498 resultados para Prawn Penaeus-japonicus
We constructed a BAC library of the model legume Lotus japonicus with a 6-to 7-fold genome coverage. We used vector PCLD04541, which allows direct plant transformation by BACs. The average insert size is 94 kb. Clones were stable in Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
Transgenic plants of the model legume Lotus japonicus were regenerated by hypocotyl transformation using a bar gene as a selectable marker. The bar encodes for Phosphinothricin Acetyl Transferase that detoxifies phosphinothricin (PPT), the active ingredient of herbicides such as Ignite (AgrEvo) and Basta (Hoechst). Transgenic L. japonicus plants resistant to PPT were positive upon PCR by bar gene-specific primers. In 5 out of 7 independent lines tested, PPT resistance segregated as a single dominant allele indicating a single T-DNA insertion into the plant genome. All regenerated plants were fertile and void of visible somaclonal abnormalities contrary to 14% infertility when antibiotic selectable markers were used. The lack of somaclonal variation, ease of PPT application and low cost of PPT makes this protocol an attractive alternative for the regeneration of transgenic L. japonicus. The production of PPT herbicide-resistant L. japonicus plants may have significant commercial applications in crop production.
Shoot control of hypernodulation and aberrant root formation in the har1-1 mutant of Lotus japonicus
The har1-1 mutant of Lotus japonicus B-129-S9 Gifu is characterized by two phenotypes: greater than normal nodulation (hypernodulation) and significantly inhibited root growth in the presence of its microsymbiont Mesorhizobium loti strain NZP2235. We demonstrate that the two traits co-segregate, suggesting a single genetic alteration involving developmental pleiotropy. A cross between the mutant and genotype Funakura (with wild-type root and nodule morphology) demonstrated Mendelian recessive segregation of both phenotypes (root and nodule) in 216 F2 individuals. Using DNA-amplification fingerprinting polymorphisms in Gifu har1-1 and Funakura, the mutant locus was positioned between two markers at about 7 and 13 cM distance. Reciprocal hypocotyl grafting of shoots and roots showed that the hypernodulation and reduced root phenotypes are both predominantly controlled by the shoot.
The present paper is a pioneering study on the Brachyura bycatch associated with the artisan prawn fisheries at the mouth of the Amazon River. The study was conducted at four collection sites distributed along the mouth of the Amazon River between the months of January/2009 and January/2010. The animals were caught using handcrafted traps called "matapi", which are used by prawn fisherman in the region. Twenty matapis were used at each collection site. A total of 145 specimens were captured and six species were identified, all belonging to the Trichodactylidae family - Sylviocarcinus maldonadoensis, S. pictus, S. devillei, Valdivia serrata, Dilocarcinus septemdentatus and D. pagei. The most representative species, S. maldonadoensis, S. pictus and S. devillei were classified as regular. Regarding the composition of the capture, there were three specimens of D. pagei , only one male specimen of D. septemdentatus, forty-eight specimens of S. maldonadoensis, sixty-eight specimens of S. pictus, twenty-two specimens of S. devillei and three specimens of V. serrata. In all months, the brachyuran fauna showed a considerably lower biomass when compared to the prawns, representing only 5% of the catch, in a ratio of 1:0.06. For most species, the number of males was always higher than the number of females in almost all collection months.
Macrobrachium carcinus is a Brazilian native prawn with recognized potential for use in aquaculture activities. However, there is little information about the natural diet and feeding habits of this species. The aim of this study was the identification of the diet items of M. carcinus based on the analysis of the stomach contents. Specimens were collected in the Amazon River estuary between January 2009 and January 2010. The stomach analysis was carried out by using the frequency of occurrence (FO), methods of points (MP) and feeding index (FI). It was observed that prawns fed on detritus, animals and plant fragments as the most important food items. Sediment accounted for the main stomach content, accounting for 43.2% by the MP, 44.9% by FI and 100% by the FO. Sexual differences in feeding preferences were not found in this study, and seasonal differences in the frequency of items ingested by M. carcinus were not observed. The results indicated that M. carcinus can be considered omnivorous species, but with an important carnivorous component, similar to that found in other Macrobrachium species.
