87 resultados para Positronium


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We present results for low- and medium-energy elastic and capture cross sections for positronium-atom-alkali-ion scattering using the coupled static close-coupling approximation.


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Elastic and inelastic scattering of positronium (Ps) by H, He, He(+) and H(2) have been studied using coupled-channel calculations with a regularised nonlocal model exchange potential. Suitability and reliability of the theoretical scheme have been demonstrated by studying scattering cross-sections in various systems and also by addressing critical dynamic features like binding and resonances of Ps to open-shell-atoms. Results are found to be in good agreement with Variational predictions and experimental observations. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study e+-Na, e+-K, and e+-Rb scattering using the close coupling approach in the static and coupled static expansion schemes. We calculate partial wave elastic scattering phase shifts and total elastic and Ps formation cross sections up to an incident positron energy of 100 eV. The effect of the positronium formation channel on the elastic channel is found to be strong in all cases up to an incident positron energy of 10 eV. We also make an estimate of the total cross section which exhibits a minimum as a function of energy at low energies.


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Positronium scattering off a hydrogen target has been studied employing a three-state positronium model close-coupling approximation (CCA) with and without electron exchange. Elastic, excitation and quenching cross sections are reported at low and medium energies. The effect of electron exchange is found to be significant at low energies. The ratio of quenching to the total cross section (the conversion ratio) approaches the value of 0.25 with increase of energy, as expected.


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Positronium formation and target excitation in positron-helium scattering have been investigated using the close-coupling approximation with realistic wave functions for the positronium and helium atoms. The following eight states have been used in the close-coupling scheme: He(1s1s), He(1s2(1)s), He(1s2(1)p), He(1s3(1)s), He(1s3(1)p), Ps(1s), Ps(2s), and Ps(2p), where Ps stands for the positronium atom. Calculations are reported of differential cross sections for elastic scatering,, inelastic target excitation to He(1s2(1)s) and He(1s2(1)p) slates, and rearrangement transition to Ps(1s), Ps(2s), and Ps(2p) states for incident positron energies between 40 and 200 eV. The coincidence parameters for the transition to the He(1s2(1)p) state of helium are also reported and briefly discussed. [S1050-2947(98)05101-4].


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We studied e+-Li and e+-Na scattering using the close-coupling approximation in the static and coupled static expansion schemes. The effect of the positronium formation on the elastic channel is found to be strong in both cases. In the case of the lithium atom the effect is dramatic; the inclusion of the positronium formation channel transforms the purely repulsive effective e+-Li S wave (static) potential to a predominantly attractive (coupled static) potential. In this case, in the static model delta(0)-delta(infinity) = 0, whereas in the coupled static model delta(0)-delta(infinity)=pi. According to Levinson's theorem this suggests the presence of a S wave bound or continuum bound state in the e+-Li system.


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We investigate ortho-positronium-lithium-atom (Ps-Li) scattering using static-exchange and three-Ps-state coupled-channel calculations. The present three-PS-state scheme, while closely agreeing with the resonance and binding energies in the Ps-H system, predicts S-, P-, and D-wave resonances at 4.25 eV, 4.9 eV, and, 5.25 eV. respectively, in the electronic spin-singlet channel of Ps-Li scattering. The present calculation also yields a Ps-Li binding in this attractive singlet channel with an approximate binding energy of 0.218 eV, which is in adherence with the recent findings of a chemically stable PsLi system using stocastic variational and quantum Monte Carlo calculations. We further report elastic, Ps(2s)-, and Ps(2p)-excitation cross sections at low to medium energies (0.068-30 eV).


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Employing a nonlocal model potential for electron exchange we study positronium-hydrogen-atom (Ps-H) scattering using a five-state coupled-channel model allowing for Ps(2s,2p)H(1s) and Ps(1s)H(2s,2p) excitations. We find remarkable correlations among S-wave Ps-H binding energy, scattering length, effective range, and resonance energy in the electronic singlet state. Using these correlations we predict fairly accurate values of singlet Ps-H scattering length (3.50a0) and effective range (1.65a0).


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A basis-set calculation scheme for S-waves Ps-He elastic scattering below the lowest inelastic threshold was formulated using a variational expression for the transition matrix. The scheme was illustrated numerically by calculating the scattering length in the electronic doublet state: a=1.0±0.1 a.u.


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A time reversal symmetric regularized electron exchange model was used to elastic scattering, target elastic Ps excitations and target inelastic excitation of hydrogen in a five state coupled model. A singlet Ps-H-S-wave resonance at 4.01 eV of width 0.15 eV and a P-wave resonance at 5.08 eV of width 0.004 eV were obtained using this model. The effect on the convergence of the coupled-channel scheme due to the inclusion of the excited Ps and H states was also analyzed.


