957 resultados para Pressure field distribution
We consider the problem of determining the pressure and velocity fields for a weakly compressible fluid flowing in a two-dimensional reservoir in an inhomogeneous, anisotropic porous medium, with vertical side walls and variable upper and lower boundaries, in the presence of vertical wells injecting or extracting fluid. Numerical solution of this problem may be expensive, particularly in the case that the depth scale of the layer h is small compared to the horizontal length scale l. This is a situation which occurs frequently in the application to oil reservoir recovery. Under the assumption that epsilon=h/l<<1, we show that the pressure field varies only in the horizontal direction away from the wells (the outer region). We construct two-term asymptotic expansions in epsilon in both the inner (near the wells) and outer regions and use the asymptotic matching principle to derive analytical expressions for all significant process quantities. This approach, via the method of matched asymptotic expansions, takes advantage of the small aspect ratio of the reservoir, epsilon, at precisely the stage where full numerical computations become stiff, and also reveals the detailed structure of the dynamics of the flow, both in the neighborhood of wells and away from wells.
The concept of an organism's niche is central to ecological theory, but an operational definition is needed that allows both its experimental delineation and interpretation of field distributions of the species. Here we use population growth rate (hereafter, pgr) to de. ne the niche as the set of points in niche space where pgr. 0. If there are just two axes to the niche space, their relationship to pgr can be pictured as a contour map in which pgr varies along the axes in the same way that the height of land above sea level varies with latitude and longitude. In laboratory experiments we measured the pgr of Daphnia magna over a grid of values of pH and Ca2+, and so defined its "laboratory niche'' in pH-Ca2+ space. The position of the laboratory niche boundary suggests that population persistence is only possible above 0.5 mg Ca2+/L and between pH 5.75 and pH 9, though more Ca2+ is needed at lower pH values. To see how well the measured niche predicts the field distribution of D. magna, we examined relevant field data from 422 sites in England and Wales. Of the 58 colonized water bodies, 56 lay within the laboratory niche. Very few of the sites near the niche boundary were colonized, probably because pgr there is so low that populations are vulnerable to extinction by other factors. Our study shows how the niche can be quantified and used to predict field distributions successfully.
Modelling the interaction of terahertz(THz) radiation with biological tissueposes many interesting problems. THzradiation is neither obviously described byan electric field distribution or anensemble of photons and biological tissueis an inhomogeneous medium with anelectronic permittivity that is bothspatially and frequency dependent making ita complex system to model.A three-layer system of parallel-sidedslabs has been used as the system throughwhich the passage of THz radiation has beensimulated. Two modelling approaches havebeen developed a thin film matrix model anda Monte Carlo model. The source data foreach of these methods, taken at the sametime as the data recorded to experimentallyverify them, was a THz spectrum that hadpassed though air only.Experimental verification of these twomodels was carried out using athree-layered in vitro phantom. Simulatedtransmission spectrum data was compared toexperimental transmission spectrum datafirst to determine and then to compare theaccuracy of the two methods. Goodagreement was found, with typical resultshaving a correlation coefficient of 0.90for the thin film matrix model and 0.78 forthe Monte Carlo model over the full THzspectrum. Further work is underway toimprove the models above 1 THz.
We study the global atmospheric budgets of mass, moisture, energy and angular momentum in the latest reanalysis from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), ERA-Interim, for the period 1989–2008 and compare with ERA-40. Most of the measures we use indicate that the ERA-Interim reanalysis is superior in quality to ERA-40. In ERA-Interim the standard deviation of the monthly mean global dry mass of 0.7 kg m−2 (0.007%) is slightly worse than in ERA-40, and long time-scale variations in dry mass originate predominately in the surface pressure field. The divergent winds are improved in ERA-Interim: the global standard deviation of the time-averaged dry mass budget residual is 10 kg m−2 day−1 and the quality of the cross-equatorial mass fluxes is improved. The temporal variations in the global evaporation minus precipitation (E − P) are too large but the global moisture budget residual is 0.003 kg m−2 day−1 with a spatial standard deviation of 0.3 kg m−2 day−1. Both the E − P over ocean and P − E over land are about 15% larger than the 1.1 Tg s−1 transport of water from ocean to land. The top of atmosphere (TOA) net energy losses are improved, with a value of 1 W m−2, but the meridional gradient of the TOA net energy flux is smaller than that from the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) data. At the surface the global energy losses are worse, with a value of 7 W m−2. Over land however, the energy loss is only 0.5 W m−2. The downwelling thermal radiation at the surface in ERA-Interim of 341 W m−2 is towards the higher end of previous estimates. The global mass-adjusted energy budget residual is 8 W m−2 with a spatial standard deviation of 11 W m−2, and the mass-adjusted atmospheric energy transport from low to high latitudes (the sum for the two hemispheres) is 9.5 PW
The unsteady flow of a weakly compressible fluid in a thin porous layer II: three-dimensional theory
We consider the problem of determining the pressure and velocity fields for a weakly compressible fluid flowing in a three-dimensional layer, composed of an inhomogeneous, anisotropic porous medium, with vertical side walls and variable upper and lower boundaries, in the presence of vertical wells injecting and/or extracting fluid. Numerical solution of this three-dimensional evolution problem may be expensive, particularly in the case that the depth scale of the layer h is small compared to the horizontal length scale l, a situation which occurs frequently in the application to oil and gas reservoir recovery and which leads to significant stiffness in the numerical problem. Under the assumption that $\epsilon\propto h/l\ll 1$, we show that, to leading order in $\epsilon$, the pressure field varies only in the horizontal directions away from the wells (the outer region). We construct asymptotic expansions in $\epsilon$ in both the inner (near the wells) and outer regions and use the asymptotic matching principle to derive expressions for all significant process quantities. The only computations required are for the solution of non-stiff linear, elliptic, two-dimensional boundary-value, and eigenvalue problems. This approach, via the method of matched asymptotic expansions, takes advantage of the small aspect ratio of the layer, $\epsilon$, at precisely the stage where full numerical computations become stiff, and also reveals the detailed structure of the dynamics of the flow, both in the neighbourhood of wells and away from wells.
The North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) is under current climate conditions the leading mode of atmospheric circulation variability over the North Atlantic region. While the pattern is present during the entire year, it is most important during winter, explaining a large part of the variability of the large-scale pressure field, being thus largely determinant for the weather conditions over the North Atlantic basin and over Western Europe. In this study, a review of recent literature on the basic understanding of the NAO, its variability on different time scales and driving physical mechanisms is presented. In particular, the observed NAO variations and long-term trends are put into a long term perspective by considering paleo-proxy evidence. A representative number of recently released NAO reconstructions are discussed. While the reconstructions agree reasonably well with observations during the instrumental overlapping period, there is a rather high uncertainty between the different reconstructions for the pre-instrumental period, which leads to partially incoherent results, that is, periods where the NAO reconstructions do not agree even in sign. Finally, we highlight the future need of a broader definition of the NAO, the assessment of the stability of the teleconnection centers over time, the analysis of the relations to other relevant variables like temperature and precipitation, as well as on the relevant processes involved
The synoptic evolution and some meteorological impacts of the European winter storm Kyrill that swept across Western, Central, and Eastern Europe between 17 and 19 January 2007 are investigated. The intensity and large storm damage associated with Kyrill is explained based on synoptic and mesoscale environmental storm features, as well as on comparisons to previous storms. Kyrill appeared on weather maps over the US state of Arkansas about four days before it hit Europe. It underwent an explosive intensification over the Western North Atlantic Ocean while crossing a very intense zonal polar jet stream. A superposition of several favourable meteorological conditions west of the British Isles caused a further deepening of the storm when it started to affect Western Europe. Evidence is provided that a favourable alignment of three polar jet streaks and a dry air intrusion over the occlusion and cold fronts were causal factors in maintaining Kyrill's low pressure very far into Eastern Europe. Kyrill, like many other strong European winter storms, was embedded in a pre-existing, anomalously wide, north-south mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) gradient field. In addition to the range of gusts that might be expected from the synoptic-scale pressure field, mesoscale features associated with convective overturning at the cold front are suggested as the likely causes for the extremely damaging peak gusts observed at many lowland stations during the passage of Kyrill's cold front. Compared to other storms, Kyrill was by far not the most intense system in terms of core pressure and circulation anomaly. However, the system moved into a pre-existing strong MSLP gradient located over Central Europe which extended into Eastern Europe. This fact is considered determinant for the anomalously large area affected by Kyrill. Additionally, considerations of windiness in climate change simulations using two state-of-the-art regional climate models driven by ECHAM5 indicate that not only Central, but also Eastern Central Europe may be affected by higher surface wind speeds at the end of the 21st century. These changes are partially associated with the increased pressure gradient over Europe which is identified in the ECHAM5 simulations. Thus, with respect to the area affected, as well as to the synoptic and mesoscale storm features, it is proposed that Kyrill may serve as an interesting study case to assess future storm impacts.
A weak instability mode, associated with phase-locked counterpropagating coastal Kelvin waves in horizontal anticyclonic shear, is found in the semigeostrophic (SG) equations for stratified flow in a channel. This SG instability mode approximates a similar mode found in the Euler equations in the limit in which particle-trajectory slopes are much smaller than f/N, where f is the Coriolis frequency and N > f the buoyancy frequency. Though weak under normal parameter conditions, this instability mode is of theoretical interest because its existence accounts for the failure of an Arnol’d-type stability theorem for the SG equations. In the opposite limit, in which the particle motion is purely vertical, the Euler equations allow only buoyancy oscillations with no horizontal coupling. The SG equations, on the other hand, allow a physically spurious coastal “mirage wave,” so called because its velocity field vanishes despite a nonvanishing disturbance pressure field. Counterpropagating pairs of these waves can phase-lock to form a spurious “mirage-wave instability.” Closer examination shows that the mirage wave arises from failure of the SG approximations to be self-consistent for trajectory slopes f/N.
