933 resultados para Producao de leite : Qualidade


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O consumo do leite caprino e derivados vêm apresentando um incremento no Rio Grande do Sul. A produção de caprinos de leite ocorre na maioria das vezes em pequenas propriedades de associados a cooperativas. Estudos que contribuam para incremento da produção dos animais e melhoria da qualidade do leite produzido são importantes para a viabilidade desta atividade econômica. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a ocorrência de mastites e os padrões higiênicos do leite de mistura produzido pelas oito propriedades de associados de uma cooperativa na região do Vale do Taquari-RS. Foram realizadas duas visitas em todas as propriedades durante o período de maior produção de leite. Todos os animais em produção foram examinados clinicamente, sendo a seguir submetidos ao Califórnia Mastite Teste (CMT). De todas as metades mamárias foram coletadas amostras de leite, submetidas, posteriormente a contagem de Células Somáticas (CCS) e exame bacteriológico. Uma amostra de leite de mistura foi coletada em cada visita realizada, sendo avaliada quanto à contagem de coliformes fecais e totais e contagem de estafilococos coagulase-positivos. Ainda foram coletadas amostras de água para realização de colimetria em todas as propriedades visitadas. Verificou-se que 30,8% das metades mamárias apresentaram resultados no exame bacteriológico compatível com a ocorrência de mastite subclínica. A maior percentagem (41%) deste grupo era representada por animais na fase de maior produção (8-60 dias de lactação). A bactéria mais isolada nas amostras de leite foi o Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo. Houve correlação entre os resultados do CMT e CCS, bem como do CMT com a contagem de Unidades Formadoras de Colônia de bactérias (UFC). Não houve correlação entre o CCS e UFC. Entretanto, observou-se que o escore zero do CMT e a CCS >106 e ≤ 5 x106 predominaram em todos os períodos de lactação, e apresentaram resultados muitas vezes discrepantes com os resultados obtidos nos demais testes. Estes resultados estão de acordo com relatos anteriores e indicam a necessidade de adaptação dos testes utilizados para o diagnóstico indireto de mastite subclínica na espécie caprina. Da mesma forma, observou-se a necessidade de associar o resultado destes testes com o exame bacteriológico para alcançar uma maior exatidão do diagnóstico. O leite de mistura analisado apresentou contagens de coliformes que variaram de zero até 1,4 x 106 UFC/mL. Apenas duas propriedades apresentaram coliformes fecais e estafilococos coagulase-positiva não foram encontrados no leite de mistura. As amostras de água coletadas estavam dentro dos limites propostos pela legislação vigente. As contagens de coliformes totais encontradas no leite de mistura e o elevado índice de animais com mastite foram associadas a algumas práticas de manejo inadequados dos animais durante a ordenha e a problemas no sistema de armazenamento do leite encontradas em algumas propriedades.


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Capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), Tifton 68 (Cynodon spp) e quicuio (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. Ex Chiov.) foram utilizados sob pastejo durante dois períodos de crescimento com objetivo de investigar a distribuição da quantidade e qualidade de forragem, medir a produção de leite ( por animal e por área) e composição do leite. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com duas repetições para medidas animais e quatro para vegetação. Vacas multíparas (568±41 kg), com 147±64 dias em lactação, potencial de produção (7.000±1.000 kg), em pastejo rotativo com oferta de lâminas foliares de 3,0% PV, receberam suplementação a base de milho e sais minerais na proporção de 1,0 kg para cada 2,0 kg de leite produzido acima de 12 kg de leite/d. A produção média diária de leite corrigido para 3,5% de gordura foi de 22,46 kg/vaca. Não houve variação para PB e FDN na composição das lâminas foliares das pastagens, ficando as médias em 20,4% e 63,4%, respectivamente. O FDA do capim-elefante foi maior em todas as épocas (31,2%), já o Tifton 68 (26,6%) e o quicuio (25,4%) foram semelhantes (P>0,05). A produção média de lâminas foliares foi 15.347 kg de MS/ha. As lotações médias foram de 7,01, 7,27 e 7,21 vacas/ha/d para o capim-elefante, quicuio e Tifton 68, respectivamente. A produção de leite média foi de 25.046 kg/ha. O teor de gordura foi maior para o capim-elefante (3,26%), seguido do Tifton 68 (3,15%) e quicuio (3,03%). O teor de proteína médio do leite foi 3,00% (P>0,05).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to identify DNA polymorphisms at the genes leptin, β-lactoglobulin and pituitary-specific transcription factor in three genetic groups of Holstein x Guzerat dairy cows and investigate the relationship between their genotypes and the composition and quality of milk of dairy cows. Samples were collected in August 2009, being 113 blood samples from lactating crossbred cows and 58 milk samples. For analysis of DNA polymorphisms blood samples were collected, analyzed later in the Genetic Laboratory affiliated to the Zootechny Institute of São Paulo and individual milk samples were collected according to standards established by the laboratory of Management Program of Northeast Dairy Herds (PROGEN), at Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) for analysis of milk composition and quality. The characterization of genotypes was performed by PCR-RFLP, for which were designed specific primers for each studied gene and restriction enzymes Kpn2I, HaeIII and HinfI that cut the DNA of the following genes: leptin, β-lactoglobulin and a PIT, respectively. The leptin estimate genotypic frequence were CC 0.112, TT 0.225 and CT 0.661, for β-lactoglobulin were AA 0.136, AB 0.323 and BB 0.539, and for PIT were ++ 0.655, -- 0.311 and +- 0.032. The results show that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium for leptin, β-lactoglobulin and a PIT due to excess of heterozygotes in the population, however, as these genes are associated with the milk production it is considered that the animals have genetic potential for milk production in the Brazilian semi-arid conditions. Through the characterization of the studied herd there were not found implications of the polymorphism of leptin, β-lactoglobulin and PIT in the composition and quality of milk from cows in the different genetic groups 1/2, 3/4 and 7/8 Holstein x Guzerat. Key words: β-lactoglobulin, crossbred cows, leptin, PCR-RFLP, PIT1, semi-arid.


