694 resultados para Previous experiences


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A good night sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle. However, children and adolescents replace sleeping hours by several other activities. This project aimed to disseminate information about sleeping and stimulate some reflections about the risk factors to health arising frompersonal and collective habits. A group of 1014 junior high school students from five schools in the city of Assis-SP, participated in the project. The students visited an exhibition about the theme "sleeping and health" and took part of group assignments. Issues related to sleeping and alternatives to promote healthy sleeping habits in day-life context were discussed. The activities were planned and executed by six trainees under the supervision of the responsible teacher. The majority of the visitors reported pleasure (90% of students) and interest in the subject; (85%) enjoyed learning new information about it (93%). Among the activities performed, 25% of visitors particularly enjoyed playful educational activities, 19% the oral presentation and 23% all the activities without distinction. Group discussion on everyday situations encouraged the adolescents to reevaluate previous experiences and knowledge that were not always consistent with current scientific knowledge. Undergraduate students had a rich practical opportunity that stimulated them to create health education strategies for adolescents. Some adolescents got more involved in the activities and others were more stimulated by the change of school routine. The activities were feasible and can be designed according to the target public. Certainly individual experience was sporadic and we suggest that future projects might be improved by stimulating bigger schools and more teachers to participate.


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Content belonging to the movement's body culture and inserted in Official Documents such as National Curriculum Parameters and Curriculum of the state of Sao Paulo, Gymnastics, was object of this Course Conclusion Paper. After the reality of more then 20 years of researches pointing to a distancing of Gymnastics content in School Physical Education, this study aims to understand and analyze the experience with Gymnastics contents during the middle and High School in Physical Education classes, having as perspective the view of students in the third year of high school from state schools in the city of Rio Claro-SP. Participated in this study 97 students from eleven state schools in the city. It was presented the previous experiences with gymnastics contens developed in Physical Education classes, as well as the materials, the most developed content and the pleasure aroused by these classes


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Gymnastics is a manifestation of body culture, which has a number of fields (SOUZA, 1997): competition, demonstration, physical conditioning, body awareness and rehabilitation, providing a wide range of knowledge to be presented in physical education. But according to studies conducted by Nista- Piccolo (1988), Polito (1998), Barbosa (1999), Paoliello (2001), Ayoub (2003), Schiavon; Piccolo (2006) knowledge involving gymnastics has been tentatively applied in school. Therefore it is intended to research investigating the experiences of students with gymnastic contents of Physical Education, Universidade Estadual Paulista / Campus Rio Claro. Aiming at the students' perception regarding fitness classes they had in Physical Education. Participated in the survey 133 undergraduate students of Physical Education. On gymnastics experiences in basic education. If they did gymnastics, how often, what content, the materials used and how was that experience. Confirmed the initial hypothesis that the gym has been little applied in Physical Education. The research shows how important the training of future teachers of physical education, which influence other generations and that along with university education, their previous experiences lead to higher education, for Physical Education classes that minister future


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The purpose of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of grown-up blind people’s non-verbal communication, including body expressions and paralinguistic (voice) expressions. More specifically, the thesis includes the following three studies: Blind people’s different forms of body expressions, blind people’s non-verbal conversation regulation and blind people’s experience of their own non-verbal expressions. The focus has been on the blind participants’ competence and on their subjective perspectives. I have also compared congenitally and adventitiously blind in all of the studies. The approach is mainly phenomenological and the qualitative empirical phenomenological psychological method is the primary methodological source of inspiration. Fourteen blind persons (and also some sigthed persons) participated. They have no other obvious disability than the blindness and their ages vary between 18 and 54. Data in the first two studies consisted of video recordings and data in the last study consisted of interviews. The overall results can be summarized in the following three points: 1. There are (almost) only similarities between the congenitally blind and adventitiously blind persons concerning their paralinguistic expressions. 2. There are mainly similarities between the two groups with respect to the occurrences of different body expressive forms. 3. There are also some differences between the groups. For example, the congenitally blind persons seem to have a limited ability to use the body in an abstract and symbolic way and they often mentioned that they have been told that their body expressions deviate from sighted people’s norms. But the persons in both groups also struggle to see themselves as unique persons who express themselves on the basis of their conditions and their previous experiences.


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Il presente studio si concentra sulle diverse applicazioni del telerilevamento termico in ambito urbano. Vengono inizialmente descritti la radiazione infrarossa e le sue interazioni con l’atmosfera terrestre, le leggi principali che regolano lo scambio di calore per irraggiamento, le caratteristiche dei sensori e le diverse applicazioni di termografia. Successivamente sono trattati nel dettaglio gli aspetti caratteristici della termografia da piattaforma satellitare, finalizzata principalmente alla valutazione del fenomeno dell'Urban Heat Island; vengono descritti i sensori disponibili, le metodologie di correzione per gli effetti atmosferici, per la stima dell'emissività delle superfici e per il calcolo della temperatura superficiale dei pixels. Viene quindi illustrata la sperimentazione effettuata sull'area di Bologna mediante immagini multispettrali ASTER: i risultati mostrano come sull'area urbana sia riscontrabile la presenza dell'Isola di Calore Urbano, anche se la sua quantificazione risulta complessa. Si procede quindi alla descrizione di potenzialità e limiti della termografia aerea, dei suoi diversi utilizzi, delle modalità operative di rilievo e degli algoritmi utilizzati per il calcolo della temperatura superficiale delle coperture edilizie. Tramite l’analisi di alcune esperienze precedenti vengono trattati l’influenza dell’atmosfera, la modellazione dei suoi effetti sulla radianza rilevata, i diversi metodi per la stima dell’emissività. Viene quindi introdotto il progetto europeo Energycity, finalizzato alla creazione di un sistema GeoWeb di supporto spaziale alle decisioni per la riduzione di consumi energetici e produzione di gas serra su sette città dell'Europa Centrale. Vengono illustrate le modalità di rilievo e le attività di processing dei datasets digitali per la creazione di mappe di temperatura superficiale da implementare nel sistema SDSS. Viene infine descritta la sperimentazione effettuata sulle immagini termiche acquisite nel febbraio 2010 sulla città di Treviso, trasformate in un mosaico georiferito di temperatura radiometrica tramite correzioni geometriche e radiometriche; a seguito della correzione per l’emissività quest’ultimo verrà trasformato in un mosaico di temperatura superficiale.


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During my Doctoral study I researched about the remote detection of canopy N concentration in forest stands, its potentials and problems, under many overlapping perspectives. The study consisted of three parts. In S. Rossore 2000 dataset analysis, I tested regressions between N concentration and NIR reflectances derived from different sources (field samples, airborne and satellite sensors). The analysis was further expanded using a larger dataset acquired in year 2009 as part of a new campaign funded by the ESA. In both cases, a good correlation was observed between Landsat NIR, using both TM (2009) and ETM+ (2000) imagery, and N concentration measured by a CHN elemental analyzer. Concerning airborne sensors I did not obtain the same good results, mainly because of the large FOV of the two instruments, and to the anisotropy of vegetation reflectance. We also tested the relation between ground based ASD measures and nitrogen concentration, obtaining really good results. Thus, I decided to expand my study to the regional level, focusing only on field and satellite measures. I analyzed a large dataset for the whole of Catalonia, Spain; MODIS imagery was used, in consideration of its spectral characteristics and despite its rather poor spatial resolution. Also in this case a regression between nitrogen concentration and reflectances was found, but not so good as in previous experiences. Moreover, vegetation type was found to play an important role in the observed relationship. We concluded that MODIS is not the most suitable satellite sensor in realities like Italy and Catalonia, which present a patchy and inhomogeneous vegetation cover; so it could be utilized for the parameterization of eco-physiological and biogeochemical models, but not for really local nitrogen estimate. Thus multispectral sensors similar to Landsat Thematic Mapper, with better spatial resolution, could be the most appropriate sensors to estimate N concentration.


