960 resultados para Progettazione, CAD, recipienti in pressione


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La maladie des artères périphériques (MAP) se manifeste par une réduction (sténose) de la lumière de l’artère des membres inférieurs. Elle est causée par l’athérosclérose, une accumulation de cellules spumeuses, de graisse, de calcium et de débris cellulaires dans la paroi artérielle, généralement dans les bifurcations et les ramifications. Par ailleurs, la MAP peut être causée par d`autres facteurs associés comme l’inflammation, une malformation anatomique et dans de rares cas, au niveau des artères iliaques et fémorales, par la dysplasie fibromusculaire. L’imagerie ultrasonore est le premier moyen de diagnostic de la MAP. La littérature clinique rapporte qu’au niveau de l’artère fémorale, l’écho-Doppler montre une sensibilité de 80 à 98 % et une spécificité de 89 à 99 % à détecter une sténose supérieure à 50 %. Cependant, l’écho-Doppler ne permet pas une cartographie de l’ensemble des artères des membres inférieurs. D’autre part, la reconstruction 3D à partir des images échographiques 2D des artères atteintes de la MAP est fortement opérateur dépendant à cause de la grande variabilité des mesures pendant l’examen par les cliniciens. Pour planifier une intervention chirurgicale, les cliniciens utilisent la tomodensitométrie (CTA), l’angiographie par résonance magnétique (MRA) et l’angiographie par soustraction numérique (DSA). Il est vrai que ces modalités sont très performantes. La CTA montre une grande précision dans la détection et l’évaluation des sténoses supérieures à 50 % avec une sensibilité de 92 à 97 % et une spécificité entre 93 et 97 %. Par contre, elle est ionisante (rayon x) et invasive à cause du produit de contraste, qui peut causer des néphropathies. La MRA avec injection de contraste (CE MRA) est maintenant la plus utilisée. Elle offre une sensibilité de 92 à 99.5 % et une spécificité entre 64 et 99 %. Cependant, elle sous-estime les sténoses et peut aussi causer une néphropathie dans de rares cas. De plus les patients avec stents, implants métalliques ou bien claustrophobes sont exclus de ce type d`examen. La DSA est très performante mais s`avère invasive et ionisante. Aujourd’hui, l’imagerie ultrasonore (3D US) s’est généralisée surtout en obstétrique et échocardiographie. En angiographie il est possible de calculer le volume de la plaque grâce à l’imagerie ultrasonore 3D, ce qui permet un suivi de l’évolution de la plaque athéromateuse au niveau des vaisseaux. L’imagerie intravasculaire ultrasonore (IVUS) est une technique qui mesure ce volume. Cependant, elle est invasive, dispendieuse et risquée. Des études in vivo ont montré qu’avec l’imagerie 3D-US on est capable de quantifier la plaque au niveau de la carotide et de caractériser la géométrie 3D de l'anastomose dans les artères périphériques. Par contre, ces systèmes ne fonctionnent que sur de courtes distances. Par conséquent, ils ne sont pas adaptés pour l’examen de l’artère fémorale, à cause de sa longueur et de sa forme tortueuse. L’intérêt pour la robotique médicale date des années 70. Depuis, plusieurs robots médicaux ont été proposés pour la chirurgie, la thérapie et le diagnostic. Dans le cas du diagnostic artériel, seuls deux prototypes sont proposés, mais non commercialisés. Hippocrate est le premier robot de type maitre/esclave conçu pour des examens des petits segments d’artères (carotide). Il est composé d’un bras à 6 degrés de liberté (ddl) suspendu au-dessus du patient sur un socle rigide. À partir de ce prototype, un contrôleur automatisant les déplacements du robot par rétroaction des images échographiques a été conçu et testé sur des fantômes. Le deuxième est le robot de la Colombie Britannique conçu pour les examens à distance de la carotide. Le mouvement de la sonde est asservi par rétroaction des images US. Les travaux publiés avec les deux robots se limitent à la carotide. Afin d’examiner un long segment d’artère, un système robotique US a été conçu dans notre laboratoire. Le système possède deux modes de fonctionnement, le mode teach/replay (voir annexe 3) et le mode commande libre par l’utilisateur. Dans ce dernier mode, l’utilisateur peut implémenter des programmes personnalisés comme ceux utilisés dans ce projet afin de contrôler les mouvements du robot. Le but de ce projet est de démontrer les performances de ce système robotique dans des conditions proches au contexte clinique avec le mode commande libre par l’utilisateur. Deux objectifs étaient visés: (1) évaluer in vitro le suivi automatique et la reconstruction 3D en temps réel d’une artère en utilisant trois fantômes ayant des géométries réalistes. (2) évaluer in vivo la capacité de ce système d'imagerie robotique pour la cartographie 3D en temps réel d'une artère fémorale normale. Pour le premier objectif, la reconstruction 3D US a été comparée avec les fichiers CAD (computer-aided-design) des fantômes. De plus, pour le troisième fantôme, la reconstruction 3D US a été comparée avec sa reconstruction CTA, considéré comme examen de référence pour évaluer la MAP. Cinq chapitres composent ce mémoire. Dans le premier chapitre, la MAP sera expliquée, puis dans les deuxième et troisième chapitres, l’imagerie 3D ultrasonore et la robotique médicale seront développées. Le quatrième chapitre sera consacré à la présentation d’un article intitulé " A robotic ultrasound scanner for automatic vessel tracking and three-dimensional reconstruction of B-mode images" qui résume les résultats obtenus dans ce projet de maîtrise. Une discussion générale conclura ce mémoire. L’article intitulé " A 3D ultrasound imaging robotic system to detect and quantify lower limb arterial stenoses: in vivo feasibility " de Marie-Ange Janvier et al dans l’annexe 3, permettra également au lecteur de mieux comprendre notre système robotisé. Ma contribution dans cet article était l’acquisition des images mode B, la reconstruction 3D et l’analyse des résultats pour le patient sain.


