872 resultados para Preservice EFL teachers’ needs
RESUMO: A preocupação central desta pesquisa foi compreendermos qual o impacto da formação continuada Pró-Letramento na prática pedagógica do professor a partir das necessidades e desafios do cotidiano escolar. Buscamos conhecer o conceito que os sujeitos da pesquisa têm sobre formação continuada, abordando a mesma como elemento da prática docente, comparamos o cotidiano de sala de aula de professores que passaram pela formação Pró-Letramento com os que não tiveram acesso a essa formação. Com respeito à formação continuada a percebemos como um processo dinâmico, reflexivo, que combina uma variedade de possibilidades e modalidades de aprendizagens, em que o professor vai adequando a sua formação às exigências sociais, culturais, educacionais. A formação continuada se dá, por meio da reflexão sobre a própria prática profissional no processo de ação-reflexão-ação, adquirindo significado na medida em que desenvolve e promove os diversos saberes docentes. A pesquisa foi conduzida com 90 professores do Ensino Fundamental – Anos Iniciais -, com oito coordenadoras que acompanham pedagogicamente os professores sujeitos dessa pesquisa e a observação em sala de aula. Procedeu-se à aplicação de um questionário validado e adaptado aos professores e uma entrevista aos coordenadores. A análise dos dados quantitativos foi realizada por meio do programa SPSS; enquanto a análise dos dados qualitativos foi orientada pela análise de discurso. A pesquisa aponta para algumas conclusões no que se refere a importância da Formação Continuada Pró-Letramento, tendo em vista a mesma possibilitar mudanças na prática pedagógica e colaborara para formação de um professor reflexivo, ao mesmo tempo que abre espaço para novos questionamentos e novos estudos.ABSTRACT: The central concern of this research was to understand the impact of the continuing education pro-literacy teaching practice from the teacher‘s needs and challenges of every day school life. We tried to know the concept that the subjects have on continuing education, addressing it as part of teaching practice, we compared the daily classroom teachers who have gone through training with Pro-Literacy did not access to such training. With respect to continuing education perceive it as a dynamic, reflective, which combines a variety of possibilities and modalities oF learning, the teacher will tailoring the training requirements to social, cultural, educational. The continuing education takes place, through reflection on own practice in the process of action-reflection-action, acquiring significance in that it develops and promotes the various teacher‘s knowledge. The research was conducted with 90 elementary school teacher‘s – Early Years – with eight coordinators accompanying teacher‘s pedagogically subject of research and observation in the classroom. Proceeded to the application of a validated questionnaire and adapted to an interview with the teachers and coordinators. The quantitative data analysis was performed using SPSS, while the analysis of qualitative data was guided by discourse analysis. The research points to some conclusions regarding the importance of Continuing Education Pro- Literacy in order to enable the same changes in teaching practice and collaborated to form a reflective teacher at the same time it makes room for new questions and new studies.
The accomplished researches in the education field focus on the importance of the accomplishment of actions involved in the analysis of the needs to graduate teachers as a way to adequate to socialcultural changing that require more and more a creative activity to prepare teachers in their graduation perspective. The worry with a fail at school linked to public school students lead us to make this thesis which goals are: investigate the needs of the graduation of teachers at public Elementary Schools concerning to the subjacent knowledge to the development of a pedagogic practice of alphabetizing with literacy and (re)create, with some teachers as active participants in the researches, knowledge regarding the process of alphabetization with literacy , based on the graduation of teachers. The study was accomplished in a municipal Elementary School in the Ceará-Mirim city, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, which offers both I and II levels of the Elementary School, 7 teachers and the principal of the school were subjects of our researches. The starting point was the needs of the graduation as subject phenomena, socially created and that allow people to be aware of the goals of a graduation. The investigative broach is qualitative, whose fundamental purpose is the understanding of the meanings, symbols, values and intentions of the mankind actions, as regards to other humanbeing and the contexts in which they interact. Within this context, we chose the investigation-action for we consider this kind of research a place for investigation and professional graduation, in which teachers and the researcher herself assume responsibility of problematizing, build the needs of graduation and think about their practices. As proceedings to create and analyze data, we developed participant observations during the activities in classroom; semi-structured interviews (individual and in groups) with teachers and the principal; analysis of documents and meetings at school for reflexive studies that enabled us to gather data in a pyramidal panoramic view and analyze the contents. The research revealed that the analysis of necessities to graduate teachers is a resource able to contribute to the planning of projects of keeping on graduating more properly, and thus create a critical and reflexive identity for teachers. This way, it was possible the graduation necessities could be revealed and also the knowledge of teachers as regards to alphabetization inserted in a perspective of literacy. Nowadays, conceptualized needs upon difficulties of teachers, there is a tendency to translate them into theorization of problems, without application to these knowledge of teachers, as well as their wishes for changing, especially when those needs are built to analyze and consider concrete practices. Therefore, the graduation experiences have enabled the abandon of a mechanical broach for teaching reading and writing. It has also lead teachers to assume a posture of providing their students the understanding about the reading and writing processes and their functions as social instruments. The graduation theme contents allowed the knowledge to conceive reading and writing in new perspectives, according to their social functions, so that they can improve the education with literacy quality. This theoretical construction has enabled us to understand and consider the necessities of the graduation as progressive process, and has given us the possibility of re-think our own learning processes at the university and review the pedagogical practices of public school teachers. Our conclusion is that once teachers consider their own graduation needs, it contributes to change their concepts and practices in education and literacy, even though there used to be many difficulties in their graduation and organization of the pedagogical work
