982 resultados para Pregnancy diagnosis


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In order to provide information that may help researchers to understand the main cause(s) of differences in bull fertility frequently observed in field trials, this study aimed to investigate conception rates as well as several in vitro sperm characteristics of different sires of unknown fertility utilized in a Timed-AI (TAI) program. Suckled Nelore cows submitted to the same TAI protocol were allocated into eight breeding groups of approximately 120 animals each. Frozen semen doses from three Angus bulls and three different batches from each bull were utilized. Approximately 100 doses from each batch were used in TAI. Sires, batches and AI technicians were equally distributed across breeding groups. Cows were examined for pregnancy diagnosis 40 d after TAI. For in vitro sperm analyses, the same thawing procedure was repeated in the laboratory to mimic field conditions. The following in vitro sperm characteristics were assessed: computerized motility, thermal resistance, plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, lipid peroxidation, morphology, morphometry and chromatin structure. No effect of breeding group, body condition score, AI technician and sire was observed. However, some significant differences among bulls were detected in laboratory analyses. Semen from sire presenting numerically lower (P > 0.05) pregnancy/AI also presented lower (P < 0.05) values in all sperm characteristics analyzed in thermal resistance test at 4 h (Total Motility, Progressive Motility, Average Path Velocity, Straight-Line Velocity, Curvilinear Velocity, Amplitude of Lateral Head Displacement, Beat Cross Frequency, Straightness, Linearity, and Percentage of Rapidly Moving Cells), higher (P < 0.05) Major and Total Defects in sperm morphological test, lower (P < 0.05) Length, Ellipticity and Fourier parameter (Fourier 0) in sperm morphometric analysis as well as higher (P < 0.05) chromatin heterogeneity. It was concluded that, although no bull effect was observed in the field experiment, the sire that presented numerically lower pregnancy/AI also presented lower semen quality according to the laboratory analyses performed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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The aim was to determine the factors that contribute to embryonic mortality in buffaloes mated by AI during a period of increasing day length which corresponds to a natural decline in reproductive activity. Italian Mediterranean buffalo cows (n = 243) showing regular estrous cycles were synchronized using the Ovsynch-TAI program and mated by AI at 16 and 40 h after the second injection of GnRH. Blood samples were collected on Days 10 and 20 after the first AI and assayed for progesterone (P-4). Pregnancy diagnosis was undertaken on Days 26 and 40 after the first AI using rectal ultrasonography. Buffaloes with a conceptus on Day 26 but not on Day 40 were judged to have undergone embryonic mortality and for these animals uterine fluid was recovered by flushing and analysed for common infectious agents. Estrus synchronization was achieved in 86% of buffaloes and the pregnancy rate on Day 40 was 34%. Embryonic mortality between Days 26 and 40 occurred in 45% of buffaloes and was associated with the presence of significant infectious agents in only 10 buffaloes (8%). Concentrations of P-4 on Day 10 after AI were higher (P < 0.05) in buffaloes that established a pregnancy than in buffaloes that showed embryonic mortality that was not associated with infectious agents. Similarly, on Day 20 after AI P-4 concentrations were higher (P < 0.01) in pregnant buffaloes compared with non-pregnant buffaloes and buffaloes that had embryonic mortality. It is concluded that a reduced capacity for P-4 secretion can explain around 50% of embryonic mortalities in buffaloes synchronised and mated by AI during a period of low reproductive activity and that other as yet unidentified factors also have a significant effect on embryonic survival. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The objective was to evaluate the effect of lactation order, racial composition and milk production in the body condition score (BCS) at prepartum and its variation at postpartum. Furthermore, evaluate the effect of BCS at prepartum and its variation at postpartum on reproductive performance in dairy cows. Data was collected, relating to 470 parturitions for two years at 3 properties in Gurinhatã-MG. Milk production was measured monthly and the evaluation of the BCS was made by a single individual in the prepartum and postpartum (from 1.0 to 5.0). Was used the conventional artificial insemination, timed artificial insemination and controlled ride. The pregnancy diagnosis was through rectal palpation from 40 days after the service. The variables were analyzed using the SAS GLIMMIX procedure. The racial composition affected the BCS at prepartum (P=0.0003). Milk production tended to affect the BCS at prepartum (P=0.0957) and its variation in postpartum (P=0.1179). The overall conception rate was 57.3% and was affected (P<0.0001) by type of service. There was no effect of the BCS in prepartum (P=0.1544) and the variation of BCS (P=0.3127) on conception rate. Had no effect of BCS interaction at prepartum (P=0.9516) and the variation of BCS (P=0.9506) with the type of service on conception rate. The BCS at prepartum affect the service period (P<0.0001). Cows with BCS less than 3.25 became pregnant earlier. The variation of the BCS affected the service period (P<0.0001). Cows with loss of ECC became pregnant earlier than cows without loss. The average loss of ECC at postpartum was -0.692 points, not enough to damage the reproductive performance of dairy cows.


