1000 resultados para Processos de trabalho
O estudo tem por objetivo identificar a utilização das tecnologias leves nos processos gerenciais do enfermeiro e sua interferência na produção do cuidado.Entende-se por tecnologias leves as tecnologias das relações, como o acolhimento, o vínculo, a autonomização, responsabilização, entre outros. Trata-se de um estudo de caso de abordagem qualitativa, cujos sujeitos do estudo foram enfermeiros do setor de internação de um hospital geral. A coleta de dados foi realizada através da observação livre, no período de dezembro de 2002 a fevereiro de 2003 e os dados foram analisados através da abordagem dialética e classificados em estruturas de relevância. A análise de dados permitiu identificar o acolhimento e o vínculo como tecnologias leves presentes no universo gerencial do enfermeiro. No entanto, foram observadas também situações de não acolhimento e ausência de vínculo, tendo em vista que o uso das tecnologias leves acontece de forma distinta para os diferentes sujeitos envolvidos nos processos de trabalho, assim como nos diferentes momentos de interações entre eles Esse fato imprime características dinâmicas, de irregularidade e contraditoriedades nos processos de trabalho em saúde, assim como no cuidado enquanto resultado esperado desses processos. Concluiu-se que o enfermeiro produz e promove o cuidado humanizado ao utilizar as tecnologias leves. São propostas intervenções direcionadas a possibilitar reflexões pertinentes aos processos de trabalho, com o objetivo de subsidiar os processos gerenciais do enfermeiro com elementos úteis à humanização do cuidado. Descritores: cuidados de enfermagem/ organização e administração; serviços de enfermagem; administração de serviços de saúde; relação enfermeiro – paciente.
A tecnologia de processos de desenvolvimento de software ´e uma importante área de estudo e pesquisas na Engenharia de Software que envolve a construção de ferramentas e ambientes para modelagem, execução, simulação e evolução de processos de desenvolvimento de software, conhecidos como PSEEs (do inglês: Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments). Um modelo de processo de software é uma estrutura complexa que relaciona elementos gerenciáveis (i.e. artefatos, agentes, e atividades) que constituem o processo de software. Esta complexidade, geralmente, dificulta a percepção e entendimento do processo por parte dos profissionais envolvidos, principalmente quando estes profissionais têm acesso apenas a uma visão geral do modelo. Desta forma, há necessidade de mecanismos para visualização e acompanhamento dos processos, fornecendo informações adequadas aos diferentes estados, abstraindo as informações relevantes tanto as fases presentes no processo de desenvolvimento quanto ao agente envolvido, além de facilitar a interação e o entendimento humano sobre os elementos do processo. Estudos afirmam que a maneira como são apresentadas as informações do modelo de processo pode influenciar no sucesso ou não do desenvolvimento do software, assim como facilitar a adoção da tecnologia pela indústria de software. Este trabalho visa contribuir nas pesquisas que buscam mecanismos e cientes para a visualização de processos de software apresentando a abordagem APSEE-Monitor destinada ao apoio a visualização de processos de software durante a sua execução. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar um modelo formal de apoio a visualização de processos capaz de extrair dados de processos e organizá-los em sub-domínios de informações de interesse do gerente de processos. Neste trabalho aplica-se o conceito de múltiplas perspectivas como uma estratégia viável para a abstração e organização das informações presentes no modelo de processos. A solução proposta destaca-se por estender a definção original de perspectivas e fornecer uma estratégia de extração dos dados através de uma especificação formal utilizando o paradigma PROSOFT-Algébrico. Além disso, o trabalho apresenta um conjunto de requisitos relativos a interação entre gerentes de processos e PSEEs, a definição formal das perspectivas, uma gramática que define a linguagem de consulta aos processos, e um protótipo da aplicação.
O presente trabalho expõe uma análise sobre duas arquiteturas disponíveis para o desenvolvimento de sistemas que utilizam a tecnologia de workflow. Estas arquiteturas são: a Arquitetura Baseada em Modelagem e Execução em um ùnico Ambiente e a Arquitetura Baseada em Modelagem e Execução e Ambientes Distintos. São expostas: características, vantagens e desvantagens destas arquiteturas. A Aquitetura Baseada em Modelagem e Expressões em Ambientes Distintos é analisada em seu principal ponto negativo: a falta de independência existente entre as apliciações e os processos modelados, bem como são discutidos os problemas que esta falta de independência gera no desenvolvimemto e manutenção das aplicações. Uma alternativa à dependência entre o motor de workflow (engine) e as aplicações é proposta para a Arquitetura Baseada na Modelagem e Execução em Ambientes Distintos. Esta proposta é baseada em um modelo que consiste de uma Camada Intermediária, armazenada em um banco de dados relacional, capaz de extender as funcionalidades do motor de workflow. Este banco de dados armazena toda a estrrutura dos processos modelados, sendo responsável pela função que atualmente é repassada às aplicações: o controle da lógica dos processos. Estes trabalho produziu de uma Camada Intermediária, dividida em Camada de Independência (suportando a independência) e Camada de Integrgação (responsável pela comunicação com o motor de workflow). O estudo apresentada as estruturas do banco de dados, as funções disponibilizadas pela API da Camada Intermediária e um pequeno protótipo para dedmonstrar a arquitetura proposta.
This study proposes and uses a multipolar qualitative methodology for the investigation of the meanings of corporate work under the impact of the technical-scientific knowledge. Based on the constructionist epistemology and on a heideggerian approach, this methodology made possible the description of such phenomenon under the Management perspective, but also under the Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy views. Study starts with empirical data, collected by interviews and in publications, and analyzes them based on conceptual contributions from the four referred poles. As a result, this investigation proposes reflexivity, impermanence and entanglement as meanings of the corporate work that culminate in the paradoxical work. It also demonstrates that the impact of knowledge occurs in a reflexive spiral of complexification, continuously affecting individuals and work processes; describes the impermanent character of the work ruled by time, by neophilia and by uncertainties that make precarious the very subjective experience of worker; and proposes that this work becomes entangled due to the way it is managed, and is an entangling work, for embarrassing the individual in its techniques, logics and dissonances. The paradoxical essence that emerges from this appreciation of corporate work is described on the following scopes: its reflexivity does not prevent its rationality to be fragile; its dynamism coexists with the difficulty to achieve substantive organizational changes; its entanglement compromises the possibilities of an apparently reachable well-being; its focus on present ends up to be emptied; and its purpose of individual sustenance becomes unsustainable due to hyperconsumption. But the conclusions of the study do no describe a definitive phenomenon. At the ending, it points out possibilities of living with the paradoxical work as well as possibilities of its transformation.
A história recente do Nordeste caracteriza-se por uma primeira fase de isolamento e outra de articulação. Nessa segunda fase, o dinamismo que se instala a partir da década de sessenta provocou profundas transformações na economia da região. Essas transformações implicaram em elevadas taxas de expansão do produto regional, alterações na estrutura produtiva através da adoção de novos processos de trabalho que implicou de um lado, na redução da demanda por trabalho e de outro, na sua expansão. Registrou-se, também, mudanças bastante significativas nos gêneros industriais reduzindo a participação na produção das indústrias de bens de consumo não-duráveis e aumentando de modo importante a participação das indústrias de bens intermediários voltadas para o mercado nacional e internacional, o que contribui para aumentar a dependência do Nordeste em relação as regiões mais ricas. As mudanças iniciadas no setor industrial se propagam para os setores primários, secundários e terciários. No setor agrícola, as transformações dificultaram a sobrevivência do trabalhador, ampliaram as relações capitalistas no setor manifestas na maior proletarização da mão-de-obra rural; estimularam as emigrações para. as cidades e elevaram consideravelmente a participação da população ocupada em atividades predominantemente urbanas. No setor terciário, as mudanças provocaram o incremento do subemprego, grande diferenciação nos 11 níveis de produtividade e rendimentos, gerando um quadro de aprofundamento da heterogeneidadeda estrutura produtiva e do mercado de trabalho. Adicionalmente, houve uma excessiva urbanização, aumento da concentração da renda, incremento do grau de informalidade, crescimento do número de empregados clandestinos e maior participação dos menores e adultos no mercado de trabalho. Tudo isso, ocorreu,associado ao quadro de dinamismo das atividades produtivas, sem paralelo na história recente das regiões atrasadas do pais. A análise dos dados também mostrou que o nível do desemprego aberto, é relativamente baixo tanto para os homens como para as mulheres. Isto ocorre porque na expansão ou na retração econômica as flutuações no nível de ocupação são acampanhadas por modificações da taxa de participação da PIA no mercado de trabalho. Portanto, a recente infonnalidade, fonnalidade e submersão da mão-de-obra no Nordeste estão associadas a um contexto de crescimento da economia e, por conseguinte, resultam do estilo ou padrão de acumulação de capital que, mesmo se realizando com altas taxas de expansão, não repercute positivamente no mercado de trabalho, nos tennos requeridos pela oferta de mão-de-obra. Assim, o aparecimento de um excedente relativo de população é resultado do padrão de acumulação da capital da economia regional, que está associado ao modo como o Nordeste se inseriu no contexto nacional e, nesse sentido, é o padrão de industrialização o principal fator responsável por parte importante do insucesso da economia local em absorver produtivamente a população que se apresenta no mercado de trabalho urbano
O presente trabalho busca, a partir do desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de análise organizacional, retomar, a nível dos diversos processos de trabalho historicamente verificados, a variável tecnológica como dimensão elementar e histórica das diversas categorias econômicas onde as relações de produção se realizam. No particular quer-se analisar as formas específicas de organização do trabalho sob as condições da automação e suas repercussões ao nível das relações entre capital e trabalho.
Este estudo objetivou verificar as consequências do BPM nos processos de pensão por morte do Rioprevidência. Para isso, foram analisados três processos de trabalho executados pelo setor de atendimento do Rioprevidência, autarquia previdenciária do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, quais sejam: Habilitação à pensão por morte; Revisão de pensão e Auditoria de benefícios. O estudo se justifica face à escassez de trabalhos que apontem resultados de otimização de processos de trabalho em organizações do setor público, uma vez que a maior parte dos estudos existentes é voltada para a gestão de processos em empresas privadas e, aqueles que focalizam no setor público, normalmente apontam as diferenças com relação ao setor privado, ou seja, pouco se fala do resultado das transformações. Para alcançar esse objetivo, foi realizado um estudo de caso, com análise de conteúdo de dados e documentos, bem como modelagem dos processos selecionados, visando identificar as lacunas existentes antes do BPM, bem como de que maneira os processos foram impactados. Como contribuição prática, espera-se que o resultado sirva de incentivo aos demais órgãos públicos para implementação de uma gestão com foco em processos e aja como instrumento facilitador de uma melhor gestão pública.
COSTA, Roberta Kaliny de Souza ; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz ; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de . Trabalho em equipe em saúde: uma análise contextual. Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde, v. 7, p. 530-536, 2008.
The theoretical recital of the present study it is initiated of the evidence that the work occupies an important space in the man s life in way that the majority of the people works and passes great part of its time inside organizati ons. However, it is verified that the relation between man and work is becoming increasingly disagreement a time that the employees had started to complain work s routines, stress, not use all their potential and inadequate work s conditions. It can be observed by the way of Dejours (1994) studies. Thus, as contribution for the quality of work life s (QWL) studies the research developed here objectified to characterize the public employees quality of work life at EMATER -RN taking as reference an instrumen t of research synthesized from the typical academic literature of the subject. The synthesis of an ampler instrument is a necessity not taken care to the literature that treats on the subject but already perceived by some studies like Moraes et al (1990); Rodrigues (1989); Siqueira & Coleta (1989); Moraes et al (1992); Carvalho & Souza (2003); El -Aouar & Souza (2003) and Mourão, Kilimnick & Fernandes (2005); Adorno, Marques & Borges (2005) amongst others. These studies point out weak points of the existing models in the QWL s literature, as well as they recommend the elaboration of a model more flexible, that contemplates Brazilian cultural characteristics, and that contemplates the entire variable studied in the main existing models. For reach this objectiv e the adopted methodology was characterized as a case study with collected data in qualitative and quantitative way. Questionnaires and comments had been used as sources of evidences. These evidences had been tabulated through of statistical package SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Science), in which the main technique of multivariate analysis used were the factorial analysis. As for the gotten results, it was verified the grouping of the quality of work life s indicators in 11 factors which are: Work s execution, Individual accomplishment, Work s equity, Relation individual and organization, Work s organization, Adequacy of the remuneration, Relation between head and subordinate, Effectiveness of the communication and the learning, Relation between work and personal life, Participation and Effectiveness of the work processes. Whatever to the characterization of the EMATER -RN s quality of work life it was clearly that to the measure that the satisfaction s evaluation with the QWL in the organization walks to intrinsic factors for extrinsic factors this level of satisfaction goes diminishing what points to the importance to improve these extrinsic factors in the institution. In summary it is possible to conclude that the organization studied has offered a significant set of referring variable to the quality of work life of the individual
The ongoing transformations in brazilian society, arising from technical and organizational changes in the working world, are making, with much emphasis, heated debates resurge related to themes and issues that refer to the relationship between work, skills and education. Thus, this study is inserted in the link between education and work, pointing to the work as an educational principle according to Antonio Gramsci. This paper aims to discuss the interfaces between education and work in the everyday health care teams and learn about the activities developed by health teams related to the learning processes in and with the work to analyze the opportunities and challenges of transforming spaces of health work in an environment of lifelong learning. This is a descriptive, exploratory with a qualitative approach case study developed from semi-structured interviews with the health staff professionals of the Unidade de Terapia Intensiva da Casa de Saúde Dix-Sept Rosado in Mossoró / RN , who answered open questions about the relationship between education and work. The interviews were conducted during the month of January 2010, the same being recorded, transcribed and analyzed, culminating in the production of new knowledge on the subject. It is understood that work and education activities are eminently human, therefore only the human being works and educates. Given the statements of participants, it is noticed that all work processes in health are learning moments. This happens through new demands imposed by the everyday of the services, by interaction with a multidisciplinary team, participation in educational activities and individual study. It was noticed that the institution in this case does not promote study courses related to Intensive Care and that there are obstacles to the realization of educational activities on and with the work, such as: excessive workload, inability to release staff to participate in events, low pay, which leads the worker to have more than one employment, rejection of new knowledge by some workers and lack of physical infrastructure and incentives for the activities. The daily situations must be transformed in learning, selfanalyzing the problems of practice and valuing the work process itself in its intrinsic context. We conclude that dealing with the web of relationships between educational processes and production processes of health services, unraveling the intricacies of the world of work and education requirements in this sector are increasingly on the agenda of Sistema Único de Saúde workers and managers. The continuing consideration of this issue becomes an essential condition for the proper discharge of their responsibilities. We consider that bringing the education to everyday life is the result of recognition of the educational potential of the work situation
The Family Health Strategy (ESF) is emerging as a possible restructuring of services and new practices of intervention in health care; it requires skilled professionals to work with that framework. Within this purpose, we established the Education Programme for Work and Health (PET-Saúde), in order to integrate teaching and service activities, focusing on primary care. On this basis, the aim of this work is to apprehend the social representation of nurse, doctor and dentist (Project PET-Natal Health RN preceptors) on the ESF, while practice field of them. It is a descriptive and exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, carried out in 07 Family Health Units (USF) included in the PET-Saúde Natal (RN). The population was composed of 35 professional components of the primary care team with bachelor's degree of the USF linked to this project. The sample was composed of 05 nurses, 05 physicians and 05 dentists, for a total of 15 subjects. Data were collected through three instruments: the drawing-themed story, a semi-structured individual interviews and field diary. The data relating to the identification of the subjects were entered and tabulated by the Microsoft Excel software 2007 version. The drawing analysis and interpretation is given by the significance attributed to the resource chart from title and keywords assigned by the subjects, considering the ESF as an inductive term. The stories and interviews were transcribed and typed and then subjected to read/listen the material and a lexical analysis through Alceste. After this process, the discursive material was analyzed and discussed by theoretical and methodological feature of the Social Representations theory. The majority of health professionals were female, aged between 46 and 52 years old, married, income less than six minimum wage, time since graduation ranged from 22 to 29 years and working time in the ESF range from 02 to 11 years. From the classification system ALCESTE were selected categories identified by: Category 1 - ESF: relations and territory; Category 2 - Training and bond profile; Category 3 - Working process in the ESF; Category 4 - Articulation between teaching and service; Category 5 - Health care and disease prevention. The representational field construction, while a process, followed the logic of structural cores in existing categories. In this sense, it is clear that the ESF is an environment rich in diversity, experience and relationships with potential such as the relationship "very subject-subject" and the link established between professional-community, but also has some weaknesses such as poor working conditions, lack of popular participation and management support, thus difficulties in the achievement of teamwork. Being essential to that end, the teaching-service aimed at the formation of a new health professional able to work in the ESF. In this research, the training of the representational field encountered a diversity of structural cores, or thoughts on training, about the ESF because of the greater emphasis on the here and now of the interaction between health professionals, the ESF, the community, PET Health-UFRN and students, emphasizing that such proposals are still considered as concepts in the context of recent health and that, therefore, are not fully realized in the social imaginary
The present study aims to analyze the nurse s work process at Family Health Strategy, considering its basic elements and dynamic, and searching to identify aspects that may constitute strengths and weaknesses in its development. This is an analytical case study, with qualitative approach and theoretical-conceptual mark grounded in Dialectic Hermeneutics. Empirical research fields were the Family Health Units of Natal, RN, Brazil. The subjects are nurses working in this Strategy. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured individual interviews combined with field observation. The research was initiated after approval by the Ethics Committee of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, according to the guidelines and rules for research involving humans (Resolution 466/12), ensuring proper ethical precepts. The project was approved by register number 398.929, CAAE 19588813.7.0000.5537. From the 9 interviewed nurses, 8 were female and 1 male, average age of 52 years, average graduation time of 27 years and average time they stayed at the same Family Health territory of 7 years. It was found that it is up to the professional nurse in the Family Health care the important role of taking care of human beings in their life, family and community contexts, producing conditions to meet their needs through therapeutic act in health, using for such purpose both materials and immaterial instruments. It was possible to relate aspects that characterize strengths and