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Previous studies have shown that collective property rights offer higher flexibility than individual property and improve sustainable community-based forest management. Our case study, carried out in the Beni department of Bolivia, does not contradict this assertion, but shows that collective rights have been granted in areas where ecological contexts and market facilities were less favourable to intensive land use. Previous experiences suggest investigating political processes in order to understand the criteria according to which access rights were distributed. Based on remote sensing and on a multi-level land governance framework, our research confirms that land placed under collective rights, compared to individual property, is less affected by deforestation among Andean settlements. However, analysis of the historical process of land distribution in the area shows that the distribution of property rights is the result of a political process based on economic, spatial, and environmental strategies that are defined by multiple stakeholders. Collective titles were established in the more remote areas and distributed to communities with lower productive potentialities. Land rights are thus a secondary factor of forest cover change which results from diverse political compromises based on population distribution, accessibility, environmental perceptions, and expected production or extraction incomes.


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Actualmente se está empezando a consolidar una nueva forma de gestionar la conservación y mantenimiento de la red viaria de las Administraciones Públicas, basándose en contratos de colaboración público-privadas (PPP). Las motivaciones que están provocando este movimiento son de diversa índole. Por un lado, en el seno de la Unión Europea, existen serias restricciones presupuestarias debido al alto endeudamiento del sector público, lo que está llevando a buscar la forma óptima de disminuir el endeudamiento público, sin dejar de prestar servicios a la sociedad como la conservación y mantenimiento de las redes viarias. Por esta vertiente, se trata de convertir contratos convencionales de conservación viaria a esquemas de colaboración público-privada, donde se transferiría al sector privado el riesgo de disponibilidad de la vía mediante el uso de indicadores de calidad y servicio. Con esta transferencia de riesgo, junto con la transferencia del riesgo de demanda/construcción, no consolidaría la deuda de la sociedad de propósito específico constituida para la gestión del contrato de colaboración público-privada dentro de las cuentas públicas, con lo que se conseguiría no aumentar el déficit público, permitiendo continuar ofreciendo el servicio demandado por la sociedad. Por otro lado, la segunda motivación del desarrollo de este tipo de contratos, no tan economicista como la anterior y más enfocada a la gestión, se trata de utilizar los contratos de gestión basados en el uso de indicadores de calidad de servicio para mejorar las prestaciones de la red viaria competencia de una Administración. Con el uso de estos indicadores, el gestor tiene una herramienta muy útil para controlar la actividad del sector privado y asegurar que se ofrece un buen servicio. En la presente tesis, la investigación se ha centrado más en la vertiente de los indicadores de calidad relacionados con la gestión eficiente de las vías objeto de conservación y mantenimiento mediante el empleo de contratos de gestión privada que utilicen este tipo de herramientas de control, monitorización y gestión. En una primera parte, la presente tesis estudia el estado de la red de carreteras, referido principalmente a España, comparando su estado con el resto de redes de carreteras de Europa, detectando las principales carencias de la misma, sobre todo en cuanto a la gestión y conservación de firmes. En un segundo bloque, la tesis analiza el estado del arte de los nuevos procedimientos de gestión de la conservación y mantenimiento basados en indicadores de calidad del servicio en el mundo, destacándose que se trata de un tema relativamente reciente, con gran interés para el sector de la gestión y financiación de infraestructuras viarias. Al ser tan novedoso, por la falta de experiencias previas, las distintas Administración, tanto propias como foráneas, han pecado de un exceso de celo a la hora de establecer los umbrales sobre los que giran los distintos indicadores de calidad de servicio que permiten controlar la gestión de la conservación y mantenimiento de la vía. Partiendo de la labor de análisis descrita, la tesis realiza una investigación más detallada de los indicadores de calidad de servicio correspondientes a firmes bituminosos, debido a que estos indicadores son los más delicados y decisivos a la hora de realizar una correcta gestión de la vía a largo plazo. Dentro de los indicadores de firmes bituminosos, se ha realizado un modelo específico de evolución de comportamiento a lo largo del tiempo de la regularidad superficial, parámetro básico para numerosas Administraciones y organismos investigadores para poder conocer la evolución de un firme a lo largo del tiempo. A esta metodología se le ha dado el nombre de Modelo JRB para evaluar la racionalidad económica de indicadores de calidad asociados a parámetros de firmes. El modelo propuesto básicamente evalúa el valor óptimo desde la perspectiva económica que ha de tener el parámetro técnico que defina alguna propiedad del firme, aplicado a la definición de