989 resultados para Processamento : Imagem


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This paper considers a study of the anatomical features of the cardiac system and a three-dimensional model of the different tunics that comprise the heart wall, for processing and quality control of radiological images. The structures are built by the layer overlapping method, where a layer can be understood as a slice of the three-dimensional object. The pericardium, myocardium and endocardium were represented with three-dimensional cylinders and hexagons. The spatial arrangement of the cardiac system is determined by an background image of a real model, which values are defined according to the shape of the region and on the anatomical patients characteristics. The results are significant, considering the anatomical structures details, as well as the representation of the thicknesses of the regions of the heart wall. The validation of the anatomical model was accomplished through comparisons with dimensions obtained from a real model and allows verifying that the model is appropriate. The degree of representation will allow the verification of the influence of radiological parameters, morphometric peculiarities and stage of the diseases on the quality of the images, as well as on the performance of the Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Several are the areas in which digital images are used in solving day-to-day problems. In medicine the use of computer systems have improved the diagnosis and medical interpretations. In dentistry it’s not different, increasingly procedures assisted by computers have support dentists in their tasks. Set in this context, an area of dentistry known as public oral health is responsible for diagnosis and oral health treatment of a population. To this end, oral visual inspections are held in order to obtain oral health status information of a given population. From this collection of information, also known as epidemiological survey, the dentist can plan and evaluate taken actions for the different problems identified. This procedure has limiting factors, such as a limited number of qualified professionals to perform these tasks, different diagnoses interpretations among other factors. Given this context came the ideia of using intelligent systems techniques in supporting carrying out these tasks. Thus, it was proposed in this paper the development of an intelligent system able to segment, count and classify teeth from occlusal intraoral digital photographic images. The proposed system makes combined use of machine learning techniques and digital image processing. We first carried out a color-based segmentation on regions of interest, teeth and non teeth, in the images through the use of Support Vector Machine. After identifying these regions were used techniques based on morphological operators such as erosion and transformed watershed for counting and detecting the boundaries of the teeth, respectively. With the border detection of teeth was possible to calculate the Fourier descriptors for their shape and the position descriptors. Then the teeth were classified according to their types through the use of the SVM from the method one-against-all used in multiclass problem. The multiclass classification problem has been approached in two different ways. In the first approach we have considered three class types: molar, premolar and non teeth, while the second approach were considered five class types: molar, premolar, canine, incisor and non teeth. The system presented a satisfactory performance in the segmenting, counting and classification of teeth present in the images.


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Several are the areas in which digital images are used in solving day-to-day problems. In medicine the use of computer systems have improved the diagnosis and medical interpretations. In dentistry it’s not different, increasingly procedures assisted by computers have support dentists in their tasks. Set in this context, an area of dentistry known as public oral health is responsible for diagnosis and oral health treatment of a population. To this end, oral visual inspections are held in order to obtain oral health status information of a given population. From this collection of information, also known as epidemiological survey, the dentist can plan and evaluate taken actions for the different problems identified. This procedure has limiting factors, such as a limited number of qualified professionals to perform these tasks, different diagnoses interpretations among other factors. Given this context came the ideia of using intelligent systems techniques in supporting carrying out these tasks. Thus, it was proposed in this paper the development of an intelligent system able to segment, count and classify teeth from occlusal intraoral digital photographic images. The proposed system makes combined use of machine learning techniques and digital image processing. We first carried out a color-based segmentation on regions of interest, teeth and non teeth, in the images through the use of Support Vector Machine. After identifying these regions were used techniques based on morphological operators such as erosion and transformed watershed for counting and detecting the boundaries of the teeth, respectively. With the border detection of teeth was possible to calculate the Fourier descriptors for their shape and the position descriptors. Then the teeth were classified according to their types through the use of the SVM from the method one-against-all used in multiclass problem. The multiclass classification problem has been approached in two different ways. In the first approach we have considered three class types: molar, premolar and non teeth, while the second approach were considered five class types: molar, premolar, canine, incisor and non teeth. The system presented a satisfactory performance in the segmenting, counting and classification of teeth present in the images.


