848 resultados para Popular contexts


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Aggression by cats towards humans is a serious behavioural, welfare and public health problem, although owners may believe it is an inevitable part of cat ownership. There has been little scientific investigation of the risk factors associated with this problem. One hundred and seven owners in the Sao Paulo region of Brazil, took part in a survey aimed at investigating the perceived prevalence of the problem, defining the most common contexts of human directed aggression and identifying associated potential risk factors. Human directed aggression occurred in 49.5%, of cats and was most commonly associated with situations involving petting and play, followed by protection of a resource, when startled, when observing an unfamiliar animal and least commonly when unfamiliar people were present. Pedigree status, neuter status, a history of early trauma, sensitivity to being stroked, the absence of other cats in the home, relationship with other animals, level of background activity at home, access to the outside and tendency to be alone (meaning tendency to staying far from the family members) were all associated with an increased risk in one or more context. However, sex, age, age when acquired, source of pet, attachment to a specific household member, type of domestic accommodation, relationship with another cat if present and contact with other animals did not appear to increase the risk. The results suggest sensitivity to being stroked and background levels of stress in the home are the most pervasive risk factors, and future research should aim to investigate these factors further. These data are of relevance when advising owners about the risk and development of this problem. (C) 2009 ESFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In social science the 'national' has been studied extensively, but comparatively little attention has been given to the 'un-national'. The article takes up this challenge in an Australian context. Drawing on the work of Raymond Williams, investigation is centred around the keyword 'UnAustralian'. Participants in focus groups were asked to nominate and account for what they thought of as 'UnAustralian' people, places, values, activities, groups and organizations. Analysis of the data revealed that two factors underpinned an attribution: incivility and foreign influence. Contemporary uses revolve around outcomes from globalization and can be contrasted with the centrality of class politics to deployments of the concept in the first part of the 20th century.


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This study sought to examine links among young children's peer relations, their moral understanding in terms of the ability to distinguish lies from mistakes, and their theory-of-mind development. Based on sociometric measures, 109 children with a mean age of 4.8 years were divided into groups of popular and rejected preschoolers. Rejected children who had a stable mutual friend scored higher on measures of moral understanding and theory of mind than did rejected children without such friendships. Similarly, popular children who had a stable mutual friendship outperformed other popular children on mindreading, although their moral understanding was no better than that of the popular group who lacked mutual friends. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that peer popularity was a significant independent predictor of children's moral understanding after any effects of verbal maturity, age and theory-of-mind were statistically controlled. Moreover, having a reciprocal stable friendship made a significant independent contribution to the explanation of individual differences in mindreading, over and above age and verbal maturity, which also contributed significantly. These results are discussed in terms of conversational, cognitive, and emotional processes in the development of social cognition.


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O setor el??trico brasileiro, historicamente, possui modelo autorit??rio de planejamento e implanta????o dos empreendimentos. Os grandes projetos desenvolvimentistas s??o oriundos do per??odo dos governos militares. Popula????es atingidas por impactos de barragens sempre reivindicaram pol??ticas articuladas de compensa????o por parte das empresas e do governo. A partir de 2003, a Eletronorte adotou o planejamento participativo para elabora????o de um plano de desenvolvimento regional ??? PPDJUS ??? como compensa????o pelos impactos da UHE Tucuru?? nos cinco munic??pios a Jusante, iniciativa sem precedentes no Brasil. O PPDJUS hoje articula as pol??ticas de planejamento e gest??o do territ??rio e de recursos h??dricos do Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Agr??rio (MDA), do Minist??rio do Meio Ambiente (MMA), do Minist??rio da Integra????o Nacional (MIN), da Secretaria Especial de Abastecimento e Pre??os (Seap), da Ag??ncia de Desenvolvimento da Amaz??nia (ADA) e da Eletronorte, entre outros ??rg??os. Possui conselhos gestores regional e municipais e c??maras t??cnicas, avan??ado modelo de gest??o participativa


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As pol??ticas de desenvolvimento consideram que um dos principais obst??culos para o crescimento dos microeempreendimentos ?? a falta de acesso ??s fontes de financiamento, principalmente ??queles emergidos como formas alternativas de ocupa????o e renda. Esses pequenos neg??cios, em sua maioria informais, vem apresentando n??veis de alto crescimento em todo o Pa??s, em especial na regi??o Nordeste, principalmente nos grandes centros urbanos, comprovada por pesquisas cient??ficas realizadas. Considerando que o acesso dessa camada da popula????o ao sistema banc??rio ?? dif??cil, devido ao baixo n??vel operacional, ao tamanho dos neg??cios e ?? qualidade ou inexist??ncia de garantias, o Banco do Nordeste lan??a o Programa CrediAmigo com o objetivo de contribuir para o crescimento de microempresas, mediante a oferta de cr??dito para atividades produtivas e servi??os de capacita????o, de forma a garantir ao agente produtivo condi????es para ele gerir bem seus neg??cios, atrav??s da melhoria da competitividade e integra????o ao mercado globalizado. Dessa forma, o CrediAmigo permite f??cil acesso a esse segmento da popula????o marginalizada do sistema financeiro formal e que recorrem e dependem de agiotas e fornecedores que lhes cobram taxas de juros bem acima do mercado. Para atender esses agentes produtivos o CrediAmigo utiliza uma metodologia inovadora de concess??o de cr??dito que permite a libera????o dos recursos de forma ??gil, desburocratizada e sem as garantias tradicionais exigidas, funcionando com grupos solid??rios, proporcionando uma maior democratiza????o do cr??dito. At?? jul/99 o CrediAmigo j?? atendeu a 121.444 cidad??os com financiamento na ordem de R$ 74,2 milh??es