987 resultados para Post larvae


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海水经济鱼类的养殖在我国已经形成第四次海水养殖浪潮,经济效益显著,有力地推动了我国海水养殖的产业结构调整和可持续发展。然而在海水养殖发展过程中也存在着诸多问题,尤其是早期发育阶段的高死亡率,严重制约了我国海水养殖产业的稳定和健康发展。 海水鱼类养殖的关键为高质量,高存活率苗种的生产和培育,由于鱼类种类繁多,生物多样性丰富,对应实际的繁育技术,尤其是新品种的开发,必须要做出相应的调整。这就要求我们必须对每一种鱼类早期发育有所了解,并将形态和组织上的数据用于指导生产。 本文通过显微观察和组织学研究,主要描述和研究了我国北方三种重要的海水经济鱼类(条斑星鲽、杂交鲆、条石鲷)的早期发育生物学,并结合实际生产进一步阐明关键期的产生原因,机理以及采用相应的对策。具体结果如下: 1.条斑星鲽:作为冷温性鲆鲽鱼类,条斑星鲽早期发育过程的特征主要有: ① 条斑星鲽受精卵无油球,卵子呈半浮性;不同步卵裂现象提前,发生在第三次卵裂;卵裂期裂球大小差异大。孵化过程较长,在水温8 ± 0.3℃,盐度33的条件下,经9 d孵化。条斑星鲽胚胎发育的不同时期对温度的敏感性不同,其中原肠期对温度比较敏感。 ②在8-10℃,盐度33的条件下,8-9 dph开口摄食。且开口时,其吻前端出现有一点状黑褐色素,构成了条斑星鲽仔鱼“开口期”的重要标志。卵黄囊于消失。在后期仔鱼末期,背鳍和臀鳍上形成特有的黑褐色条斑带。 ③杯状细胞首先出现在咽腔后部和食道前段,胃腺和幽门盲囊出现于29 dph,变态期始于30dph。在条斑星鲽早期发育过程中,观察到其直肠粘膜层细胞质出现大量嗜伊红颗粒,为仔鱼肠道上皮吸收的蛋白质。 ④首先淋巴化的免疫器官是头肾,然后是胸腺和脾脏,这与大部分硬骨鱼类不同。条斑星鲽除头肾和脾脏外,胸腺实质也形成MMCs。其中以脾脏形成MMCs最为丰富,形态多样。 2. 杂交鲆:为同属的牙鲆和夏鲆间的远缘杂交种,其发育过程的特点为: ① 在温度为15.4~16.0℃,杂交鲆胚胎从受精到孵化所需的时间为76 h左右,胚孔关闭前期,胚胎先出现视囊及克氏囊,而后形成体节。孵出前胚体在卵膜内环绕不到1周。 ② 孵化后消失。杂交鲆群体变态间隔长(34-60 dph),且变态高峰期出现的冠状幼鳍不明显(与母本牙鲆相比),数量为7-8根。 ③组织学观察发现,其消化系统中胃腺出现较晚,且胃腺发育过程缓慢(与母本牙鲆相比)。甲状腺滤泡增生不明显,颜色较浅,数量较少。杂交鲆在早期发育过程中,并没有出现鳔原基。 3. 条石鲷作为岩礁性的暖水性鱼类,早期发育过程也较为特殊,包括外形以及内部的器官结构。主要特点有: ① 受精卵:受精卵卵黄上具有龟裂结构,为鱼卵的分类特征之一。 ② 初孵仔鱼:初孵仔鱼背鳍膜上的黑色素,从体背面向背鳍膜边缘移动,到3dph仔鱼基本消失,此为本种仔鱼发育所特有的特点。 ③ 后期仔鱼和稚鱼:肠道肌肉层加厚明显,仔稚鱼胃肠排空率急剧上升,死亡率增加,通过改善常规的投饵方式部分解决了这个死亡高峰的问题。在幼鱼初期,牙齿融合为骨喙,为石鲷科鱼类的特征。 ④胸腺上皮分泌细胞:类似的现象同样在虹鳟鱼中发现,但是虹鳟鱼胸腺上皮分泌细胞不如条石鲷的丰富,同样也不如条石鲷的排列整齐,而是零星分布在胸腺上皮与咽腔接触的表面。除了正常的造血器官—脾脏和头肾外,肝脏、胰腺和鳔等多种组织等也出现MMCs,此现象在硬骨鱼类不多见,一般发生在软骨鱼类。