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This work aims to develop a methodology for analysis of images using overlapping, which assists in identification of microstructural features in areas of titanium, which may be associated with its biological response. That way, surfaces of titanium heat treated for 08 (eight) different ways have been subjected to a test culture of cells. It was a relationship between the grain, texture and shape of grains of surface of titanium (attacked) trying to relate to the process of proliferation and adhesion. We used an open source software for cell counting adhered to the surface of titanium. The juxtaposition of images before and after cell culture was obtained with the aid of micro-hardness of impressions made on the surface of samples. From this image where there is overlap, it is possible to study a possible relationship between cell growth with microstructural characteristics of the surface of titanium. This methodology was efficient to describe a set of procedures that are useful in the analysis of surfaces of titanium subjected to a culture of cells


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With the growth of energy consumption worldwide, conventional reservoirs, the reservoirs called "easy exploration and production" are not meeting the global energy demand. This has led many researchers to develop projects that will address these needs, companies in the oil sector has invested in techniques that helping in locating and drilling wells. One of the techniques employed in oil exploration process is the reverse time migration (RTM), in English, Reverse Time Migration, which is a method of seismic imaging that produces excellent image of the subsurface. It is algorithm based in calculation on the wave equation. RTM is considered one of the most advanced seismic imaging techniques. The economic value of the oil reserves that require RTM to be localized is very high, this means that the development of these algorithms becomes a competitive differentiator for companies seismic processing. But, it requires great computational power, that it still somehow harms its practical success. The objective of this work is to explore the implementation of this algorithm in unconventional architectures, specifically GPUs using the CUDA by making an analysis of the difficulties in developing the same, as well as the performance of the algorithm in the sequential and parallel version


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O Turismo e a Fotografia têm uma relação muito estreita, sendo, para muitos turistas, a prática fotográfica um elemento essencial na experiência turística. Esta relação é, desde há muito, explorada pelas Organizações de Gestão do Destino (OGD) na vertente de promoção do destino e da sua imagem projectada, uma vez que as fotografias são uma forma de materializar uma ideia/imagem em relação a um determinado local, de aproximar o turista da experiência real, motivando-o à compra. No entanto é menos comum que as organizações do destino partam da fotografia para compreender o turista. Actualmente e com a rápida e abrangente disseminação de informação típica da era digital, os utilizadores/consumidores/visitantes têm um papel tão ou mais importante que as OGD’s na construção da imagem de um destino. É fundamental que as organizações não só percebam qual o tipo de informação que está a ser gerada entre os utilizadores, como que monitorizem preferências que surgem no seio das redes sociais, podendo deste modo antever tendências e, consequentemente criar novas estratégias, não só em termos de marketing e promoção, como de planeamento de negócio, especialmente no que respeita ao posicionamento e diferenciação perante a concorrência. Para ser possível monitorizar esta informação é necessário medir os seus indicadores, sendo importante criar estratégias e ferramentas de recolha. O que se pretende, a partir deste estudo, é defender a viabilidade da fotografia digital enquanto objecto de estudo, uma vez que é uma aliada na compreensão da imagem projectada pela OGD’s, mas também, e a cada vez mais, da imagem percebida e projectada pelos visitantes, a partir do conteúdo gerado pelos turistas. Tomamos como caso de estudo a cidade de Lisboa, a qual conhece nos últimos anos um grande impulso na sua atractividade turística. Tendo como base estudos similares relacionados com outros destinos construímos um sistema metodológico apoiado em estudos análogos, e no desenvolvimento de software de recolha de dados a partir de uma rede social de partilha de imagens – o Instagram. Foi possível recolher uma amostragem de imagens de Lisboa criadas por turistas, bem como o lote de imagens usadas por uma OGD para promoção de Lisboa. Após o nosso processamento de dados, foi possível efectuar uma análise de conteúdo dessas imagens chegando ao conjunto de atributos que caracteriza o seu conteúdo. Esse conteúdo foi então comparado, de modo a concluirmos sobre a semelhança ou disparidade entre as imagens usadas para promover Lisboa e aquelas que parecem transmitir aquilo que em Lisboa realmente impressiona. As principais conclusões apontam para uma concordância entre os atributos mais frequentes das fotografias tiradas por OGD e Turistas. Porém existe discordância entre os atributos menos importantes, isto é, menos presentes. A metodologia utilizada abre novos caminhos na utilização de fotos de redes sociais para estudo do comportamento do turista e da imagem do destino.


