997 resultados para Pinus Contorta
Changes in the configuration of a tree stern result insignificant differences in its total volume and in the proportion of that volume that is merchantable timber. Tree allometry, as represented by stem-fo~, is the result of the vertical force of gravity and the horizontal force of wind. The effect of wind force is demonstrated in the relationship between stem-form, standclosure and site-conditions. An increase in wind force on the individual tree due to a decrease in stand density should produce a more tapered tree. The density of the stand is determined by the conditions that the trees are growing under. The ability of the tree to respond to increased wind force may also be a function of these conditions . This stem-form/stand-closure/site-conditions relationship was examined using a pre-existing database from westcentral Alberta. This database consisted of environmental, vegetation, soils and timber data covering a wide range of sites. There were 653 sample trees with 82 variables that formed the basis of the analysis. There were eight tree species consisting of Pinus contorta, Picea mariana, Picea engelmannii x glauca, Abies lasiocarpa, Larix laricina, Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera and Populus balsamifera plus a comprehensive all-species data set. As the actual conformation of the stern is very individual, stem-fo~was represented by the diameter at breast height to total height r~tio. The four stand-closure variables, crown closure, total basal area, total volume and total number of stems were reduced to total basal area and total number of stems utilizing a bivariate correlation matrix by species. Site-conditions were subdivided into macro, meso and micro variables and reduced in number 3 using cross-tabulations, bivariate correlation and principal components analysis as screening tools. The stem-fo~/stand-closure relationship was examined using bivariate correlation coefficients for stem-fo~ with total number of stems and stem-fo~ with total basal area. The stem-fo~/site-conditions and the stand-closure/site- conditions relationships were examined using multiple correlation coefficients. The stem-form/stand-closure/site-conditions relationship was examined using multiple correlation coefficients in separate analyses for both total number of stems and total basal area. An increase in stand-closure produced a decrease in stem-form for both total number of stems and total basal area for most species. There was a significant relationship between stem-form and site-conditions and between stand-closure and site-conditions for both total number of stems and total basal area for most species. There was a significant relationship between the stemform and site-conditions, including the stand-closure, for most species; total number of stems was involved independently of the site-conditions in the prediction of stem-form and total basal area was not. Larix laricina and Betula papyrifera were the exceptions to the trends observed with most species. The influence of both stand-closure (total number of stems in particular) and site-conditions (elevation in particular) suggest that forest management practices should include these- ecological parameters in determining appropriate restocking levels.
Pine beauty moth (Panolis flammea D&S, Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were reared individually from egg hatch to pupation on one of three host plants, Pinus sylvestris (native host plant), Pinus contorta (Central Interior seed origin - good quality introduced host) and P. contorta (Alaskan seed origin - poor quality introduced host). After emerging from the pupae the adult moths were confined to a Skeena River seed origin of P. contorta. Female pupal weight and adult life span were significantly higher on P. sylvestris than on the two lodgepole pine seed origins. Development time was, however, not significantly different between treatments, but larval mean relative growth rate was found to be negatively correlated with birth weight and positively correlated with pupal weight. The time to emerge from the pupa was also not significantly different between treatments. However, there were marked differences between the genders. Male moths lost a significantly greater proportion of their weight over the pupal stage but lived significantly longer as adults than the females. Female moths emerged from the pupal stage significantly sooner than male moths. There was no apparent advantage of lai-ge birth size when looked at in terms of subsequent performance. These results are discussed in light of current life history theory.
Fire scar and vegetative analysis were used to construct a fire history for the Engelmann spruce/subalpine fir (Picea engelmannii/Abies lasiocarpa) vegetation type of the Utah State University (USU) T. W Daniel Experimental Forest. Three distinct periods of fire frequency were established-presettlement (1700-1855), settlement (1856-1909), and suppression (1910-1990). Mean fire interval (MFI) decreased during the settlement period and greatly increased during the suppression era. The difference was attributed to the influx of ignition sources during the settlement of nearby Cache Valley, located 40 km to the west. Logging and livestock grazing appear to have led to the reduced MFI, which in turn worked as a factor to create the vegetative mosaic now observed on the study area. The increase in MFI during the suppression era permitted the advancement of shade-tolerant species in the understory of the shade-intolerant lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) and quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). Continued suppression of disturbance from wildfire will allow the lodgepole pine cover type, which experienced the lowest MFI during the settlement period, to be further invaded by shade-tolerant species, decreasing spatial stand diversity and increasing the risk of more intense fires.
