925 resultados para Positive development


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Formação de Professores), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2016


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Resumo I (Prática Pedagógica)- Este Relatório de Estágio é composto por duas secções. Na primeira descreve-se o estágio realizado pela mestranda, na Classe de Flauta do Professor João Pereira Coutinho (JPC), na Escola de Música do Conservatório Nacional (EMCN), ao longo do ano lectivo de 2012/2013, com a supervisão do Professor Nuno Ivo Cruz. Após uma contextualização da EMCN e dos alunos acompanhados no estágio, descreve-se o desempenho de cada um deles, ao longo do ano lectivo, bem como as práticas educativas desenvolvidas pelo Professor Cooperante, nas aulas assistidas, e as desenvolvidas pela estagiária. Realiza-se uma reflexão sobre as mesmas,apresentando, também, algumas vantagens e desvantagens relativamente ao modelo de Estágio proposto.


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Relatório final apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Didáticas Integradas em Língua Portuguesa, Matemática, Ciências Naturais e Sociais


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Tutkimuksen tavoite Tutkimuksen tavoite oli kerätä FI:n johdolle tietoa henkilöstön suhtautumisesta organisaatiomuutokseen. Tutkimus toimii pohjana muutosprosessin kriittiselle tarkastelulle ja mahdollisille muutoksille resurssien kohdentamisessa. Tutkimusmenetelmä Organisaatiomuutosta käsittelevä kirjallisuus muodosti tutkielman teoriapohjan. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella FI:n henkilöstölle ja neljällä haastattelulla henkilöstön ja johdon kanssa. Johtopäätökset Yleisesti tuloksista on nähtävissä, että vastaajat ovat aluksi vastustaneet muutosta, vaikka muutos itsessään onkin nähty positiivisena kehityksenä. Vastarintaa ovat aiheuttaneet pääasiallisesti muutoksen johtamisen tyyli ja tiedotuksen kokeminen riittämättömänä.


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There are a considerable number of programs and agencies that count on the existence of a unique relationship between nature and human development. In addition, there are significant bodies of literature dedicated to understanding developmentally focused nature-based experiences. This research project was designed to flirther the understanding of this phenomenon. Consequently, the purpose of this research endeavour was to discover the essence ofthe intersection ofpersonal transformation and nature-based leisure, culminating in a rich and detailed account of this otherwise tacit phenomenon. As such, this research built on the assumption of this beneficial intersection of nature and personal transformation and contributes to the understanding ofhow this context is supporting or generating of selfactualization and positive development. Heuristic methods were employed because heuristics is concerned with the quality and essence of an experience, not causal relationships (Moustakas, 1990). Heuristic inquiry begins with the primary researcher and her personal experience and knowledge of the phenomenon. This study also involved four other coresearchers who had also experienced this phenomenon intensely. Co-researchers were found through purposeful and snowball sampling. Rich narrative descriptions of their experiences were gathered through in-depth, semi-structured interviews, and artifact elicitation was employed as a means to get at co-researchers' tacit knowledge. Each coresearcher was interviewed twice (the first interview focused on personal transformation, the second on nature) for approximately four and a half hours in total. Transcripts were read repeatedly to discern patterns that emerged from the study of the narratives and were coded accordingly. Individual narratives were consolidated to create a composite narrative of the experience. Finally, a creative synthesis was developed to represent the essence of this tacit experience. In conclusion the essence of the intersection of nature-based leisure and personal transformation was found to lie in the convergence of the lived experience of authenticity. The physical environment of nature was perceived and experienced to be a space and context of authenticity, leisure experiences were experienced as an engagement of authenticity, and individuals themselves encountered a true or authentic self that emanated from within. The implications of these findings are many, offering suggestions, considerations and implications from reconsidered approaches to environmental education to support for selfdirected human development.


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Studying positive adolescent development requires an examination of the mutually beneficial associations between youth and their environment. These youthcontext relations include both the contributions that youth make to others and society and the youth-context interactions that might predict positive youth outcomes. Community and youth-serving organizations, where youth may be involved in decision-making roles such as service delivery, advocacy, or on boards of directors, can provide one important context for youth contributions and for positive adolescent development. Research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision-making, however, is limited, and largely consists of exploratory qualitative studies. This dissertation is formatted as an integrated article dissertation. It begins with a review of the literature on contexts of structured youth activities and positive youth development. This review is intended to describe theory on development-context relations, in which development is considered an interactive process that occurs between individuals and their contexts, as it pertains the positive development of youth who are involved in various structured activities (e.g., volunteering). This description follows with a review of current research, and conclusions and rationale for the current studies. Following this theoretical and research background, the dissertation includes reports of two studies that were designed to address gaps in the research on youth involvement in organizational decision-making. The first was a qualitative research synthesis to elucidate and summarize the extant qualitative research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision making on adults and organizations. Results of this study suggested a number of outcomes for service provision, staff, and broader organizational functioning, including both benefits to organizations as well as some costs. The second study was a quantitative analysis of the associations among youth involvement, organizations' learning culture, and youth initiative, and relied on survey data gathered from adults and youth in community-based organizations with youth involvement. As expected, greater youth involvement in organizational decision making was associated with higher learning culture within the organization. Two dimensions of youth involvement, greater program engagement and relationships with adults, were related to greater youth initiative. A third dimension, sense of ownership, was not- .-.- associated with youth's level of initiative. Moreover, the association between relationships with adults and youth initiative was only significant in organizations with relatively low learning culture. Despite some limitations, these studies contribute to the research literature by providing some indication of the potential benefits and costs of youth involvement and by making an important contribution toward the early stages of context-level analyses of youth development. Findings have important implications for practitioners, funders, future research, and lifespan development theory.


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Research has shown that after school programs can provide children with opportunities that help foster positive development and adaptation. Current research meets the need for identifying short term outcomes, program standards, and short term evaluation techniques, however less understood is the lasting meaning of participation for previous participants after their participation. The purpose of this study was to explore the meaning and perceived impacts of participation in a preventative, skill-building after school program for former participants. Using an exploratory case study approach, interviews were conducted with six previous participants of the Virtual YMCA and a former school principal. Reconstructed narratives and analyzed transcripts show that participants do still derive meaning and significance from their participation in the program, although highly individualized. Significant aspects of the program are identified, as well as the participant’s perceived impacts which are still present today. Discussion for practitioners, researchers, and funders is provided.


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Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'harmonisation des langues africaines transfrontalières à tradition écrite émergente au moyen des Technologies de l’information et de la communication.


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El turismo es un sector de gran dinamismo en países en desarrollo, casos como México o Perú son modelos latinoamericanos que se han destacado por el desarrollo del sector turístico y en años recientes Colombia ha presentado cifras importantes respecto a los demás países de la región. Aquí se pueden practicar cuatro líneas de turismo potenciales según el Plan Sectorial de Turismo Nacional 2008 2011 Un Destino de Clase Mundial como son el Turismo Ecológico, Cultural, de Salud y de Convenciones y Eventos. El objetivo de este documento es hallar los principales factores que influyeron en la llegada mensual de viajeros extranjeros a Colombia en el periodo 2004 2007 a través de la estimación de modelos de panel de datos, mediante la utilización tanto de variables microeconómicas como macroeconómicas así como otras variables culturales y geográficas. Como resultado se puede resaltar que factores como el número de llegadas del periodo inmediatamente anterior y el índice de intercambio comercial influyen de manera positiva, mientras el índice de secuestros, reduce de forma significativa el número de llegadas de viajeros extranjeros a Colombia.


