972 resultados para Professional field


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Esta tese é o resultado de uma pesquisa sobre o uso e a influência do dinheiro no que tange às questões existenciais, no contexto capitalista, ligadas ao trinômio: saúde, amor e espiritualidade. Para isso, foram analisados vários tipos de vínculo, afetivos ou não, existentes nas relações humanas, no âmbito da família, do mercado e do Estado, convergindo para a busca do sagrado que dá sentido e significado existenciais. O eixo teórico se localiza em uma interface entre as Ciências Sociais e a Psicologia Analítica, de Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), que expressa em sua obra a necessidade humana de encontrar a realização do ser pela conquista consciente de um estado de integração evolutiva. Esta dimensão integral existe quando é realizada a unificação dos vários aspectos do eu com o inconsciente, expressos teleologicamente no processo de individuação. O resultado da evolução científica e tecnológica, acrescido pela supremacia do mercado, abrange praticamente todas as esferas da vida humana, imprimindo uma importância excessiva ao dinheiro. Por exemplo, até o campo religioso foi invadido pela lógica monetária, que se instalou impondo uma atitude monetarizada nas práticas e ritos religiosos, como ocorre em algumas igrejas neopentecostais. Por sua vez, a supervalorização do dinheiro contribui para um processo que combina dessacralização e exclusão social, bem como para o aumento significativo de doenças em todas as instâncias em que as trocas deixaram de acontecer livremente. Com a interdição das trocas, a vida se esvai, comprometendo a evolução humana nas instâncias físicas, psíquicas, sociais, espirituais, familiares, afetivas ou profissionais. Como os desejos de lucro e de acúmulo impedem as trocas, a conquista da dimensão integral vai ficando sombreada até ser substituída pela anestesia do consumo, no sentido de aliviar, apesar de não eliminar, os sentimentos de angústia pela falta de sentido existencial. Busca-se neste trabalho o entendimento da razão pela qual o ser humano contemporâneo deixou de trocar livremente e passou a acumular, muitas vezes por meio de consumo do supérfluo, ficando à mercê de um mercado que pretende ser hegemônico, colocando inclusive o dinheiro como caminho de cura e salvação. Fizemos um levantamento das possibilidades que podem restar para a concretização de uma readequação do uso do dinheiro a serviço da individuação e da realização existencial.(AU)


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This chapter describes the development of sport psychology in Europe. Starting from the early years at the beginning of the 20th century, the contribution of European sport psychology in different cultural traditions to the development of this discipline is highlighted. The foundation of FEPSAC, the European Federation of Sport Psychology, and its role in this development are emphasised. During the first 20 years, Europe was a divided continent and the challenges were to establish a common understanding and possibilities for scientific exchange. After the fall of the Berlin wall and the change of the political landscape in Europe, central aims were to foster scientific exchange despite language difficulties, to develop a common understanding, to help young sport psychologists and to establish sport psychology as a professional field. In the new century, one group of challenges identified refers to unification, for example in education and training, in the services delivery, and in the structure. The second group of challenges relates to diversification, be it in the educational and vocational pathways, the different sports and physical activities, the inclusion of persons with special needs or background, or the publications.


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Objective To give an account of the views held by Australian veterinarians who work with horses on the future of their professional field. Method Questionnaires were mailed to 866 veterinarians who had been identified as working with horses, and 87% were completed and returned. Data were entered onto an Excel spreadsheet, and analysed using the SAS System for Windows. Results Their future prospects were believed to be very good or excellent by >60% of equine veterinarians but by only 30% of mixed practitioners seeing < 10% horses. The main factors believed likely to affect these prospects were the strength of the equine industries and the economic climate affecting horse owners, followed by the encroachment of cities into areas used for horses, competition from other veterinarians including specialist centres and from non-veterinary operators, and their ability to recruit and retain veterinarians with interest, experience and skill with horses. Urban encroachment, competition and recruitment were especially important for those seeing few horses. Concerns were also expressed about the competence and ethical behaviour of other veterinarians, the physical demands and dangers of horse work, the costs of providing equine veterinary services and of being paid for them, the regulatory restrictions imposed by governments and statutory bodies, the potential effects of litigation, and insurance issues. For many veterinarians in mixed practice these factors have reduced and are likely to reduce further the number of horses seen, to the extent that they have scant optimism about the future of horse work in their practices. Conclusion Economic and local factors will result in an increasing proportion of equine veterinary work being done in specialised equine centres, and the future of horse work in many mixed practices is, at best, precarious. A key factor influencing future prospects will be the availability of competent veterinarians committed to working with horses.


