56 resultados para Polysemy
A presente pesquisa tem como objeto de investigação o vocábulo lev na perícope de Dt 6,1-9. Este vocábulo também é utilizado em várias partes do Antigo Testamento. Assim a pesquisa também faz um levantamento deste uso na perspectiva de diversos autores. No primeiro capítulo se apresentam os blocos que constituem a moldura do livro do Deuteronômio com o objetivo de identificarmos o contexto maior onde encontra-se a perícope de Dt 6,1-9. No segundo capítulo partimos de uma análise exegética da perícope ressaltando os vários aspectos da linguagem, como estilo literário, gênero literário, e análise de conteúdo. Nesta parte também consta uma análise das realidades concretas subjacentes à produção do texto, como assento histórico, contexto social, político e ideológico. No terceiro capítulo apresentase o amplo campo semântico do vocábulo lev no Antigo Testamento na perspectiva de diversos autores. Tal delineação tem por objetivo explorar a polissemia do vocábulo, e assim neutralizá-la, buscando o sentido mais apropriado do vocábulo para a perícope de Dt 6,1-9.
A busca pela identidade religiosa dos brasileiros a partir do olhar de Darcy Ribeiro constitui o desafio que empreendemos neste trabalho. Trata-se de perceber o sentido de ser humano no mundo tempo e espaço do ponto de vista do religioso e do obscuro, mediante as narrativas de Darcy. Embora uma investigação como essa pudesse ocorrer pelos múltiplos caminhos das ciências e seus fundamentos, decidimos pela via das Ciências da Religião. A partir dos escritos de Darcy, vamos oferecer informações novas quanto à perspectiva religiosa no Brasil conforme se deu e ainda ocorre. Paradoxalmente, este antropólogo que sempre se afirmou ateu nos oferece algumas novas intuições que ampliam nossas conceituações no domínio das Ciências da Religião. Por não encontrarmos uma sistematização sobre a linguagem religiosa no pensamento de Darcy, buscamos estabelecer uma aproximação com a filosofia hermenêutica de Paul Ric ur. A noção de identidade narrativa, segundo Ricoeur, foi o elemento metodológico fundamental na articulação hermenêutica das intuições sobre o religioso em Darcy. Esta identidade narrativa encontra no trabalho da memória e na polissemia do símbolo outras formas de diálogo e enriquecimento da discussão. A articulação heurística, fruto de nossa intuição, nos permitirá revelar a identidade religiosa dos brasileiros pelo viés hermenêutico. A presente tarefa é efetuada com o olhar nas confissões de Darcy, no panorama histórico-religioso eivado de entrecruzamentos espirituais das diversas matrizes e do ambiente atual, particularmente complexo, existente no Brasil. Para nós, a obra de Darcy Ribeiro contribui de maneira coerente à expansão dos estudos em Ciências da Religião e sugere, de igual modo, a identidade religiosa dos brasileiros em fazimento. Darcy Ribeiro parte da antropologia, mas não se restringe à perspectiva do puro estruturalismo, desenvolvendo uma espécie de antropologia dialética em discussão com a filosofia. Esta pesquisa procura situar também a identidade religiosa dos brasileiros, apesar da cegueira que afeta o tecido religioso, marcado pelo radicalismo, pelo fundamentalismo e o conservadorismo. Para evidenciar melhor essa identidade, utilizamos duas metáforas: sexta lança e bricolagem, ambas alinhadas com o olhar de Darcy. A inusitada interpretação e busca da identidade religiosa dos brasileiros segundo Darcy Ribeiro somente foi possível pelas lentes hermenêuticas oferecidas por Paul Ric ur. Na perspectiva da noção de identidade narrativa, segundo Paul Ric ur, nos deparamos com as bases que nos ajudam a considerar esta identidade religiosa, seus limites e possibilidades, seus encontros e desencontros, seu fazimento e inacabamento.
This monograph proposes a general model for the analysis of polysemy. The underspecified content of polysemic items produces interpretations in relation with characterised contextual indicators. This ternary set of schematic representations applies to the meaning organisation of French indefinite qui que ce soit ('any'). Universal positive readings, existential and opposition readings are generated by modalised predicate, a modalised proposition and syntactically adjoined functions. "Affective" contexts yield a negative polarity interpretation, the interpretation is generated through concessive reasoning, which explains how scalar values can be evoked by an item representing arbitrary selection. Such contextual reasoning and characterised contextual indicators are the two modes for the calculation of the contextual interpretation of polysemous items.
The meaning is involved all levels of language analysis. Located in the heart of phenomena such as the polysemy, the grammaticalisation, the role for interpretation of the syntax, the organisation of the metonymy, the structuring of the metaphor. It is subject to synchroniques and historical typological and social variations. These events allow you to reveal when they are considered under the representations that they involve, the Organization of the linguistic meaning report. It is this organisation that attach themselves to identify the contributions in this book. From the empirical study of problems typical semantics and prag-matique offer answers provide the most current approaches to questions the nature of the sense of the patterns they render account representations and constraints that shape.
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en comparar las funciones pragmáticas de una estructura intensificadora en español peninsular formada con la partícula venga (venga a + infinitivo) con estructuras intensificadoras en inglés. Para ello, analizamos los factores sintácticos, semánticos y pragmáticos que el traductor tiene en cuenta a la hora de usar esta estructura en la traducción al español. El corpus lo componen fragmentos de obras literarias extraídas en Google Books. Los resultados demuestran que con esta construcción se consigue transferir al español no sólo efectos semánticos (iteración), sino también pragmáticos, como la evaluación del hablante (desacuerdo, sorpresa, etc.).
'Theory', 'hypothesis', 'model' and 'method' in linguistics: Semasiological and onomasiological perspectives The subject of this thesis is the use of generic scientific terms, in particular the four terms 'theory', 'hypothesis', 'model' and 'method', in linguistic research articles written in French and in Finnish. The thesis examines the types of scientific constructs to which these terms are applied, and seeks to explain the variation in the use of each term. A second objective of the thesis is to analyze the relationships among these terms, and the factors determining the choices made by writers. With its focus on the authentic use of generic scientific terms, the thesis complements the normative and theoretical descriptions of these terms in Science Studies and offers new information on actual writing practices. This thesis adheres to functional and usage-based linguistics, drawing its theoretical background from cognitive linguistics and from functional approaches to terminology. The research material consisted of 120 research articles (856 569 words), representing different domains of linguistics and written in French or Finnish (60 articles in each language). The articles were extracted from peer-reviewed scientific journals and were published between 2000 and 2010. The use of generic scientific terms in the material has been examined from semasiological and onomasiological perspectives. In the first stage, different usages related to each of the four central terms were analyzed. In the second stage, the analysis was extended to other terms and expressions, such as 'theoretical framework', 'approach' and ‘claim’, which were used to name scientific constructs similar to the four terms analyzed in the first stage. Finally, in order to account for the writer’s choice among the terms, a mixed methods approach was adopted, based on the results of a previously conducted questionnaire concerning the differences between these terms as experienced by linguists themselves. Despite the general ideal that scientific terms should be carefully defined, the study shows that the use of these central terms is not without ambiguity. What is understood by these terms may vary according to different conceptual and stylistic factors as well as epistemic and disciplinary traditions. In addition to their polysemy, the semantic potentials of these terms are in part overlapping. In most cases, the variation in the use of these terms is not likely to cause serious misunderstanding. Rather, it allows the researcher to express a specific conceptualization of the scientific constructs mentioned in the article. The discipline of linguistics, however, would benefit from a more elaborate metatheoretical discussion.
El sacrificio, en tanto que elaboración metafórica de las reciprocidades sociales, se trata aquí en su compleja polisemia, y de la cual se contempla la dialéctica objetivo-subjetiva mostrada en los escenarios rituales. Para ello se detiene el análisis en momentos de rupturas en la cohesión social durante el período pre-hispánico y del mundo indígena mesoamericano contemporáneo, tomándolo como antecedentes, para proponer una explicación desde tales categorías para la sociedad actual en los procesos de fragmentación que rompen los vínculos recíprocos en el seno de las diversas comunidades latinoamericanas, que se derivan en expresiones sacrificiales que participan en la reconstitución de las fracturas sociales ocurridas en nuestro territorio, y restablecen, en palabras de Humberto Maturana, la pegajosidad amorosa que es inherente a la condición humana.
Ideología y narrativa: la función significativa, el pensamiento estetizante y las relaciones humanas
This research deals with the study of ideology in the novel. Our motivation has philosophical implications and refers to fundamental and foundational issues of literary theory and aesthetics in general. Thus, the definition of the object of study for a correct formulation of these questions, as appropriate, represents the first difficulty of this research. The concept of ideology is of a problematic nature due to the polysemy of the term and the Marxist pejorative use associated to it. In our work, however, we understand ideology in a general and literal way: study and system of ideas. This research seeks to justify the study of ideology and its relevance in the investigation of narrative text as a system of ideas for understanding the world that determines the individual's relationship with it within the novel. The epistemological approach of our research relates the concept of ideology in terms of literary hermeneutics, critical theory, and dialogic criticism, linked trough the critical inquiry and the signifying function of ideology. Furthermore, the ideological representation of the signifying function in literary texts responds to aesthetic criteria, and therefore aesthetics constitutes the specificity of the methodological approach of this study. Bakhtińs essential text on literary theory, "The Problem of Content, Material and Form in Verbal Arts", allows us to develop an understanding of the literary phenomena based on the concept of aestheticided thought. The main references to establish the foundational criteria of our investigation based on the hermeneutic-aesthetic relationship are P. Ricoeur, M. Bakhtin, and J. Habermas...