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Wholesale trade has an intermediate position between manufacturing and retail in the distributional channel. In modern economies, consumers buy few, if any, products directly from manufacture or producer. Instead, it is a wholesaler, who is in direct contact with producers, buying goods in larger quantities and selling them in smaller quantities to retailers. Traditionally, the main function of a wholesaler has been to push goods along the distributional channel from producer to retailer, or other nonend user. However, the function of wholesalers usually goes beyond the process of the physical distribution of goods. Wholesalers also arrange storage, perform market analyses, promote trade or provide technical support to consumers (Riemers 1998). The existence of wholesalers (and other intermediaries) in the distributional channel is based on the effective and efficient performance of distribution services, that are needed by producers and other members of the supply chain. Producers usually do not enjoy the economies of scale that they have in production, when it comes to providing distributional services (Rosenbloom 2007) and this creates a space for wholesalers or other intermediaries. Even though recent developments in the distributional channel indicate that traditional wholesaling activities now also compete with other supply chain organizations, wholesaling still remains an important activity in many economies (Quinn and Sparks, 2007). In 2010, the Swedish wholesale trade sector consisted of approximately 46.000 firms and generated an annual turnover of 1 300 billion SEK (Företagsstatistiken, Statistics Sweden). In terms of turnover, wholesaling accounts for 20% of the gross domestic product and is thereby the third largest industry. This is behind manufacturing and a composite group of firms in other sectors of the service industry but ahead of retailing. This indicates that the wholesale trade sector is an important part of the Swedish economy. The position of wholesaling is further reinforced when measuring productivity growth. Measured in terms of value added per employee, wholesaling experienced the largest productivity growth of all industries in the Swedish economy during the years 2000 through 2010. The fact that wholesale trade is one of the important parts of a modern economy, and the positive development of the Swedish wholesale trade sector in recent decades, leads to several questions related to industry dynamics. The three topics that will be examined in this thesis are firm entry, firm relocation and firm growth. The main question to be answered by this thesis is what factors influence new firm formation, firm relocation and firm growth in the Swedish wholesale trade sector?


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The Australian Temperament Project (ATP) provides a unique lens through which to view he pathways to vulnerability and resilience that Australian children take from infancy to adolescence, and beyond. Commencing in 1983, the ATP is now completing its 24th year and 14th wave of data collection. The present paper provides an overview of the data on adolescent antisocial behaviour, substance use, internalising problems and aspects of positive development and wellbeing. Several pathways to vulnerability or resilience are described that vary in their age of onset. Constellations of common risk factors suggest that there may be overlapping priming factors for later mental health problems. A different mix of factors relates to pathways to wellbeing. This unique Australian study provides invaluable insights into stability and change in the pathways to mental health that children take across life.


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Objective: This study was to investigate issues that arose from pre-admission to post-discharge, for people in Toowoomba, Queensland over the age of 65 admitted to an acute facility. This paper concentrates on a significant concern that emerged from the latge amount of data collected during this project, that is, the role of the nurse in the continuum of health care involving elderly people.

Method: The study involved a multi-site, multi-agency and multi-method (qualitative and quantitative) approach. Data was collected from regional service providers, the Department of Health and Aged Care (DHAC), the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Home and Community Care (HACC), the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), elderly people who had been discharged from regional hospitals and their carers, residents of regional aged care facilities, area health professionals and elderly regional hospital inpatients.

The data indicated that nurses in this provincial area currently play a limited role in preadmission planning, being mostly concerned with elective surgery, especially joint replacements. While nurses deliver the majority of care during hospitalisation, they do not appear to be cognizant of the needs of the elderly regarding post-acute discharge.

Conclusion: The recent introduction of the model of nurse case management in the acute sector appears to be a positive development that will streamline and optimise the health care of the elderly across the continuum in the Toowoomba area. The paper recommends some strategies, such as discharge liaison nurses based in Emergency Departments and the expansion of the nurse case management role, which would optimise care for the elderly person at the interface of care.


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Online resource, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

Professionals who work with young children who are gifted or talented can make a real difference to them reaching their full potential.

This resource provides early childhood professionals with information and resources to help identify and provide learning for young gifted and talented children (from infancy to eight years old) and their families.

Gifted and talented young children experience wellbeing and positive development when provided with supportive and challenging learning environments that are responsive to their individual strengths and interests.

Every early childhood professional will be working with gifted children. It is estimated that 10–15 per cent of children are gifted, which means a typical early childhood group or school class will contain at least one gifted child. Many will have more, so it is imperative that professionals reflect on their practice and seek professional learning opportunities to increase their understanding and knowledge of giftedness and talent in young children.

Research has shown that educators who have received professional learning opportunities or pre-service preparation in giftedness and talent are better able to recognise and understand giftedness in children, and have more positive attitudes towards it.

The professional learning opportunities in this online resource will assist professionals to identify and engage in good practice when working with young gifted and talented children.

The content of this online resource has been developed by Dr Anne-Marie Morrissey and Dr Anne Grant (Deakin University).