987 resultados para Professor-pupil interaction


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This paper has as subject autism, and sought to verify how the process of teaching and learning of students with autism occurs in a special education school. The Infantile Autism is today sorted as one of the “Global Developmental Disorders (PDD)” and is characterized by a severe and global impairment in several areas of development, such as reciprocal social interaction skills, communication skills and presence of stereotypic behavior, interests and activities. This study aimed to identify the teaching methodology used with adolescents with autism in special education and see in what ways this methodology assists in the teaching and learning of these students. To this end, participated in this study a teacher, expert in this issue, and three students with autism in a Special Education School located within the State of São Paulo. For data collection, 19 observations of activities performed by students with autism in the classroom were conducted and a semi-structured interview with the specialized teacher was applied. The results revealed that the teacher mentioned above does not use any specific teaching methodology to assist in the teaching and learning of these students, although there are some specific methodologies for individuals with autism, which are used in special education schools. Thus, there is a gap in the teaching process on the part of the teacher and an uncertainty about the learning process of these students with autism in this institution.


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The inclusive school consists of a school that thoroughly attends the diversity and, therefore, students with special educational needs, including the ones with physical dysfunction. The objective of this study was to identify the difficulties of a teacher in the process of school inclusion of the student with physical dysfunction in order to adapt learning resources, having adequate school furniture and to guide the teacher in specific situations. A teacher of early childhood education participated in this study. For data collection two half-structuralized interviews were used. The first obtained information concerning the teacher’s difficulties due to the motor aspects of the student with difficulty to access the curriculum. The second interview gathered information about the teacher’s perception of the partnership between the occupational therapist and the teacher in the perspective of the inclusive education. The data analysis of the first interview and the student case-study allowed elaborating occupational therapy strategies to minimize these difficulties.After elaborating the strategies, a second interview was performed. The data of this interview showed that based on the analysis and adequacy of the interaction between a person’s functional demands, the task and the environment, make it possible for the student to overcome satisfactorily the inherent challenges of the educational context, and detached the importance of the partnership of the teacher and occupational therapist in the whole process. It concludes that the pupil incapacity would not have manifested if there was an adequate environment to receive him.


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Individuals with autism are often unable to communicate through speech, and the ones that are able to speak sometimes cannot begin or to maintain a conversation. This article presents a case study that observed the communicative profile of a young student with autism interacting with his teacher during classroom activities using adapted PECS. The results demonstrated that the autistic student enhanced communicative initiatives in the interaction with his teacher, and the augmentative and alternative communication system was a facilitating tool used in the communicative learning process.


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Speech has been regarded as a social communicative modality required for building relationships in different contexts and cultures. Nevertheless, this is not always a readily available resource, especially for those who have developmental disorders. In this sense, Augmentative and Alternative Communication resources and strategies have been used by nonspeaking students with disabilities as useful tools to achieve greater social participation in different environments. Therefore, the present study examined the interaction between teachers and a student with cerebral palsy before and after the use of Alternative Communication strategies in the classroom. The study had a quantitative and qualitative nature and was designed as an intervention study. There were four main stages: 1) filming before the introduction of the resources in the classroom, 2) training the school teachers 3) providing technical assistance regarding the use of alternative communication to the child's teacher 4) filming teacher-student interactions using these technological resources. The interactions were transcribed and grouped into links. In this research, a link means the initiator's behavior directed to the exchange partner and the response in sequence from the interlocutor back to the initiator. It was found that the established interactions presented a maximum of four links, with greater frequency for episodes of 1st and 2nd links. After the intervention, there were different contexts with the presence of interactions up to the 6th link, often greater frequency for episodes of 1st, 2nd and 3rd links. In addition, the teacher showed a tendency to use symbols only as a tool for evaluating and teaching concepts. This perception changed as the teacher became familiarized with the Augmentative and Alternative Communication technology resources.


