921 resultados para Power distribution systems
Reliability of power supply is related, among other factors, to the control and protection devices allocation in feeders of distribution systems. In this way, optimized allocation of sectionalizing switches and protection devices in strategic points of distribution circuits, improves the quality of power supply and the system reliability indices. In this work, it is presented a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model, with real and binary variables, for the sectionalizing switches and protection devices allocation problem, in strategic sectors, aimed at improving reliability indices, increasing the utilities billing and fulfilling exigencies of regulatory agencies for the power supply. Optimized allocation of protection devices and switches for restoration, allows that those faulted sectors of the system can be isolated and repaired, re-managing loads of the analyzed feeder into the set of neighbor feeders. Proposed solution technique is a Genetic Algorithm (GA) developed exploiting the physical characteristics of the problem. Results obtained through simulations for a real-life circuit, are presented. © 2004 IEEE.
Distribution systems with distributed generation require new analysis methods since networks are not longer passive. Two of the main problems in this new scenario are the network reconfiguration and the loss allocation. This work presents a distribution systems graphic simulator, developed with reconfiguration functions and a special focus on loss allocation, both considering the presence of distributed generation. This simulator uses a fast and robust power flow algorithm based on the current summation backward-forward technique. Reconfiguration problem is solved through a heuristic methodology and the losses allocation function, based on the Zbus method, is presented as an attached result for each obtained configuration. Results are presented and discussed, remarking the easiness of analysis through the graphic simulator as an excellent tool for planning and operation engineers, and very useful for training. © 2004 IEEE.
This paper presents a new methodology to evaluate in a predictive way the reliability of distribution systems, considering the impact of automatic recloser switches. The developed algorithm is based on state enumeration techniques with Markovian models and on the minimal cut set theory. Some computational aspects related with the implementation of the proposed algorithm in typical distribution networks are also discussed. The description of the proposed approach is carried out using a sample test system. The results obtained with a typical configuration of a Brazilian system (EDP Bandeirante Energia S.A.) are presented and discussed.
In some applications like fault analysis, fault location, power quality studies, safety analysis, loss analysis, etc., knowing the neutral wire and ground currents and voltages could be of particular interest. In order to investigate effects of neutrals and system grounding on the operation of the distribution feeders with faults, in this research a hybrid short circuit algorithm is generalized. In this novel use of the technique, the neutral wire and assumed ground conductor are explicitly represented. Results obtained from several case studies using IEEE 34-node test network are presented and discussed.
Here a multiobjective performance index for distribution systems with distributed generation based on a steady-state analysis of the network is proposed. This index quantifies the distributed generation impact on total losses, voltage profile and short circuit currents, and will be used as objective function in an evolutionary algorithm aimed at searching the best points for connecting distributed generators. Moreover, a loss allocation technique, based on the Zbus method, is applied on the original configuration of the network to obtain a good quality initial population. An IEEE medium voltage distribution network is analysed and results are presented and discussed.
Low flexibility and reliability in the operation of radial distribution networks make those systems be constructed with extra equipment as sectionalising switches in order to reconfigure the network, so the operation quality of the network can be improved. Thus, sectionalising switches are used for fault isolation and for configuration management (reconfiguration). Moreover, distribution systems are being impacted by the increasing insertion of distributed generators. Hence, distributed generation became one of the relevant parameters in the evaluation of systems reconfiguration. Distributed generation may affect distribution networks operation in various ways, causing noticeable impacts depending on its location. Thus, the loss allocation problem becomes more important considering the possibility of open access to the distribution networks. In this work, a graphic simulator for distribution networks with reconfiguration and loss allocation functions, is presented. Reconfiguration problem is solved through a heuristic methodology, using a robust power flow algorithm based on the current summation backward-forward technique, considering distributed generation. Four different loss allocation methods (Zbus, Direct Loss Coefficient, Substitution and Marginal Loss Coefficient) are implemented and compared. Results for a 32-bus medium voltage distribution network, are presented and discussed.
The main objective involved with this paper consists of presenting the results obtained from the application of artificial neural networks and statistical tools in the automatic identification and classification process of faults in electric power distribution systems. The developed techniques to treat the proposed problem have used, in an integrated way, several approaches that can contribute to the successful detection process of faults, aiming that it is carried out in a reliable and safe way. The compilations of the results obtained from practical experiments accomplished in a pilot distribution feeder have demonstrated that the developed techniques provide accurate results, identifying and classifying efficiently the several occurrences of faults observed in the feeder. © 2006 IEEE.