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Musca domestica larvae display in anterior and middle midgut contents, a proteolytic activity with pH optimum of 3.0-3.5 and kinetic properties like cathepsin D. Three cDNAs coding for preprocathepsin D-like proteinases (ppCAD 1, ppCAD 2, ppCAD 3) were cloned from a M. domestica midgut cDNA library. The coded protein sequences included the signal peptide, propeptide and mature enzyme that has all conserved catalytic and substrate binding residues found in bovine lysosomal cathepsin D. Nevertheless, ppCAD 2 and ppCAD 3 lack the characteristic proline loop and glycosylation sites. A comparison among the sequences of cathepsin D-like enzymes from some vertebrates and those found in M. domestica and in the genomes of Aedes aegypti, Drosophila melanogaster, Tribolium castaneum, and Bombyx mori showed that only flies have enzymes lacking the proline loop (as defined by the motif: DxPxPx(G/A)P), thus resembling vertebrate pepsin. ppCAD 3 should correspond to the digestive cathepsin D-like proteinase (CAD) found in enzyme assays because: (1) it seems to be the most expressed CAD, based on the frequency of ESTs found. (2) The mRNA for CAD 3 is expressed only in the anterior and proximal middle midgut. (3) Recombinant procathepsin D-like proteinase (pCAD 3), after auto-activation has a pH optimum of 2.5-3.0 that is close to the luminal pH of M. domestica midgut. (4) Immunoblots of proteins from different tissues revealed with anti-pCAD 3 serum were positive only in samples of anterior and middle midgut tissue and contents. (5) CAD 3 is localized with immunogold inside secretory vesicles and around microvilli in anterior and middle midguit cells. The data support the view that on adapting to deal with a bacteria-rich food in an acid midgut region, M. domestica digestive CAD resulted from the same archetypical gene as the intracellular cathepsin D, paralleling what happened with vertebrates. The lack of the proline loop may be somehow associated with the extracellular role of both pepsin and digestive CAD 3. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents models that can be used in the design of microstrip antennas for mobile communications. The antennas can be triangular or rectangular. The presented models are compared with deterministic and empirical models based on artificial neural networks (ANN) presented in the literature. The models are based on Perceptron Multilayer (PML) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) ANN. RBF based models presented the best results. Also, the models can be embedded in CAD systems, in order to design microstrip antennas for mobile communications.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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This paper describes a case of a rehabilitation involving Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD-CAM) system in implant supported and dental supported prostheses using zirconia as framework. The CAD-CAM technology has developed considerably over last few years, becoming a reality in dental practice. Among the widely used systems are the systems based on zirconia which demonstrate important physical and mechanical properties of high strength, adequate fracture toughness, biocompatibility and esthetics, and are indicated for unitary prosthetic restorations and posterior and anterior framework. All the modeling was performed by using CAD-CAM system and prostheses were cemented using resin cement best suited for each situation. The rehabilitation of the maxillary arch using zirconia framework demonstrated satisfactory esthetic and functional results after a 12-month control and revealed no biological and technical complications. This article shows the important of use technology CAD/CAM in the manufacture of dental prosthesis and implant-supported.


