997 resultados para Products demand


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Studies on innovation and technology management have emphasized the importance of integration between the research and development (R&D) department and others involved with the product development process (PDP) as a relevant practice for the good performance of technological innovation of product activities. This study addresses the topic of transfers of technologies to new product projects and also integration practices between the R&D department and others involved with the PDP. A qualitative study was conducted that was operationalized through two case studies at large high-tech companies: One is Brazilian and the other is a multinational subsidiary in Brazil. Among its main result, this paper represents and analyzes management practices that are favorable to integration in product development projects that demand development and transfer of technologies, such as: participation of R&D personnel in market activities, the adoption of virtual interaction mechanisms, and the application of methods such as technology roadmaps. © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This doctoral dissertation is triggered by an emergent problem: how can firms reinvent themselves? Continuity- and change-oriented decisions fundamentally shape overtime the activities and potential revenues of organizations and other adaptive systems, but both types of actions draw upon limited resources and rely on different organizational routines and capabilities. Most organizations appear to have difficulties in making tradeoffs, so that it is easier to overinvest in one of them than to successfully achieve a mixture of both. Nevertheless, theory and empirical evidence suggest that too little of either may reduce performance, indicating a need to learn more about how organizations reconcile these tensions. In the first paper, I moved from the consideration that rapid changes in competitive environments increasingly require firms to be “ambidextrous” implementing organizational mechanisms and structures that allow continuity- and change-oriented activities to be engaged at the same time. More specifically, I show that continuity- and change-related decisions can’t be confined either inside or outside the firm, but span overtime across distinct decision domains located within and beyond the organizational boundaries. Reconciling static and dynamic perspectives of ambidexterity, I conceptualize a firm’s strategy as a bundle of decisions about product attributes and components of the production team, proposing a multidimensional and dynamic model of structural ambidexterity that explains why and how firms could manage conflicting pressures for continuity and change in the context of new products. In the second study I note how rigorous systematic evidence documenting the success of ambidextrous organizations is lacking, and there has been very little investigation of how firms deal with continuity and change in new products. How to manage the transition form a successful product to another? What to change and what to keep? Incumbents that deal with series of products over time need to update their offerings in order to have the most relevant attributes to prospect clients without disappoint the current customer base. They need to both match and anticipate consumers’ preferences, blending something old with something new to satisfy the current demand and enlarge the herd by appealing to newer audiences. This paper contributes to strategic renewal and ambidexterity-related research with the first empirically assessment of a positive consumer response to ambidexterity in new products. Also, this study provides a practical method to monitor overtime the degree to which a brand or a firm is continuity- or change- oriented and evaluate different strategy profiles across two decision domains that play a pivotal role in new products: product attributes and components of the production team.


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The demand of minimally processed fruits and vegetables has increased in the last years. However, their intrinsic characteristics may favor the growth of pathogens and spoilage microbiota. The negative effects on human health reported for some traditional chemical sanitizers have justified the search for substitutes to guarantee food safety and quality. In this work we have evaluate the potential of some essential oils and their components to improve the safety and the shelf life of Lamb’s lettuce (Valerianella locusta) and apples (Golden delicious). Moreover, the effects of selected lactic acid bacteria alone or in combination with essential oils or their components, on the shelf-life and safety as well as organoleptic properties of minimally processed products, were evaluated. Since the lack of knowledge of microbial cell targets of essential oils represent one of the most important limit to the use of these molecules at industrial level, another aim of this thesis was the study of the action mechanisms of essential oils and their components. The results obtained showed the beneficial effects of the natural antimicrobials as well as the selected lactic acid bacteria on minimally processed fruit and vegetable safety and shelf-life, without detrimental effects on the quality parameters. The beneficial effects obtained by the use of the selected biocontrol agents were further increased combining them with selected natural antimicrobials. The natural antimicrobial employed induced noticeable modifications of membrane fatty acid profiles and volatile compounds produced by microbial cells during the growth. The modification of the expression in genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis suggesting that the cytoplasmic membrane of microbial cells is one of the major cellular target of essential oils and their components. The comprehension of microbial stress response mechanisms can contribute to the scaling up of natural antimicrobials and bio-control agents at industrial level.


