884 resultados para Planejamento de recursos da empresa (ERP)


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Based on the fierce competitiveness of manufacturing companies and the planning problems arising from the lack of flexibility and forecasting demand, companies are increasingly looking to reflect on the most appropriate methods to manage its manufacture. Today it is possible to obtain higher gains and lower costs through very efficient tools, this paper uses action-research to model and implement the physical layout of a manufacturing cell, with strong theoretical basement returned to Lean Production System and acting systematically in flexibility in mounting. Through observation and joint action of the observer and staff can report problems that occurred during the phases of planning and implementation of improvements. With the improvement of the physical arrangement in the assembly was possible to obtain significant gains by reducing the production cycle, the manpower required, spending of non-compliance and increasing productivity, final product quality and health in the workplace


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This work was developed with the aim of explaining the real benefits of using the concept of Lean Manufacturing in a Metallurgical Industry. Through this will highlight the strategies and real gains from the use of this methodology and therefore, the tools of Production Engineering that were used in the implementation of Lean Manufacturing, in order to improve processes in various aspects such as reduced handling, standardization of production, reduced time used in machine setup. Practical methods applied for the purpose of reducing waste become apparent. Also highlighted will be the real difficulties encountered in the implementation of Lean Manufacturing


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Continuous improvement of industrial processes is one way to become companies more competitive in the market. For this, a fairly widespread use is the methodology of lean production systems, by eliminating waste. One of the tools of these systems is the method of rapid exchange of die or also called SMED, which will be applied in this study. The study aims to develop proposals for reducing the time of set up of two machines in two machining lines, watching also the ergonomics and safety conditions in this operations. The set up time reduction is justified among others, due to increase the machine productivity. In applying the connecting rod machining line, there were two types of exchange. Reductions in time to set up proposals reached values of 47% to one of them, and 55% to the other. It is important to underline that to reach this result, there was no need for large investments. In the application in block machining line, was developed an improvement in the ergonomic area. It was placed a pulley block that came to increase the time of tool change. Aiming to improve the security of the exchange, without productivity loss, the method was applied to reduce this time. It was developed two proposals.: the first would reduce that time by 19%, and does not require many resources of the company. The second involves the parallelization of the exchange, so that the reduction is 48%. However, this proposal requires one more manpower at the time of exchange and it is not always possible


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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This paper summarizes a research that has been developed from the concern about a company’s strategic planning, once regarding the product development process and its methodological guidelines. Our goal was to check if there is an ideal methodology, peculiar to the graphic design, which could be applied to a printed newspaper condition. And then, we could deduce, according to the design practices in newspapers, its relevance. We did not intend to create a specific graphic design methodology for daily newspapers, nor the analysis of methods, but we wanted to emphasize that the familiarization with acknowledged methods in the field of visual communication, during the process of professional formation, might ease good choices in the work practice on design. The understanding of the gradual introduction of graphic design on printed daily newspapers brings about, thus, not only their visual improvement, but also allows that this kind of journalism (which depends on a graphic interface in order to make their product come true) reconsider the newspaper as a whole.


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Al llevar a cabo las prácticas profesionales en el Instituto de inglés Mother Teresa, fue posible apreciar el potencial de esta organización. Si bien dichas prácticas se basaron en el área de personal de la misma, esto no impidió poder realizar una observación general de su funcionamiento como un todo. Se trata de una empresa pequeña y gestionada por su propietaria, quien toma las decisiones haciendo gran uso de su intuición y poco de las herramientas de la Administración. Hasta ahora esta forma de manejo ha sido muy eficiente, pero se podría lograr una mayor productividad si se realizara un buen manejo de los recursos existentes. El propósito del presente trabajo es investigar y aplicar los conceptos de la administración a esta empresa, con el objetivo de lograr mayores ganancias en consonancia con una mayor rentabilidad. En este sentido, se proponen pequeños cambios y mejoras y se deja sentada una base para que en un futuro puedan ser aplicados. Para poder lograr el objetivo propuesto, se aplican algunas de las herramientas del Desarrollo Organizacional en Mother Teresa. El Desarrollo Organizacional es una metodología de cambio planificado que implica un esfuerzo de la gerencia y todos los miembros de la organización. Tiene como objeto lograr una empresa sostenible y funcional en el tiempo, prestando especial atención al recurso humano y llevando a que los procesos se vuelvan más eficientes.


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The social balance is turning into an instrument capable of identifying the Organizational Commitment socio-environmental. The objective of the Social Balance is to present the application of company resources on socio-environmental investments internally and externally. The research was developed based on the Balance Social and Sheet from Alumina North Brazil S / A, ALUNORTE, for fiscal years 2008 and 2009, with the purpose of describing the finding of the Balance Social and Sheet from ALUNORTE about social responsibility. To validate the proposal were doing comparisons between accounting and financial datas from Alunorte and Y.Yamada, in order to highlight what they say and indicators confirm the privileges of the first against second


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The social balance is turning into an instrument capable of identifying the Organizational Commitment socio-environmental. The objective of the Social Balance is to present the application of company resources on socio-environmental investments internally and externally. The research was developed based on the Balance Social and Sheet from Alumina North Brazil S / A, ALUNORTE, for fiscal years 2008 and 2009, with the purpose of describing the finding of the Balance Social and Sheet from ALUNORTE about social responsibility. To validate the proposal were doing comparisons between accounting and financial datas from Alunorte and Y.Yamada, in order to highlight what they say and indicators confirm the privileges of the first against second


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A presente monografia busca apresentar a utilização da análise dos custos mercadológicos, ou de distribuição, para o sistema de planejamento e controle do esforço mercadológico da empresa. O processo de controle objetiva verificar a performance de uma dada atividade em relação a uma meta de resultados pré- determinada, na tentativa de assegurar que os recursos estão sendo utilizados com a máxima eficiência possível.


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The fierce competitiveness of the current market and the sophistication of customer requirements made the commitment to quality a need within organizations. The search for quality has been carried out by the adoption of quality management systems, a formal organization that should be present throughout the organization, from the initial identification of market needs to the satisfaction of customer requirements. The methodology most commonly used for this purpose is based on the requirements of ISO 9001, latest version of 2008. Considering this scenario, was developed a case study in a small company of the industrial sector with the development of a plan for the implementation of ISO 9001. The proposed methodology involved the construction of a theoretical framework on the subject and the development of a case study with a qualitative approach. Initially, was applied a questionnaire to the representative of the organization about the company's operating procedures, activity logs held, current documentation, planning and resource management for the construction of an assessment about the adequacy of the company needs to ISO 9001. Were obtained as results the characterization of production processes and organizational structure of the company and examples of policy and objectives of quality, performance indicators, document control, system for visualization of non-compliances, among others. Finally, the benefits of adopting a quality management system based on ISO 9001 requirements for the company and its environmental issues such as increased process efficiency, less waste and greater profitability, were pointed out, and the conditions for effective certification in the future


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Este artículo dice que la gestión del conocimiento va a ser un factor fundamental en la gestión empresarial en los próximos años, convirtiéndose en el elemento clave para asegurar la competitividad y la supervivencia de las organizaciones, ya que las empresas que mejor gestionen su conocimiento estarán en mejores condiciones de afrontar los retos que el cambiante entorno competitivo deparará en el futuro a su organización.


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En este artículo se habla sobre la evolución de las prácticas de gestión utilizadas. La creciente importancia del plazo de entrega tuvo implicaciones más allá del departamento de producción. La departamentalización de las organizaciones suspuso uno de los mayores obstáculos para lograr el servicio y los tiempos de respuesta reclamados por los clientes. Un sistema de información común a los diferentes departamentos de la empresa se convirtió en un requisito indispensable para dar respuestas coordinadas. Concretamente, la filosofía de base de los ERP-s es la de ser el soporte de gestión de la empresa en su conjunto y no simplemente la extensión del modelo de gestión de la producción a otros departamentos.


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Este documento corresponde a un capítulo de tesis doctoral. Si citas este documento, cítalo por favor como: Basterretxea, I. (2008): La política de formación como fuente de ventaja competitiva en la experiencia Mondragón. Un análisis desde la visión basada en los recursos, Tesis Doctoral, Universidad del País Vasco, Dpto. Economía Financiera II. ISBN:978-84-9860-117-6


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar o processo de privatização, como parte do projeto da reestruturação produtiva e de reforma do Estado, no contexto da crise do setor energético brasileiro nos anos 90. Para isto, é tomado, como caso exemplar, uma empresa do setor elétrico, para investigação das implicações ocorridas para a organização e para os seus trabalhadores. Entende-se aqui que a reforma do setor elétrico é parte integrante de mudanças mais amplas, remetidas à reforma do Estado, a qual adotou como ideologia as políticas neoliberais a partir dos anos 1990 no Brasil. É neste contexto que entendemos a privatização das empresas de utilidade pública no Programa Nacional de Desestatização (PND). Tomamos para o estudo de caso uma empresa do setor elétrico, tendo em vista que a energia representa um insumo essencial para o desenvolvimento de um país. Foi a partir também do desenvolvimento das formas de energia que ocorreram as revoluções industriais e, com isso, o desenvolvimento do capitalismo industrial. Além de revisão teórica e bibliográfica, o estudo contou com pesquisa documental dos relatórios anuais, do planejamento estratégico e da pesquisa de clima organizacional realizados pela empresa investigada. Contribuiu, para a análise, ainda, o processo de observação da autora como participante do cotidiano organizacional, na medida em que é trabalhadora e assistente social da empresa. A pesquisa revela que o período de sete anos em que a empresa permaneceu incluída no PND, acarretou a sua des/reestruturação tanto para a identidade empresarial da empresa quanto para os seus recursos humanos. Diante, da reestruturação, a empresa elaborou seu Planejamento Estratégico, buscando, segundo os padrões empresariais vigentes, ser referência mundial, ter excelência empresarial e rentabilidade. Ao mesmo tempo, estabeleceu abstratamente a valorização das pessoas, a transparência, a ética e a responsabilidade sócio-ambiental. Porém, ao analisar o seu Planejamento Estratégico e a pesquisa de Clima Organizacional, constatamos as contradições existentes na empresa. Entre as contradições, verificamos ser a gestão de recursos humanos, o principal desafio a ser superado nesse processo de reestruturação.