978 resultados para Plasminogen-activator


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The gene encoding tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) is an immediate response gene, downstream from CREB-1 and other constitutively expressed transcription factors, which is induced in the hippocampus during the late phase of long-term potentiation (L-LTP). Mice in which the t-PA gene has been ablated (t-PA-/-) showed no gross anatomical, electrophysiological, sensory, or motor abnormalities but manifest a selective reduction in L-LTP in hippocampal slices in both the Schaffer collateral-CA1 and mossy fiber-CA3 pathways. t-PA-/- mice also exhibit reduced potentiation by cAMP analogs and D1/D5 agonists. By contrast, hippocampal-dependent learning and memory were not affected in these mice, whereas performance was impaired on two-way active avoidance, a striatum-dependent task. These results provide genetic evidence that t-PA is a downstream effector gene important for L-LTP and show that modest impairment of L-LTP in CA1 and CA3 does not result in hippocampus-dependent behavioral phenotypes.


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The availability of gene-targeted mice deficient in the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), urokinase receptor (uPAR), tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), and plasminogen permits a critical, genetic-based analysis of the physiological and pathological roles of the two mammalian plasminogen activators. We report a comparative study of animals with individual and combined deficits in uPAR and tPA and show that these proteins are complementary fibrinolytic factors in mice. Sinusoidal fibrin deposits are found within the livers of nearly all adult mice examined with a dual deficiency in uPAR and tPA, whereas fibrin deposits are never found in livers collected from animals lacking uPAR and rarely detected in animals lacking tPA alone. This is the first demonstration that uPAR has a physiological role in fibrinolysis. However, uPAR-/-/tPA-/- mice do not develop the pervasive, multi-organ fibrin deposits, severe tissue damage, reduced fertility, and high morbidity and mortality observed in mice with a combined deficiency in tPA and the uPAR ligand, uPA. Furthermore, uPAR-/-/tPA-/- mice do not exhibit the profound impairment in wound repair seen in uPA-/-/tPA-/- mice when they are challenged with a full-thickness skin incision. These results indicate that plasminogen activation focused at the cell surface by uPAR is important in fibrin surveillance in the liver, but that uPA supplies sufficient fibrinolytic potential to clear fibrin deposits from most tissues and support wound healing without the benefit of either uPAR or tPA.


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Several lines of indirect evidence suggest that plasminogen activation plays a crucial role in degradation of the follicular wall during ovulation. However, single-deficient mice lacking tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), or PA inhibitor type 1(PAI-1) gene function were recently found to have normal reproduction, although mice with a combined deficiency of tPA and uPA were significantly less fertile. To investigate whether the reduced fertility of mice lacking PA gene function is due to a reduced ovulation mechanism, we have determined the ovulation efficiency in 25-day-old mice during gonadotropin-induced ovulation. Our results reveal that ovulation efficiency is normal in mice with a single deficiency of tPA or uPA but reduced by 26% in mice lacking both physiological PAs. This result suggests that plasminogen activation plays a role in ovulatory response, although neither tPA nor uPA individually or in combination is obligatory for ovulation. The loss of an individual PA seems to be functionally complemented by the remaining PA but this compensation does not appear to involve any compensatory up-regulation. Our data imply that a functionally redundant mechanism for plasmin formation operates during gonadotropin-induced ovulation and that PAs together with other proteases generate the proteolytic activity required for follicular wall degradation.


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The role of subsite interactions in defining the stringent substrate specificity of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) has been examined by using an fd phage library that displayed random hexapeptide sequences and contained 2 x 10(8) independent recombinants. Forty-four individual hexapeptides were isolated and identified as improved substrates for t-PA. A peptide containing one of the selected amino acid sequences was cleaved by t-PA 5300 times more efficiently than a peptide that contained the primary sequence of the actual cleavage site in plasminogen. These results suggest that small peptides can mimic determinants that mediate specific proteolysis, emphasize the importance of subsite interactions in determining protease specificity, and have important implications for the evolution of protease cascades.


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In-vitro experimentation was performed on porcine and human blood to determine their comparative responsiveness to a novel fibrinolytic inhibitor and thereby assess whether the pig is a suitable animal model for subsequent in-vivo testing of this inhibitor. Thromboelastography showed the clots formed from porcine whole blood to be highly resistant to tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA)-catalyzed lysis, and this communication offers the resistance of porcine plasminogen to activation by t-PA as an explanation. Porcine blood containing 100 and 1500 IU/ml added t-PA lysed very slowly, having LY30 values of 1.9 +/- 1.4 and 2.9 +/- 1.9%, respectively. In contrast, the LY30 values for the human clots containing 100 and 1500 IU/ml t-PA were 77.1 +/- 6.3 and 93.3 +/- 1.3%, respectively. Moreover, purified porcine plasminogen was activated very slowly by added t-PA in the presence of both human and porcine fibrin. Activation of plasminogen by the endogenous activators, as measured by the euglobulin clot lysis time, was greatly prolonged for the pig (22 +/- 3 h) compared with the human (3.5 +/- 1.5 h). These results suggest caution in using the pig as an experimental model when studying the effects of various agents on fibrinolysis.


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Background: The regulation of plasminogen activation is a key element in controlling proteolytic events in the extracellular matrix. Our previous studies had demonstrated that in inflamed gingival tissues, tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) is significantly increased in the extracellular matrix of the connective tissue and that interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) can up regulate the level of t-PA and plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 (PAI-2) synthesis by human gingival fibroblasts. Method: In the present study, the levels of t-PA and PAI-2 in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) were measured from healthy, gingivitis and periodontitis sites and compared before and after periodontal treatment. Crevicular fluid from 106 periodontal sites in 33 patients were collected. 24 sites from 11 periodontitis patients received periodontal treatment after the first sample collection and post-treatment samples were collected 14 days after treatment. All samples were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for t-PA and PAI-2. Results: The results showed that significantly high levels of t-PA and PAI-2 in GCF were found in the gingivitis and periodontitis sites. Periodontal treatment led to significant decreases of PAI-2, but not t-PA, after 14 days. A significant positive linear correlation was found between t-PA and PAI-2 in GCF (r=0.80, p


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Background - Our previous studies showed that the direct injection of an adenovirus construct expressing urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) into experimental venous thrombi significantly reduces thrombus weight. The systemic use of adenovirus vectors is limited by inherent hepatic tropism and inflammatory response. As macrophages are recruited into venous thrombi, it is reasonable to speculate that these cells could be used to target the adenovirus uPA (ad-uPA) gene construct to the thrombus. The aims of this study were to determine whether macrophages transduced with ad-uPA have increased fibrinolytic activity and whether systemic injection of transduced cells could be used to target uPA expression to the thrombus and reduce its size. Methods - The effect of up-regulating uPA was examined in an immortalized macrophage cell line (MM6) and macrophages differentiated from human blood monocyte-derived macrophages (HBMMs). Cells were infected with ad-uPA or blank control virus (ad-blank). Fibrinolytic mediator expression, cell viability, and cytokine expression were measured by activity assays and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Monocyte migration was measured using a modified Boyden chamber assay. A model of venous thrombosis was developed and characterized in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). This model was used to study whether systemically administered macrophages over-expressing uPA reduced thrombus size. Uptake of HBMMs into the thrombus induced in these mice was confirmed by a combination of PKH2-labeled cell tracking and colocalization with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) by immunohistology. Results - Compared with ad-blank, treated HBMMs transduction with ad-uPA increased uPA production by >1000-fold (P = .003), uPA activity by 150-fold (P = .0001), and soluble uPA receptor (uPAR) by almost twofold (P = .043). Expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) and PAI-2 was decreased by about twofold (P = .011) and threefold (P = .005), respectively. Up-regulation of uPA had no effect on cell viability or inflammatory cytokine production compared with ad-blank or untreated cells. Ad-uPA transduction increased the migration rate of HBMMs (about 20%, P = .03) and MM6 cells (>twofold, P = .005) compared with ad-blank treated controls. Human macrophage recruitment into the mouse thrombus was confirmed by the colocalization of HLA with the PKH2-marked cells. Systemic injection of uPA-up-regulated HBMMs reduced thrombus weight by approximately 20% compared with ad-blank (P = .038) or sham-treated controls (P = .0028). Conclusion - Transduction of HBBM with ad-uPA increases their fibrinolytic activity. Systemic administration of uPA up-regulated HBBMs reduced thrombus size in an experimental model of venous thrombosis. Alternative methods of delivering fibrinolytic agents are worth exploring.


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The endothelium is the primary barrier to leukocyte recruitment at sites of inflammation. Neutrophil recruitment is directed by transendothelial gradients of IL-8 that, in vivo, are bound to the endothelial cell surface. We have investigated the identity and function of the binding site(s) in an in vitro model of neutrophil transendothelial migration. In endothelial culture supernatants, IL-8 was detected in a trimolecular complex with heparan sulfate and syndecan-1. Constitutive shedding of IL-8 in this form was increased in the presence of a neutralizing Ab to plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), indicating a role for endothelial plasminogen activator in the shedding of IL-8. Increased shedding of IL-8/heparan sulfate/syndecan-1 complexes was accompanied by inhibition of neutrophil transendothelial migration, and aprotinin, a potent plasmin inhibitor, reversed this inhibition. Platelets, added as an exogenous source of PAI-1, had no effect on shedding of the complexes or neutrophil migration. Our results indicate that IL-8 is immobilized on the endothelial cell surface through binding to syndecan-1 ectodomains, and that plasmin, generated by endothelial plasminogen activator, induces the shedding of this form of IL-8. PAI-1 appears to stabilize the chemoattractant form of IL-8 at the cell surface and may represent a therapeutic target for novel anti-inflammatory strategies.


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Purpose: To develop processes for effective isolation and purification of recombinant human plasminogen activator (rhPA) from transgenic rabbit milk. Methods: Immunoaffinity chromatography was selected and improved by a special polyol-responsive monoclonal antibody (PR-mAb). Alteplase was used as immunogen because of its similarity to rhPA in terms of structure. The PR-mAb was prepared by hybridoma technology and screened by ELISA-elution assay. Screening antibody was performed using rhPA milk in an ELISA-elution assay. The antibody clone C4-PR-mAb was selected for immunoaffinity chromatography. The rhPA was effectively bound to immobilized C4-PR-mAb on the column and was eluted with Tris buffer comprising 0.75 mol/L ammonium sulfate and 40n% propanediol (pH7.9). The rhPA was further purified by passing through Chromdex75 gel filtration column. Results: There were 12 hybridoma strains selected into the polyol-responsive mAbs screen step and three hybridoma strains were superior for producing PR-mAbs (C1, C4, C8). The rhPA can be purified from transgenic rabbit milk and maintained a higher thrombolytic activity in vitro by FAPA. Conclusion: The results demonstrate the suitability of the alternative approach used in this study. Using immunoaffinity chromatography and gel filtration column is feasible and convenient for extracting rhPA from milk, and should be useful for purifying other tPA mutants or other novel recombinant milkderived proteins.


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Elevated plasma concentrations of lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) are associated with increased risk of atherothrombotic disease. Lp(a) is a unique lipoprotein consisting of a low density lipoprotein-like moiety covalently linked to apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)), a homologue of the fibrinolytic proenzyme plasminogen. Apo(a) is extremely heterogeneous in size with small isoforms being independently associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Several in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that Lp(a)/apo(a) can inhibit tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA)-mediated plasminogen activation on fibrin surfaces, although the mechanism of inhibition by apo(a) remains controversial. Essential to fibrin clot lysis are a number of plasmin-dependent positive feedback reactions that enhance the efficiency of plasminogen activation, including the plasmin-mediated conversion of Glu1-plasminogen to Lys78-plasminogen. Additionally, abnormal fibrin clot structures have been associated with both an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and elevated Lp(a) levels. Similarly, oxidized phospholipids have been implicated in the development of cardiovascular disease, and are not only preferentially carried by Lp(a) in the plasma but have also been shown to covalently-modify both apo(a) and plasminogen. In this thesis, we built upon the understanding of the role of apo(a) in plasminogen activation on the fibrin/degraded fibrin surface by determining that: (i) apo(a) inhibits plasmin-mediated Glu1-plasminogen to Lys78-plasminogen conversion and identifying the critical domains in apo(a) responsible for this effect, (ii) apo(a) isoform size does not affect either the inhibition of tPA-mediated plasminogen activation or the inhibition of plasmin-mediated Glu1-plasminogen to Lys78-plasminogen conversion, (iii) apo(a) modifies fibrin clot structure to form more dense clots with thinner fibers and reduced permeability, modifications that enhance the ability of apo(a) to inhibit tPA-mediated plasminogen activation and (iv) the phosphorus content of apo(a) affects its ability to inhibit tPA-mediated plasminogen activation and the phosphorus content of plasminogen affects its ability to be activated by tPA. By understanding these individual reactions, each of which has the potential to affect the broader fibrin clot lysis process, we have expanded our understanding of the overall effect of Lp(a)/apo(a) in the inhibition of plasminogen activation on the fibrin/degraded fibrin surface and thus broadened our understanding of how Lp(a)/apo(a) may mediate the inhibition of thrombolysis in vivo.


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Mutant urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) genes and hybrid genes between tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and u-Pa have been designed to direct the synthesis of new plasminogen activators.


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In the colon, the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), its receptor (uPAR), and plasminogen activator inhibitors, PAI-1 and PAI-2, are implicated in the transition from mucosa to adenoma and tumour progression. However, expression in the mucosa adjacent, or distant, to an adenoma has not yet been investigated. Three biopsies from mucosae adjacent (20 cm, ipsilateral) and distant (contralateral) to an isolated tubular adenoma were analysed in 14 patients and 8 controls. Laser microdissection isolated stromal and epithelial crypt components, and quantitative RT-PCR analyses of uPA, uPAR, PAI-1 and PAI-2 mRNA levels were performed. Among controls, no significant differences in the markers were noted. With left colon isolated tubular adenoma, uPA, uPAR, and PAI-2 mRNA levels were significantly increased in the adjacent mucosal stroma compared to epithelial crypt levels (p < 0.05). In right colon adenoma, the mRNA levels of these 3 molecular markers were significantly increased only in the adjacent mucosal stromal samples (p < 0.05). Isolated tubular adenoma in the colon increases significantly the mRNA levels of 3 proteolysis-associated molecular markers in the stromal, but not in the epithelial, components of adjacent mucosa. These results suggest the presence of regional and dynamic interactions in apparently non-involved mucosae.


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Alterations in the synthesis or enhanced inactivation of nitric oxide (NO) and increase in fibrin deposition in the vascular bed lead to an imbalance that can induced intravascular coagulation. NO is produced through L-arginine pathway by constitutive and inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS). The inducible isoform can be activated by cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alfa. We evaluated NO-induced tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA) release from isolated aortic segments of Wistar rats measuring the fibrinolytic activity in the fibrin plate. Inhibition of NO biossynthesis with Nω-nitro-L-arginine (NωNLA) significantly attenuated the fibrinolytic activity (FA) evoked by aortic segments of this group (GII) compared to the saline group (GI). The administration of L-arginine produced restoration of FA in this group (GIII) treated with NωNLA suggesting that t-PA arising from segments of rat aorta is influenced by NO.