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Goats are social animals which groups are organized from dominance hierarchies, established by agonistic behaviors. The quality and productivity of the goat s milk can be influenced by the dominance hierarchy. In this context, the objectives of our work were describe the social and food behavior of Saanen goats in a semi-extensive production system; characterize the social organization from the assessment of dominance hierarchies in two seasonal periods and correlate the physicochemical quality of the goats milk according hierarchical position. The experiment was conducted in the EMPARN s experimental station, located in the district of Cruzeta/RN. We utilized 17 multiparous goats of the Saanen race, with different age and weight. The observations were performed in precipitation and drought phases. The scan method recorded the trough permanence and agonistic interactions by method "all occurrences" in the pasture the alimentary behaviors of eat, ruminate on foot, ruminate lying, leisure on foot, leisure lying and walk, by the focal animal sampling method. The goats milk was submitted to analyzes of: density, protein, fat, lactose, CSS and total solids. The animals spend most of the time feeding themselves, and the activities that demand greater energy expenditure are done in the morning. The animals changed the hierarchical structure during the seasonal periods because of the withdrawal of some individuals of the group, having more aggressive behavior in the rainy season. The dominant animal the lowet production, the more CSS and the lesser fat, the goat in the middle of the hierarchy was the one that obtained the best production and quality. We conclude that the Saanen goats adapt to the environment and the conditions of the group to ensure better survival and its production is influenced by the internal dynamics of the group


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Estudou-se o efeito do estresse fisiológico, via administração pontual de ACTH, sobre os níveis de cortisol e a quantidade e qualidade do leite produzido. Para tanto, 12 cabras da raça Saanen foram alocadas em dois grupos experimentais: o grupo ACTH recebeu 0,6 UI de ACTH/kg PV, e o grupo placebo recebeu solução placebo. A produção de leite, os percentuais de proteína, gordura e lactose e a contagem de células somáticas (CCS) do leite foram mensurados antes, durante e após a administração de ACTH e do placebo. Simultaneamente à administração de ACTH e placebo por três dias consecutivos, foram realizadas colheitas de sangue para mensuração dos teores de cortisol. Nos tempos -30 e zero, ambos os grupos apresentaram concentrações basais de cortisol. O aumento nos níveis de cortisol foi significativo nos tempos 60min (grupo ACTH: 59,00±5,70 e grupo placebo: 5,23±1,37ng/mL) e 120min (grupo ACTH: 47,96±9,72 e grupo placebo: 4,38±1,14ng/mL), pois a concentração de cortisol foi maior no grupo ACTH. Os valores retornaram ao basal no tempo 300min. Não houve diferenças na produção leiteira entre os grupos ACTH e placebo, tampouco de proteína, gordura, lactose e CCS do leite dos grupos, portanto o estresse induzido por três dias consecutivos não trouxe prejuízos à produção.