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Atresia coli is a congenital defect with disruption of the intestinal flow. Its etiopathogenesis is still unknown and the prognosis is reserved. This paper describes the case of a one week old Holstein Friesian calf that was referred to the HCVC, and was diagnosed with atresia coli. This confirmation was made by contrast radiography and the lesion was detected in dorsal portion of the spiral colon. A cecostomy was performed followed by a marsupialization of the intestinal cecum to the abdominal wall. After 36 hours of surgery, calf’s state worsens dramatically and for reasons of welfare, it was proceeded to sacrifice. The post-operative recovery is possible, even though the mortality rate is high. As in this case, this mortality rate increases when early diagnosis of atresia coli does not take place and there is peritonitis.


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Background: Pregnant women find themselves subject to comments and questions from people in public areas. Normally, becoming ‘public property’ is considered friendly and is relatively easy for pregnant women to deal with. However, following diagnosis of a fetal anomaly, the experience of being public property can exacerbate the emotional turmoil experienced by couples. Original research question: What is the experience of couples who continue pregnancy following the diagnosis of a fetal anomaly? Method: The study used an interpretive design informed by Merleau-Ponty and this paper reports on a subset of findings. Thirty-one interviews with pregnant women and their partners were undertaken following the diagnosis of a serious or lethal fetal anomaly. Women were between 25 and 38 weeks gestation at the time of their first interview. The non-directive interviews were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and the transcripts were thematically analysed. Findings: A prominent theme that emerged during data analysis was that pregnancy is embodied therefore physically evident and ‘public’. Women found it difficult to deal with being public property when the fetus had a serious or lethal anomaly. Some women avoided social situations; others did not disclose the fetal condition but gave minimal or avoidant answers to minimise distress to themselves and others. The male participants were not visibly pregnant and they could continue life in public without being subject to the public’s gaze, but they were very aware and concerned about its impact on their partner. Conclusion: The public tend to assume that pregnancy is normal and will produce a healthy baby. This becomes problematic for women who have a fetus with an anomaly. Women use strategies to help them cope with becoming public property during pregnancy. Midwives can play an important role in reducing the negative consequences of a woman becoming public property following the diagnosis of a fetal anomaly.


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AIM: To understand the uniqueness of the experience of testing HIV positive from the perspective of pregnant women.

BACKGROUND: As more people learn of their HIV diagnosis through routine screening processes, it is timely to reflect on the impact of receiving an unexpected positive result.

DESIGN: A prospective qualitative study.

METHODS: This paper draws on the case studies of four women who were participating in a larger prospective qualitative study of reproductive decision-making, pregnancy and childbirth following HIV diagnosis. Multiple interviews were conducted following diagnosis during pregnancy, and, after the birth of their babies. Thematic data analysis was undertaken.

RESULTS: Drawing on Becker's theory of disruption, we document the 'sudden disjuncture' of their antenatal diagnosis and the embodied emotional struggle the women engaged in to create continuity in their lives. A diagnosis of HIV disrupted the women's biographies in terms of their health, relationships and social identity. As pregnant women, the threat of HIV was experienced most significantly in relation to their unborn child. However, their narratives also revealed how a diagnosis of HIV in the context of pregnancy, whilst traumatic, provided a focus for regaining continuity in their lives, as the baby became a metaphor for hope and orientation toward the future.