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Esta dissertação desenvolve-se a partir da pesquisa qualitativa que tem como objetivo analisar como os professores formadores compreendem a formação de professores de matemática. A pesquisa está vinculada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação de Ciências e Matemáticas (PPGECM) do Instituto de Educação Matemática e Científica (IEMCI) da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). O Estudo envolve onze professores formadores do Curso de Licenciatura em Matemática do Campus Universitário do Baixo Tocantins da Universidade Federal do Pará. Os instrumentos utilizados na pesquisa são os questionários e as entrevistas semiestruturadas, além de outros documentos, como: o Projeto Pedagógico do Curso e os Currículos Lattes dos formadores. Como referencial teórico, este trabalho embasa-se, principalmente, nos estudos formulados por Pimenta e Anastasiou (2005), Morosini (2001), Masetto (1998), Vasconcelos (2009), Gonçalves (2006), Cunha (2001), Chamlian (2009). Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que o processo de formação dos docentes universitários, no caso específico dos professores formadores de professores de matemática, necessita de ações formativas, que visem possibilitar, a esses profissionais, conhecimentos mais abrangentes a respeito da docência e das dimensões que estão subjacentes à mesma. Possibilitando, assim, que os formadores de professores de matemática possam refletir, compreender e transformar suas práticas formativas no exercício da docência, e na formação de futuros professores de matemática.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
In autumn 2007 the Swiss Medical School of Berne (Switzerland) implemented mandatory short-term clerkships in primary health care for all undergraduate medical students. Students studying for a Bachelor degree complete 8 half-days per year in the office of a general practitioner, while students studying for a Masters complete a three-week clerkship. Every student completes his clerkships in the same GP office during his four years of study. The purpose of this paper is to show how the goals and learning objectives were developed and evaluated. Method:A working group of general practitioners and faculty had the task of defining goals and learning objectives for a specific training program within the complex context of primary health care. The group based its work on various national and international publications. An evaluation of the program, a list of minimum requirements for the clerkships, an oral exam in the first year and an OSCE assignment in the third year assessed achievement of the learning objectives. Results: The findings present the goals and principal learning objectives for these clerkships, the results of the evaluation and the achievement of minimum requirements. Most of the defined learning objectives were taught and duly learned by students. Some learning objectives proved to be incompatible in the context of ambulatory primary care and had to be adjusted accordingly. Discussion: The learning objectives were evaluated and adapted to address students’ and teachers’ needs and the requirements of the medical school. The achievement of minimum requirements (and hence of the learning objectives) for clerkships has been mandatory since 2008. Further evaluations will show whether additional learning objectives need to be adopte
One of the most important uses of manipulatives in a classroom is to aid a learner to make connection from tangible concrete object to its abstraction. In this paper we discuss how teacher educators can foster deeper understanding of how manipulatives facilitate student learning of math concepts by emphasizing the connection between concrete objects and math symbolization with, preservice elementary teachers, the future implementers of knowledge. We provide an example and a model, with specific steps of how teacher educators can effectively demonstrate connections between concrete objects and abstract math concepts.
Este artigo apresenta um experimento com sete estudantes de Licenciatura em Matemática da Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, com o objetivo de desenvolver a competência de “observar com sentido”. Para isso foi desenvolvido um ambiente de investigação composto por um vídeo de uma aula de Matemática, dois textos de suporte às discussões, um fórum de discussão e uma wiki sintetizando o debate realizado no fórum. Os resultados apontam que os estudantes conseguem analisar uma aula e identificar a metodologia utilizada e que com o experimento foi possível ampliar a compreensão do ambiente profissional.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la relación entre las formas del discurso generado por los estudiantes para maestro al resolver problemas de geometría de probar y el razonamiento configural. Analizamos las respuestas de 97 estudiantes para maestro a dos problemas de probar para determinar cómo identificaban y relacionaban propiedades geométricas para deducir nuevos hechos y propiedades de las figuras. Los resultados muestran tres formas del discurso generado por los estudiantes para maestro para comunicar su resolución: gráfico, texto y una mezcla de los dos; y que las formas del discurso generado no influyen en el truncamiento del razonamiento configural que desencadena los procesos deductivos.
Research has suggested that understanding in well-structured settings often does not transfer to the everyday, less-structured problems encountered outside of school. Little is known, beyond anecdotal evidence, about how teachers' consideration of distributions as evidence in well-structured settings compares with their use in ill-structured problem contexts. A qualitative study of preservice secondary teachers examined their use of distributions as evidence in four tasks of varying complexity and ill-structuredness. Results suggest that teachers' incorporation of distributions in well-structured settings does not imply that they will be incorporated in less structured problems (and vice-versa). Implications for research and teaching are discussed.
This hands-on, practical guide for ESL/EFL teachers and teacher educators outlines, for those who are new to doing action research, what it is and how it works. Straightforward and reader friendly, it introduces the concepts and offers a step-by-step guide to going through an action research process, including illustrations drawn widely from international contexts. Specifically, the text addresses: •action research and how it differs from other forms of research •the steps involved in developing an action research project •ways of developing a research focus •methods of data collection •approaches to data analysis •making sense of action research for further classroom action. Each chapter includes a variety of pedagogical activities: •Pre-Reading questions ask readers to consider what they already know about the topic •Reflection Points invite readers to think about/discuss what they have read •action points ask readers to carry out action-research tasks based on what they have read •Classroom Voices illustrate aspects of action research from teachers internationally •Summary Points provide a synopsis of the main points in the chapter