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Esta tese é o resultado de uma pesquisa sobre o uso e a influência do dinheiro no que tange às questões existenciais, no contexto capitalista, ligadas ao trinômio: saúde, amor e espiritualidade. Para isso, foram analisados vários tipos de vínculo, afetivos ou não, existentes nas relações humanas, no âmbito da família, do mercado e do Estado, convergindo para a busca do sagrado que dá sentido e significado existenciais. O eixo teórico se localiza em uma interface entre as Ciências Sociais e a Psicologia Analítica, de Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), que expressa em sua obra a necessidade humana de encontrar a realização do ser pela conquista consciente de um estado de integração evolutiva. Esta dimensão integral existe quando é realizada a unificação dos vários aspectos do eu com o inconsciente, expressos teleologicamente no processo de individuação. O resultado da evolução científica e tecnológica, acrescido pela supremacia do mercado, abrange praticamente todas as esferas da vida humana, imprimindo uma importância excessiva ao dinheiro. Por exemplo, até o campo religioso foi invadido pela lógica monetária, que se instalou impondo uma atitude monetarizada nas práticas e ritos religiosos, como ocorre em algumas igrejas neopentecostais. Por sua vez, a supervalorização do dinheiro contribui para um processo que combina dessacralização e exclusão social, bem como para o aumento significativo de doenças em todas as instâncias em que as trocas deixaram de acontecer livremente. Com a interdição das trocas, a vida se esvai, comprometendo a evolução humana nas instâncias físicas, psíquicas, sociais, espirituais, familiares, afetivas ou profissionais. Como os desejos de lucro e de acúmulo impedem as trocas, a conquista da dimensão integral vai ficando sombreada até ser substituída pela anestesia do consumo, no sentido de aliviar, apesar de não eliminar, os sentimentos de angústia pela falta de sentido existencial. Busca-se neste trabalho o entendimento da razão pela qual o ser humano contemporâneo deixou de trocar livremente e passou a acumular, muitas vezes por meio de consumo do supérfluo, ficando à mercê de um mercado que pretende ser hegemônico, colocando inclusive o dinheiro como caminho de cura e salvação. Fizemos um levantamento das possibilidades que podem restar para a concretização de uma readequação do uso do dinheiro a serviço da individuação e da realização existencial.(AU)


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015


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In the new social media context, it is gradually more common to say that each party can itself be considered a media content provider, firms included (through their brand pages). This tendency is reflected in a rising professional field called “content marketing”. This study incorporates the perspective of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into the scope of social media (SM) as a marketing communications and media content distribution system. In an exploratory content analysis of 20 official SM brand pages with 1281 analyzed posts the authors study how SMEs respond to the advent of a new paradigm of marketing communications with special attention to their usage of media-specific contents. SM impels companies to eventually rethink the traditional one-way communication flow of their marketing messages and to incorporate a new, two-way communication into their marketing strategy, where (their engaged and involved) users can create, modify, share and discuss content related to the firm’s activity. This study’s preliminary results show that diffusing content generally acts for SMEs as a facilitator to involve fans by offering a thematized space for them to manifest themselves in company-related topics. Therefore, content adds to the firms’ possibilities of brand positioning by offering a reflection of fans’ company- and contentrelated behavior, which is a supplementary source of information.