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International production fragmentation has been a global trend for decades, becoming especially important in Asia where the manufacturing process is fragmented into stages and dispersed around the region. This paper examines the effects of input and output tariff reductions on labor demand elasticities at the firm level. For this purpose, we consider a simple heterogenous firm model in which firms are allowed to export their products and to use imported intermediate inputs. The model predicts that only productive firms can use imported intermediate inputs (outsourcing) and tend to have larger constant-output labor demand elasticities. Input tariff reductions would lower the factor shares of labor for these productive firms and raise conditional labor demand elasticities further. We test these empirical predictions, constructing Chinese firm-level panel data over the 2000--2006 period. Controlling for potential tariff endogeneity by instruments, our empirical studies generally support these predictions.


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Microinsurance is widely considered an important tool for sustainable poverty reduction, especially in the face of increasing climate risk. Although index-based microinsurance, which should be free from the classical incentive problems, has attracted considerable attention, uptake rates have generally been weak in low-income rural communities. We explore the purchase patterns of index-based livestock insurance in southern Ethiopia, focusing in particular on the role of accurate product comprehension and price, including the prospective impact of temporary discount coupons on subsequent period demand due to price anchoring effects. We find that randomly distributed learning kits contribute to improving subjects' knowledge of the products; however, we do not find strong evidence that the improved knowledge per se induces greater uptake. We also find that reduced price due to randomly distributed discount coupons has an immediate, positive impact on uptake, without dampening subsequent period demand due to reference-dependence associated with price anchoring effects.


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Purpose: This paper aims to propose models that capture the own effect of price promotions of virtue and vice products on sales and cross effects within the subcategory, between subcategories and between periods. The hypotheses assume that, due to reverse consumption self-control, the demand for vice products is more price-sensitive than demand for virtue products, but the demand for vice products is less price-sensitive between periods than demand for virtue products; furthermore, due to the degree of impulse-buying and to licensing, the demand sensitivity of the products of a subcategory and of those of other subcategories varies according to the type of promoted product (vice or virtue). Design/methodology/approach: The methodology is based on different econometrical models that estimate the total net effect of price promotions of virtue and vice products on sales. Findings: The results show a greater own effect for price promotions of vice products than for virtue products. However, the complementary sales effect between subcategories for virtue products facilitates greater expansion of the subcategory in virtue products than in vice products. Originality/value: Although price promotions of virtue products (light) and vice products (regular) have proliferated in recent years, researchers have only estimated their own sales effect. Alternatively, the paper contributes by considering own and cross effects.


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Cover title.


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Includes bibliographical references (p. 134-137).


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The Project arose during a period in which the World was still coming to terms with the effects and implications of the so called 'energy crisis' of 1973/74. Serck Heat Transfer is a manufacturer of heat exchangers which transfer heat between fluids of various sorts. As such the company felt that past and possible future changes in the energy situation could have an impact upon the demand for its products. The thesis represents the first attempt to examine the impact of changes in the energy situation (a major economic variable) on the long term demand for heat exchangers. The scope of the work was limited to the United Kingdom, this being the largest single market for Serek's products. The thesis analyses industrial heat exchanger markets and identifies those trends which are related to both the changing energy situation and the usage of heat exchangers. These trends have been interpreted In terms of projected values of heat exchanger demand. The projections cover the period 197S to the year 2000. Also examined in the thesis is the future energy situation both internationally and nationally and it is found that in the long term there will be increasing pressure on consumers to conserve energy through rising real prices. The possibility of a connection between energy consumption and heat exchanger demand is investigated and no significant correlation found. This appears to be because there are a number of determinants of demand besides energy related factors and also there is a wide diversity of individual markets for heat exchangers. Conclusions are that in all markets, bar one, the changing energy situation should lead to a higher level of heat exchanger demand than would otherwise be the case had the energy situation not changed. It is also pointed out that it is misleading to look at changes in one influence on the demand for a product and ignore others.


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Traditional focus on the study of high-technology firms and products has practically ignored the importance and potential contributions of the sales force, especially in business-to-business marketing. This article suggests that traditional sales force strategies associated with high-technology products have been supply driven (i.e., driven by the strategies of the marketing firm). We suggest that in order to enhance the success of high-technology products and services, firms need to be more demand driven in their sales structures (i.e., driven by the strategies of the buying firm). We suggest that it is imperative that high-technology firms adopt “solution selling” to enhance high-technology adoption as well as enhance competitiveness. We describe this change in focus and draw out its various managerial and academic implications.