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Here we present an exploratory study on the subject of Physics and Music, discussing how this issue is addressed in two high schools belonging to state education network in Rio Claro – SP city. Initially, we conducted a critical analysis of the books that are used as the main tool to support the teacher in the classroom. Alert this analysis , it is possible to realize low-level content when we bring the topic into the classroom. Based in this analysis and an experimental class that was held as part of the course Teaching Practice and Supervised , the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity - UNESP Campus Rio Claro was an elaborate educational proposal related to Physics Teaching and Music with a thematic strategy different from the traditional approach , considering the use of experiments built with low cost (Ferreira and Ramos , 2008) materials , which can be an alternative to improve the teaching learning process student , because these experiments stimulate and provide a more dynamic and closer interaction with the objects class. We also seek to study, in greater depth , aspects of wave physics, discussing how a wave propagates in a string with its two fixed ends , which besides being a subject that is usually covered in books , is a phenomenon that is present in string instruments


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Autism is the theme of this study and the occurrence of the teaching-learning process of students with autism was observed. The study took place in a special education school. Nowadays, infantile Autism is classified as one of the “Development Global Disorders” and it is characterized by serious and global impairments in several aspects of the development, as the reciprocal social interaction, communication abilities and presence of behavioral stereotypes, interests and activities. Notwithstanding, these subjects present a triad of impairments concerning the development areas, such as: communication incapacity for social interaction and imagination, which affect directly the learning process. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify the teaching methodology employed for children with autism concerning special education and to verify in which aspects this methodology can help the teachinglearning process of those students. For this reason, a specialist teacher and three students with autism, of a special Education School, located in the interior of São Paulo state, took part in this study. For data collection, a total of 19 activities realized by the students with autism were observed inside the classroom. The specialized teacher answered a semi structured interview. The results demonstrated that the specialized teacher does not employ any specific teaching methodology, in order to help the teaching-learning process for those students, although there are some specific methodologies for children with autism, which are employed in special education schools. Nevertheless, it can be observed a lacuna concerning the teaching process employed by the teacher, and some uncertainly referring to the leaning process of those students with autism who attend that school


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article aims to show the results of an institutional research in Applied Linguistics, which tries to comprehend how the initial teaching practice occurs in diversely figured contexts of foreign language teaching-learning (on-site and virtual), as well as how such contexts may mutually favor and encourage reflective and critical training of the language teacher in/for a contemporary world. It´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (Spanish, English and Italian) teachers in initial training, especially regarding some aspects related to the teaching-learning languages process, such as roles of the participants; relevance of meaningful interaction; engaged cultures; teaching of a foreign language and mother tongue teaching as foreign one; teaching and learning typologically similar languages; constitution of the place to learn-teachIt´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (English, Italian and Spanish) teachers in pre-service education, especially about some aspects of language teaching and learning process, such as the role of the participants; the relevance of significant interactions; the involved cultures; the teaching of a foreign language and the teaching of the mother tongue as a foreign language; the teaching of similar languages as Portuguese and Spanish; and the constitution of the place of teaching and learning languages. The results indicate that the experience of experiencing the dynamics of a conventional didactic context of language teaching (classroom), alongside to the experience of teaching and learning in a context of virtual educational settings (teletandem), it was especially important for the critical training of the future language teachers and to the awareness about the practice of teaching languages in times of technological innovation.


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The new technologies have increasingly provided access to foreign languages and cultures and also to authentic communication. If we consider that the foreign languages teaching/learning process and teachers’ education can be enriched by telecollaboration, I believe it is necessary to observe the roles played by language teachers. Based on an ethnographic qualitative study carried out with Brazilian and foreign university students, this paper focuses on teletandem practice, a distance tandem modality carried out by audio and video conferences with resources such as Windows Live Messenger, Skype or ooVoo, to investigate roles played by language teachers in telecollaborative practice. The data were collected from (a) e-mails exchanged between the partners and between partners and the mediator-teacher; (b) DVDs of interaction sessions recordings; (c) written teletandem sessions recordings; (d) recordings of interviews between the partners and the researcher at ooVoo; (e) fi eld notes taken at Teletandem Laboratory at UNESP- Assis; and (f) participants’ written reports. The data analysis, from the hermeneutic interpretative perspective, revealed that the teacher is not ignored but is given new roles to maximize the process towards meaningful and intercultural learning.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Dissecting the Interaction of p53 and TRIM24 Aundrietta DeVan Duncan Supervisory Professor, Michelle Barton, Ph.D. p53, the “guardian of the genome”, plays an important role in multiple biological processes including cell cycle, angiogenesis, DNA repair and apoptosis. Because it is mutated in over 50% of cancers, p53 has been widely studied in established cancer cell lines. However, little is known about the function of p53 in a normal cell. We focused on characterizing p53 in normal cells and during differentiation. Our lab recently identified a novel binding partner of p53, Tripartite Motif 24 protein (TRIM24). TRIM24 is a member of the TRIM family of proteins, defined by their conserved RING, B-box, and coiled coil domains. Specifically, TRIM24 is a member of the TIF1 subfamily, which is characterized by PHD and Bromo domains in the C-terminus. Between the Coiled-coil and PHD domain is a linker region, 437 amino acids in length. This linker region houses important functions of TRIM24 including it’s site of interaction with nuclear receptors. TRIM24 is an E3-ubiquitin ligase, recently discovered to negatively regulate p53 by targeting it for degradation. Though it is known that Trim24 and p53 interact, it is not known if the interaction is direct and what effect this interaction has on the function of TRIM24 and p53. My study aims to elucidate the specific interaction domains of p53 and TRIM24. To determine the specific domains of p53 required for interaction with TRIM24, we performed co-immuoprecipitation (Co-IP) with recombinant full-length Flag-tagged TRIM24 protein and various deletion constructs of in vitro translated GST-p53, as well as the reverse. I found that TRIM24 binds both the carboxy terminus and DNA binding domain of p53. Furthermore, my results show that binding is altered when post-translational modifications of p53 are present, suggesting that the interaction between p53 and TRIM24 may be affected by these post-translational modifications. To determine the specific domains of TRIM24 required for p53 interaction, we performed GST pull-downs with in vitro translated, Flag-TRIM24 protein constructs and recombinant GST-p53 protein purified from E. coli. We found that the Linker region is sufficient for interaction of p53 and TRIM24. Taken together, these data indicate that the interaction between p53 and TRIM24 does occur in vitro and that interaction may be influenced by post-translational modifications of the proteins.


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INTERACTION BETWEEN BRK AND HER2 IN BREAST CANCER Midan Ai, Ph.D. Supervisory Professor: Zhen Fan, M.D. Breast tumor kinase (Brk) is a nonreceptor protein-tyrosine kinase that is highly expressed in approximately two thirds of breast cancers but is not detectable or is expressed at very low levels in normal mammary epithelium. Brk plays important roles in promoting proliferation, survival, invasion, and metastasis of breast cancer cells, but the mechanism(s) of which remain largely unknown. Recent studies showed that Brk is frequently co-overexpressed with human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2) and is physically associated with HER2 in breast cancer. The mechanism needs to be determined. In my studies, I found that high expression of HER2 is correlated with high expression of Brk in breast cancer cell lines. Silencing HER2 expression via RNA interference in HER2 over-expressed breast cancer cells resulted in Brk protein decrease and overexpression of HER2 in HER2 low-expressed breast cancer cells up-regulated Brk expression. The mechanism study indicated that overexpression of HER2 increased Brk protein stability. Brk was degraded through a Ca2+-dependent protease pathway involving calpain and HER2 stimulated Brk expression via inhibiting calpain activity. Calpastatin is a calpain endogenous inhibitor and the calpain-calpastatin system has been implicated in a number of cell physiological functions. HER2 restrained calpain activation via up-regulating calpastatin expression and HER2 downstream signaling, MAPK pathway, was involved in the regulation. Furthermore, silencing of Brk expression by RNA interference in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cells decreased HER2-mediated cell proliferation, survival, invasion/metastasis potential and increased cell sensitivity to HER2 kinase inhibitor, lapatinib, treatment, indicating that Brk plays important roles in regulating and mediating the oncogenic functions of HER2. The Stat3 pathway played important roles in Brk mediated cell survival and invasion/metastasis in the context of HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cells. However, transgenic mice with inducible expression of constitutively active Brk (CA) in the mammary epithelium failed to develop malignant change in the mammary glands after Brk induction for 15 months which indicated that expression of Brk protein alone was not sufficiently to induce spontaneous breast tumor. Bitransgenic mice with co-expression of HER2/neu and inducible expression of Brk in the mammary epithelium developed multifocal mammary tumors, but there were no significant difference in the tumor occurring time, tumor size, tumor weight and tumor multiplicity between the mouse group with co-expression of Brk and HER2/neu and the mouse group with HER2/neu expression only.