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The effectiveness of a new management tool for screening refrigerated raw milk quality in a dairy industry is provided. Three hundred and seventy-four samples of raw milk from individual producers and 125 samples from bulk milk carriers from the same producers were analyzed. Producers' samples underwent a fast tube reduction test, or Tetra-Test, to estimate total bacteriological charge and their predominant microbiota. Bulk milk samples underwent standard plate count (SPC) as reference method. Tetra-test was effective in screening and assessing the microbiological quality of refrigerated raw milk, since 82.4% of samples with more than 106UFC/mL were readily detected (5 minutes to 2h). The test may be employed as a management tool either in screening or in interventions on the detected problem. In fact, its results provided complementary information on the characteristics of dominant microbiota. Most samples failed in compliance to IN 51 requirements. Further, 211 samples (56.4%) showed high microbial charge and, consequently, poor quality raw milk. Psychrotrophic groups were not yet the main degrading factors of cooled raw milk, albeit present in 76.8% of samples.


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Bovine mastitis is still a costly issue in dairy farms, besides public health aspects considering the pathogen transmission to humans. Its multiple etiology with a high number of pathogens involved, demands a rigorous control program for monitoring and milk quality control, based on diagnostic actions and epidemiological vigilance regarding parameters which indirectly are associated with the occurrence of mastitis in dairy herds, as the California Mastitis Test (CMT) and Somatic Cell Count (SCC/mL of milk), of individual milk samples obtained from each cow, and from bulk tank which also allows the Total Bacteria Count (TBC), usually related to the incidence of mastitis, especially in subclinical cases. It is important to reinforce the microbiological milk exam, also to stress the importance of the milking process as a critical point, and to determine risk factors for mastitis. Based on these aspects, this review is presented with the aim to obtain high quality milk products, compromising the personal enrolled in milk production to be conscious that milk quality depends on all, inclusive the consumers which are the final element in the milk production chain.


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This study was conducted with the objective to evaluate the duration of exposure of animals to the evaporative cooling system in the waiting barn on the weather variables (temperature and relative humidity), animal behavior, production and quality aspects of milk from Girolando cows. Sixteen multiparous lactating cows were used having a genetic composition of 7/8 Holstein-Gir and mean milk production of 18 kg animal-1day-1. A 4 × 4 Latin square design was used. The experiment was conducted during the summer season (February-March 2009) and lasted 56 days. The treatments consisted of different periods of 10, 20 and 30 minutes of exposure to acclimatization and control. Time of 30 minutes of exposure to thermal conditioning system enabled the second milking (evening shift), providing an increase in milk production in the next milking of 0.640 kg animal-1. A higher percentage of time spent on food intake and rumination (17.31 and 30.19%) in 30 minutes treatment, compared to control (15.50 and 27.37%), respectively. There was no significant effect of treatments in the composition of milk.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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The silvopastoral system is characterized by increasing the production of milk with a greater number of cows per hectare due to the higher amount of protein in the diet. In silvopastoral system cows are fed in addition to pasture, small trees and shrubs. The aim of this study was determinate the main indicators of milk quality and mastitis causal agents in cows bred on silvopastoral system. We evaluated the composition (fat, total protein, lactose, solids, dry extract, nonfat dry and urea nitrogen), somatic cell count (SCC), total bacterial count (TBC), occurrence of clinical and subclinical mastitis, microbiological isolation, in vitro antimicrobial sensitivity profile and detection of antimicrobial residues in milk produced by 100 cows raised in silvopastoral systems, as well as the bulk tank and churns in farms of Cauca Valley, Colombia. The concentration of the major constituents of milk were 3.24% fat, 3.27% total protein, 4.40% lactose, 10.62% dry extract, 8.57% nonfat dry and 15.82mg/dL urea nitrogen, while the bulk tank and churns was 3.51% fat, 3.20% total protein, 4.34% lactose, 11.72% dry extract, 8.47% nonfat dry and 14.57mg/dL urea nitrogen. The cell count of the cows and the bulk tank was 141,252.75 CS/mL and 363,078.05 CS/mL respectively. The TBC mean in cows and the bulk tank was 4,466.84 CFU/mL and 24,547.01 CFU/mL respectively. The main microorganisms isolated from the udder cows were Corynebacterium bovis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus hyicus, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus dysgalatiae, while the bulk tank were identified more often Streptococcus spp., Enterobacter cloacae, Hafnia alveii, hemolytic Streptococcus and Streptococcus spp. Antimicrobial residues in cow milk and bulk or churn were detected in 30% and 86% respectively. The silvopastoral system showed to be good alternative to milk production in cow. However is important the care with antimicrobial residues in milk and the analysis of all quality parameters to ensure a differentiated product.