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The main purpose of this paper is to provide the core description of the modelling exercise within the Shelf Edge Advection Mortality And Recruitment (SEAMAR) programme. An individual-based model (IBM) was developed for the prediction of year-to-year survival of the early life-history stages of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the eastern North Atlantic. The IBM is one of two components of the model system. The first component is a circulation model to provide physical input data for the IBM. The circulation model is a geographical variant of the HAMburg Shelf Ocean Model (HAMSOM). The second component is the IBM, which is an i-space configuration model in which large numbers of individuals are followed as discrete entities to simulate the transport, growth and mortality of mackerel eggs, larvae and post-larvae. Larval and post-larval growth is modelled as a function of length, temperature and food distribution; mortality is modelled as a function of length and absolute growth rate. Each particle is considered as a super-individual representing 10 super(6) eggs at the outset of the simulation, and then declining according to the mortality function. Simulations were carried out for the years 1998-2000. Results showed concentrations of particles at Porcupine Bank and the adjacent Irish shelf, along the Celtic Sea shelf-edge, and in the southern Bay of Biscay. High survival was observed only at Porcupine and the adjacent shelf areas, and, more patchily, around the coastal margin of Biscay. The low survival along the shelf-edge of the Celtic Sea was due to the consistently low estimates of food availability in that area.


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An individual-based model (IBM) for the simulation of year-to-year survival during the early life-history stages of the north-east Atlantic stock of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) was developed within the EU funded Shelf-Edge Advection, Mortality and Recruitment (SEAMAR) programme. The IBM included transport, growth and survival and was used to track the passive movement of mackerel eggs, larvae and post-larvae and determine their distribution and abundance after approximately 2 months of drift. One of the main outputs from the IBM, namely distributions and numbers of surviving post-larvae, are compared with field data as recruit (age-0/age-1 juveniles) distribution and abundance for the years 1998, 1999 and 2000. The juvenile distributions show more inter-annual and spatial variability than the modelled distributions of survivors; this may be due to the restriction of using the same initial egg distribution for all 3 yr of simulation. The IBM simulations indicate two main recruitment areas for the north-east Atlantic stock of mackerel, these being Porcupine Bank and the south-eastern Bay of Biscay. These areas correspond to areas of high juvenile catches, although the juveniles generally have a more widespread distribution than the model simulations. The best agreement between modelled data and field data for distribution (juveniles and model survivors) is for the year 1998. The juvenile catches in different representative nursery areas are totalled to give a field abundance index (FAI). This index is compared with a model survivor index (MSI) which is calculated from the total of survivors for the whole spawning season. The MSI compares favourably with the FAI for 1998 and 1999 but not for 2000; in this year, juvenile catches dropped sharply compared with the previous years but there was no equivalent drop in modelled survivors.


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Despite the importance of larval abundance in determining the recruitment of benthic marine invertebrates and as a major factor in marine benthic community structure, relating planktonic larval abundance with post-settlement post-larvae and juveniles in the benthos is difficult. It is hampered by several methodological difficulties, including sampling frequency, ability to follow larval and post-larval or juvenile cohorts, and ability to calculate growth and mortality rates. In our work, an intensive sampling strategy was used. Larvae in the plankton were collected at weekly intervals, while post-larvae that settled into collectors were analysed fortnightly. Planktonic larval and benthic post-larval/juvenile cohorts were determined, and growth and mortality rates calculated. Integration of all equations allowed the development of a theoretical formulation that, based on the abundance and planktonic larval duration, permits an estimation of the future abundance of post-larvae/juveniles during the first year of benthic life. The model can be applied to a sample in which it was necessary only to measure larval length.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências da Vida, do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente (Nutrição), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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The present study was undertaken to elucidate the nutritional and pathological changes associated with aflatoxin B1 toxicity in Penaeus monodon and to determine the efficacy of vitamins E and K, and Amrita Bindu, herbal mixture in ameliorating the toxicity of AFB1. The main objectives the study is to document the pathological and immunological changes in P.monodon fed with AFB1 incorporated diets and to delineate the histological and ultrastructural changes and determine the presence of AFB1 residue in the shrimp body, to evaluate the growth performance of feed efficiency in P. monodon post larvae fed AFB1 added diets, to assess the interactive effect of heavy metals like copper and cadmium at sub-lethal levels in P. monodon postlarve fed AFB1 added diets, to decipher the ameliorative action of Vitamins E & K and a spicy herbal mixture, Amrita Bindu on AFB1 in P.monodon sub-adults. The study has revealed that Aflatoxin B1 significantly affects protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in the shrimp penaeus monodon. The remarkable effect was observed in the immune system, as AFB1 has elevatod the immune response during initial days of exposure and prolonged exposure to the toxin leads to weakening of the animal’s immunity. Aflatoxin B1 level above 50 ppb severely affected the growth and feed utilization which in turn reflects the damage caused to the hepatopancreas as evident from the histological and ultrastructural observations.


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Aquaculture farms, particularly in Southeast Asia are facing severe crisis due to increasing incidences of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV). Actinomycetes have provided many important bioactive compounds of high prophylactic and therapeutic value and are continually being screened for new compounds. In this communication, the results of a study made to determine the effectiveness of marine actinomycetes against the white spot disease in penaeid shrimps are presented. Twenty-five isolates of actinomycetes were tested for their ability to reduce infection due to WSSV among cultured shrimps. When these actinomycetes were made available as feed additives to the post-larvae of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon for two weeks and challenged with WSSV, the post challenge survival showed variations from 11 to 83%. However, six isolates have shown to be the most potential candidates for further study.


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Vibrio are important during hatchery rearing. aquaculture phase and post-harvest quality of shrimps. Vibrio spp are of concern to shrimp farmers and hatchery operators because certain species can cause Vibriosis. Vibrio species are of concern to humans because certain species cause serious diseases.With the progress in aquaculture, intensive systems used for shrimp aquaculture create an artificial environment that increases bacterial growth. To maintain the productivity of such an intensive aquaculture, high inputs of fish protein have to be employed for feeding together with high levels of water exchange and the massive use of antibiotics/ probiotics / chemicals. It seems that the combination of these conditions favours the proliferation of vibrios and enhances their virulence and disease prevalence. The risk of a microbial infection is high, mainly at larval stages. The effect and severity are related to Vibrio species and dose, water, feed, shrimp quality and aquaculture management.Consumption of seafood can occasionally result in food-bome illnesses due to the proliferation of indigenous pathogens like Vibrio.Of the l2 pathogenic Vibrio species, 8 species are known to be directly food associated. Strict quality guidelines have been laid by the importing nations, for the food products that enter their markets. The microbiological quality requirement for export of frozen shrimp products is that V.cholerae, V.parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus should be absent in 25g of the processed shrimp (Export Inspection Council of India, 1995). The mere presence of these pathogenic Vibrios is sufficient for the rejection of the exported product.The export rejections cause serious economic loss to the shrimp industry and might harm the brand image of the shrimp products from the countiy.There is a need for an independent study on the incidence of different pathogenic vibrios in shrimp aquaculture and investigate their biochemical characteristics to have a better understanding about the growth and survival of these organisms in the shrimp aquaculture niche. PCR based methods (conventional PCR, duplex PCR, multiplex-PCR and Real Time PCR) for the detection of the pathogenic Vibrios is important for rapid post-harvest quality assessment. Studies on the genetic heterogeneity among the specific pathogenic vibrio species isolated from shrimp aquaculture system provide; valuable information on the extent of genetic diversity of the pathogenic vibrios, the shrimp aquaculture system.So the present study was undertaken to study the incidence of pathogenic Vibrio spp. in Penaeus monodon shrimp hatcheries and aquaculture farms, to carry out biochemical investigations of the pathogenic Vibrio spp isolated from P. monodon hatchery and. aquaculture environments, to assess the effect of salt (NaCl) on the growth and enzymatic activities of pathogenic Vibrio spp., to study the effect of preservatives, and chemicals on the growth of pathogenic Vibrio spp. and to employ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods for the detection of pathogenic V ibrio spp.Samples of water (n=7) and post-larvae (n=7) were obtained from seven Penaeus monodon hatcheries and samples of water (n=5), sediment (n=5) and shrimp (n=5) were obtained from five P. monodon aquaculture farms located on the East Coast of lndia. The microbiological examination of water, sediment, post-larvae and shrimp samples was carried out employing standard methods and by using standard media.The higher bacterial loads were obtained in pond sediments which can be attributed to the accumulation of organic matter at the pond bottom which stimulated bacterial growth.Shrimp head. (4.78 x 105 +/- 3.0 x 104 cfu/g) had relatively higher bacterial load when compared to shrimp muscle 2.7 x 105 +/- 1.95 x 104 cfu/g). ln shrimp hatchery samples, the post-larvae (2.2 x 106 +/- 1.9 x 106 cfu/g) had higher bacterial load than water (5.6 x 103 +/- 3890 cfu/ml).The mean E.coli counts were higher in aquaculture pond sediment (204+/-13 cfu/g) and pond water (124+/-88 cfu/ml). Relatively lower Escherichia coli counts were obtained from shrimp samples (12+/-11 to 16+/-16.7 cfu/g). The presence of E.coli in aquaculture environment might have been from the source water. E.coli was not detected in hatchery waters and post-larvae.


