924 resultados para Planning distribution systems


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This paper focus on the problem of locating single-phase faults in mixed distribution electric systems, with overhead lines and underground cables, using voltage and current measurements at the sending-end and sequence model of the network. Since calculating series impedance for underground cables is not as simple as in the case of overhead lines, the paper proposes a methodology to obtain an estimation of zero-sequence impedance of underground cables starting from previous single-faults occurred in the system, in which an electric arc occurred at the fault location. For this reason, the signal is previously pretreated to eliminate its peaks voltage and the analysis can be done working with a signal as close as a sinus wave as possible


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Fault location has been studied deeply for transmission lines due to its importance in power systems. Nowadays the problem of fault location on distribution systems is receiving special attention mainly because of the power quality regulations. In this context, this paper presents an application software developed in Matlabtrade that automatically calculates the location of a fault in a distribution power system, starting from voltages and currents measured at the line terminal and the model of the distribution power system data. The application is based on a N-ary tree structure, which is suitable to be used in this application due to the highly branched and the non- homogeneity nature of the distribution systems, and has been developed for single-phase, two-phase, two-phase-to-ground, and three-phase faults. The implemented application is tested by using fault data in a real electrical distribution power system


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Air distribution systems are one of the major electrical energy consumers in air-conditioned commercial buildings which maintain comfortable indoor thermal environment and air quality by supplying specified amounts of treated air into different zones. The sizes of air distribution lines affect energy efficiency of the distribution systems. Equal friction and static regain are two well-known approaches for sizing the air distribution lines. Concerns to life cycle cost of the air distribution systems, T and IPS methods have been developed. Hitherto, all these methods are based on static design conditions. Therefore, dynamic performance of the system has not been yet addressed; whereas, the air distribution systems are mostly performed in dynamic rather than static conditions. Besides, none of the existing methods consider any aspects of thermal comfort and environmental impacts. This study attempts to investigate the existing methods for sizing of the air distribution systems and proposes a dynamic approach for size optimisation of the air distribution lines by taking into account optimisation criteria such as economic aspects, environmental impacts and technical performance. These criteria have been respectively addressed through whole life costing analysis, life cycle assessment and deviation from set-point temperature of different zones. Integration of these criteria into the TRNSYS software produces a novel dynamic optimisation approach for duct sizing. Due to the integration of different criteria into a well- known performance evaluation software, this approach could be easily adopted by designers in busy nature of design. Comparison of this integrated approach with the existing methods reveals that under the defined criteria, system performance is improved up to 15% compared to the existing methods. This approach is interpreted as a significant step forward reaching to the net zero emission building in future.


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The objective of this article is to review the scientific literature on airflow distribution systems and ventilation effectiveness to identify and assess the most suitable room air distribution methods for various spaces. In this study, different ventilation systems are classified according to specific requirements and assessment procedures. This study shows that eight ventilation methods have been employed in the built environment for different purposes and tasks. The investigation shows that numerous studies have been carried out on ventilation effectiveness but few studies have been done regarding other aspects of air distribution. Amongst existing types of ventilation systems, the performance of each ventilation methods varies from one case to another due to different usages of the ventilation system in a room and the different assessment indices used. This review shows that the assessment of ventilation effectiveness or efficiency should be determined according to each task of the ventilation system, such as removal of heat, removal of pollutant, supply fresh air to the breathing zone or protecting the occupant from cross infection. The analysis results form a basic framework regarding the application of airflow distribution for the benefit of designers, architects, engineers, installers and building owners.


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We consider the two-level network design problem with intermediate facilities. This problem consists of designing a minimum cost network respecting some requirements, usually described in terms of the network topology or in terms of a desired flow of commodities between source and destination vertices. Each selected link must receive one of two types of edge facilities and the connection of different edge facilities requires a costly and capacitated vertex facility. We propose a hybrid decomposition approach which heuristically obtains tentative solutions for the vertex facilities number and location and use these solutions to limit the computational burden of a branch-and-cut algorithm. We test our method on instances of the power system secondary distribution network design problem. The results show that the method is efficient both in terms of solution quality and computational times. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Water quality modelling is becoming increasingly popular in the water industry due to its applications in drinking water and treated wastewater reuse. Microbial growth and disinfectant decay are the two most important factors to be considered in drinking water if they are to comply with stringent guidelines imposed by relevant water regulatory authorities. In the case of drinking water, an optimum level of disinfectant is an important criterion to have pathogen free water with minimal disinfectant by products (DBPs) below the acceptable levels.


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Nearly all drinking water distribution systems experience a "natural" reduction of disinfection residuals. The most frequently used disinfectant is chlorine, which can decay due to reactions with organic and inorganic compounds in the water and by liquid/solids reaction with the biofilm, pipe walls and sediments. Usually levels of 0.2-0.5 mg/L of free chlorine are required at the point of consumption to maintain bacteriological safety. Higher concentrations are not desirable as they present the problems of taste and odour and increase formation of disinfection by-products. It is usually a considerable concern for the operators of drinking water distribution systems to manage chlorine residuals at the "optimum level", considering all these issues. This paper describes how the chlorine profile in a drinking water distribution system can be modelled and optimised on the basis of readily and inexpensively available laboratory data. Methods are presented for deriving the laboratory data, fitting a chlorine decay model of bulk water to the data and applying the model, in conjunction with a simplified hydraulic model, to obtain the chlorine profile in a distribution system at steady flow conditions. Two case studies are used to demonstrate the utility of the technique. Melbourne's Greenvale-Sydenham distribution system is unfiltered and uses chlorination as its only treatment. The chlorine model developed from laboratory data was applied to the whole system and the chlorine profile was shown to be accurately simulated. Biofilm was not found to critically affect chlorine decay. In the other case study, Sydney Water's Nepean system was modelled from limited hydraulic data. Chlorine decay and trihalomethane (THM) formation in raw and treated water were measured in a laboratory, and a chlorine decay and THM model was derived on the basis of these data. Simulated chlorine and THM profiles agree well with the measured values available. Various applications of this modelling approach are also briefly discussed.


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The quality of drinking water generally degrades when it is delivered through a distribution system due to the decay of disinfectant, which subsequently allows the re-growth of microorganisms in the distribution system. A model that describes the changes that occur in the water quality in distribution system is needed to determine whether to enhance the treatment processes or to improve the distribution system so that microbiological criteria are met. This paper describes how chlorine decay kinetics are modeled and the model output is used in finding the elements that are contributing to the consumption of chlorine at the treatment plant other than the water itself; this allows better control of chlorine dosing at the treatment plant, which in tum will reduce the formation of disinfectant by-products. In addition, the model will accurately predict the decay due to the organic/inorganic and nitrogenous compounds that are remaining in the water at any point in the distribution system, which will indicate the status of the distribution system with respect to its chlorine consumption. Further, if re-chlorination is introduced in the distribution system downstream of the treatment plant, the model will predict the chlorine decay due to the slow reacting organic and nitrogenous compounds accurately.


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A dynamic water quality model for drinking water distribution systems has been developed in this study, to include processes that occur in the bulk water, as well as those occurring in the biofilm of a distribution system. The model has been validated against water quality data obtained from extensive experimental studies conducted with biofilm reactors. Protein and carbohydrate densities in the biofilm represent biofilm biomass. This model is able to predict the disinfectant decay due to organic matter in the bulk water, as well as that due to biofilm. It simultaneously predicts the growth of biofilm in terms of carbohydrate and protein densities. While this model is complex enough to describe the water quality changes in a distribution system, it is also simple enough to be incorporated into a hydraulic model in order to describe the interaction between disinfectant and microbiological quality throughout a drinking water distribution system.


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At present water treatment and distribution is of high priority to ensure that communities have access to safe and affordable drinking water. Current information states that in the United States a total annual cost of $36 billion (US) is spent replacing aging infrastructure, lost water from unaccounted-for leaks, corrosion inhibitors, internal mortar linings, external coatings, and cathodic protection as a result of corrosion. In order to reduce the cost incurred as a result of corrosion in the water distribution industry, it is essential that better corrosion management and preventative strategies are implemented. However through investigation of research previously undertaken by others, it was found that there was a lack of study of corrosion within distribution systems in the tropics taking into account the related seasonal temperature variations. To assist in the development of management strategies to improve the outcomes of drinking water distribution systems, the authors propose to implement a pilot study involving the installation of a corrosion reactor based on standard corrosion assessment technologies in a water distribution system located in the tropics.