weaknesses in the work process of nurses in the ESF, according to the speech of the interviewed workers, including the meanings and contradictions. Among the potentialities observed, it was possible to highlight the wide role of the nurse at Family Health; the perception of nurses about teamwork; the relative autonomy of nurses; the commitment of professionals to work; Humanization as a technology; the presence of other agents at work, such as directors and officers at the primary health units; the professional s experience time and contract type in the case studied. As weaknesses in the work process of nurses at Family Health Strategy, were highlighted the limited skills of the workforce; the difficulty in 10 identifying specific limits of the work of nurses in this scenario; the disturbances that occur in the process, the existing gaps in multiprofessional teams; Structural deficits of the units in the studied case, the low coverage of the Family Health in the county, and the political vulnerability of the work conditions. It is considered necessary to understand the dilemmas experienced in everyday life of nurses at Family Health Strategy as part of multiprofessional teams, facing actual achievement of changes in work processes necessary for the reorientation of health care in Brazil. In accordance, it is necessary to promote proper working conditions and welfare of labor agents which are protagonists the work at the United Health System
This paper presents the survey results: PROCEDURE FOR WORK IN HEALTH: an analysis of working conditions of social workers in hospitals. Analyzes the inclusion of social workers in work processes in healthcare, specifically in the public hospital, from the objective conditions of work, according to which materializes professional action. The aim is to understand them from the point of view of its relationship with users and other health professionals through the privatization of health, which prevents the Unified Health System (SUS), limiting the operation of the services and the guarantee of rights. The approach to the reality studied was through theoretical and methodological procedures based on the qualitative and quantitative research, focusing on documentary research, observation, semi-structured interview and the theoretical foundation. It is observed that the inclusion of social workers in this context arises from the demands derived from expressions of social issues, "raw material" of professional work, and the gaps resulting from contradictions in the process of rationalization / reorganization of the SUS, meaning that the needs the population are confronted with the content and form of organization of services. At the hospital, the professional actions are developed through the shift, space contradictory clash between the collective and individual, in which individual activities are prioritized and ad hoc unplanned and reduced to the solution of "problems" of users, through actions assistance in an emergency and bureaucratic. These findings emphasize the inadequacy of space and lack of minimum conditions of service to users, which undertakes the professional with regard to ethical and political principles of the profession, since it is the responsibility and duty of the social guarantee the secrecy and privacy of users what is revealed during the process of professional intervention. The professional social workers is permeated by the diversity of skills and competence; lack of planning activities, by incorporating the institutional discourse at the expense of professional goals, by knowing the Code of Professional Ethics, for small number of professionals, the increasing number informality; by poor working conditions and wages; by discouraging research and participation in social policy councils, as well as professional training
The problematic that gives shape to this research is the question of the historical process of demobilization of the movement of the working classes in your accented contemporary moment. Their object of study, however, and that it particularizes, it relates to a portion this problematic; it relates to set of determinations that comprise a broader set of determinations of this historical process: it is a set of determinations forged and mediated by bourgeois strategies of management for the conformation of the circumstances necessary for the domination and for the conduct of labor force on operations in work processes for the production of surplus value. What we investigated are, because, the strategies of disarticulation that the bourgeoisie utilizes, under the mantle of subsidies conceptual and interventive of its management of work processes and the sieve of class struggles, to obstruct the union of workers; hamper the movements proletarians. Managerial strategies that intentionally or unintentionally, instill in the social relations of production means to produce and reproduce, activate and reactivate conditions of incitement of individualism and competition between the workers themselves. We shall see, thus, by analyzing means, centrally, from some of the fundamentals of disarticulation in the managerial strategies bourgeois and some of the fundamental strategies of management bourgeois hegemonized with the restructuring productive of 1970, that the disarticulation, and also the demobilization, is a concrete condition, is an objective condition, that is beyond a question that can be "solved" only by enlightenment cognitive, only by formation criticism intellectual. In everyday of the work spaces permeated by managerial strategies bourgeois there elements, then, operating as a material force putting difficulties important for the articulation of the workers, the solidarity of the proletariat; elements that constitute obstacle significant to an awareness of class and belonging; elements act in favor of the atomization of the worker - even if engenders, in the same process, as a contradiction, potentiality of resistance and fight the forces of labor
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC