992 resultados para Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Litter production was measured for two years (november 1986 to october 1988) in a 29 year -old Pinus elliottii var. elliottii stand in differents resin treatments. Needle production comprised 9 to 93% of total litter fall, while the other categories (branches, barks, seeds and cones) were not significant. Maximum litterfall occurred in march to may 1987 (autumn) and the minimum was in august 1988 (winter) for all treatments and the control. No relationship appeared between annual litterfall and environmental factors, although there was a tendence to exhibit two periods of production: one in summer and other in winter. The results showed that in two years of resin extraction was not sufficient in interfering the litter fall and consequently the productivity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Site index prediction models are an important aid for forest management and planning activities. This paper introduces a multiple regression model for spatially mapping and comparing site indices for two Pinus species (Pinus elliottii Engelm. and Queensland hybrid, a P. elliottii x Pinus caribaea Morelet hybrid) based on independent variables derived from two major sources: g-ray spectrometry (potassium (K), thorium (Th), and uranium (U)) and a digital elevation model (elevation, slope, curvature, hillshade, flow accumulation, and distance to streams). In addition, interpolated rainfall was tested. Species were coded as a dichotomous dummy variable; interaction effects between species and the g-ray spectrometric and geomorphologic variables were considered. The model explained up to 60% of the variance of site index and the standard error of estimate was 1.9 m. Uranium, elevation, distance to streams, thorium, and flow accumulation significantly correlate to the spatial variation of the site index of both species, and hillshade, curvature, elevation and slope accounted for the extra variability of one species over the other. The predicted site indices varied between 20.0 and 27.3 m for P. elliottii, and between 23.1 and 33.1 m for Queensland hybrid; the advantage of Queensland hybrid over P. elliottii ranged from 1.8 to 6.8 m, with the mean at 4.0 m. This compartment-based prediction and comparison study provides not only an overview of forest productivity of the whole plantation area studied but also a management tool at compartment scale.


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Vegetative propagation programs internationally are affected by the significant decline of rooting success as trees mature. This study compared the cellular stages of root formation in stem cuttings from 15-week-old (juvenile) and 9-y-old (mature) stock plants of the slash x Caribbean pine hybrid (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x P. caribaea van hondurensis). The cellular stages of root formation were the same in both juvenile and mature cuttings, beginning with cell divisions of the vascular cambium forming callus tissue. Within the callus, tracheids differentiated and elongated to form root primordia. Roots in juvenile cuttings developed faster than those in mature cuttings and the juvenile cuttings had a much higher rooting percent at the end of the study (92% and 26% respectively). Cuttings of the two juvenile genotypes had more primary roots (5.5 and 3.3) than the three mature genotypes (0.96, 0.18 and 0.07). The roots of juvenile cuttings were more evenly distributed around the basal circumference when compared with those on cuttings from the mature genotypes. Further work is needed to improve understanding of physiological changes with maturation so that the rooting success and the speed of development in cuttings from mature stock plants can be optimised, hence improving genetic gain.


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Purpose This study investigated how nitrogen (N) nutrition and key physiological processes varied under changed water and nitrogen competition resulting from different weed control and fertilisation treatments in a 2-year-old F1 hybrid (Pinus elliottii Engelm var. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis Barr. ex Golf.) plantation on a grey podzolic soil type, in Southeast Queensland. Materials and methods The study integrated a range of measures including growth variables (diameter at ground level (DGL), diameter at breast height (DBH) and height (H)), foliar variables (including foliar N concentration, foliar δ13C and δ15N) and physiological variables (including photosynthesis (An), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) (A/gs) and xylem pressure potential (ΨXPP)) to better understand the mechanisms influencing growth under different weed control and fertilisation treatments. Five levels of weed control were applied: standard (routine), luxury, intermediate, mechanical and nil weed control, all with routine fertilisation plus an additional treatment, routine weed control and luxury fertilisation. Relative weed cover was assessed at 0.8, 1.1 and 1.6 years after plantation establishment to monitor the effectiveness of weed control treatments. Soil investigation included soil ammonium (NH4 +-N), nitrate (NO3 −-N), potentially mineralizable N (PMN), gravimetric soil moisture content (MC), hot water extractable organic carbon (HWETC), hot water extractable total N (HWETN), total C, total N, stable C isotope composition (δ13C), stable N isotope composition (δ15N), total P and extractable K. Results and discussion There were significant relationships between foliar N concentrations and relative weed cover and between tree growth and foliar N concentration or foliar δ15N, but initial site preparation practices also increased soil N transformations in the planting rows reducing the observable effects of weed control on foliar δ15N. A positive relationship between foliar N concentration and foliar δ13C or photosynthesis indicated that increased N availability to trees positively influenced non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis. However, trees with increased foliar N concentrations and photosynthesis were negatively related to xylem pressure potential in the afternoons which enhanced stomatal limitations to photosynthesis and WUEi. Conclusions Luxury and intermediate weed control and luxury fertilisation positively influenced growth at early establishment by reducing the competition for water and N resources. This influenced fundamental key physiological processes such as the relationships between foliar N concentration, A n, E, gs and ΨXPP. Results also confirmed that time from cultivation is an important factor influencing the effectiveness of using foliar δ15N as an indicator of soil N transformations.


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Ambrosia beetles are the predominant Scolytidae in Brazil. Little is known about the attractiveness of exotic conifer tree volatiles to native scolytids. Objectives were to compare the attractiveness of logs with and without bark of Pinus oocarpa Schiede, P. caribaea variety bahamensis Barrett & Golfari, P, car. variety caribaea Barrett & Golfari and P. car. variety hondurensis Barrett & Golfari over time to native scolytids in different pine stands, to compare the relative attractiveness of logs relative to ethanol traps, to determine how long it takes for logs to become attractive to ambrosia beetles and when attraction peaks occur, and to determine if volatiles released by live standing trees would mask volatiles released by logs of the same species. In young stands, Hypothenemus was the predominant insect genus, whereas in older stands Xyleborus predominated. Debarked logs trapped more beetles than logs with bark. Pine log species attractiveness was not influenced by volatiles present in the stand. Beetles were divided into the following 3 groups, based on response to log volatiles and ethanol: (1) species attracted to ethanol and not responding to pine terpenes Ambrosiodmus hagedorni (Iglesia), A. retusus (Eichhoff), X. spinulosus Blandford, Corthylus schaufussi Schiede, Cryptocarenus heveae (Hagedorn), H. obscurus (F.), (2) species attracted to ethanol but responding to pine terpenes Xyleborinus gracilis (Eichhoff), X. affinis Eichhoff, H. eruditus Westwood, Premnobius cavipennis Eichhoff, and (3) species more attracted to pine terpenes and less responsive to ethanol, A. obliquus (Le Conte), X. ferrugineus F,, X. catulus Blandford. Pinus car. ;variety bahamensis was the least attractive pine, P. oocarpa the most attractive. The attraction peak varied according to the season; logs were not attractive to beetles 10 wk after cutting.


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Trees produce different types of woody tissue during growth. The xylem produced in the first years until a certain cambial age is called juvenile wood and has different physical, mechanical, chemical and anatomical characteristics from that produced later, when the cambial cells have matured. Thus, prior knowledge of the quality of the wood is of fundamental importance for choosing the best use of the material. This work aimed at using data from length of the tracheid and wood density to define the age transition from juvenile to mature wood. For this, three Pinus elliottii var. elliottii trees, aged 35 years, were collected at the Itapetininga Experimental Station, located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. From each tree, disks of about 5 cm thick were obtained 0.05 m above the ground and used to determine the radial density by the gamma ray attenuation method and to measure the length of the tracheids. The results obtained by linear regression analysis showed that juvenile wood is limited to the first seven years of tree growth and the formation of mature wood occurs after twenty years. For the mature wood, there are significant differences among the averages obtained from the tracheid length and wood density.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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There are many studies about longitudinal modulus of elasticity of wood, but you can´t say the same of transverse modulus, especially for conifers. The study aimed to characterize and compare the species Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x Pinus cariabeae hondurensis (hybrid), and the longitudinal modulus of elasticity (E) and lateral (G) in bending, to analyze the modulus of elasticity in different spaces and to verify the species studied the ideal range is equal to 21 times the height of the specimen, as prescribed in the normative document NBR 7190/1997, as well as analyzing the relationship G = E/20 defined in the normative document NBR 7190/1997. The wood came from the farm located in Paranapanema, split at the mill São José and the rest of the work was conducted at the Experimental Itapeva Campus - UNESP. Were removed fourteen specimens of each species. The average values of the modulus of elasticity and cross were, respectively, 5828 MPa and 452 MPa for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and 6407 MPa and 320 MPa for the species of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x Pinus cariabeae hondurensis (hybrid). The trend lines for the plotted graphs showed an exponential behavior to near linear 21he will equal the constant after this value. We have found the relationship G = E/13, for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and G = E/20 for hybrid. The results of the modulus and strength for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and the hybrid were lower than those reported in the literature, showing that this batch inferior quality to apply to structures