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Positronium formation in the bimary molecular solid solutions Tb1-xEux (dpm)(3) (dpm = dipivaloylmethanate) has been investigated. A strong linear correlation between the D-5(4) Tb(III) energy level excited state lifetime and the positronium formation probability has been observed. This correlation indicates that the ligand-to-metal charge transfer LMCT states act in both luminescence quenching and positronium formation inhibition, as previously proposed. A kinetic mechanism is proposed to explain this correlation and shows that excited electronic states have a very important role in the positronium formation mechanism.


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In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Methode zur Berechnung derLebensdauern von Ortho-Positronium in Polymerenbeschrieben. Zur Auswertung vonPositronium-Annihilations-Experimenten wurde bislang eineinfaches Modell verwendet, dessen Gültigkeit im Falle vonPolymeren fragwürdig ist. Durch ein verbessertes Modell wirdeine realistischere Beschreibung der Lebensdauernmöglich. Mit verschiedenen quantenmechanischen Methoden wirdeine Näherung für das Wechselwirkungspotential desPositroniums mit der Polymermatrix bestimmt. DieElektronendichte im Polymer wird mit quantenchemischenRechnungen ermittelt, während die Polymerstruktur selbst mitMolekulardynamik-Simulationen auf atomistis cher Ebeneberechnet wird. Die Pfad-integral-Monte-Carlo-Methodegestattet es dann, die Aufenthaltswahrscheinlichkeit unddaraus die Lebensdauer von Ortho-Positronium in den zumfreien Volumen gehörenden Löchern im Polymer zuberechnen. Diese werden mit Ergebnissen ausPositroniu-Annihilations-Experimenten verglichen. Wenn sieübereinstimmen, läßt sich schließen, daß diezugrundeliegenden simulierten Polymerkonfigurationen inBezug auf das freie Volumen ein realistisches Abbild desrealen Polymers sind. Da die Positionen der Atome in der Simulation bekannt sind,wird das freie Volumen mit der Gittermethode bestimmt undmit einem Clusteralgorithmus zu Löchern zusammengefaßt, diedann geometrisch analysiert werden. So können Informationenüber Gestalt, Größe und Verteilung der Löcher gewonnenwerden, die weit über das bislang verwendete Standardmodellhinausgehen. Es zeigt sich, daß einige der Annahmen desStandardmodells nicht erfüllt sind. Die Möglichkeiten des neuen Verfahrens werden an Polystyrolund Bisphenol-A-Polycarbonat demonstriert. ExperimentelleLebensdauerspektren können gut reproduziert werden. Eswurden umfangreiche Analysen des freien Volumensdurchgeführt. Im Falle des Polystyrols wurde auch seineTemperaturabhängigkeit untersucht. Des weiteren werden Simulationen zur Diffusion vonKohlendioxid in Polystyrol bei verschiedenen Temperaturenund Drücken präsentiert. Die Berechnung vonDiffusionskoeffizienten in NpT-Simulationen wird diskutiert;es wird eine Methode dargestellt, die die Berechnung derVerschiebung der Teilchen in ungefalteten Koordinatenerlaubt, auch wenn die Größe der Simulationszellefluktuiert, weil eine automatische Druckkontrolle verwendetwird. Damit werden Diffusionskoeffizientenermittelt. Außerdem wird der Frage nachgegangen, welcheLöcher die Kohlendioxidmoleküle besetzen. Dies ist von derexperimentellen Seite interessant, weil häufig gasbeladenePolymere durch Positronium untersucht werden, um dieAnzahldichte der Löcher zu bestimmen; diese wird wiederumbenötigt, um aus dem mittleren Volumen eines Loches dasgesamte freie Volumen zu berechnen.


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A positron and electron can form the bound state called positronium. When positronium is formed in a porous material, its lifetime is based on the electron density of the pore walls, temperature, and pore size according the Rectangular Extenstion to the Tao-Eldrup Model. Positronium Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy is an established technique of finding positronium lifetimes. Using this technique, we find positronium lifetimes at various temperatures and compare these to the expectations of the model. We find that the pore size relationship is consistent, but more data must be gathered under different conditions in order to draw conclusions about relationships between lifetime, temperature, and pore size.


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We describe a system designed to re-bunch positron pulses delivered by an accumulator supplied by a positron source and a Surko-trap. Positron pulses from the accumulator are magnetically guided in a 0.085 T field and are injected into a region free of magnetic fields through a μ -metal field terminator. Here positrons are temporally compressed, electrostatically guided and accelerated towards a porous silicon target for the production and emission of positronium into vacuum. Positrons are focused in a spot of less than 4 mm FWTM in bunches of ∼8 ns FWHM. Emission of positronium into the vacuum is shown by single shot positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy.