to increased transepithelial Na(+) transport via the epithelial Na(+) channel. In the unliganded state, MR is localized in the cytosol and part of a multiprotein complex, including heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90), which keeps it ligand-binding competent. 17-Allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG) is a benzoquinone ansamycin antibiotic that binds to Hsp90 and alters its function. We investigated whether 17-AAG affects the stability and transcriptional activity of MR and consequently Na(+) reabsorption by renal cells. 17-AAG treatment lead to reduction of MR protein level in epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo, thereby interfering with aldosterone-dependent transcription. Moreover, 17-AAG inhibited aldosterone-induced Na(+) transport, possibly by interfering with MR availability for the ligand. Finally, we identified the ubiquitin-protein ligase, COOH terminus of Hsp70-interacting protein, as a novel partner of the cytosolic MR, which is responsible for its polyubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation in presence of 17-AAG. In conclusion, 17-AAG may represent a novel pharmacological tool to interfere with Na(+) reabsorption and hypertension.


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During the year 2011, Chile has been scenario of several student's demonstrations claiming for more equity in the access to the higher education. The high support to the protests by the side of the general population (nearly 89% of approval in public opinion polls) seems to suggest the existence of a large consensus about the weaknesses of the Chilean educative model, a model that would challenge the traditional ideals of meritocracy and social mobility that are at the core of the educational systems in modern societies. In this context, a question that remains open is to what extent these claims are mostly based on consensual equality ideals, or whether they are influenced by individual socio-economic determinants vis-à-vis rational motives. Using data of the social inequality module International Social Survey Program (ISSP) of 2009, this research analyzes perceptions and beliefs about education and the distributive system as well as the influence of income and educational variables, through a structural equation modeling framework. Preliminary results indicate the presence of socioeconomic cleavages in relation to the fairness of the educational system, questioning the assumption about a normative consensus.