los indicadores de calidad de servicio. Esta visión del valor umbral del indicador deja a un lado consideraciones de equidad o de cualquier otra índole, basándose más en una visión económica. La metodología del Modelo JRB se puede aplicar a cualquier indicador de calidad relacionado con firmes, ya que lo que se obtiene es el valor óptimo económico que debería tener el umbral del indicador de calidad. El Modelo JRB consta de varias fases. En las primeras etapas el Modelo realiza el cálculo de los costes totales de transporte utilizando como herramienta el software HDM-IV desarrollado por el Banco Mundial. En etapas posteriores, el Modelo realiza análisis de sensibilidad para distintas propuestas de sección de firme, intensidades de tráfico y restricciones al parámetro técnico que define el indicador de calidad de servicio. Como ejercicio práctico de cara a contrastar la metodología del Modelo JRB se ha realizado un Caso de Estudio. Se ha tomado un tramo teórico, con características similares a la red de carreteras española, y con una flota vehicular similar a la española, donde se ha elegido como indicador de calidad la regularidad superficial (IRI). Con las sensibilidades realizadas con el Modelo JRB, se ha determinado el rango de valores que debería tener un indicador de calidad basado en el IRI para que dichos valores fueran óptimos desde la perspectiva económica Nowadays is becoming a new way to manage O&M (operation and maintenance) in public road networks, based on PPP contracts (public-private partnership). There are several issues which are driving this trend. On the one hand, EU (European Union) has serious budgetary constraints due to the high public sector borrowing. EU politicians are looking for the best way to reduce public debt, keeping services to society such as O&M of road networks. For this aspect, conventional O&M contracts are switching to PPP scenarios, where availability risk would be transfer to private sector using PI (performance indicators), along with demand risk transfer With this risk transference, along with the transfer of demand/construction risk, SPV (specific purpose vehicle) debt doesn’t consolidate in public accounts, so deficit wouldn’t increase, allowing the continuation of services demanded by society. On the other hand, the second motivation for developing this kind of contracts, not so economist as above and more focused to management, it is about using O&M contracts based on the use of PI to improve road network maintenance. Using these indicators, manager has a very useful tool to monitor private sector activity and ensure that it is provided a good service. In this thesis, the research has been focused on PI quality aspect, related with efficient management of PPP contracts for roads, which use these tools for control, monitoring and management. In the first part, this thesis examines the state of road network, based mainly in Spain, comparing with other road networks in Europe, identifying the main gaps in it, especially with regard to the management and maintenance of pavements. In a second block, the thesis analyzes the state of art of new O&M contracts based on PI in the world, emphasizing that they are relatively recent. These kinds of contracts have a great interest in road management and financing sector. Administrations all around the world have launch tenders with very exigent PI thresholds due to several factors: this knowledge is a new area, the lack of previous experiences and the variety of Administrations which have bid these contracts. Building on the described analysis, thesis develops a more detailed research about PI for bituminous pavements, because these PI are the most delicate and decisive in making a proper long term road management. Among bituminous pavements PI, IRI (International Roughness Index) has been analyzed with more detail and has been developed a specific model of behaviour evolution over time for evenness (IRI), basic parameter for many administrations and research departments in order to know the evolution of a pavement over time. This methodology has been given the name of JRB Model to evaluate the economic rationality of performance indicators associated with pavements parameters. The proposed model basically evaluates the optimal value from an economic perspective it must have the technical parameter which defines some pavement characteristic applied to the definition of performance indicators. This point of view of indicator value threshold sets aside justice considerations or otherwise, based more on an economic perspective. JRB Model methodology can be applied to any performance indicator associated to pavements, because what you get is the economic optimum threshold should have the performance indicator. JRB Model consists of several phases. In the early stages, the Model calculates transport total cost using HDM-IV software, developed by the World Bank, as a tool. In later stages, the Model performs sensitivity analyzes for different pavement section, AADT and restrictions to the technical parameter which defines the performance indicator. As a practical exercise to test JRB Model methodology, it has done a Case Study. It has taken a theoretical section, with similar characteristics to Spanish road network, and a vehicles fleet similar to Spanish. Evenness (IRI) was chosen as a performance indicator. JRB Model calculated some sensitivities, which were useful to determined thresholds range for pavement performance indicators based on IRI to be optimal from an economic perspective.


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Effective remediation of contaminated sites with oils, heavy metals and other chemical agents is one of the most important environmental problems all over the world. Contaminated soils by petroleum from different sites and origins, might contaminate groundwater aquifers and then be spread by rain. Many years and the requirement of remedial techniques may be needed to remediate them. However, previous experiences show the uselessness of these methods for the solution of all problems. As any case of soil contamination is different, specific studies with relevant factors at financial aspects, legal limits and waste and soil characteristics are needed. In this work, a study of the use of bitumen asphalt emulsion to remediate contaminated soils by crude oils is exposed. By means of the soil stabilization technology, using the contaminated soils as aggregates and the tailor made emulsion as binder, the feasibility of the mix application to produce stable and resistant pavements is demonstrated


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This project analyzes the challenges, issues, benefits, and lessons learned that several companies experienced while implementing integrated management systems. Based on previous experiences, this paper defines several strategies that an organization should use to increase the probability of implementing an integrated management system (IMS) successfully. Strategies include completing a feasibility analysis, creating a policy, allocating resources, developing objectives, modifying documentation, and creating a continuous monitoring process. Moreover, an organization can reduce potential obstacles by promoting a culture that encourages management commitment and employee participation. Results indicate the implementation of an IMS provides the framework to manage environmental, health, and safety programs effectively. By implementing an IMS, an organization can save time and money, as well as proactively control risk.


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El presente trabajo se basa en el diagnóstico inicial previo de un proyecto de cooperación con una entidad social del Cantón de Otavalo (Ecuador), para incluir la actividad física y el juego en su programa de atención integral de Personas Adultas Mayores (PAM) en situación de indigencia. Para conocer el contexto de la población del servicio, sus experiencias previas y sus expectativas, se realizó una investigación basada en sus historias de vida. A su vez, se analizaron las políticas públicas del Buen Vivir y las políticas específicas para personas adultas mayores, analizando la legislación vigente y efectuando entrevistas en profundidad a informantes clave. Con enfoque interdisciplinar, se exponen reflexiones sobre elementos constitutivos de la Vida Triste y Buen Vivir, se destaca la importancia de la intervención integral en la promoción del Buen Vivir de PAM a partir de su pasado, sus puntos de vista y recursos de apoyo del territorio.