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The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between teaching readiness and teaching excellence with three variables of preparedness of adjunct professors teaching career technical education courses through student surveys using a correlational design of two statistical techniques; least-squares regression and one-way analysis of variance. That is, the research tested the relationship between teacher readiness and teacher excellence with the number of years teaching, the number of years of experience in the professional field and exposure to teaching related professional development, referred to as variables of preparedness.^ The results of the research provided insight to the relationship between the variables of preparedness and student assessment of their adjunct professors. Concerning the years of teaching experience, this research found a negative inverse relationship with how students rated their professors' teaching readiness and excellence. The research also found no relationship between years of professional experience and the students' assessment. Lastly, the research found a significant positive relationship between the amount of teaching related professional development taken by an adjunct professor and the students' assessment in teaching readiness and excellence.^ This research suggests that policies and practices at colleges should address the professional development needs of adjunct professors. Also, to design a model that meets the practices of inclusion for adjunct faculty and to make professional development a priority within the organization. Lastly, implement that model over time to prepare adjuncts in readiness and excellence. ^


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The conceptual notion of accreditation is as specialized, complex, and diverse as is the field of hospitality management education. Before an argument can be made for or against accreditation within the professional field of hospitality management, a common understanding of accreditation must be achieved. The following article, the first of a two-part series, is intended to expand the reader's knowledge of the accreditation process. Part two will discuss its relationship to hospitality management education at the college or university level.


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Em Portugal, as iniciativas no âmbito da conciliação trabalho-família e a igualdade entre mulheres e homens têm-se fortificado nos últimos anos. A presente dissertação estuda as “Representações e atitudes sobre igualdade de género dos funcionários e funcionárias de um município português”, tendo partido do desafio de acompanhamento de um processo de planeamento e mudança organizacional - Plano para a igualdade de género - para a eliminação da desigualdade de género numa Câmara do interior centro do país. Analisaram-se os dados de um inquérito por questionário respondido por 206 colaboradores/as da autarquia, dos quais 51,2% são homens e 48,8% mulheres. Com uma escala composta de 34 itens procurámos conhecer a extensão e a expressão dos valores e da estereotipia de género, bem como o reconhecimento da desigualdade e o acolhimento de práticas e políticas igualitárias por parte deste universo. Concluiu-se que ao mesmo tempo que já se admite e se aceita cada vez mais o facto de numa família, os dois cônjuges trabalharem fora e se dedicarem a uma carreira profissional, ainda está presente nas pessoas inquiridas a ideia de que as tarefas vinculadas ao âmbito doméstico são responsabilidades das mulheres, ainda que elas já recebam auxílio dos seus companheiros. Assim, percebemos que embora o mundo público seja cada vez mais ocupado por mulheres, ainda se vincula o espaço “profissional” aos homens e as responsabilidades ligadas ao lar e aos filhos às mulheres. Foi também possível concluir uma forte estereotipia de género que justifica de forma essencialista aquilo que são, na realidade, efeitos da desigualdade de género. Este diagnóstico permitiu desenhar um plano de formação organizacional com enfoque no combate à estereotipia de género e seus efeitos nefastos na gestão das pessoas, na igualdade de oportunidades e no desenvolvimento organizacional. / In Portugal, the initiatives in the scope of the bond work-family and the equity between men and women have been strengthened in the last few years. The present thesis studies the “Representations and attitudes about gender equity between men and women employees of a Portuguese city”, that started with the challenge of overlooking a process of planning and organizational change – Plan for gender equity – in order to eliminate the gender inequity within a City Hall in the interior of the country. Data collected from a questionnaire was analysed. This questionnaire was answered by 206 City Hall employees, of which 51,2% are men and 48,8% are women. With a scale composed of 34 items we sought to understand the extent and the expression of the values and gender stereotyping, as well as the inequity acknowledgement and the reception of equity practices and policies by this universe of people. It is concluded that although, more and more, it is allowed and accepted that in a family both spouses work and dedicate themselves to a professional career, within the people surveyed the idea that the household chores are of the women’s responsibility is still present, the “professionalfield is still linked to the men and the responsibilities related to the home and the children are linked to the women. It was also possible to conclude that a strong gender stereotyping justifies, in an essentialist way, what are, in reality, the effects of gender inequity. This diagnosis enabled the design of an organizational training program, with the emphasis on the battle against gender stereotyping and its adverse effects in people management, in equal opportunities between men and women and in the organizational development.