CONCLUSIONS: As HIV testing becomes more 'routine', the findings of this study serve to remind health professionals that a positive diagnosis continues to constitute a major trauma to individuals and families.

RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: We propose that appropriately educated nursing and midwifery staff could facilitate the 'meaning making' process that is required for newly diagnosed HIV positive persons to find a subjective sense of well-being in their lives.


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L’objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer un test d’estérase leucocytaire (LE) pour le diagnostic de l’endométrite subclinique chez les vaches Holstein en période postpartum. Les tests effectués à partir d’échantillons provenant soit de l’endomètre (UtLE) ou du col utérin (CxLE) ont été comparés à la cytologie endométriale (CE). Par ailleurs, deux méthodes d’évaluation des lames ont été comparées. Deux cent quatre vingt-cinq vaches Holstein de 5 troupeaux laitiers commerciaux ont été évaluées entre 21 et 47 jours en lait (JEL). Soixante sept vaches ont été diagnostiquées avec une endométrite clinique suite à un examen transrectal et vaginoscopique et ont été exclues de l’étude. Deux cent dix-huit vaches ont eu des prélèvements pour la CE et le test LE. La fonction ovarienne a été déterminée à la palpation transrectale. La banque de données utilisée pour chacune des vaches a été effectuée à partir du logiciel DSA (Dossier de Santé Animale) laitier. Le pourcentage de neutrophiles était significativement corrélé avec les scores de LE utérin et cervical. L’activité de CxLE et UtLE diminuait significativement avec les JEL, mais n’était pas associée au risque de gestation à 90 JEL (n= 186). Le pourcentage de neutrophiles mesuré à la CE entre 32 et 47 JEL était associé significativement au risque de gestation à 90 JEL (n=94, P=0.04). Pour la même période, selon une analyse de survie, les vaches avec >2,6% de neutrophiles à la CE étaient définies comme étant atteintes d’une endométrite subclinique avec une prévalence de 56%. Les résultats indiquent que le test d’estérase utérin ou cervical a une bonne concordance avec le pourcentage de neutrophiles à la CE. Une endométrite subclinique diagnostiquée par cytologie endometriale entre 32 et 47 JEL est associée à une réduction du risque de gestation au premier service.


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There is an urgent need to find consensus on screening, diagnosing and treating all degrees of DYSGLYCEMIA that may occur during pregnancies in Brazil, considering that many cases of DYSGLYCEMIA in pregnant women are currently not diagnosed, leading to maternal and fetal complications. For this reason the Brazilian Diabetes Society (SBD) and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Societies (FEBRASGO), got together to introduce this proposal. We present here a joint consensus regarding the standardization of clinical management for pregnant women with any degree of Dysglycemia, on the basis of current information, to improve medical assistance and to avoid related complications of Dysglycemia in pregnancy to the mother and the fetus. This consensus aims to standardize the diagnosis among general practitioners, endocrinologists and obstetricians allowing the dissemination of information in basic health units, public and private services, that are responsible for screening, diagnosing and treating disglycemic pregnant patients.


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There is an urgent need to find consensus on screening, diagnosing and treating all degrees of DYSGLYCEMIA that may occur during pregnancies in Brazil, considering that many cases of DYSGLYCEMIA in pregnant women are currently not diagnosed, leading to maternal and fetal complications. For this reason the Brazilian Diabetes Society (SBD) and the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Societies (FEBRASGO), got together to introduce this proposal. We present here a joint consensus regarding the standardization of clinical management for pregnant women with any degree of Dysglycemia, on the basis of current information, to improve medical assistance and to avoid related complications of Dysglycemia in pregnancy to the mother and the fetus. This consensus aims to standardize the diagnosis among general practitioners, endocrinologists and obstetricians allowing the dissemination of information in basic health units, public and private services, that are responsible for screening, diagnosing and treating disglycemic pregnant patients.


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Iron-deficiency anaemia during pregnancy and postpartum occurs frequently and may lead to severe maternal and foetal complications. New treatment regimens include intravenous iron administration in particular clinical situations. The aim of the study was to determine optimal diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to iron-deficiency anaemia during pregnancy and postpartum.