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A Histologia, o estudo de tecidos, é uma das áreas fundamentais da Biologia que permitiu enormes avanços científicos. Sendo uma tarefa exigente, meticulosa e demorada, será importante aproveitar a existência de ferramentas e algoritmos computacionais no seu auxílio, tornando o processo mais rápido e possibilitando a descoberta de informação que poderá não estar visível à partida. Esta dissertação tem como principal objectivo averiguar se um animal foi ou não sujeito à ingestão de um xenobiótico. Com esse objectivo em vista, utilizaram-se técnicas de processamento e segmentação de imagem aplicadas a imagens de tecido renal de ratos saudáveis e ratos que ingeriram o xenobiótico. Destas imagens extraíram-se inúmeras características do corpúsculo renal que após serem analisadas através de vários algoritmos de classificação mostraram ser possível saber se o animal ingeriu ou não o xenobiótico, com um reduzido grau de incerteza. ABSTRACT: Histology, the study of tissues, is one of the key areas of Biology that has allowed huge advances in Science. Being a demanding, meticulous and time consuming task, it is important to use the existence of computational tools and algorithms in its aid, making the process faster and enabling the discovery of information that may not be initially visible. The main goal of this thesis is to ascertain if an animal was subjected or not to the ingestion of a xenobiotic. With this in mind, were used image processing and segmentation techniques applied on images of kidney tissue from healthy rats and rats that ingested the xenobiotic. From these images were extracted several features of renal glomeruli that after being analyzed by various classification algorithms had shown to be possible to know, with an acceptable degree of certainty, if the animal ingested or not the xenobiotic.


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O Projeto Indicação de Procedência Campanha coordenado pela Embrapa Uva e Vinho é um estudo multidisciplinar cujo foco é a caracterização da área da indicação geográfica vitivinícola, limitada a oeste pela Argentina, a sul-sudoeste pelo Uruguai, abrangendo grande parte da ?Metade Sul? do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A viticultura ocorre em polos produtores sob condições de uso da terra diversos e distantes entre si dentro da região. Então, foram definidos nove setores de ocorrência de vinhedos, onde foi testado o método de classificação digital de imagem (PDI). A escolha da setorização para emprego de PDI se baseia na premissa de que quanto menor a região melhor seria a identificação das classes de uso por uma imagem de satélite com melhor resolução possível, propiciando qualidade maior de classificação.


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A well-developed brand helps to establish a solid identity and creates support to an image that is coherent to the actual motivations in an institution. Educational institutions have inherent characteristics that are diverse from the other sort of institutions, mainly when the focus is set on its internal and external publics. Consequently, these institutions should deal with the development of their brand and identity system also in a different approach. This research aims to investigate the traditional methodology for brand and identity systems development and proposes some modifications in order to allow a broader inclusion of the stakeholders in the process. The implementation of the new Oceanography Course in the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) offered a unique opportunity to investigate and test these new strategies. In order to investigate and relate the image, identity, interaction and experience concepts through a participative methodology, this research project applies the new suggested strategies in the development of a brand and an identity system for the Oceanography Course in UFBA. Open surveys have been carried out between the alumni, lecturers and coordination body, in order to discover and establish a symbol for the course. The statistic analysis of the surveys’ results showed clear aesthetic preferences to some icons and colours to represent the course. The participative methodology celebrated, in this project, a democratization of the generally expert-centred brand development process.


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Coleção de editais de concursos públicos reunidos pela Coordenação de Relacionamento Pesquisa e Informação do Centro de Documentação da Câmara dos Deputados.


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Traz um estudo sobre como e por que a imagem pública do Congresso Nacional pode ser vista como cronicamente negativa no senso comum, nas sondagens de opinião pública e nas representações da mídia informativa, bem como nas percepções dos atores políticos. Com esse objetivo, além da síntese de reflexões teóricas que podem ser relacionadas ao campo interdisciplinar da comunicação política, foi realizada uma série de entrevistas qualitativas com 20% dos parlamentares que formavam a Câmara dos Deputados na Legislatura 2003/2007. Embora as conclusões apontem para uma forte conexão entre tal imagem negativa, recorrentes escândalos políticos e questões institucionais de caráter estrutural e conjuntural, há também nesse contexto uma insuficiência de pluralismo político e social que revela um problema maior e mais complexo: a crise da democracia representativa - pois as organizações da sociedade civil não dispõem de canais adequados de participação que permitam a representação equilibrada de suas demandas tanto na mídia quanto no campo político parlamentar.


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Objetiva estudar os eixos que atuam na construção da imagem de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva por meio de seus discursos em plenário na Assembléia Nacional Constituinte, no período entre 1987 e 1988, utilizando-se da técnica da análise do discurso. Atenção especial é dada à análise das falas no "palco" e a representação política do personagem.