Ce mémoire s’intéresse aux processus de formation de mots. Nous postulons que les notions de productivité et de polysémie guident les locuteurs dans la sélection des procédés de formation de mots. Afin de vérifier notre hypothèse, nous avons porté nos observations sur un répertoire de mots suffixés de l’espagnol, le « Diccionario de los sufijos de la lengua española (DISULE) » de Faitelson-Weiser (2010, cf. www.sufijos.lli.ulaval.ca ). Nous avons évalué les degrés de productivité et de polysémie de chaque segment identifié comme étant un suffixe. Nous avons ensuite mis en relation les valeurs obtenues pour chacune des propriétés. Cette démarche, que nous avons testée, reconnaît le morphème comme unité d’analyse, ce qui se correspond au modèle grammatical Item et arrangement (Hockett, 1954). Bien que le résultat de nos analyses ne nous permette pas d’établir des corrélations fortes entre les deux variables pour l’ensemble des suffixes, lorsque nous délimitons des contextes de concurrence spécifiques, nous pouvons constater que les relations entre productivité et polysémie suivent des patrons spécifiques à ceux-ci. En outre, nous remarquons que le modèle adopté est plus efficace dans la description de la polysémie que pour expliquer la productivité; ce qui nous amène à nous questionner sur la pertinence de l’opposition établie entre mot et morphème en tant qu’unités d’analyse. Nous concluons que les deux notions sont essentielles en morphologie.
Ce mémoire s’intéresse aux processus de formation de mots. Nous postulons que les notions de productivité et de polysémie guident les locuteurs dans la sélection des procédés de formation de mots. Afin de vérifier notre hypothèse, nous avons porté nos observations sur un répertoire de mots suffixés de l’espagnol, le « Diccionario de los sufijos de la lengua española (DISULE) » de Faitelson-Weiser (2010, cf. www.sufijos.lli.ulaval.ca ). Nous avons évalué les degrés de productivité et de polysémie de chaque segment identifié comme étant un suffixe. Nous avons ensuite mis en relation les valeurs obtenues pour chacune des propriétés. Cette démarche, que nous avons testée, reconnaît le morphème comme unité d’analyse, ce qui se correspond au modèle grammatical Item et arrangement (Hockett, 1954). Bien que le résultat de nos analyses ne nous permette pas d’établir des corrélations fortes entre les deux variables pour l’ensemble des suffixes, lorsque nous délimitons des contextes de concurrence spécifiques, nous pouvons constater que les relations entre productivité et polysémie suivent des patrons spécifiques à ceux-ci. En outre, nous remarquons que le modèle adopté est plus efficace dans la description de la polysémie que pour expliquer la productivité; ce qui nous amène à nous questionner sur la pertinence de l’opposition établie entre mot et morphème en tant qu’unités d’analyse. Nous concluons que les deux notions sont essentielles en morphologie.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining ever more ground in every sphere of human life, to the point that it is now even used to pass sentences in courts. The use of AI in the field of Law is however deemed quite controversial, as it could provide more objectivity yet entail an abuse of power as well, given that bias in algorithms behind AI may cause lack of accuracy. As a product of AI, machine translation is being increasingly used in the field of Law too in order to translate laws, judgements, contracts, etc. between different languages and different legal systems. In the legal setting of Company Law, accuracy of the content and suitability of terminology play a crucial role within a translation task, as any addition or omission of content or mistranslation of terms could entail legal consequences for companies. The purpose of the present study is to first assess which neural machine translation system between DeepL and ModernMT produces a more suitable translation from Italian into German of the atto costitutivo of an Italian s.r.l. in terms of accuracy of the content and correctness of terminology, and then to assess which translation proves to be closer to a human reference translation. In order to achieve the above-mentioned aims, two human and automatic evaluations are carried out based on the MQM taxonomy and the BLEU metric. Results of both evaluations show an overall better performance delivered by ModernMT in terms of content accuracy, suitability of terminology, and closeness to a human translation. As emerged from the MQM-based evaluation, its accuracy and terminology errors account for just 8.43% (as opposed to DeepL’s 9.22%), while it obtains an overall BLEU score of 29.14 (against DeepL’s 27.02). The overall performances however show that machines still face barriers in overcoming semantic complexity, tackling polysemy, and choosing domain-specific terminology, which suggests that the discrepancy with human translation may still be remarkable.