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This paper examines, through case studies, the organization of the production process of architectural projects in architecture offices in the city of Natal, specifically in relation to building projects. The specifics of the design process in architecture, the production of the project in a professional field in Natal, are studied in light of theories of design and its production process. The survey, in its different phases, was conducted between March 2010 and September 2012 and aimed to identify, understand, and analyze comparatively, by mapping the design process, the organization of production of building projects in two offices in Natal, checking as well the relationships of their agents during the process. The project was based on desk research and exploration, adopting, for both, data collection tools such as forms, questionnaires, and interviews. With the specific aim of mapping the design process, we adopted a technique that allows obtaining the information directly from employee agents involved in the production process. The technique consisted of registering information by completing daily, during or at the end of the workday, an individual virtual agenda, in which all agent collaborators described the tasks performed. The data collected allowed for the identification of the organizational structure of the office, its hierarchy, the responsibilities of agents, as well as the tasks performed by them during the two months of monitoring at each office. The research findings were based on analyses of data collected in the two offices and on comparative studies between the results of these analyses. The end result was a diagnostic evaluation that considered the level of organization and elaborated this perspective, as well as proposed solutions aimed at improving both the organization of the process and the relationships between the agents under the lens analyzed


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Framed on a wider project on Individual Human Resource Management and Development (HRMD), this project aims to explore Individual Career Management and Development (CMD) as an emergent professional field of HRMD.


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Atendendo ao lugar que atualmente a Língua Portuguesa (LP) ocupa no Mundo e ao crescente interesse da sua aprendizagem, é importante pugnar por uma consciencialização mais efetiva desta realidade junto dos alunos das nossas instituições de Ensino Básico e Secundário. A LP apresenta atualmente todas as condições para ser uma das protagonistas na economia mundial (Reto,2012). A explosão demográfica sentida em alguns dos países lusófonos, bem como o crescimento económico de outros tornam a LP a “nova linguagem do poder e do comércio”, tal como a designou Steve Bloomfield da revista Monocle Magazine, 57 (6), no artigo "A nova linguagem do poder e do comércio", em outubro de 2012. Se acrescentarmos que os seus falantes se encontram espalhados pelo planeta, adicionamos mais uma vantagem competitiva desta língua. Nesta perspetiva, realizou-se um estudo numa turma de Português do 10º ano do Ensino Secundário, Curso Profissional de Técnico de Comércio, numa escola em Aveiro, com uma amostra de quinze alunos. Para tal, na senda de uma coerência interna da investigação (Quivy e Campenhoudt, 2013), partimos dos objetivos, quer de natureza investigativa (Analisar os conhecimentos dos alunos sobre a realidade da lusofonia), quer de índole pedagógico-didática (Refletir e aprofundar conhecimentos sobre a diversidade linguística da LP e a importância destes conhecimentos na aprendizagem desta língua; Promover a valorização da diversidade linguística da LP). Os objetivos específicos do estudo empírico desta investigação passaram pela análise e pelo diagnóstico dos conhecimentos globais dos alunos sobre a realidade da lusofonia e ainda pelo (re)conhecimento das suas representações sobre o valor e o peso de importância da LP no contexto global das restantes línguas de conhecer as representações dos alunos sobre a LP, sobre as suas potencialidades e sobre a importância da lusofonia para a afirmação do valor desta língua. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um desconhecimento das línguas do mundo e do lugar ocupado pela LP nesse contexto. Para além disso, estes estudantes revelam uma visão eurocêntrica da LP, negligenciando as restantes variedades geográficas e culturais. Também relativamente ao ensino da língua, em termos pessoais atribuem-lhe algum reconhecimento, embora este seja mais evidente no domínio profissional. Tudo isto reforça a premência de um papel ativo dos professores na militância pelo reconhecimento da notoriedade da importância da LP no mundo atual.