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Ocean persists as a rich and renewable source of cheap protein for the whole world. Among the prawns/shrimps landed from the Indian Ocean and her backwaters, more than 90% are exported to affluent countries. The Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus, constitutes the major portion of the frozen shrimps exported from India every year. The present study is aimed at gathering information on the total heterotrophic bacteria (THB) associated with B. indicus, with special reference to eggs, nauplii, zoeae, mysis, and post larvae in hatchery, and juveniles and adults in culture pond. Simultaneously, IHB associated with E. indicus in its natural habitat also is studied for comparison. It is envisaged that this information will be highly useful for modifying the existing hatchery and pond management-practices.


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The immunostimulatory effect of an alkali insoluble glucan extracted from marine yeast isolate Candida sake S165 was tested in Fenneropenaeus indicus. Post larvae (PL) of F. indicus, fed glucan incorporated diet at varying concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 g glucan/100 g feed) for 21 days were challenged orally with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Maximum survival was observed in PL fed the 0.2% glucan incorporated diet. Subsequently the feed incorporated with 0.2% glucan was fed to F. indicus post larvae at different feeding intervals, i.e. daily, once every two days, once every five days, once every seven days and once every ten days. After 40 days, the prawns were challenged orally with WSSV and post challenge survival was recorded. Shrimp feed containing 0.2% glucan when administered once every seven days gave maximum survival. This was supported by haematological data obtained from adult F. indicus, i.e. total haemocyte count, phenoloxidase activity and nitroblue tetrazolium reduction (NBT). The present observation confirms the importance of dose and frequency of administration of immunostimulants in shrimp health management


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A introdução de espécies exóticas é uma prática que acompanha a história da humanidade, sendo as espécies introduzidas a base da nutrição e economia em vários países. Porém, esse processo contínuo tem levado a uma homogeneização da flora e fauna global. Os ecossistemas aquáticos, que têm recebido menor atenção que os terrestres, têm sofrido perda de diversidade, hibridação, introdução de patógenos, degradação do habitat além da necessidade e alto custo de controle das espécies introduzidas. O desenvolvimento da aqüicultura tem acelerado a introdução de peixes exóticos, que são a base dessa produção em países como o Brasil. Além desta, entre as razões para a introdução citam-se o esporte, a manipulação ecológica com controle de organismos indesejáveis, o melhoramento dos estoques, a ornamentação ou ainda introduções acidentais. No Rio Grande do Sul, nos rios dos Campos de Cima da Serra estão ocorrendo introduções da espécie exótica truta arco- íris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) desde meados da década de 90 como forma de estímulo ao turismo rural. O objetivo dessa prática é a pesca esportiva, que atrai turistas de várias regiões. Porém, os rios da região possuem várias espécies de peixes endêmicas e as conseqüências dessa prática sobre a biota aquática são desconhecidas. O objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar o efeito da introdução da truta arco-íris sobre o ecossistema de rios de baixa ordem no município de São José dos Ausentes – RS, Brasil. Para tanto foi descrita a biologia da truta arco- íris no novo ambiente, verificando sua alimentação, movimentação, presença e viabilidade da reprodução. A ictiofauna autóctone dos rios com ausência e presença de trutas foi comparada, bem como o efeito da predação sobre a macrofauna bentônica. A ictiofauna foi amostrada com o uso da pesca elétrica, sendo o conteúdo estomacal das trutas avaliado sazonalmente. Três trutas foram marcadas e acompanhadas por ii biotelemetria para determinação da sua área de vida. Um experimento com ninhos artificiais foi conduzido para verificação da sobrevivência de ovos de trutas nas condições dos rios de São José dos Ausentes. O experimento de exclusão de peixes foi feito a fim de avaliar o efeito da predação sobre a macrofauna bentônica, comparando a macrofauna em rios com e sem trutas. Os resultados indicaram que a truta arco- íris tem como alimento principal os invertebrados bentônicos, porém as maiores classes de tamanho incluem peixes em seus alimentos principais. Logo após sua introdução a movimentação é restrita, porém alguns exemplares foram capturados em um rio onde não foi feita introdução dessa espécie. Apesar de baixa, a sobrevivência dos adultos ocorre, assim como a reprodução. A sobrevivência dos ovos também é baixa, porém, uma pós-larva foi encontrada. A ictiofauna autóctone é diferenciada nos rios com presença de truta, apresentando menor riqueza e diversidade e uma tendência a diminuição da biomassa. A macrofauna bentônica também é diferenciada, apesar de não ser possível atribuir essa diferença somente à presença das trutas.