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With the advancement of computer technology and the availability of technology computer aided design (CAD) errors in the designs are getting smaller. To this end the project aims to assess the reliability of the machine (CNC), which was designed by students of mechanical engineering college engineering - UNESP Bauru, by designing, modeling, simulation and machining an airfoil automotive. The profile template selected for the study will be a NACA 0012 machined plates in medium density fiberboard (MDF) and will be performed with a structural analysis simulation using finite elements and a software CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), and test the real scale model in a wind tunnel. The results obtained in the wind tunnel and CFD software will be compared to see the error in the machining process.


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Cathepsin L-like proteinases (CAL) are major digestive proteinases in the beetle Tenebrio molitor. Procathepsin Ls 2 (pCAL2) and 3 (pCAL3) were expressed as recombinant proteins in Escherichia coil, purified and activated under acidic conditions. Immunoblot analyses of different T. molitor larval tissues demonstrated that a polyclonal antibody to pCAL3 recognized pCAL3 and cathepsin L 3 (CAD) only in the anterior two-thirds of midgut tissue and midgut luminal contents of T. molitor larvae. Furthermore, immunocytolocalization data indicated that pCAL3 occurs in secretory vesicles and microvilli in anterior midgut Therefore CAL3, like cathepsin L 2 (CAL2), is a digestive enzyme secreted by T. molitor anterior midgut CAD hydrolyses Z-FR-MCA and Z-RR-MCA (typical cathepsin substrates), whereas CAL2 hydrolyses only Z-FR-MCA. Active site mutants (pCAL2C25S and pCAL3C265) were constructed by replacing the catalytic cysteine with serine to prevent autocatalytic processing. Recombinant pCAL2 and pCAL3 mutants (pCAL2C25S and pCAL3C26S) were prepared, crystallized and their 3D structures determined at 1.85 and 2.1 angstrom, respectively. While the overall structure of these enzymes is similar to other members of the papain superfamily, structural differences in the S2 subsite explain their substrate specificities. The data also supported models for CAL trafficking to lysosomes and to secretory vesicles to be discharged into midgut contents. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Computer aided design of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs) depends critically on active device models that are accurate, computationally efficient, and easily extracted from measurements or device simulators. Empirical models of active electron devices, which are based on actual device measurements, do not provide a detailed description of the electron device physics. However they are numerically efficient and quite accurate. These characteristics make them very suitable for MMIC design in the framework of commercially available CAD tools. In the empirical model formulation it is very important to separate linear memory effects (parasitic effects) from the nonlinear effects (intrinsic effects). Thus an empirical active device model is generally described by an extrinsic linear part which accounts for the parasitic passive structures connecting the nonlinear intrinsic electron device to the external world. An important task circuit designers deal with is evaluating the ultimate potential of a device for specific applications. In fact once the technology has been selected, the designer would choose the best device for the particular application and the best device for the different blocks composing the overall MMIC. Thus in order to accurately reproducing the behaviour of different-in-size devices, good scalability properties of the model are necessarily required. Another important aspect of empirical modelling of electron devices is the mathematical (or equivalent circuit) description of the nonlinearities inherently associated with the intrinsic device. Once the model has been defined, the proper measurements for the characterization of the device are performed in order to identify the model. Hence, the correct measurement of the device nonlinear characteristics (in the device characterization phase) and their reconstruction (in the identification or even simulation phase) are two of the more important aspects of empirical modelling. This thesis presents an original contribution to nonlinear electron device empirical modelling treating the issues of model scalability and reconstruction of the device nonlinear characteristics. The scalability of an empirical model strictly depends on the scalability of the linear extrinsic parasitic network, which should possibly maintain the link between technological process parameters and the corresponding device electrical response. Since lumped parasitic networks, together with simple linear scaling rules, cannot provide accurate scalable models, either complicate technology-dependent scaling rules or computationally inefficient distributed models are available in literature. This thesis shows how the above mentioned problems can be avoided through the use of commercially available electromagnetic (EM) simulators. They enable the actual device geometry and material stratification, as well as losses in the dielectrics and electrodes, to be taken into account for any given device structure and size, providing an accurate description of the parasitic effects which occur in the device passive structure. It is shown how the electron device behaviour can be described as an equivalent two-port intrinsic nonlinear block connected to a linear distributed four-port passive parasitic network, which is identified by means of the EM simulation of the device layout, allowing for better frequency extrapolation and scalability properties than conventional empirical models. Concerning the issue of the reconstruction of the nonlinear electron device characteristics, a data approximation algorithm has been developed for the exploitation in the framework of empirical table look-up nonlinear models. Such an approach is based on the strong analogy between timedomain signal reconstruction from a set of samples and the continuous approximation of device nonlinear characteristics on the basis of a finite grid of measurements. According to this criterion, nonlinear empirical device modelling can be carried out by using, in the sampled voltage domain, typical methods of the time-domain sampling theory.


