968 resultados para Potencial energético
Brazil faces a complex problem in respect to municipal solid waste, having been in recent years an increase of its generation without the country there be adequate for proper disposal thereof. In many states , the percentage of waste destined improperly , ie , in dumps , landfills, send- outs , among others , is greater than that disposed in landfills , which would be the most correct way to be made. It can be argued that this discrepancy is due to the high cost of implementation and operation of the landfill, and the same need large areas with physical characteristics that suit their operations . When there is a provision in properly constructed landfills , municipal solid waste grounded generate gases with high potential energy through biochemical reactions during the anaerobic decomposition of organic material stored . Such gases can be used for power generation within the landfill or other economic means . To estimate the gas generation will be sufficient for such economic compensation , there are mathematical models that make estimating the amount of gas produced . These models calculate the energy capacity and generation , using parameters obtained based on the characteristics of solid waste , climate of the region where they are grounded and grounding time . Such models have been raised and studied so that it was possible to perform simulations that demonstrate the behavior of biogas generation related to the external conditions of the landfill that interfere with biological reactions within. The results show differences between the values obtained , it shows that the preparation of the models found and used in the simulations were allocated amounts for different parameters that determine this difference in the estimate . Therefore, to rule, the models have difficulty understanding this because there is no clarity in the formulation of the equations , and the definition of variables and parameters would require a detailed study to...
This project aimed to analyze the feasibility of the methane yield associated to the anaerobic digestion of brewery residues, checking whether the energetic balance of the system is favorable. The methane yield efficiency was calculated for the parameters of two papers that treated solids with a particle-size <1mm. Theses solids are not degraded in conventional treatment systems. Calculations were based in the reactions of anaerobic degradation of the macromolecules that compose brewery residues, considering the theoretical production and the effective production of methane. The results were 50.44% and 52.86%. Regarding to the energy balance of the anaerobic treatment, we noted the high influence of the selection and operating regime of electrical equipment over the potential energy. The best situation, in which the energetic self-sufficiency was reached, was observed when using the mixer under an intermittent regime (1min/h), without employing the heating recirculator, for the maximum organic loading of 4.0 gVS/L.day (days 248-258). In this case, the system would generate an amount of energy equal to 0.0356 kWh/day, able to overcome the energy required by the equipment in about 6.5 times. Moreover, we also noted the interference of the application of different solid loadings in the reactors, once the application of the higher organic load generated 5 times more energy than the application of the smaller one
The sorghum is seen as a complementary option ethanol production in the offseason cane sugar because of its high energy potential and its culture to adapt well to hot climates and dry. This study evaluates the use of planting sweet sorghum as a culture supplement cane sugar in its offseason, leading to findings that show the feasibility of planting sorghum harvests of sugar cane
Com 27 trabalhos produzidos por pesquisadores do Instituto de Pesquisa em Bioenergia (Bioen), da Unesp, este livro oferece uma ampla visão sobre as áreas que compõem o segmento. Seu principal objetivo é contribuir para melhorar a compreensão dos vários aspectos da bioenergia, em especial no Brasil, que figura entre os países com maior nível de desenvolvimento tecnológico no setor. Os artigos abordam uma série abrangente de questões relacionadas à bioenergia, como a construção genética das plantas de cana-de-açúcar visando ao aumento de produtividade, a disseminação de sementes para estimular a propagação de espécies com potencial energético, etapas de produção de bioenergia, usos do combustível e seus efeitos nos diversos tipos de motores. Agrupados por assunto, os textos estão distribuídos em cinco partes: Biomassa para bioenergia; Produção de biocombustíveis; Utilização de bioenergia; Biorrefinaria, alcoolquímica e oleoquímica e Sustentabilidade dos biocombustíveis.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB
The use of digesters has become an important alternative for the proper disposal of organic agricultural wastes, serving as a solution to some environmental and health problems. Furthermore, the process of digestion provides commercially valuable by products such as biogas and bio fertilizer. The generation of biogas from agricultural waste, and its use in power generation systems has aroused great interest in rural areas because it enables supply in whole or in large part the energy demand of ownership by reducing production costs. The advent of technology has brought new forms of energy conversion of biogas, as the use of micro turbines specifies to be fuelled with biogas derived from the decomposition of organic matter in digesters, since it has a low level of methane in its composition, and high degree of impurities such as hydrogen sulphide, which are harmful to equipment and reduce the calorific value of biogas. The use of micro turbines behind other advantages like low emissions, great fuel flexibility and low maintenance. This paper presents an analysis of the feasibility of using biogas generated from cattle manure in micro turbines to generate electricity. Behind also an assessment of the energy potential that each animal has on various uses of biogas, and forms of energy recovery from the exhaust gases of the micro turbine. Also conducts an evaluation of the energy savings that the use of biogas aggregates properties.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In the wake of current global image involving environmental impacts, the use of wind power has had a remarkable growth in recent years as a technique for generating electricity. In fact, it is a source featuring strong dissemination of technology which provides decrease in costs and a greater access to low-income electricity. PROINFA (Incentive Program for Alternative Energy Sources) promotes a greater diffusion of new technologies for power generation, in particular wind-produced. Due to such a scenario on the exploitation of such energy source, current analysis discusses strategies for the development of domestic wind technology and the implications for electricity-lacking rural areas. Analysis shows a similar behavior between rural populations lacking electricity and the amount of potential energy available in the region. It is expected that this assay will contribute towards the establishment of public policies for wind-energy parks on rural farms in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil.
The swine culture potentially generates waste with high organic load and pollutants, being responsible for the spread of pathogens, contamination of rivers, groundwater and soils, besides it produces foul odors and emit greenhouse gases. However, the high amount of organic matter, which expresses the amount of pollutant load, reflects the energetic potential of these wastes used as raw material in biogas generation through technology of digesters. The properly use of theses digesters provides the production of clean energy and promotes the conservation of the environment. The economic viability of the implantation of an Indian model digester on a small swine farm was verified based on the value from initial investments of deployment, maintenance costs, depreciation, and on the interest and revenues arising from the system. Besides, the amount of biogas produced daily and the average consumption of biogas by the most common used devices such as refrigerator, stove, water heater, and generator of electricity was calculated.. For a backdrop of 10 years, the results of economic indicators NPV of BRL 57,598.95, IRR of 48.38%, Simple Payback of 2.06 years, and Discounted Payback of 2.3 years, demonstrated a favorable outlook for the use of this technology, with the possibility to generate economic, social and environmental benefits.
Teniendo en cuenta que está prevista la construcción y desarrollo de un gran polígono industrial en las cercanías del Término Municipal de Peñíscola (Castellón), se pretende que parte del abastecimiento de energía eléctrica a dicho polígono provenga del Parque Eólico Offshore “Sierra de Irta”. Una de las razones de da sentido a esta idea es la creación de una nueva instalación de generación de energía renovable que cause la mínima afección posible al Parque Natural Sierra de Irta, enclavado en las proximidades de Peñíscola. Además se pretende aprovechar el potencial energético de los vientos de la zona, pues según unos estudios realizados anteriormente presentan unas características óptimas para las instalaciones eólicas.
Las proyecciones muestran un incremento en la demanda de energía primaria a nivel global para los próximos diez años. Para disminuir los efectos adversos sobre el medio ambiente del uso de combustibles fósiles, las políticas energéticas de España y la Unión Europea tienen como uno de sus objetivos principales incrementar el uso fuentes renovables en la producción energética para el año 2020.La biomasa es una de las principales fuentes renovables para la generación de energía primaria en España. Sin embargo su alto contenido en humedad y su baja densidad energética entre otras características de este material, suponen desventajas para su uso directo como combustible. Los procesos de conversión termoquímica son una alternativa para la obtención de productos sólidos, líquidos y gases de mejor potencial energético utilizando biomasa como materia prima. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo general el estudio y la optimización de procesos de conversión termoquímica de biomasa. Para cumplir con este objetivo el trabajo combina análisis experimentales y de simulación de distintas tecnologías de transformación termoquímica de biomasa. Antes de iniciar los estudios experimentales de los procesos de transformación termoquímica, se realiza una caracterización química, física y combustible de ocho de biomasas de naturaleza lignocelulósica y amilácea. Esta caracterización incluye el análisis del comportamiento termoquímico utilizando las técnicas de termogravimetría (TG-DTG), TG-FTir y pirólisis analítica (Py-GC/MS). Después de la caracterización se seleccionan tres tipos de biomasas (madera de pino, hueso de aceituna y hueso de aguacate) que son utilizadas como materia prima en el estudio experimental de procesos de gasificación, torrefacción y pirólisis en distintos sistemas de reacción de escala de laboratorio. Estos estudios se realizan para optimizar las condiciones de operación de cada uno de los procesos y caracterizar los productos obtenidos. El trabajo realizado incluye el rediseño y puesta en marcha de un sistema de gasificación de lecho fluidizado así como de un sistema de torrefacción y pirólisis en horno rotatorio. Los estudios experimentales incluyen un análisis de distintas condiciones de operación (temperatura, composición atmosférica, tiempo de residencia, condiciones fluidomecánicas, tamaño de partícula del combustible, condiciones de condensación) con el objetivo de determinar las condiciones óptimas de operación de cada uno de los procesos analizados respecto de las características químicas, físicas y combustibles de los productos. Para la optimización de las condiciones de operación del sistema de gasificación de lecho fluidizado se realiza un análisis complementario del comportamiento hidrodinámico utilizando la metodología de análisis computacional fluidodinámico o mecánica de fluidos computacional (CFD). Los resultados obtenidos permiten determinar las condiciones óptimas de operación del sistema de reacción de lecho fluidizado. Finalmente, la tesis incluye el análisis de una planta comercial de gasificación localizada en Júndiz (Álava, España), centrándose en la caracterización del material particulado eliminado de la corriente de gas generado, con el objetivo de determinar su proceso de formación, características y establecer posibles aplicaciones comerciales.
A geração de energia hidrelétrica enfrenta uma crescente restrição a sua expansão, diretamente relacionada a fatores ambientais e da limitação de terrenos com potencial economicamente aproveitável. A partir deste fato, é relacionada uma possível fonte de energia hidrelétrica, resultante do aproveitamento dos potenciais presentes na rede de distribuição de água das cidades, ainda sem nenhum aproveitamento. O desenvolvimento desta fonte de energia se dá com a instalação de mini e micro centrais hidrelétricas nos condutos da rede distribuidora de água. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o potencial de aproveitamento hidrelétrico por mini e micro hidrelétricas por meio de técnicas de modelagem e de otimização, para agilizar e facilitar o procedimento de identificação dos potenciais e a instalação na rede de abastecimento. O trabalho leva em conta as diversas peculiaridades das redes de distribuição de água e dos equipamentos eletro-hidráulicos, discorrendo sobre a possível complementariedade da geração de energia durante os picos de consumo. Discorre também sobre a contribuição para a rede de distribuição elétrica, na logística e nos custos de implantação além de discutir a tipologia das turbinas capazes de aproveitar o potencial energético. É avaliado, com o auxilio de modelos hidráulicos e de otimização, o posicionamento das centrais geradoras na rede e os possíveis benefícios, restrições e impedimentos ao seu uso, desenvolvendo uma metodologia para facilitar a tomada de decisão quanto ao aproveitamento para geração, ou não, em redes diversas. A construção deste procedimento e ferramenta são desenvolvidos a partir do estudo de caso do sistema distribuidor de água do Município de Piquete no estado de São Paulo, Brasil.