973 resultados para Postura humana - Estudos ergonômicos


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INTRODUCTION: Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity and it can be influenced by the use of shoe lifts and lateral inclination in order to correct postural asymmetries. OBJECTIVE: To verify the effect of the use of the shoe lifts (lower and high) unilateral (right and left) during the movement of lateral inclination (right and left) for an evaluation of the postural angles in patients with idiopathic scoliosis. METHODS: A control group with ten participants without scoliosis and an experimental group with 10 participants with idiopathic scoliosis of double curves (thoracic right and lumbar to the left). Ten reflexive markers were fixed in the spine to determine the postural angles (alpha 1=T2T4-T4T6, alpha 2=T6T8-T8T10, alpha 3=T10T12-T12L2 and alpha 4=L2L4-L4S1)... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Volleyball is a sport in which the laterality dominant limb shows superior strength and coordination because of its preferential use. Asymmetrical tendencies during the landing after the jump when striking or blocking actions are predominant for most part of game (ARRUDA; EDUARDO, 2008). Adaptations include imbalance of forces in static and dynamic motions at the knee joint, which increases risk for injury. Also, asymmetries in balance control during jumping and landing associate with a general postural instability that can be observed during static balance tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between unequal lower limb strength (muscle imbalance) and postural stability levels in volleyball athletes and non-athletes. Nine female volleyball athletes and 10 active non-athletes participated in this study. Four encouters with participants were scheduled: three encounters in the bodybuilding gymnasium to collect anthropometric measures (weight, height for BMI, thigh circumference, which provided an initial diagnosis about asymmetry), and to perform the isometric strength test (i.e., leg press using a load cell and a force transducer to calculate uni an bilateral strength). The last encounter was in the laboratory where a balance test on a force platform was administered under five test conditions, with three repetitions each: baseline (natural standing position), one-leg standing, right side, with full vision (D_CV), and blindfolded (D_SV), one-leg standing, left side, with full vision (E_CV), and blindfolded (E_SV). The stability levels were evaluated using the path length parameters which was based on the total displacement of the center of pressure (DTCP). . Both groups shows asymmetric strength levels between legs, with better performance for the right leg. An ANOVA three way using the DTCP for the CV condition, legs (D x E), trials (3) with repeated measures for the first two factors and with a between (three)...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The control of stances such as the upright stance seems not to have a purpose in itself; this control could facilitate the execution of other simultaneous tasks, the so-called suprapostural tasks. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of saccadic eye movements on the control of posture. Twelve adult participants had their body oscillations analyzed while standing upright, for 70 s, in the postural conditions of feet apart and feet together, performing fixation in the central target or horizontal saccadic movements, in the conditions slow (0,5 Hz) and fast (1,1 Hz). The results showed that saccadic movements, independently of their frequency, strongly reduced trunk and head oscillations in the anterior-posterior (AP) axis. In this axis, there was an effect of feet position only in head oscillation. In the medio-lateral (ML) axis, the results showed a strong effect of feet position with body oscillation decreased in the condition of feet apart. The effect of the visual task in the ML axis occurred only for trunk oscillation, not reaching significance level in the pairewise comparisons. In the AP axis, the data corroborate a facilitatory explanation of the control of posture: the reduction in body oscillation limited the variations of the stimulus image projected on the retina, facilitating the execution of saccadic movements as compared to fixation. In the ML axis, the effect of reducing the basis of support was more evident than the effect of saccadic movements, suggesting that the available resources were used primarily for the postural task in detriment of the visual task. Additionally, aspects like attentional focus and sensory information pick up are discussed as mechanisms involved in this task


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The purpose of the present study was to analyze the visual control of braking a bicycle when the cyclist is surprised by an obstacle in his way. According to Lee (1976), visually controlled braking based on time to collision information utilizes the optic variables tau and its first derivative in time, tau-dot, to initiating the braking action and regulating its intensity. Seven young adults performed a bicycle braking task in curvilinear trajectory under distinct velocity (high, medium, and low) and uncertainty (certainty and uncertainty) conditions. Results showed that, independently of velocity and uncertainty levels, participants utilized tau and tau-dot to initiating and regulating the braking action, avoiding collision with the obstacle. Cognitive, attentional, and other psychological factors resulting from both increased velocity and uncertainty were not capable of altering the use of time to collision information, corroborating the tested hypothesis


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A utilização de pistas hápticas para a estabilização da postura através do toque vem sendo apontada como uma eficiente fonte de informação sensorial que conecta o indivíduo ao meio. Dessa forma, o paradigma do toque leve (i.e., tocar uma superfície com força inferior a 1 Newton) é uma das possibilidades de, através do contato com determinada superfície, atenuar as oscilações do indivíduo. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a eficiência do toque leve em tarefas de alta complexidade ao equilíbrio e, concomitantemente, analisar a relação entre percepção háptica e controle da postura. Para isso, 15 adultos jovens saudáveis participaram deste estudo, permanecendo em pé na posição tandem sobre uma plataforma de força e-nas condições pertinentes-sobre uma trave de equilíbrio. As condições deste estudo variaram entre a utilização ou não do toque, a utilização ou não da visão, e ainda, permanecer em pé sobre uma superfície de altura normal (0 cm) ou uma superfície com elevação (20 cm). Através da análise estatística avaliamos as variáveis amplitude média de oscilação (ântero-posterior e mediolateral), velocidade média (ântero-posterior e medio-lateral) e a trajetória total. Nossos resultados demonstraram, como já era esperado, um aumento significativo da oscilação corporal nas condições sem toque e sem a utilização da visão, e ainda maior quando houve elevação da superfície de apoio dos pés. Entretanto, quando o toque leve foi utilizado nessas mesmas condições houve uma redução significativa da oscilação postural dos indivíduos. Dessa forma, concluímos que mesmo em tarefas de alta instabilidade ao equilíbrio, o toque leve continua auxiliando no controle da postura