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Uno dei principali ambiti di ricerca dell’intelligenza artificiale concerne la realizzazione di agenti (in particolare, robot) in grado di aiutare o sostituire l’uomo nell’esecuzione di determinate attività. A tal fine, è possibile procedere seguendo due diversi metodi di progettazione: la progettazione manuale e la progettazione automatica. Quest’ultima può essere preferita alla prima nei contesti in cui occorra tenere in considerazione requisiti quali flessibilità e adattamento, spesso essenziali per lo svolgimento di compiti non banali in contesti reali. La progettazione automatica prende in considerazione un modello col quale rappresentare il comportamento dell’agente e una tecnica di ricerca (oppure di apprendimento) che iterativamente modifica il modello al fine di renderlo il più adatto possibile al compito in esame. In questo lavoro, il modello utilizzato per la rappresentazione del comportamento del robot è una rete booleana (Boolean network o Kauffman network). La scelta di tale modello deriva dal fatto che possiede una semplice struttura che rende agevolmente studiabili le dinamiche tuttavia complesse che si manifestano al suo interno. Inoltre, la letteratura recente mostra che i modelli a rete, quali ad esempio le reti neuronali artificiali, si sono dimostrati efficaci nella programmazione di robot. La metodologia per l’evoluzione di tale modello riguarda l’uso di tecniche di ricerca meta-euristiche in grado di trovare buone soluzioni in tempi contenuti, nonostante i grandi spazi di ricerca. Lavori precedenti hanno gia dimostrato l’applicabilità e investigato la metodologia su un singolo robot. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di fornire prova di principio relativa a un insieme di robot, aprendo nuove strade per la progettazione in swarm robotics. In questo scenario, semplici agenti autonomi, interagendo fra loro, portano all’emergere di un comportamento coordinato adempiendo a task impossibili per la singola unità. Questo lavoro fornisce utili ed interessanti opportunità anche per lo studio delle interazioni fra reti booleane. Infatti, ogni robot è controllato da una rete booleana che determina l’output in funzione della propria configurazione interna ma anche dagli input ricevuti dai robot vicini. In questo lavoro definiamo un task in cui lo swarm deve discriminare due diversi pattern sul pavimento dell’arena utilizzando solo informazioni scambiate localmente. Dopo una prima serie di esperimenti preliminari che hanno permesso di identificare i parametri e il migliore algoritmo di ricerca, abbiamo semplificato l’istanza del problema per meglio investigare i criteri che possono influire sulle prestazioni. E’ stata così identificata una particolare combinazione di informazione che, scambiata localmente fra robot, porta al miglioramento delle prestazioni. L’ipotesi è stata confermata applicando successivamente questo risultato ad un’istanza più difficile del problema. Il lavoro si conclude suggerendo nuovi strumenti per lo studio dei fenomeni emergenti in contesti in cui le reti booleane interagiscono fra loro.


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The work of the present thesis is focused on the implementation of microelectronic voltage sensing devices, with the purpose of transmitting and extracting analog information between devices of different nature at short distances or upon contact. Initally, chip-to-chip communication has been studied, and circuitry for 3D capacitive coupling has been implemented. Such circuits allow the communication between dies fabricated in different technologies. Due to their novelty, they are not standardized and currently not supported by standard CAD tools. In order to overcome such burden, a novel approach for the characterization of such communicating links has been proposed. This results in shorter design times and increased accuracy. Communication between an integrated circuit (IC) and a probe card has been extensively studied as well. Today wafer probing is a costly test procedure with many drawbacks, which could be overcome by a different communication approach such as capacitive coupling. For this reason wireless wafer probing has been investigated as an alternative approach to standard on-contact wafer probing. Interfaces between integrated circuits and biological systems have also been investigated. Active electrodes for simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG) and electrical impedance tomography (EIT) have been implemented for the first time in a 0.35 um process. Number of wires has been minimized by sharing the analog outputs and supply on a single wire, thus implementing electrodes that require only 4 wires for their operation. Minimization of wires reduces the cable weight and thus limits the patient's discomfort. The physical channel for communication between an IC and a biological medium is represented by the electrode itself. As this is a very crucial point for biopotential acquisitions, large efforts have been carried in order to investigate the different electrode technologies and geometries and an electromagnetic model is presented in order to characterize the properties of the electrode to skin interface.