In this paper, a factor referred to as k(f) for linear induction motor end effect analysis is presented. The mathematical model takes into account the longitudinal entry end effect. The entry end effect produces considerable distortion in magnetic field distribution. It is shown how this influence is derived from the machine-developed force that is calculated through the application of the I-D theory. The k(f) factor establishes the relationship between the longitudinal end effect and machine parameters, mainly the number of magnetic poles, secondary resistivity, and frequency.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We performed computer simulations of interstellar cloud-cloud collisions using the three-dimensional smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics method. In order to study the role of the magnetic field on the process of collision-triggered fragmentation, we focused our attention on head-on supersonic collisions between two identical spherical molecular-clouds. Two extreme configurations of the magnetic field were adopted: parallel and perpendicular to the initial clouds motion. The initial magnetic field strength was approximately 12.0 muG. In the parallel case, much more of the collision debris were retained in the shocking region than in the non-magnetic case where gas escaped freely throughout the symmetry plane. Differently from the non-magnetic case, eddy-like vortices were formed. The regions of highest vorticity and the the regions of highest density are offset. We found clumps formation only in the parallel case, however, they were larger, hotter and less dense than in the analogous non-magnetic case. In the perpendicular case, the compressed field works as a magnetic wall, preventing a stronger compression of the colliding clouds. This last effect inhibits direct contact of the two clouds. In both cases, we found that the field lines show a chaotic aspect in large scales. Also, the field magnitude is considerably amplified in the shock layer. However, the field distribution is almost coherent in the higher density regions.
The finite volume method is used as a numerical method for solving the fluid flow equations. This method is appropriate to employ under structured and unstructured meshes. Mixed grids, combining both types of grids, are investigated. The coupling of different grids is done by overlapping strategy. The computational effort for the mixed grid is evaluated by the CPU-time, with different percentage of covering area of the unstructured mesh. The present scheme is tested for the driven cavity problem, where the incompressible fluid is integrated by calculating the velocity fields and computing the pressure field in each time step. Several schemes for unstructured grid are examined, and the compatibility condition is applied to check their consistency. A scheme to verify the compatibility condition for the unstructured grids is presented. (c) 2006 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The end magnets of the IFUSP race-track microtron booster, second stage of the electron accelerator under construction at the Linear Accelerator Laboratory, are presented. They deflect, focus and return the beam to the accelerating section. Details about the project are discussed, Poisson code was used to give the final geometry of the end magnets. The end magnets incorporate auxiliary pole pieces (clamps) which create a reverse fringe field region that avoids the beam vertical defocusing and reduces the horizontal displacement produced by extended fringe fields (EFF). The small gap height used for the clamps provided reverse field distributions with fringe fields of short extensions, avoiding the traditional use of inactive clamps. Measurements and calculations concerning particle trajectories and reverse field distribution are presented. The floating wire technique, employing an original procedure to register orbits, was used to corroborate the calculated beam trajectories and represents a good experimental option in the lack of the accelerator beam. The experimental results showed agreement of about 0.1% with the calculations.
In the present work we investigate the behavior of a vortex in a long superconducting cylinder near to a columnar defect at the center. The derivations of the local magnetic field distribution and the Gibbs free energy will be carried out for a cylinder and a cavity of arbitrary sizes. From the general expressions, it is considered two particular limits: one in which the radius of the cavity is very small but the radius of the superconducting cylinder is kept finite; and one in which the radius of the superconducting cylinder is taken very large (infinite) but the radius of the cavity is kept finite. In both cases the maximum number of vortices which are allowed in the cavity is determined. In addition, the surface barrier field for flux entrance into the cavity is calculated. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We will present measurements and calculations related to the antisymmetric perturbations, and comparisons with the symmetric ones, of the IFUSP race-track microtron booster accelerator end magnets. These perturbations were measured in planes situated at +/-12 mm of the middle plane, in a gap height of 4 cm, for a field distribution of about 0.1 T. The measurements were done in 1170 points, separated by a distance of 8 mm, using an automated system with a +/-1.5 mu T differential Hall probe. The race-track microtron booster is the second stage of the 30.0 MeV electron accelerator under construction at the Linear Accelerator Laboratory in which the required uniformity for the magnetic field is of about 10(-3). The method of correction employed to homogenize the IFUSP race-track microtron booster accelerator magnets assures uniformity of 10(-5) in an average field of 0.1 T, over an area of 700 cm(2). This method uses the principle of attaching to the pole pieces correction coils produced by etching techniques, with copper leads shaped like the isofield lines of the normal component of the magnetic field measured. The ideal planes, in which these measurements are done, are calculated and depend on the behavior of the magnetic field perturbations: symmetric or antisymmetric with reference to the middle plane of the magnet gap. These calculations are presented in this work and show that for antisymmetric perturbations there is no ideal plane for the correction of the magnetic field; for the symmetric one, these planes are at +/-60% of the half gap height, from the middle plane. So this method of correction is not feasible for antisymmetric perturbations, as will be shown. Besides, the correction of the symmetric portion of the field distribution does not influence the antisymmetric one, which almost does not change, and corroborates the theoretical predictions. We found antisymmetric perturbations of small intensity only in one of the two end magnets. However, they are not detected at +/- 1 mm of the middle plane and will not damage the electron beam.