We investigated tree sway and crown collision behavior of even-aged lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) stands of different structure in Alberta, Canada, to examine how these factors might affect loss of leaf area as stands mature. The Two Creeks stand (TC) had high density and slender trees, while the Chickadee stand (CH) had stout trees. The TC stand was then thinned (TCT) to reduce the stand density. For each stand, simultaneous tree sways of a group of 10 trees were monitored with biaxial clinometers during wind speed of 5 m/s (canopy top). Crown collisions were reconstructed by combining sway displacement of individual trees with their respective crown dimensions. Comparing the sway statistics between stands with contrasting mean bole slenderness (TC and CH) indicated that more slender trees have greater sway displacements, faster sway speeds, and a greater depth of collision. Disturbance by thinning increased sway displacements, sway speeds, and depth of collisions at TCT. Tree sway patterns were circular in shape and not aligned with wind direction, but patterns were elongated after thinning. This demonstrates the high frequency of crown collision experienced by stands with slender trees and supports the notion that crown collisions result in empty space between crowns of trees.
Simple sequence repeats (SSRs), consisting of tandemly repeated multiple copies of mono-, di-, tri-, or tetranucleotide motifs, are ubiquitous in eukaryotic genomes and are frequently used as genetic markers, taking advantage of their length polymorphism. We have examined the polymorphism of such sequences in the chloroplast genomes of plants, by using a PCR-based assay. GenBank searches identified the presence of several (dA)n.(dT)n mononucleotide stretches in chloroplast genomes. A chloroplast (cp) SSR was identified in three pine species (Pinus contorta, Pinus sylvestris, and Pinus thunbergii) 312 bp upstream of the psbA gene. DNA amplification of this repeated region from 11 pine species identified nine length variants. The polymorphic amplified fragments were isolated and the DNA sequence was determined, confirming that the length polymorphism was caused by variation in the length of the repeated region. In the pines, the chloroplast genome is transmitted through pollen and this PCR assay may be used to monitor gene flow in this genus. Analysis of 305 individuals from seven populations of Pinus leucodermis Ant. revealed the presence of four variants with intrapopulational diversities ranging from 0.000 to 0.629 and an average of 0.320. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of cpDNA on the same populations previously failed to detect any variation. Population subdivision based on cpSSR was higher (Gst = 0.22, where Gst is coefficient of gene differentiation) than that revealed in a previous isozyme study (Gst = 0.05). We anticipate that SSR loci within the chloroplast genome should provide a highly informative assay for the analysis of the genetic structure of plant populations.
Pine beauty moth, Panolis flammea (Denis & Schiffermuller), is a recent but persistent pest of lodgepole pine plantations in Scotland, but exists naturally at low levels within remnants and plantations of Scots pine. To test whether separate host races occur in lodgepole and Scots pine stands and to examine colonization dynamics, allozyme, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and mitochondrial variation were screened within a range of Scottish samples. RAPD analysis indicated limited long distance dispersal (F-ST=0.099), and significant isolation by distance (P < 0.05); but that colonization between more proximate populations was often variable, from extensive to limited exchange. When compared with material from Germany, Scottish samples were found to be more diverse and significantly differentiated for all markers. For mtDNA, two highly divergent groups of haplotypes were evident, one group contained both German and Scottish samples and the other was predominantly Scottish. No genetic differentiation was evident between P. flammea populations sampled from different hosts, and no diversity bottleneck was observed in the lodgepole group. Indeed, lodgepole stands appear to have been colonized on multiple occasions from Scots pine sources and neighbouring populations on different hosts are close to panmixia.
Ce travail de thèse présente deux grands axes. Le premier axe, touche les traitements du bois dans le but principal de réduire les variations dimensionnelles et d’améliorer la résistance à l’attaque des champignons lignivores. Le second axe quant à lui, touche l’aspect environnemental du traitement acide citrique-glycérol. Ce dernier a pour but principal de démontrer que le prolongement de la durée de vie en service du produit lambris traité, compense les impacts environnementaux causés par ce traitement. Dans le premier axe, deux traitements ont été réalisés sur deux essences de pin (Pinus strobus L. et Pinus contorta D.). Un traitement à l’anhydride maléique et un autre traitement avec une solution d’acide citrique – glycérol brute (AC-G). Dans le premier cas, les effets de deux paramètres (la durée de séchage et la température d’estérification) sur les résultats des essais de stabilité dimensionnelle, de résistance à la dégradation fongique et de vieillissement accéléré ont été évalués. Trois niveaux de durée de séchage après imprégnation (12 h, 18 h et 24 h) et trois niveaux de température d’estérification (140 °C, 160 °C et 180 °C) ont été considérés. Dans le second cas, après identification du meilleur catalyseur (HCl) et du meilleur ratio acide citrique – glycérol (3/1) pendant les essais préliminaires, les performances de ce traitement sur la stabilité dimensionnelle, la résistance à la pourriture fongique, la dureté de surface et l’adhérence des couches de revêtement de peinture sur la surface du substrat bois ont été analysées. Les résultats obtenus ont été appuyés par une suite d’analyses qualitatives et quantitatives pour mieux comprendre et expliquer. Les analyses qualitatives sont : (i) la spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (IRTF) et (ii) la microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) tandis que la quantitative, l’analyse par perte de masse a été faite par pesée. Dans le second axe, une analyse des impacts environnementaux du traitement AC-G a été effectuée par le biais du logiciel SimaPro v8. La base de données Ecoinvent v3 et la méthode d’analyse d’impact Impact 2002+ ont été utilisées dans cette partie du travail de thèse. Sur la base des résultats du second traitement (AC-G) et des travaux disponibles dans la littérature, nous avons estimé, une durée de vie en service des lambris traités. Les différents scénarios de la durée de vie du lambris traité mis sur pied par rapport à celle offerte aujourd’hui par l’industrie, nous permettent de modéliser les impacts environnementaux du traitement. A cette fin, l’analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) a été utilisée comme outil de conception. En conclusion, les paramètres, durée de séchage et température d’estérification influencent les résultats obtenus dans le cas du traitement du bois à l’anhydride maléique. La combinaison 24 h de séchage et 180 °C, température d’estérification, représente les paramètres qui offrent les meilleurs résultats de stabilité dimensionnelle, de résistance à la dégradation fongique et de vieillissement accéléré. Le traitement AC-G améliore la stabilité dimensionnelle, la résistance à la dégradation fongique et la dureté de surface des échantillons. Cependant, le traitement réduit l’adhérence des couches de peinture. Les impacts environnementaux produits par le traitement AC-G sont majoritairement liés à la consommation de la ressource énergie (électricité). Le traitement prolonge la durée de vie en service du lambris traité et il a été mis en évidence que le scénario de durée de vie qui permettrait que le lambris traité puisse se présenter comme un produit à faible impact environnemental par rapport au lambris non traité est celui d’une durée de vie de 55 ans.
Targeted monitoring of threatened species within plantations is becoming more important due to forest certification programmes’ requirement to consider protection of threatened species, and to increase knowledge of the distribution of species. To determine patterns of long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) activity in different habitat structures, with the aim of improving the likelihood of detection by targeting monitoring, we monitored one stand of 26 year-old Pinus radiata over seven months between December 2007 and June 2008 in Kinleith Forest, an exotic plantation forest centred around Tokoroa, South Waikato, New Zealand. Activity was determined by acoustic recording equipment, which is able to detect and record bats’ echolocation calls. We monitored activity from sunset to sunrise along a road through the stand, along stand edges, and in the interior of the stand. Bats were recorded on 80% of the 35 nights monitored. All activity throughout the monitoring period was detected on the edge of the stand or along the road. No bats were detected within the interior of the stand. Bat activity was highest along the road through the stand (40.4% of all passes), followed by an edge with stream running alongside (35.2%), along the road within a skidsite (19.8%), and along an edge without a stream (4.6%). There was a significant positive relationship between bat pass rate (bat passes h-1) and the feeding buzz rate (feeding buzzes h-1) indicating that bat activity was associated with feeding and not just commuting. Bat feeding activity was also highest along the road through the stand (59.2% of feeding buzzes), followed by the road within the skidsite (30.6%), and along the stream-side edge (10.2%). No feeding buzzes were recorded in either the interior or along the edge without the stream. Differences in overall feeding activity were significant only between the road and edge and between edges with and without a stream. Bat activity was detected each month and always by the second night of monitoring, and in this stand was highest during April. We recommend targeted monitoring for long-tailed bats be focused on road-side and stand edge habitat, and along streams, and that monitoring take place for at least three nights to maximise probability of detection.