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The objective of the current study was to evaluate the zootechnical performance (survival and growth) of Litopenaeus vannamei post-Iarvae fed an artificial shrimp diet supplemented with Artemia flakes or freeze-dried Artemia embryos. For that purpose, 20 culturing units were individually stocked with 50 shrimp post-Iarvae (average dry weight of 0,3 ± 0,03 mg) at a stocking density of 20 post-larvae per liter, and fed the experimental diets to satiation during 20 days. The experimental design consisted of four diets (T1, T2, T3 and T4) with five repetitions each. For treatments T1, T2 and T3, dietary supplements of 5mg of Artemia flakes (T1), freeze-dried Artemia embryos (T2), and of the commercial shrimp diet (T3) were offered 2 hours after the shrimp were initially fed the commercial shrimp diet. For treatment T4 (control), no additive was offered 2 hours after the initial feeding. Shrimp survival, absolut (GPA) and relative increase in weight (GPR), and specific growth rate (TCR) were used as evaluation criteria. After the experimental period, no significant statistical differences (p>0,05) in survival were observed. Regarding growth, the dietary treatment which used freeze-dried Artemia embryos as an additive (T2) presented the best results for GPA (6,7 ± 0,7 mg). There were no statistical differences within treatments T1, T3 and T4 (p>0,05). AIso, post-larvae fed freeze-dried embryos (T2) showed a relative increase in weight (2241,4%) which differed significantly (p<0,05) from T4(1911,7%) but not from T1 (1801,6%) or T3 (1946,7%). In conclusion, the results of the current study indicate that an artificial shrimp diet supplemented with freeze-dried Artemia embryos fulfils the nutritional requirements of post-larvae L. vannamei and promotes a better growth than diets not supplemented with Artemia flakes


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A recirculating system and a matching management schedule for small-scale freshwater prawn larviculture were described. The system comprised a 140 L larval culture tank in line with a 43 L biofilter filled with 24 L of calcareous substrate. Both the tank and biofilter were made of black colored fiberglass in a conical-cylindrical shape. The turnover rate of the water through the system was 24 times a day; water was pumped by airlift. Results of ten larvicultures showed that the system maintained temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, ammonium and nitrite stable and suitable to Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae. Survival and productivity varied from 60.5 to 72.4% and 37 to 72 post-larvae/L, respectively; both were compatible with results of commercial hatcheries. Therefore, this system may be very useful for research purposes or adapted for small-scale post-larvae production.


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The implementation of a hypothetical aquaculture facility with hatchery, nursery and grow-out earthen ponds for raising the Amazon River Prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum in the Pantanal was considered. Eight larviculture cycles per year were projected: four to produce post-larvae for stocking in grow-out bait ponds, and four to stock nursery tanks to sell juveniles as seed to grow-out farms, which produce prawns for human consumption. Annual production would be 146,880 dozen bait prawns and 2,938 thousand juveniles. The assumed sale prices were US$ 1.38 per dozen baits and US$ 15.39 per thousand juveniles. The net present value was US$ 555,890.79, internal rate of return was 48% per year, payback period was 2.4 years and benefit-cost ratio was 3.90. The breakeven price to cover total costs per dozen baits was US$ 0.70 and per thousand juveniles was US$ 17.00, indicating that the selling price assumed for juveniles in base scenario is not realistic. Net return was US$ 84,773.80. The results indicate that this activity would be a lucrative and attractive investment in the Pantanal.


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The effects of ambient nitrite concentrations on larval development of giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii were evaluated. The trials were conducted in two phases: phase 1, larvae from stages I through VIII and phase 2, larvae from stage VIII until post-larvae. In both phases larvae were kept in water with nitrite (NO2-N) concentrations of 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 mg/L. Oxygen consumption was analyzed for larvae in stage II at nitrite concentrations of 0, 4, and 8 mg/L. Survival, weight gain, larval stage index and metamorphosis rate decreased linearly with increasing ambient nitrite concentration. However, there was no significant difference between larvae subjected to 0 and 2 mg/L NO2-N. In phase 1, there was total mortality at 16 mg/L NO2-N, while in phase 2 larval development stopped at stage X in this treatment. The oxygen consumption in stage II increased significantly at NO2-N concentration from 0 to 4 mg/L, but there was no difference between 4 and 8 mg/L NO2-N. In conclusion, increasing ambient nitrite up to 16 mg/L NO2-N delays larval development, reduces larval growth rate and causes mortality, whereas no significant effect occurs for levels below 2 mg/L NO2-N. However, the establishment of a general safe level of nitrite to M rosenbergii hatchery may be difficult due to the great variability in larvae individual sensitivity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.