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O domínio do conhecimento científico é historicamente masculino. Mesmo com a crescente inserção das mulheres nesse campo, pode-se dizer que a lógica de fazer ciência ainda está pautada em valores masculinizados. Nosso trabalho pretende mapear a percepção das engenheiras sobre suas escolhas pelas ciências exatas e por um campo profissional tradicionalmente masculino, a engenharia. A nossa hipótese de trabalho inicial afirmava que as escolhas das engenheiras durante sua trajetória acadêmica e profissional são dificultadas pela forte tendência à perpetuação da divisão sexual da educação superior, da ciência e do trabalho. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi desvendar os argumentos que levam à naturalização da separação entre cursos de homens e cursos de mulheres, áreas de trabalho femininas e masculinas ainda que dentro da mesma área do saber ou do campo profissional. Para tanto, foi realizado estudo qualitativo com entrevistas semiestruturadas à sete engenheiras de diferentes áreas de uma empresa estatal, sociedade anônima de economia mista, com sede no Distrito Federal, atuante no serviço público de energia elétrica. Observou-se a perpetuação da divisão sexual horizontal e vertical da ciência, tecnologia e do trabalho, que se reinventa nas trajetórias traçadas pelas engenheiras, formando guetos “permitidos” às mulheres, ainda que dentro da própria engenharia. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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This paper examines, through case studies, the organization of the production process of architectural projects in architecture offices in the city of Natal, specifically in relation to building projects. The specifics of the design process in architecture, the production of the project in a professional field in Natal, are studied in light of theories of design and its production process. The survey, in its different phases, was conducted between March 2010 and September 2012 and aimed to identify, understand, and analyze comparatively, by mapping the design process, the organization of production of building projects in two offices in Natal, checking as well the relationships of their agents during the process. The project was based on desk research and exploration, adopting, for both, data collection tools such as forms, questionnaires, and interviews. With the specific aim of mapping the design process, we adopted a technique that allows obtaining the information directly from employee agents involved in the production process. The technique consisted of registering information by completing daily, during or at the end of the workday, an individual virtual agenda, in which all agent collaborators described the tasks performed. The data collected allowed for the identification of the organizational structure of the office, its hierarchy, the responsibilities of agents, as well as the tasks performed by them during the two months of monitoring at each office. The research findings were based on analyses of data collected in the two offices and on comparative studies between the results of these analyses. The end result was a diagnostic evaluation that considered the level of organization and elaborated this perspective, as well as proposed solutions aimed at improving both the organization of the process and the relationships between the agents under the lens analyzed


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The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between teaching readiness and teaching excellence with three variables of preparedness of adjunct professors teaching career technical education courses through student surveys using a correlational design of two statistical techniques; least-squares regression and one-way analysis of variance. That is, the research tested the relationship between teacher readiness and teacher excellence with the number of years teaching, the number of years of experience in the professional field and exposure to teaching related professional development, referred to as variables of preparedness. The results of the research provided insight to the relationship between the variables of preparedness and student assessment of their adjunct professors. Concerning the years of teaching experience, this research found a negative inverse relationship with how students rated their professors’ teaching readiness and excellence. The research also found no relationship between years of professional experience and the students’ assessment. Lastly, the research found a significant positive relationship between the amount of teaching related professional development taken by an adjunct professor and the students’ assessment in teaching readiness and excellence. This research suggests that policies and practices at colleges should address the professional development needs of adjunct professors. Also, to design a model that meets the practices of inclusion for adjunct faculty and to make professional development a priority within the organization. Lastly, implement that model over time to prepare adjuncts in readiness and excellence.