Runoff and sediment loss from forest roads were monitored for a two-year period in a Pinus plantation in southeast Queensland. Two classes of road were investigated: a gravelled road, which is used as a primary daily haulage route for the logging area, and an ungravelled road, which provides the main access route for individual logging compartments and is intensively used as a haulage route only during the harvest of these areas (approximately every 30 years). Both roads were subjected to routine traffic loads and maintenance during the study. Surface runoff in response to natural rainfall was measured and samples taken for the determination of sediment and nutrient (total nitrogen, total phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon and total iron) loads from each road. Results revealed that the mean runoff coefficient (runoff depth/rainfall depth) was consistently higher from the gravelled road plot with 0.57, as compared to the ungravelled road with 0.38. Total sediment loss over the two-year period was greatest from the gravelled road plot at 5.7 t km−1 compared to the ungravelled road plot with 3.9 t km−1. Suspended solids contributed 86% of the total sediment loss from the gravelled road, and 72% from the ungravelled road over the two years. Nitrogen loads from the two roads were both relatively constant throughout the study, and averaged 5.2 and 2.9 kg km−1 from the gravelled and ungravelled road, respectively. Mean annual phosphorus loads were 0.6 kg km−1 from the gravelled road and 0.2 kg km−1 from the ungravelled road. Organic carbon and total iron loads increased in the second year of the study, which was a much wetter year, and are thought to reflect the breakdown of organic matter in roadside drains and increased sediment generation, respectively. When road and drain maintenance (grading) was performed runoff and sediment loss were increased from both road types. Additionally, the breakdown of the gravel road base due to high traffic intensity during wet conditions resulted in the formation of deep (10 cm) ruts which increased erosion. The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP):Road model was used to compare predicted to observed runoff and sediment loss from the two road classes investigated. For individual rainfall events, WEPP:Road predicted output showed strong agreement with observed values of runoff and sediment loss. WEPP:Road predictions for annual sediment loss from the entire forestry road network in the study area also showed reasonable agreement with the extrapolated observed values.
Rainfall simulation experiments were carried out to measure runoff and soil water fluxes of suspended solids, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon and total iron from sites in Pinus plantations on the coastal lowlands of south-eastern Queensland subjected to various operations (treatments). The operations investigated were cultivated and nil-cultivated site preparation, fertilised site preparation, clearfall harvesting and prescribed burning; these treatments were compared with an 8-y-old established plantation. Flow-weighted mean concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in surface runoff from the cultivated and nil-cultivated site-preparation, clearfall harvest, prescribed burning and 8-y-old established plantation treatments were very similar. However, both the soil water and the runoff from the fertilised site preparation treatment contained more nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) than the other treatments - with 3.10 mg N L-1 and 4.32 mg P L-1 (4 and 20 times more) in the runoff. Dissolved organic carbon concentrations in runoff from the nil-cultivated site-preparation and prescribed burn treatments were elevated. Iron concentrations were highest in runoff from the nil-cultivated site-preparation and 8-y-old established plantation treatments. Concentrations of suspended solids in runoff were higher from cultivated site preparation and prescribed burn treatments, and reflect the great disturbance of surface soil at these sites. The concentrations of all analytes were highest in initial runoff from plots, and generally decreased with time. Total nitrogen (mean 7.28, range 0.11-13.27 mg L-1) and total phosphorus (mean 11.60, range 0.06-83.99 mg L-1) concentrations in soil water were between 2 and 10 times greater than in surface runoff, which highlights the potential for nutrient fluxes in interflow (i.e. in the soil above the water table) through the general plantation area. Implications in regard to forest management are discussed, along with results of larger catchment-scale studies.