361 resultados para Prazer


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Pesquisa qualitativa que tem como objetivos: identificar indicadores que geram prazer e sofrimento nos enfermeiros dentro do ambiente hospitalar, analisar quais são os sentimentos vivenciados por estes profissionais e verificar quais são os principais mecanismos de defesa utilizados. O estudo contou com a participação de oito enfermeiros de diferentes setores hospitalares, em dois hospitais da região central de São Paulo. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre Novembro de 2010 e Fevereiro de 2011, realizada por meio da técnica de entrevista semidirigida com temas norteadores, cujo conteúdo foi registrado por meio de um gravador de voz e transcrito posteriormente. Para análise dos dados foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo com o respaldo teórico das contribuições da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho e Psicologia Institucional. Das entrevistas foram desveladas cinco categorias analíticas: o prazer no trabalho do enfermeiro, o sofrimento no trabalho do enfermeiro, os sentimentos negativos, os sentimentos positivos, e os sentimentos ambivalentes. Estas categorias agregaram as subcategorias: trabalho gratificante, trabalho estressante, amizade, raiva, dor, medo, inferioridade, frustração, tristeza, culpa e apego. As subcategorias por sua vez, desdobraram-se em indicadores temáticos que expressaram os mais diversos fatores que produzem prazer e sofrimento no trabalho dos enfermeiros, bem como a ambigüidade de sentimentos vivenciados por estes profissionais. Sentimentos que variaram de um momento para o outro, sendo que, aquilo que causava dificuldades no atendimento da necessidade de ajudar e sentir-se útil, implicou em sofrimento, o que facilitou ou tornou viável as necessidades, constituíram em prazer no trabalho. Mecanismos de defesa foram utilizados pelos enfermeiros com o intuito de protegê-los, no entanto, ocultavam da consciência a causa implícita do sofrimento. Os resultados possibilitaram ampliar o universo de conhecimento da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho e Psicologia Institucional na área da enfermagem, demonstrando os processos psíquicos e sociais que circundam os significados de trabalho para o ser humano, encontrando possíveis soluções para elaboração e superação do sofrimento, e melhorando a saúde psíquica dos enfermeiros em seu cotidiano dinâmico de trabalho.


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The thesis has as its goal the discussion over the pleasure as an intellectual and personal subject for Max Weber. The main references are The Sociology of Religion, Science as a Vocation and Politics as a Vocation, Bureaucracy, The sense of "Axiological Neutrality" in Social and Economic Sciences. Many authors were researched for information about his life, with a highlight to the biography written by his wife Marianne Weber, for its great number of excerpts from letters and informal conversations. The subject "pleasure" was developed by taking into consideration the complexity of this phenomenon which happens in an ambivalent and multiple ways. In order to do that, we started from the paradigm of the complexity according to Edgar Morin's view, Georges Bataille's discussions on erotism and the antinomic comprehension of Lepegneur and Onfray, who define pleasure as a phenomenon with ambiguities, and the historical references of Peter Gay, Nobert Elias, Wolf Lepenies. In Max Weber, pleasure presents, also, this ambiguity, as his scientific approach is registering the absence of pleasure for the rise of a protestant ethic and, besides that, to support with a process of disenchantment of the world which leads us to a meaningless life. Weber goes through great changes in the last years of his life. In this period he includes in his comments the subjects "erotism" and "arts" with the possibility of escaping from modem everyday routine that affects the individual's existential freedom. However, his ambiguous position about these possibilities take him to consider that a situation o f personal confrontation, considered heroical, once, in his opinion, each one accepts the consequences o f their acts and builds their values to give a meaning to their own existence. The pleasure in Weber is, above ali aspects, intellectual and existential: side by side with the routine, bureaucracy and disenchantment ofthe world was the possibility of charisma, vocation and passion. However, always he related these characteristics to the discomfort that the modem world presented to men, he, as a scientist, was ethical. This is the main argument ofthis thesis


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In view of a field research carried out by a team connected to the universe of body modification, it is possible to discern some uses and meanings linked to these forms of body interventions. Body modification or body change is part of the circuit of piercings and tattoos, although they are socially less thinned and more extreme, like scarifications, subcutaneous implants, bifurcated tongues, surfaces and body suspensions. The aim of this paper is to cast an anthropological glance on these practices, joining at the same context all the subjects involved with these techniques, placing them inside the same relational focus and capturing their journeys and trajectories. The discussions are concentrated on the notion of body building and urban life style. Ideas as personal distinctness and prestige imitation are also present in this universe, as well as matters attached to genre, pleasure, art, and to the so-called alternative circuit . This way, the ethnography so far presented here, reveals the complex and contemporaneous character of these practices of body markings in which the body appears as the central element in the experiences of the subjects of this study


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In view of a field research carried out by a team connected to the universe of body modification, it is possible to discern some uses and meanings linked to these forms of body interventions. Body modification or body change is part of the circuit of piercings and tattoos, although they are socially less thinned and more extreme, like scarifications, subcutaneous implants, bifurcated tongues, surfaces and body suspensions. The aim of this paper is to cast an anthropological glance on these practices, joining at the same context all the subjects involved with these techniques, placing them inside the same relational focus and capturing their journeys and trajectories. The discussions are concentrated on the notion of body building and urban life style. Ideas as personal distinctness and prestige imitation are also present in this universe, as well as matters attached to genre, pleasure, art, and to the so-called alternative circuit . This way, the ethnography so far presented here, reveals the complex and contemporaneous character of these practices of body markings in which the body appears as the central element in the experiences of the subjects of this study


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2016.