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L’obiettivo che ci si pone con la presente tesi è quello di descrivere la realizzazione e il funzionamento di un apparato per l’analisi volumetrica delle proprietà di immagazzinamento di idrogeno da parte di metalli. Dopo aver presentato le motivazioni che stanno ridirezionando l’attenzione della ricerca nel campo energetico verso l’idrogeno e aver dato una breve panoramica delle tecnologie di immagazzinamento e trasporto di questo potenziale vettore di energia alternativa e pulita, viene posta al centro dell’attenzione la tecnica di immagazzinamento allo stato solido dell’idrogeno (Solid State Hydrogen Storage), della quale vengono descritti i meccanismi fisico/chimici. In seguito viene presentato il metodo di analisi volumetrica per la caratterizzazione delle proprietà di immagazzinamento di idrogeno nei metalli e viene data una descrizione delle accortezze e delle considerazioni sperimentali fatte in fase di progettazione dello strumento. In conclusione, dopo avere mostrato la procedura di analisi dei campioni utilizzando lo strumento realizzato e il suo significato, vengono mostrati alcuni risultati ottenuti su un campione di idruro di magnesio e uno di palladio.


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Il gioco è un concetto che accompagna la vita di innumerevoli specie animali in forme, modi e tempi differenti. L’uomo scopre il gioco sin dai primi mesi di vita. Con l’obiettivo di migliorare la condizione emotiva dell'uomo nello svolgimento delle azioni quotidiane, nasce negli ultimi anni la gamification. Il termine consta nell’integrazione delle tecniche di progettazione dei giochi in contesti esterni ai giochi. Consiste nel progettare ponendo particolare attenzione sul coinvolgimento dell’utente per renderlo capace di sperimentare le emozioni tipiche dello svago: fierezza per le proprie azioni, qualunque esse siano. Gli ambiti di applicazione sono innumerevoli. Questa tesi si concentra sullo studio del contesto aziendale, focalizzandosi sulle mansioni di data entry, allo scopo di creare una piattaforma completa, composta da strumenti informatici ed elementi di gioco, che possa aumentare il coinvolgimento dei dipendenti nel proprio lavoro. Si è scelto questo tipo di attività in quanto composta da incarichi facilmente misurabili e allo stesso tempo poco appassionanti per il dipendente perché altamente meccanici e ripetitivi. La sperimentazione in questo ambito permette quindi di valutare con certezza matematica se i miglioramenti introdotti dall'integrazione delle tecniche di gamification nello stato d’animo dei dipendenti hanno anche la conseguenza di aumentare la produttività, verificando quindi se una piattaforma ludicizzata possa essere auto-sostenibile in ambito aziendale. Al termine della tesi si giungerà ad ottenere il progetto di un sistema completo, composto da software ed attività extra-informatiche, che i dipendenti valuteranno con un questionario. La piattaforma otterrà buoni voti necessitando principalmente di un maggior apporto contenutistico e del contributo professionale di un esperto progettista di giochi perché abbia le potenzialità per diventare un caso di successo.


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To retrospectively analyze the performance of a commercial computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) software in the detection of pulmonary nodules in original and energy-subtracted (ES) chest radiographs.


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Cardiogoniometry (CGM), a spatiotemporal electrocardiologic 5-lead method with automated analysis, may be useful in primary healthcare for detecting coronary artery disease (CAD) at rest. Our aim was to systematically develop a stenosis-specific parameter set for global CAD detection. In 793 consecutively admitted patients with presumed non-acute CAD, CGM data were collected prior to elective coronary angiography and analyzed retrospectively. 658 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria, 405 had CAD verified by coronary angiography; the 253 patients with normal coronary angiograms served as the non-CAD controls. Study patients--matched for age, BMI, and gender--were angiographically assigned to 8 stenosis-specific CAD categories or to the controls. One CGM parameter possessing significance (P < .05) and the best diagnostic accuracy was matched to one CAD category. The area under the ROC curve was .80 (global CAD versus controls). A set containing 8 stenosis-specific CGM parameters described variability of R vectors and R-T angles, spatial position and potential distribution of R/T vectors, and ST/T segment alterations. Our parameter set systematically combines CAD categories into an algorithm that detects CAD globally. Prospective validation in clinical studies is ongoing.