Os autores identificaram as seguintes espécies de helmintos, coletados de 50 cavalas, Scomber japonicus, no Rio de Janeiro: Kuhnia scombri (Kuhn, 1829) e Grubea cochlear (Diesing, 1858) (Monogenea); Opechona orientalis (Layman, 1930), Lecithocladium harpodontis Srivastava, 1942 e Nematobothrium scombri (Taschenberg, 1879) (Digenea); plerocercos de Trypanorhyncha Scolex pleuronectis Müller, 1788 e Rhinebothrium sp. (Cestoda); Bolbosoma sp. (Acanghocephala) e Anisakidae larvares (Nematoda), identificados aos tipos larvares Raphidascaris, Phocanema, Contracaecum e Anisakis tipo 1. Os digenéticos foram os de maior incidência, 84% dos peixes mostraram-se parasitados por uma ou mais espécies. Quanto às espécies, a de maior incidência foi Nematobothrium scombri (Digenea, Didymozoidae), em 46% dos peixes. São pela primeria vez assinalados Scomber japonicus larvas de Phillobothiidae, possivelmente Rhinebothrium, além de larvas de Anisakis do tipo 1. São pela primeira vez assinaladas no Brasil as espécies, Grubea cochlear, Kuhnia scombri, Nematobothrium scombri e Opechona orientalis.
The histopathology induced by Nematobothrium scombri (Trematoda) in Scomber japonicus and of larval anisakid nematodes in Pagrus pagrus is described. Nematodes larvae occurred within the liver capsule and N. scombri occurred within nodules in the opercula. The fishes were collected off the coast of Rio de Janeiro State.
El presente trabajo comprende el estudio de algunos aspectos de la biología de la caballa (Scomber japonicus peruanus)referidos a la reproducción, alimentación y crecimiento con material procedente de los laboratorios regionales del Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE) en Chimbote y Callao para los años 1976-1978. Se determinó que el desove de la caballa desembarcada en ambos puertos ocurre con mayor intensidad a fines de primavera y durante el verano; sin embargo, se encontraron individuos maduros o en desove durante todo el año. Las longitudes medias de madurez sexual oscilaron en los años 1977-78 entre 33.4 y 34.2 cm en el material de Chimbote, y entre 32.3 y 33.6 en el del Callao. La dieta alimentaria de esta especie está compuesta principalmente por zooplancton, peces y fitoplancton. En el año 1976 se observa en el Contenido estomacal una mayor incidencia de peces ( en su mayoría anchoveta Engraulis ringens) que en los años 1977 y 1978, ligada a una mayor disponibilidad de esta especie. El "coeficiente alimentario" calculado presenta variaciones mensuales relacionado posiblemente con el desove y la disponibilidad de alimento. La determinación de la edad se llevó a cabo en base a lectura de otolitos de individuos procedentes de la zona de Callao en el año 1978. Se constató la formación de un anillo hialino en invierno y otro en verano ligados posiblemente a la disponibilidad de alimento y al desove respectivamente.
Un nuevo método, el conteo de ovocitos hidratados, se aplica por primera vez para determinar la fecundidad de la caballa peruana (Scomber Japonicus peruanus) . En febrero de 1985, la fecundidad relativa media fue 278 huevos por gramo de hembra y la fecundidad parcial media de la muestra fue 78,174 huevos por hembra. Se muestra que la caballa del Perú es un desovador múltiple.
En 1971 se empezó a cultivar langostinos (Penaeus vannamei) en el Perú, incentivándose estas actividades desde 1977. En 1987 hubo un desarrollo favorable con incremento de la producción por disponibilidad de postlarvas silvestres. El cultivo de la concha de abanico (Argopecten purpuratus ) comenzó en 1980 y tuvo una bonanza en los años después de El Niño 1982-83 y un estancamiento en 1987 por escasez de semillas. En ambos cultivos uno de los problemas mayores es la falta de postlarvas y semillas. Se describe las acciones gubernamentales para promocionar y reactivar dichas actividades.
Se estimó la fecundidad parcial de la caballa, Scomber japonicus peruanus en 28.978 huevos con una desviación estándar de 1529. El rango fluctuó entre 7.603 y 53.921 huevos por bache de desove. La distribución de tallas estuvo comprendida entre 24 y 31 cm de longitud a la horquilla. Las muestras fueron tomadas de 6 lances, siendo el tamaño de muestra de 42 individuos.
Estudio del estado reproductivo de la anchoveta, Engraulis ringens; la sardina Sardinops sagax sagax y la caballa Scomber japonicus peruanus, a través del análisis histológico, por grados latitudinales. Los resultados de la muestra fueron ponderados a las capturas por grados latitudinales. La anchoveta, distribuida básicamente entre los grados 14°S y 18°S y la sardina, entre los grados 9°S y 12°S, se la encontró desovando intensamente, mientras que a la caballa se la encontró, fundamentalmente, en una etapa de maduración. La fecundidad de la anchoveta fue estimada en 14.137 ovocitos por bache de desove por hembra.