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O estudo objetivou entender como as mudanças que ocorrem na organização do trabalho interferem na maneira de o professor do ensino médio pensar e organizar o seu próprio trabalho. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo realizada com professores do Ensino Médio de uma escola estadual localizada num bairro da periferia do município de São Vicente, Estado de São Paulo. Contou-se com os estudos realizados por Harvey (2000), Castel (1998) e Sennett (2004) para entender como as transformações estão se processando no mundo do trabalho e como elas interferem nas condições de trabalho e vida do trabalhador. A organização da escola foi estudada a partir de Ferretti e Silva Júnior (2004) e a profissão docente, a partir das contribuições de Adorno (2003), Oliveira (2003, 2004) e Fanfani (2005). A metodologia adotada insere-se no contexto de uma pesquisa empírica, qualitativa do tipo etnográfico, de acordo com as definições de André (1995), e a coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de observação participante, questionários e entrevistas. Envolveu também estudo de documentos elaborados pela escola e referentes às legislações aplicadas ao ensino médio. Chegou-se à conclusão de que as conseqüências das transformações que ocorrem no mundo do trabalho chegam até a escola por vias diversas e acabam afetando a forma de esta organizar o seu trabalho. Ao chegarem até os professores elas são reinterpretadas e re-adaptadas. As representações que esses profissionais possuem acerca do trabalho e que são construídas ao longo de suas trajetórias de vida acabam interferindo nas interpretações que eles fazem sobre as transformações do mundo do trabalho, bem como na construção da identidade da própria profissão docente. No atual contexto de transformação do trabalho, muito há que se considerar nos caminhos que hoje se colocam como opção para a formação do professor. Esta pesquisa contou com o apoio da CAPES.(AU)


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O estudo objetivou entender como as mudanças que ocorrem na organização do trabalho interferem na maneira de o professor do ensino médio pensar e organizar o seu próprio trabalho. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo realizada com professores do Ensino Médio de uma escola estadual localizada num bairro da periferia do município de São Vicente, Estado de São Paulo. Contou-se com os estudos realizados por Harvey (2000), Castel (1998) e Sennett (2004) para entender como as transformações estão se processando no mundo do trabalho e como elas interferem nas condições de trabalho e vida do trabalhador. A organização da escola foi estudada a partir de Ferretti e Silva Júnior (2004) e a profissão docente, a partir das contribuições de Adorno (2003), Oliveira (2003, 2004) e Fanfani (2005). A metodologia adotada insere-se no contexto de uma pesquisa empírica, qualitativa do tipo etnográfico, de acordo com as definições de André (1995), e a coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de observação participante, questionários e entrevistas. Envolveu também estudo de documentos elaborados pela escola e referentes às legislações aplicadas ao ensino médio. Chegou-se à conclusão de que as conseqüências das transformações que ocorrem no mundo do trabalho chegam até a escola por vias diversas e acabam afetando a forma de esta organizar o seu trabalho. Ao chegarem até os professores elas são reinterpretadas e re-adaptadas. As representações que esses profissionais possuem acerca do trabalho e que são construídas ao longo de suas trajetórias de vida acabam interferindo nas interpretações que eles fazem sobre as transformações do mundo do trabalho, bem como na construção da identidade da própria profissão docente. No atual contexto de transformação do trabalho, muito há que se considerar nos caminhos que hoje se colocam como opção para a formação do professor. Esta pesquisa contou com o apoio da CAPES.(AU)