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Individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) seem to present asymmetric postural control, and the commitment to postural control that is a big factor of falls in this population. However, the asymmetry in the postural control of fallers and non fallers with PD and neurologically healthy elderly is not too much studied. The objective of the study is to analyze the asymmetry in postural control in different static positions of elderly patients with PD and healthy elderly fallers and non fallers. The study included 70 older adults with PD and 70 neurologically healthy (CG). The groups were matched for age, gender, height, weight and cognitive condition. It was evaluated the clinical, cognitive status and incidence of falls among its participants through weekly prospective follow-up of 4 months. Then, for each group, CG and PD, it was selected 12 elderly fallers and 12 elderly non fallers to evaluate postural control. Participants were evaluated through two force platforms in conditions of bipedal support, unipedal and tandem position. It was realized 3 attempts of 30s for each condition. For unipedal and tandem condition it was made 3 attempts for each lower limb. The parameters of interest of the center of pressure (CoP), were analyzed for each condition and compared by MANOVAs with factor group, fall and asymmetry. Post hoc Tukey tests were used to determine the relationships between them. The results show that CG individuals showed greater velocity and CoP area in relation to PD. It was verified that at the control group that non fallers individuals (CGN) had more displacement and RMS in the average lateral direction in the dominant limb when compared to the less affected limb of non fallers with PD (PDN). Faller individuals in the control group (CGF) had larger area in the non dominant limb when compared to the most affected leg of fallers individuals with PD (PDF). Still, the PDF individuals had higher RMS in anteroposterior feeling....


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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The contemporary world is characterized, among other factors, by the influence of the new computer information systems on the behavior of individuals. However, traditional information systems still have interaction problems with users. The aim of this study was to determine whether the interaction aspects between user versus traditional information systems (particularly the graphics) have been fully studied. To do so, the ergonomic aspects and usability of such systems were reviewed, with emphasis on the problems of visibility, legibility and readability. From that criteria, the evolution of ergonomic studies of information systems was reviewed (bibliometrics technique); and examples of ergonomic and usability problems in packaging were demonstrated (case study). The results confirm that traditional information systems still have problems of interaction between human X system, hindering the effective perception of information.


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El contenido de este trabajo y en especial el tema, pretende dar un aporte a las investigaciones que se han realizado en el patinaje, con el fin de aumentar el conocimiento cient?fico en los cambios morfol?gicos funcionales que se presentan en los ni?os patinadores debido a su pr?ctica a temprana edad, teniendo como objetivo relacionar la ubicaci?n de su centro de gravedad corporal y la influencia que este tiene en la postura. Esta investigaci?n se har? por medio de la valoraci?n postural bipodal y la ubicaci?n del centro de gravedad corporal por el m?todo de reacci?n en 9 ni?os patinadores de la escuela de patinaje Club Pat?n Sport de la ciudad de Yumbo-Colombia. Para este estudio se necesitara evaluar variables antropom?tricas, posturales, podometricas, podograficas, y motoras, las cuales permitir?n alcanzar el objetivo de esta investigaci?n. El an?lisis de todos los datos recogidos se har? por medio de una estad?stica descriptiva, se comparara las variables de cada ni?o con la valoraci?n obtenida en su postura bipodal, analizando los cambios morfol?gicos y funcionales que se han presentado en ellos. La importancia de esta investigaci?n es poder identificar cu?les han sido los cambios morfol?gicos funcionales que se han presentado en los ni?os evaluados debido a la pr?ctica deportiva del patinaje a temprana edad.


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Objetivo. Establecer la prevalencia de Desordenes Musculo Esqueléticos(DME) y su asociación con factores ergonómicos (postura, manipulación de carga y trabajo repetitivo) en trabajadores administrativos de una Institución Educativa de Nivel Superior (IENS). Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal a 146 trabajadores de una IENS de la ciudad de Neiva (Huila), entre Abril y Mayo de 2015. Para la recolección de la información se utilizaron dos instrumentos: un instrumento para la caracterización sociodemográfica y ocupacional y el cuestionario estandarizado para identificar daños y exposición a riesgos ergonómicos en el trabajo (ERGOPAR). Resultados. El 90,4 % de los trabajadores presentaron molestia o dolor en alguna de las áreas del cuerpo, dentro de las cuales las más afectadas fueron las zonas del Cuello, hombros y/o espalda dorsal con el 79,9%, la espalda lumbar con el 65,8% y las manos y/o muñecas con el 49,3%. Conclusiones. Se encontró una asociación entre la exposición a factores ergonómicos y la presencia de DME, indicando que las posturas de trabajo forzadas o prolongadas y la manipulación de cargas representan un alto riesgo biomecánica para los trabajadores, lo cual se puede ver reflejado a mediano o largo plazo con el desarrollo de trastornos o enfermedades que pueden llegar a ser incapacitantes para los trabajadores, afectando su calidad de vida y su productividad laboral.