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Do promotions in a certain category lead to higher revenues in other categories? If so, to what degree? The answers to these questions are highly relevant for retailers that supply products in different categories. Empirical findings in studies that consider a limited number of categories indicate small promotional cross-category effects. This study develops a framework to determine the impact of price promotions on category revenues that include interdependencies among a substantial number of categories at the category demand level. The own- and cross-category demand effects are moderated by variables such as promotion intensity, category characteristics (own-category effects), and spatial distances between shelf locations (cross-category effects). The empirical results based on daily store-level scanner data show that approximately half of all price promotions expand own-category revenues, especially for categories with deeper supported discounts. There is a high probability (61%) that a price promotion affects sales of at least one other category. The number of categories affected is not greater than two. Moderate evidence supports the existence of cross-promotional effects between categories more closely located in a store.


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This paper explores demand and production management challenges in the food processing industry. The goal is to identify the main production planning constraints and secondly to explore how each of these constraints affects company’s performance in terms of costs and customer service level. A single case study methodology was preferred since it enabled the collection of in-depth data. Findings suggest that product shelf life, carcass utilization and production lead time are the main constraints affecting supply chain efficiency and hence, a single planning approach is not appropriate when different products have different technological and processing characteristics.


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A vállalatok jelentős része szembesül azzal, hogy termékei jelentős része iránt viszonylag kevés alkalommal jelentkezik kereslet. Ebből következik, hogy az ilyen termékekre a klasszikus előrejelzési módszerek, mint pl. a mozgó átlag számítása, vagy az exponenciális simítás nem alkalmazható. Azon termékeket, amelyek iránt viszonylag ritkán jelenik meg kereslet, sporadikus keresletű termékeknek nevezzük. A megkülönböztetés a sporadikus és nem sporadikus termékek között sokszor csak hüvelykujj szabály alapján állapítható meg, de erre vonatkozóan a szakirodalomban találunk iránymutatást. A nemzetközi szakirodalomban már megjelentek olyan új kereslet-előrejelzési módszerek, melyeket kimondottan az ilyen, sporadikus kereslettel rendelkező termékek estében javasoltak. Cikkünk célja, hogy ezeket a szakirodalmi ajánlásokat egy konkrét hazai vállalat valós adatain esettanulmány jelleggel tesztelje. A nemzetközi szakirodalomban is ritkán publikálnak tudományos dolgozatokat, amelyek ezt a témakört valós alkalmazási környezetben tárgyalják; ismereteink szerint magyar nyelven erről tudományos dolgozat pedig még nem született. Elméleti bevezetőnk után egy gyógyszer-nagykereskedelmi vállalatnál valós adatait használva vizsgáljuk a kérdéskört. Sor kerül a vállalat termékportfóliójának a kereslet-előrejelzés szempontjából történő tipizálására, majd sporadikus keresletű termékek keresletének előrejelzésére és ennek során a szakirodalomban az alkalmazandó módszerekre vonatkozó ajánlások vizsgálatára. _____ Significant numbers of companies have the problem that demand for their products are sporadic in nature. Demand of such products is not continual in time; its demand is diffused, is random with large proportion of zero values in the analyzed time series. The sporadic character of a demand pattern actually means that available information on the demand of previous selling periods is leaky resulting in lower quality of data available. In these cases traditional forecasting techniques do not result in reliable forecast. Special forecasting algorithms have been developed during the last decade dealing with this problem. The paper introduces these techniques and offers suggestions for application. It also presents the case study of a Hungarian pharmaceutical wholesaler company. Based on real data we develop a topology of the company's product portfolio, carry out forecasts using different techniques including those developed for products with sporadic demand and also analyze the quality of these forecasts.


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Objective. This study aims to provide a better understanding of the amounts spent on different malaria prevention products and the determinants of these expenditures. Methods. 1,601 households were interviewed about their expenditure on malaria mosquito nets in the past five years, net re-treatments in the past six months and other expenditures prevention in the past two weeks. Simple random sampling was used to select villages and streets while convenience sampling was used to select households. Expenditure was compared across bed nets, aerosols, coils, indoor spraying, using smoke, drinking herbs and cleaning outside environment. Findings. 68% of households owned at least one bed net and 27% had treated their nets in the past six months. 29% were unable to afford a net. Every fortnight, households spent an average of US $0.18 on nets and their treatment, constituting about 47% of total prevention expenditure. Sprays, repellents and coils made up 50% of total fortnightly expenditure (US$0.21). Factors positively related to expenditure were household wealth, years of education of household head, household head being married and rainy season. Poor quality roads and living in a rural area had a negative impact on expenditure. Conclusion. Expenditure on bed nets and on alternative malaria prevention products was comparable. Poor households living in rural areas spend significantly less on all forms of malaria prevention compared to their richer counterparts. Breaking the cycle between malaria and poverty is one of the biggest challenges facing malaria control programmes in Africa.