994 resultados para Pialassa dei Piomboni, laguna costiera, batteri solfato-riduttori, ciclo dello zolfo


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In questo studio sono state prodotte 5 diverse tipologie di Squacquerone inoculate con St. thermophilus e con batteri lattici funzionali in forma planctonica o microincapsulata al fine di garantire la loro sopravvivenza, in ambienti caratterizzati da condizioni chimico-fisiche proibitive. Sono stati utilizzati Lb. crispatus BC4 e Lb. paracasei A13 caratterizzati da comprovata attività anti-Candida e battericida o probiotica, rispettivamente. I campioni sono stati caratterizzati a livello microbiologico, chimico-fisico, reologico, proteolitico ed organolettico durante la maturazione/conservazione a 4°C. I dati hanno dimostrato che l’incapsulazione non ha inciso sulla sopravvivenza dei ceppi funzionali in quanto la loro concentrazione è sempre stata costante. La proteolisi ha dimostrato un’evidente relazione tra il ceppo e le modalità della sua immissione nel prodotto: in presenza dei co-starter non incapsulati i processi litici sono accelerati rispetto al campione di controllo, mentre la cinetica di proteolisi viene influenzata negativamente dalle microcapsule. I campioni funzionali, dopo 4 giorni, sono risultati nettamente più apprezzati a livello sensoriale, indipendentemente dal tipo di inclusione dei microrganismi. A fine shelf-life i 5 Squacqueroni sono invece molto più simili tra loro. Di conseguenza, la microincapsulazione può essere vista come uno strumento per modulare le cinetiche di maturazione dello Squacquerone e il momento di immissione di questo sul mercato, per estendere la sua shelf-life ed allargare i mercati. In conclusione sia l’addizione dei co-starter in forma planctonica, che in forma microincapsulata con St. thermophilus, hanno permesso di produrre quattro diversi Squacqueroni identificabili come alimenti funzionali caratterizzati da specifici patterns proteolitici e organolettici. La microincapsulazione e la selezione dei ceppi sono da considerarsi strumenti utili alla innovazione e alla differenziazione dei prodotti lattiero-caseari.


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The development of the town of Cassano door, unknown time, first to build a chapel, a church filiare then, the town center, the building, intended for the cult of Mary, is described during the visit of Bishop Diocesan Pastoral Feliciano Ninguarda : "Item in the Middle huius pages, pro COMMODIT incolarum, east extructum sacellum, seu oratorium B. Dicatum Mariae Virginia, eastern parvum penes quo cum bell tower, ubi ab rates annis not fuit celebratum, quia non est to formam decretorum extructum [...]» [... down in Annex more information]


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Left to Right: Ernest Goldschmidt, Ilse Goldschmidt born Molling, and Frank Goldschmidt. The picture was taken on the occasion of Ilse's 80th birthday party 22 Dec 1989 Laguna Hills, CA.


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Left to Right: Ernest Goldschmidt, Ilse Goldschmidt born Molling, and Frank Goldschmidt. The picture was taken on the occasion of Ilse's 80th birthday party 22 Dec 1989 Laguna Hills, CA.


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Left to right: Margot Molling, Ilse Molling, Adolf Molling, Paul Goldschmidt (husband of Ilse Molling)


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left to right: Margot Molling, Ilse Molling, Adolf Molling, Paul Goldschmidt (husband of Ilse Molling)


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Left to Right: Ernest Goldschmidt, Ilse Goldschmidt born Molling, and Frank Goldschmidt. The picture was taken on the occasion of Ilse's 80th birthday party 22 Dec 1989 Laguna Hills, CA.


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Left to Right: Ernest Goldschmidt, Ilse Goldschmidt born Molling, and Frank Goldschmidt. The picture was taken on the occasion of Ilse's 80th birthday party 22 Dec 1989 Laguna Hills, CA.


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Left to right: Margot Molling, Ilse Molling, Adolf Molling, Paul Goldschmidt (husband of Ilse Molling)


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left to right: Margot Molling, Ilse Molling, Adolf Molling, Paul Goldschmidt (husband of Ilse Molling)


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Analisi contrastiva delle modalità di traduzione in finnico dei Tempi verbali e delle perifrasi aspettuali dell italiano (Italian Philology) The topic of this research is a contrastive study of tenses and aspect in Italian and in Finnish. The study aims to develop a research method for analyzing translations and comparable texts (non-translation) written in a target language. Thus, the analysis is based on empirical data consisting of translations of novels from Italian to Finnish and vice versa. In addition to this, for the section devoted to solutions adopted in Finnish for translating the Italian tenses Perfetto Semplice and Perfetto Composto, 39 Finnish native speakers were asked to answer questions concerning the choice of Perfekti and Imperfekti in Finnish. The responses given by the Finnish informants were compared to the choices made by translators in the target language, and in this way it was possible both to benefit from the motivation provided by native speakers to explain the selection of a tense (Imperfekti/Perfekti) in a specific context compared with the Italian formal equivalents (Perfetto Composto/Perfetto Semplice), and to define the specific features of the Finnish verb tenses. The research aims to develop a qualitative method for the analysis of formal equivalents and translational changes ( shifts ). Although, as the choice of Italian and Finnish progressive forms is optional and related to speaker preferences, besides the qualitative analysis, I also considered it necessary to operate a quantitative one in order to find out whether the two items share the same degree of correspondence in frequency of use. In this study I explain translation choices in light of cognitive grammar, suggesting that particular translation relationships derive from so-called construal operations. I use the concepts of cognitive linguistics not only to analyze the convergences and divergences of the two aspectual systems, but also to redefine some general procedures related to the phenomenon of translation. For the practical analysis of the corpus were for the most part employed theoretical categories developed in a framework proposed by Pier Marco Bertinetto. Following this approach, the notions of aspect (the morphologic or morphosyntactic, subjective level) and actionality (the lexical aspect or objective level, traditionally Aktionsart) are carefully distinguished. This also allowed me to test the applicability of these distinctions to two languages typologically different from each other. The data allowed both the analysis of the semantic and pragmatic features that determine tense and aspect choices in these two languages, and to discover the correspondences between the two language systems and the strategies that translators are forced to resort to in particular situations. The research provides not only a detailed and analytically argued inventory about possible solutions for translating Italian tenses and aspectual devices in Finnish that could be of pedagogical relevance, but also new contributions about the specific uses of time-aspectual devices in the two languages in question.


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Resumen: La vera intenzione teologica di Anselmo d’Aosta nello scrivere il Proslogion e il vero significato del suo celebre unum argumentum vanno visti nella funzione che la ragione svolge necessariamente all’interno della vita di fede del cristiano. Anselmo, come Tommaso d’Aquino, non sostiene che l’esistenza di Dio sia un “articulus fidei” ma piuttosto uno dei “praeambula fidei”. La ragione naturale ha la certezza che Dio esiste, ancora prima della dimostrazione metafisica, e questo non fa che confermare l’assurdità di pensare che non esista il fondamento reale di tutte le cose esistenti.