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La provincia de Mendoza, que se ubica en el Centro-Oeste de la República Argentina, posee una extensión de 150.830 km2. Prácticamente todas las actividades agropecuarias y forestales están concentradas en el 3% de su territorio que es posible irrigar. Al Oeste, en el límite con la República de Chile, está la cadena montañosa que forma parte de la región fitogeográfica del Desierto Andino que se extiende por más de 500 km, con un ancho promedio de 100 km. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la supervivencia y el comportamiento de distintas procedencias de Pinus nigra en zonas del piedemonte mendocino. Para ello se instaló una parcela experimental en el Dique Yaucha, ubicado en el Departamento de San Carlos a 34°00’ S y 69°07’ O, a una altura de 1.213 msnm. Las procedencias del ensayo fueron: Pinus nigra var. clusiana (Francia), Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Livo - Italia), Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Lasa - Italia), Pinus nigra var. knin (ex Yugoslavia) y Pinus nigra var. pyramidalis (Turquía). Se llevaron plantas de aproximadamente 0,30 m de altura que se instalaron a una distancia de plantación definitiva de 3 x 3 m y se regaron superficialmente por surcos. Se tomaron periódicamente datos dasométricos de diámetro altura de pecho (DAP) de todas las plantas, altura total de los árboles promedio de cada procedencia, registrándose además las fallas producidas y el estado sanitario. Los resultados obtenidos a la edad de 17 años son: Pinus nigra var. clusiana (Francia): diámetro promedio 12,1 cm, altura 5,2 m y 10% de fallas; Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Livo -Italia): diámetro promedio 13 cm, altura 4,6 m y 25% de fallas; Pinus nigra var. austríaca (Lasa - Italia): diámetro promedio 13,9 cm, altura 5,60 m y 0% de fallas; Pinus nigra var. knin (ex Yugoslavia): diámetro promedio 14,1cm, altura 6,2 m y 15% de fallas y Pinus nigra var. pyramidalis (Turquía): diámetro promedio 11,6 cm, altura 5,8 m y 40% de fallas. Las plantas presentan una gran variabilidad de formas desde porte abierto a muy fastigiado. Todas las procedencias presentan un buen estado sanitario, no registrándose hasta la fecha plagas o enfermedades que hayan afectado el desarrollo del ensayo.


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Survival of the free-living mycetophagous form of Deladenus siricidicola, the major biological control agent of Sirex woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, was tested in known (Pinus taeda) and predicted novel (P. elliottii subsp. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis) hybrid host taxa. Trials were established in the field to simulate nematode dispersal both naturally by infected wasps and following commercial inoculation, as well as in the laboratory under controlled conditions. Nematodes showed reduced survival in hybrid pine compared with P. taeda for all tree-associated treatments, but performed equivalently in petri-dish bioassays containing substrate of each taxon. Growth of Amylostereum areolatum, the food source of D. siricidicola was lower on plates containing ground hybrid substrate than on plates containing ground P. taeda. Some physical differences were found between taxa, including differences in bordered pit diameters, tracheid widths, and basic density, but these did not consistently explain reduced performance. More plant secondary compounds (predominantly oleoresins) were present in hybrid taxa than in P. taeda, and in standing trees compared with felled trees. Our results suggested that D. siricidicola may not be as effective in hybrid pine taxa for the biological control of S. noctilio as it is in its current known host taxa, possibly because of reduced growth of its food source, A. areolatum in hybrid pine.