In this paper a genetic algorithm based reconfiguration method is proposed to minimize the real power losses of distribution systems. The main innovation of this research work is that new types of crossover and mutation operators are proposed, such that the best possible results are obtained, with an acceptable computational effort. The crossover and mutation operators were developed so as to take advantage of the particular characteristics of distribution systems (as the radial topology). Simulation results indicate that the proposed method is very efficient, being able to find excellent configurations, with low computational effort, especially for larger systems. ©2007 IEEE.
In an evermore competitive environment, power distribution companies need to continuously monitor and improve the reliability indices of their systems. The network reconfiguration (NR) of a distribution system is a technique that well adapts to this new deregulated environment for it allows improvement of system reliability indices without the onus involved in procuring new equipment. This paper presents a reliability-based NR methodology that uses metaheuristic techniques to search for the optimal network configuration. Three metaheuristics, i.e. Tabu Search, Evolution Strategy, and Differential Evolution, are tested using a Brazilian distribution network and the results are discussed. © 2009 IEEE.
We consider the two-level network design problem with intermediate facilities. This problem consists of designing a minimum cost network respecting some requirements, usually described in terms of the network topology or in terms of a desired flow of commodities between source and destination vertices. Each selected link must receive one of two types of edge facilities and the connection of different edge facilities requires a costly and capacitated vertex facility. We propose a hybrid decomposition approach which heuristically obtains tentative solutions for the vertex facilities number and location and use these solutions to limit the computational burden of a branch-and-cut algorithm. We test our method on instances of the power system secondary distribution network design problem. The results show that the method is efficient both in terms of solution quality and computational times. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
Multinodal load forecasting deals with the loads of several interest nodes in an electrical network system, which is also known as bus load forecasting. To perform this demand, it is necessary a technique that is precise, trustable and has a short-time processing. This paper proposes two methodologies based on general regression neural networks for short-term multinodal load forecasting. The first individually forecast the local loads and the second forecast the global load and individually forecast the load participation factors to estimate the local loads. To design the forecasters it wasn't necessary the previous study of the local loads. Tests were made using a New Zealand distribution subsystem and the results obtained are compatible with the ones founded in the specialized literature. © 2011 IEEE.
An important alteration of the equivalent loads profile has been observed in the electrical energy distribution systems, for the last years. Such fact is due to the significant increment of the electronic processors of electric energy that, in general, behave as nonlinear loads, generating harmonic distortions in the currents and voltages along the electric network. The effects of these nonlinear loads, even if they are concentrated in specific sections of the network, are present along the branch circuits, affecting the behavior of the entire electric network. For the evaluation of this phenomenon it is necessary the analysis of the harmonic currents flow and the understanding of the causes and effects of the consequent voltage harmonic distortions. The usual tools for calculation the harmonic flow consider one-line equivalent networks, balanced and symmetrical systems. Therefore, they are not tools appropriate for analysis of the operation and the influence/interaction of mitigation elements. In this context, this work proposes the development of a computational tool for the analysis of the three-phase harmonic propagation using Norton modified models and considering the real nature of unbalanced electric systems operation. © 2011 IEEE.
The high active and reactive power level demanded by the distribution systems, the growth of consuming centers, and the long lines of the distribution systems result in voltage variations in the busses compromising the quality of energy supplied. To ensure the energy quality supplied in the distribution system short-term planning, some devices and actions are used to implement an effective control of voltage, reactive power, and power factor of the network. Among these devices and actions are the voltage regulators (VRs) and capacitor banks (CBs), as well as exchanging the conductors sizes of distribution lines. This paper presents a methodology based on the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) for optimized allocation of VRs, CBs, and exchange of conductors in radial distribution systems. The Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm (MGA) is aided by an inference process developed using fuzzy logic, which applies specialized knowledge to achieve the reduction of the search space for the allocation of CBs and VRs.
This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming approach to solving the optimal fixed/switched capacitors allocation (OCA) problem in radial distribution systems with distributed generation. The use of a mixed-integer linear formulation guarantees convergence to optimality using existing optimization software. The results of one test system and one real distribution system are presented in order to show the accuracy as well as the efficiency of the proposed solution technique. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper presents an efficient tabu search algorithm (TSA) to solve the problem of feeder reconfiguration of distribution systems. The main characteristics that make the proposed TSA particularly efficient are a) the way in which the neighborhood of the current solution was defined; b) the way in which the objective function value was estimated; and c) the reduction of the neighborhood using heuristic criteria. Four electrical systems, described in detail in the specialized literature, were used to test the proposed TSA. The result demonstrate that it is computationally very fast and finds the best solutions known in the specialized literature. © 2012 IEEE.