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The aim of this thesis is to explore key aspects and problems of the institutionalised teaching and learning of German language and culture in the context of German Studies in British Higher Education (HE). This investigation focuses on teaching and learning experiences in one department of German Studies in the UK, which is the micro-context of the present study, in order to provide an in-depth insight into real-life problems, strengths and weaknesses as they occur in the practice of teaching and learning German. Following Lamb (2004) and Holliday (1994), the present study acts on the assumption that each micro-context does not exist in vacuo but is always embedded in a wider socio-political and education environment, namely the macro-context, which largely determines how and what is taught. The macro-analysis of the present study surveys the socio-political developments that have recently affected the sector of modern languages and specifically the discipline of German Studies in the UK. It demonstrates the impact they have had on teaching and learning German at the undergraduate level in Britain. This context is interesting inasmuch as the situation in Britain is to a large extent a paradigmatic example of the developments in German Studies in English-speaking countries. Subsequently, the present study explores learning experiences of a group of thirty-five first year students. It focuses on their previous experiences in learning German, exposure to the target language, motivation, learning strategies and difficulties encountered, when learning German at the tertiary level. Then, on the basis of interviews with five lecturers of German, teaching experience in the context under study is explored, problems and successful teaching strategies discussed.


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The current world economic crisis induced countries to launch wide-scale spending programmes all over the world. Member states of the European Union have not been an exception to this trend. While deficit spending may increase the aggregate demand, it can also accelerate indebtedness and make the required spending cuts politically risky later on. However, deficit financing is not a new phenomenon in the EU; it has been widely practiced in the last couple of decades. As the crisis seems to come to an end, countries with huge deficits should adopt exit strategies now, thereby reducing deficit and debt and reintroducing fiscal discipline, a requirement laid down in the Stability and Growth Pact. Nevertheless, former adjustment processes can provide ample evidence for successful and politically viable fiscal consolidations. In certain cases, even economic activity started to accelerate as a response to the welldesigned adjustment measures. Based on the previous experiences of EU states, the aim of this paper is, therefore, to identify the conditions that may determine a fiscal consolidation to be successful in terms of a reduced debt ratio and a positive economic growth.


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This research, conducted in 2006-2008, examines the ways in which various groups involved with the marine resources of Seward, Alaska construct attitudes towards the environment. Participant observation and semi-structured interviews are used to assess how commercial halibut fishers, tour boat operators, local residents and government officials understand the marine environment based on their previous experiences. This study also explores how ideologies relate to the current practices of each group. Two theories orient the analyses: The first, cultural modeling provided a theoretical and methodological framework for pursuing a more comprehensive analysis of resource management. The second, Theory of Reasoned Action (Ajzen and Fishbein 1980), guided the analysis of the ways in which each participant’s ideology towards the marine environment relates to their practice. Aside from contributing to a better understanding of a coastal community’s ideologies and practices, this dissertation sought to better understand the role of ecological ideologies and behaviors in fisheries management. The research illustrates certain domains where ideologies and practices concerning Pacific halibut and the marine environment differ among commercial fishers, government, and management officials, tour boat operators and residents of Seward, AK. These differences offer insights into how future collaborative efforts between government officials, managers and local marine resource users might better incorporate local ideology into management, and provide ecological information to local marine resource users in culturally appropriate ways.


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This study examined two competitive hypotheses: the double jeopardy hypothesis and the buffering effect hypothesis on whether parental divorce affects adopted children and non-adopted children similarly or differently. The double jeopardy hypothesis suggests that when adopted children experience their parents' divorce, they perform worse because they carry two risk factors, adoption status and parental divorce, while their non-adopted counterparts carry only the risk factor of their parents' divorce. The buffering effect hypothesis suggests that, being adopted children, their previous experiences of parental loss help them better deal with the later loss of their parents' divorce so their adoption status is a protective factor rather than a risk factor. ^ Secondary analyses of a nation-wide data set were executed using different statistical methods such as ANOVA and Chi-square on different outcome variables. The results indicated that there was no evidence supporting the double-jeopardy hypothesis. That is, adopted children from divorced families did not perform significantly worse than the non-adopted children from divorced families on any outcome variable. The results also indicated that there was only weak evidence supporting the buffering effect hypothesis. The general conclusion based on the results from most of the outcome variables suggest that adopted children from divorced families do not perform differently than the biological children from divorced families. ^