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沙地樟子松天然分布于大兴安岭以西的呼伦贝尔草原红花尔基一带,分布范围虽然相对狭窄,但其具有重要的防风、固沙等生态功能,而且,该区沙地樟子松林的分布范围正呈现不断扩大的趋势。然而,在引种区(科尔沁沙地东南缘),20世纪70~80年代曾经引起国际关注的沙地樟子松人工林,自从90年代初以来,逐渐出现了以枯梢、生长下降,甚至死亡等为特征的衰退现象。与此同时,沙地樟子松人工造林仍在北方干旱、半干旱沙区大面积推广。面对如此具有重要防风固沙作用并在大范围推广的沙地樟子松人工林,解释其为何衰退,其机理如何,回答现存沙地樟子松人工林发展方向及培育等理论和实践问题,成为目前面临的巨大挑战。 本论文在对沙地樟子松天然分布区与引种区野外调查、气候差异性对比分析的基础上,结合对引种区沙地樟子松幼苗、幼树及中龄林的水分生理生态过程实验,研究了沙地樟子松在引种区自然条件和干旱胁迫下的光合生理和水分生理生态特征;重点分析了水势、气孔导度等生理因素和土壤含水量、光合有效辐射、气温、空气相对湿度等生态因素对净光合速率、蒸腾速率的影响。结果表明: 1)较低、较长的低温和降雪覆盖有利于沙地樟子松更好的生长;运用De Martonne干燥度指数对气候类型进行划分,沙地樟子松引种区(科尔沁沙地东南缘)生态系统应为草地或疏林草地生态系统。 2)引种区近50 a来年平均温度存在着明显的线性上升,平均每10 a增温0.185 ℃;该区年平均降水量没有显著的变化趋势,但是,在过去的50 a里,该区平均每15 a 左右出现1次大旱。 3)在引种区多年年平均降水量条件下,沙地樟子松幼苗80%以上的时间处于受胁迫的状态,17%的时间处于不受水分胁迫的状态,而仅有1%左右的时间处于不能利用土壤水分的状态;在不同密度、不同年龄的沙地樟子松人工林中,土壤可溶性盐总量都很低,对沙地樟子松林木生长不会造成盐分胁迫;由于地下水位的急速下降,目前,引种区大部分地方地下水不能被沙地樟子松所利用。 4)随着模拟年降水量的减少,沙地樟子松幼苗的生长明显受到抑制,针叶水势、蒸腾速率、光合速率均有下降,各部分生物量积累明显降低;当模拟年降水量低于350 mm时就已经对沙地樟子松的生长产生了较大的限制。 5)在科尔沁沙地东南缘,影响沙地樟子松生理生态特征的主要因素为水分条件,特别是在树高生长旺季以及生长末期,而在生长中期,主要是光照和水分共同影响沙地樟子松的生长;在沙地樟子松天然分布区(红花尔基),影响沙地樟子松生长季节中期生理生态特征的主要因素也是水分和光照条件,这与在科尔沁沙地东南缘樟子松生长中期观测到的结论一致。然而,与天然沙地樟子松相比,引种区沙地樟子松每天干物质的积累增加为天然分布区的3~13倍,每天蒸腾耗水量为天然分布区的7~19倍。 综合以上对引种区的生态气候、水分条件以及沙地樟子松本身生理生态特征的分析结果得出,引种区与天然分布区水、热差异导致引种区沙地樟子松在年内的生长期延长(与天然沙地樟子松相比),以及在生长季节每天蒸腾耗水量的剧增及耗水时间的延长;同时,在引种区由于年内降水分布极不均衡,冬季降雪覆盖少,导致4、5、9三个月份的水分极度亏缺,该季节引种区水分亏缺严重限制了沙地樟子松的生长。大面积营造纯林、地下水位急剧下降(目前,引种区大部分林地的沙地樟子松已不能利用地下水)以及引种区每15 a左右一次的特殊干旱是导致沙地樟子松死亡的最直接原因。从个体水平上来说,近50 a的引种驯化,沙地樟子松并没有完全表现出适应引种区生长环境的迹象。最后,基于以上对沙地樟子松人工林衰退分析的基础上,提出了对现存沙地樟子松人工林总体经营的方向及具体经营对策。


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土壤养分的持续供应是生态系统可持续性发展的基础,尤其在土壤贫瘠地区。土壤磷素被认为是干旱区生态系统的潜在限制性养分因子,但目前半干旱区土壤磷素的深入研究很少。针对半干旱区生态系统恢复方式、人工防护林可持续性经营等关键问题,本论文旨在弄清处于半干旱区的科尔沁沙地东南部沙地人工林土壤磷素转化的主导过程及影响因素,并从土壤磷素可持续供应的角度来评价研究区生态系统的可持续发展。 以处于无人为干扰下、立地条件基本一致的科尔沁沙地东南部的有代表性的生态系统为研究对象,包括原生植被榆树(Ulmus macrocarpa)疏林草地,退化草地,油松(Pinus tubulaeformis Carr.)人工林、樟子松(Pinus svlvestris var. mongolica)人工林和小叶杨(Populus simonii)人工林。系统全面的研究了土壤磷素状况及其季节变化,并深入探讨了樟子松人工林土壤磷素转化及其影响因素(林龄、密度、土壤冻融)。主要结论如下: (1)研究区风沙土表层0~20 cm全磷(<0.2 g kg-1)和活性无机磷含量(<3 mg kg-1)都极低,有机磷占全磷的50%以上,是土壤磷的主要组分。凋落物分解、有机磷矿化和微生物周转是有效磷的主要来源,与这些过程有关的土壤的生物过程控制着土壤磷素转化。Ca-P(钙结合的磷酸盐)的溶解也是速效磷的次要来源,而Al-P(铝结合的磷酸盐)和Fe-P(铁结合的磷酸盐)是活性无机磷库。凋落物分解对有效磷供应起首要作用(尤其在人工林中),凋落物分解的年磷归还量是10 cm层矿质土壤有效磷供应量的1.7~3.4倍。 (2)土壤含水量是影响土壤磷素供应的关键环境因子,而冻融作用对土壤微生物磷和活性无机磷含量无显著影响。 (3)与各人工林相比,榆树疏林草地具有高效的养分循环和较强的土壤磷素保持能力,其退化大幅度降低了土壤持水能力和肥力。而在退化草地上营造以针叶树种为主的人工纯林及针阔混交林进一步降低了土壤全磷含量。从土壤磷素可持续供应的角度来看,在干旱贫瘠地区不宜营造高密度的人工林。研究区的植被恢复,应该选取磷素利用效率高,而养分周转较快的植被类型。这样,不需要集中的人为管理,就能使生态系统达到一种自我维持的良性循环状态。 (4)樟子松的生长受到土壤磷素供应的限制,当年生叶片无机磷浓度比全磷浓度能更准确、直接地反映土壤供磷水平的变化。为满足林分的需求,樟子松的根系活动能够增强根际微生物和磷酸酶活性以促进有机磷的矿化,同时能降低根际土壤pH值以促进Ca-P的溶解。随着林分的发展,活性无机磷含量无显著变化,但土壤磷库(主要是总有机磷)逐渐耗竭,有机磷的矿化潜力也逐渐降低。这表明,随着林分发展,磷素对樟子松人工林的限制性逐渐增强。 (5)为保证已有人工林的可持续发展,必须通过间伐、保护地被物、施肥来调节养分需求与归还之间的平衡,维持地力,保证土壤养分的持续供应。其中保护林下凋落物尤为重要。为防止地力衰退,该地区樟子松林的最大密度(以每公顷胸高断面积为密度指标)应保持在24.1~26.6 m2 ha-1。


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工业革命以来,由于人口的快速增加和人类活动的强烈干扰(主要包括煤炭、石油等石化燃料的燃烧、化肥生产和使用)导致土地利用/覆被变化、大气CO2浓度升高、N沉降等一系列全球环境变化问题。有关陆地生态系统生物地球化学循环,尤其是陆地生态系统C、N循环及其耦合过程方面的研究成为全球变化科学研究领域的重要内容。 干旱/半干旱地区占地球陆地总面积的1/3。与湿润地区相比较,干旱/半干旱地区生态系统稳定性比较差,往往属于生态脆弱区。因此,全球变化对干旱/半干旱地区生态系统影响更加敏感。科尔沁沙地位于我国北方干旱/半干旱地区,是我国典型的农牧交错区和生态脆弱区。科尔沁沙地是世界上人口密度最高的干旱/半干旱地区之一,人类活动对其影响剧烈。然而,有关科尔沁沙地生态系统C、N元素生物地球化学循环过程对土地利用/覆被变化、N沉降等全球变化响应及其反馈机制的研究非常缺乏。因此,本文以科尔沁沙地退化沙质草地、农田、不同年龄樟子松和杨树人工林等生态系统为对象,开展了造林、模拟N沉降和凋落物管理对生态系统C、N元素循环过程影响的研究。 在科尔沁沙地东南缘,以退化沙质草地、樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)人工林(15、24和30年生)、杨树(Poplus xiaozhuanica)人工林(7、11和15年生)为对象,研究草地转变为林地对生态系统C、N储量影响;以退化草地、榆树疏林草地和32年生樟子松人工林为对象,比较草地造林对土壤C、N循环过程及其土壤微生物性状的影响;以农田和5、10、15年生杨树人工林为对象,研究退耕还林对生态系统C、N储量和循环过程影响;以35年生樟子松人工林为对象,模拟研究N沉降和凋落物管理对生态系统C、N循环过程影响。通过上述研究,得到以下主要结果: (1)草地生态系统总C储量为34.38 Mg ha-1,15、24和30年生樟子松人工林生态系统总C储量分别为43.56、60.45和66.59 Mg ha-1,7、11和15年生杨树人工林生态系统总C储量分别为34.54、48.26和78.77 Mg ha-1;与农田相比,退耕5年的杨树人工林生态系统总C库储量下降13%,而10年和15年杨树人工林分别增加了176%和5倍;随着人工林年龄的增加,地上植被生物量C库储量占生态系统总C库储量的比例逐渐增加,并主要分配在树干。草地生态系统总N库储量为2.54 Mg ha-1,15、24和30年生樟子松人工林生态系统总N库储量分别为1.96、2.10和2.19 Mg ha-1,7、11和15年生杨树人工林生态系统总N库储量分别为2.27、1.84和2.60 Mg ha-1;与农田相比,退耕5年的杨树人工林生态系统总N库储量下降32%,而10年和15年杨树人工林分别增加了47%和76%;农田和草地造林后生态系统N储量依然主要分配在土壤中。 (2)草地和农田造林后土壤C、N库储量的变化受多因子的影响,例如林龄、树种种类以及立地条件等。农田和草地造林初期,土壤C、N库储量表现出下降趋势,随着林龄的增加,土壤C、N储量逐渐恢复。草地营造樟子松人工林30年后,0–60 cm深度土壤C、N储量依然显著低于草地;与草地相比,15年生杨树人工林土壤C、N储量差异不显著。在立地条件较好的情况下,10年杨树人工林土壤C、N储量已显著高于农田;然而,在立地条件相对较差的情况下,15年杨树人工林土壤C、N储量仍然与农田相比差异不显著。 (3)土地利用变化能够强烈地改变土壤C、N循环过程。与草地或疏林草地相比,32年生樟子松人工林土壤C、N、P含量显著降低;土壤C、N矿化过程发生显著变化,并且受季节变化的影响;在不同季节,土壤微生物量碳含量、代谢熵(qCO2)、微生物熵(MBC/TOC)以及土壤酶活性等在不同土地利用条件下表现出规律不一致。同样,农田退耕杨树人工林能够显著影响土壤C、N矿化过程,土壤无机氮(铵态氮+硝态氮)含量,土壤微生物量碳含量以及土壤微生物活性。草地造林在一定程度上导致土壤质量下降。而农田造林有利于土壤质量改善,尤其在在立地条件较好情况下。 (4)N添加增加对沙地樟子松人工林地上和地下C、N元素含量影响不大;N添加1年后,仅林下植被C、N含量显著增加,高氮处理(N15)凋落物N含量显著增加。N添加抑制了沙地樟子松人工林凋落物的早期分解和N、P元素释放。5、6、8和9月份土壤无机N含量均随着N输入增加表现出一定程度的增加,然而,7月份N添加导致土壤无机N含量降低。N添加对土壤潜在N矿化速率影响不显著。7和8月份N添加影响土壤C矿化速率,而其它月份影响不显著。低氮处理(N5)有利于增加土壤微生物量碳含量,而高氮处理(N15)在一定程度上降低土壤微生物量碳含量。 (5)凋落物输入变化(凋落物添加和凋落物移出)在一定程度上改变了35年生沙地樟子松人工林生态系统C、N循环过程。凋落物移出(C0)增加了林下植被C含量,降低了树木叶片N含量。凋落物移出抑制了凋落物分解和P元素的释放,而增加了C元素的早期释放速率,对N元素释放过程影响不显著。凋落物输入变化对不同月份土壤无机N含量和土壤N矿化过程影响均不显著。仅在6月份凋落物移出显著抑制了土壤C矿化速率,其它月份差异均不显著。凋落物管理对土壤微生物量碳含量影响不显著。 以上研究结果表明,土地利用变化、N沉降和凋落物输入改变等能够影响半干旱地区沙地生态系统C、N储量和循环过程。尤其是土地利用变化强烈改变沙地生态系统C、N储量、分配格局和循环过程,并且受到多因子的影响。科尔沁沙地樟子松人工林生态系统C、N元素生物地球化学循环存在密切的耦合关系。今后有必要进一步结合3S技术、同位素技术、模型模拟以及分子生物学技术等,从微观-宏观不同尺度上,研究半干旱地区沙地生态系统C、N循环过程对全球变化的响应及其反馈机制。