129 resultados para Phytophthora
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Inoculum sources and Preservation in Soils of Phytophthora parasitica from Cherry Tomato in Continental Crop Areas in Southeast Spain
Phytophthora infestans causes severe symptoms of wilt disease on potato crops (Solanum tuberosum) in the Toluca Valley (Mexico)despite the use of fungicides. P. infestans oospores produced by sexual reproduction can survive in the soil for many years, resisting harsh environments.
Nicotiana tabacum 46-8 cultivar displays an incompatible interaction with race 0 of Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae (Ppn), a fungal pathogen of most tobacco cultivars. At the plant level, incompatibility is characterized by the induction of lipoxygenase (LOX, EC = activity and localized hypersensitive cell death before defense gene activation. To evaluate the involvement of LOX in the onset of plant defense, tobacco 46-8 plants were genetically engineered using full-length or partial-length antisense (AS) tobacco LOX cDNA constructs. AS expression strongly reduced elicitor- and pathogen-induced LOX activity. Eight independent AS-LOX lines were selected and assayed for their response to Ppn. After root or stem inoculation with race 0, all AS-LOX lines but one displayed a compatible phenotype whereas control transformed plants, not containing the AS-LOX cassette, showed the typical incompatible reaction. The presence of the fungus in transgenic lines was demonstrated by PCR amplification of a Ppn-specific genomic sequence. A linear relationship was found between the extent of LOX suppression and the size of the lesion caused by the fungus. The AS-LOX plants also showed enhanced susceptibility toward the compatible fungus Rhizoctonia solani. The results demonstrate the strong involvement of LOX in the establishment of incompatibility in plant–microorganism interactions, consistent with its role in the defense of host plants.
We have investigated the role of the isoflavones daidzein and genistein on the chemotropic behavior of germinating cysts of Phytophthora sojae. Hyphal germlings were shown to respond chemotropically to daidzein and genistein, suggesting that hyphal tips from zoospores that have encysted adjacent to the root may use specific host isoflavones to locate their host. Observations of the contact response of hyphal germlings were made on several different substrates in the presence and absence of isoflavones. Hyphal tips of germlings detected and penetrated pores in membranes and produced multiple appressoria on smooth, impenetrable surfaces. Hyphae that successfully penetrated the synthetic membrane were observed to grow away from the membrane surface. The presence of isoflavones in the medium surrounding the hyphal germlings did not appear to alter any of those habits. Daidzein and genistein did not inhibit germination or initial hyphal growth at concentrations up to 20 μm.
The relationship between the production of reactive oxygen species and the hypersensitive response (HR) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) toward an incompatible race of the Oomycete Phytophthora parasitica var nicotianae has been investigated. A new assay for superoxide radical (O2−) production based on reduction of the tetrazolium dye sodium,3′-(1-[phenylamino-carbonyl]-3,4-tetrazolium)-bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro) benzene-sulfonic acid hydrate (XTT) has enabled the quantitative estimation of perhydroxyl/superoxide radical acid-base pair (HO2·/O2−) production during the resistant response. Tobacco suspension cells were inoculated with zoospores from compatible or incompatible races of the pathogen. Subsequent HO2·/O2− production was monitored by following the formation of XTT formazan. In the incompatible interaction only, HO2·/O2− was produced in a minor burst between 0 and 2 h and then in a major burst between 8 and 10 h postinoculation. During this second burst, rates of XTT reduction equivalent to a radical flux of 9.9 × 10−15 mol min−1 cell−1 were observed. The HO2·/O2− scavengers O2− dismutase and Mn(III)desferal each inhibited dye reduction. An HR was observed in challenged, resistant cells immediately following the second burst of radical production. Both scavengers inhibited the HR when added prior to the occurrence of either radical burst, indicating that O2− production is a necessary precursor to the HR.
Elicitins are a family of small proteins secreted by species of Phytophthora. They are thought to be major determinants of the resistance response of tobacco against these oomycetes, since purified elicitins, alone and at low concentrations, can induce vigorous defense responses in tobacco (i.e., hypersensitive cell death and resistance against subsequent pathogen attack), and in vitro elicitin production by Phytophthora isolates is strongly negatively correlated with their pathogenicity on tobacco plants. A number of elicitins have been purified and their amino acid sequences have been determined and found to be conserved. A three-dimensional structure for elicitin is emerging from nuclear magnetic resonance studies. Two structural classes, alpha and beta, are distinguished by their biological effects when applied to decapitated stems or petioles; the beta class causes more necrosis on leaves and provides better subsequent protection against pathogen attack. However, both these classes of elicitins will similarly cause necrosis when each is, instead, directly infiltrated into tobacco leaf panels. Effects of elicitins on tobacco cells include rapid electrolyte leakage, changes in protein phosphorylation and amounts of active oxygen species, and later production of ethylene and capsidiol. The sites of initial interaction with tobacco cells are unknown, but the interaction appears to induce general defense-related responses.
Espécies de Phytophthora tem se destacado ao longo da história devido ao seu potencial destrutivo, se iniciando com a devastadora P. infestans na Irlanda e se estende até os dias de hoje com P. nicotianae em citros e P. plurivora em faia. Uma característica importante deste grupo de patógenos é que as medidas de controle da doença se baseiam na prevenção da entrada do patógeno na área visto que, uma vez instalado, o produtor precisa conviver com o mesmo, pois não se dispõem de métodos efetivos de controle. Neste sentido, a busca por métodos de controle torna-se primordial. O endofítico radicular Piriformospora indica, tem-se destacado em vários patossistemas devido a sua habilidade de induzir resistência contra patógenos, aumentar a tolerância à estresses abióticos e promover o crescimento de plantas. Taxtomina A, produzida por Streptomyces scabies, é capaz de ativar mecanismos de defesa de plantas, os quais são efetivos contra agentes patogênicos. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito de P. indica e da taxtomina A sobre P. nicotianae em citros e P. plurivora em faia. Ambos foram avaliados quanto ao seu efeito direto sobre os patógenos em questão. O indutor de defesa vegetal Bion® foi utilizado em alguns ensaios para fins de comparação. Plântulas de citros e faia foram tratadas com concentrações crescentes de taxtomina e parâmetros fisiológicos, bioquímicos e de controle da doença foram avaliados. Taxtomina A não apresenta efeito direto sobre os patógenos avaliados. Os dados de incidência da doença em plântulas de faia tratadas com taxtomina A nas concentrações de 10, 25, 50 e 100 μg se mostraram consistentes com a quantidade de DNA do patógeno no sistema radicular, demonstrando que, aparentemente, a toxina induziu suscetibilidade nas plântulas de faia. Em citros, para os parâmetros fisiológicos e bioquímicos avaliados, em linhas gerais, a taxtomina A nas concentrações de 50 e 100 μg demonstrou potencial de aplicação no patossistema citros - P. nicotianae. Quando avaliada a mortalidade de plantas inoculadas com o patógeno e tratadas com taxtomina, bem como, quando quantificado o DNA do oomiceto no sistema radicular, as referidas concentrações também apresentaram os melhores desempenhos. Plântulas das mesmas espécies foram submetidas a inoculação com P. indica, sendo avaliados os efeitos na promoção de crescimento, na atividade de enzimas e de genes relacionados ao processo de defesa, bem como, no controle da doença. Não foi observado efeito direto do endofítico radicular sobre os patógenos avaliados. Quando plântulas de citros foram inoculadas com P. indica e depois com P. nicotianae, não foi observada promoção de crescimento e controle da doença. As análises histológicas e moleculares demonstraram a presença do endofítico no sistema radicular de plântulas de citros e faia. Análises bioquímicas revelaram apenas aumentos pontuais no teor de proteínas e na atividade da β-1,3-glucanase e da peroxidase no tratamento com P. indica + P. nicotianae. Os genes PR-1.4, PR-1.8, PR-β-glucosidase e Hsp70 foram induzidos em plântulas inoculadas com P. indica e com o patógeno, bem como no tratamento com Bion® e patógeno, porém em menor magnitude. O endofítico P. indica ativa o sistema de defesa de plântulas de citros, no entanto, os mecanismos ativados não são efetivos para o controle da doença na interação citros - P. nicotianae.
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Phytophthora root rot, caused by Phytophthora medicaginis, is a major limitation to lucerne production but it can be managed through the use of resistant cultivars. Current resistance screening methods, using mature plants or post-emergence seedling assays, are costly and time consuming. The use of zoospore inoculum on detached leaves and intact cotyledons as an assay for plant resistance was assessed using genetically defined segregating populations. The detached leaf assay was a reproducible test, but this test could not be used for accurately predicting root ratings. The cotyledon tests using zoospores gave results at the population level that were indicative of the root responses of 19 cultivars and lines tested. The cotyledon reaction of individual plants also showed a strong association with root response. The cotyledon test, while not completely predictive of mature root responses, allowed the selection of Phytophthora resistant plants at a higher frequency than could be achieved by random selection.
Phytophthora root rot, caused by Phytophthora medicaginis, is a major limitation to lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.) production in Australia and North America. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in resistance to P. medicaginis were identified in a lucerne backcross population of 120 individuals. A genetic linkage map was constructed for tetraploid lucerne using 50 RAPD ( randomly amplified polymorphic DNA), 104 AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) markers, and one SSR ( simple sequence repeat or microsatellite) marker, which originated from the resistant parent (W116); 13 markers remain unlinked. The linkage map contains 18 linkage groups covering 2136.5 cM, with an average distance of 15.0 cM between markers. Four of the linkage groups contained only either 2 or 3 markers. Using duplex markers and repulsion phase linkages the map condensed to 7 homology groups and 2 unassigned linkage groups. Three regions located on linkage groups 2, 14, and 18, were identified as associated with root reaction and the QTLs explained 6 - 15% of the phenotypic variation. The research also indicates that different resistance QTLs are involved in conferring resistance in different organs. Two QTLs were identified as associated with disease resistance expressed after inoculation of detached leaves. The marker, W11-2 on group 18, identified as associated with root reaction, contributed 7% of the phenotypic variation in leaf response in our population. This marker appears to be linked to a QTL encoding a resistance factor contributing to both root and leaf reaction. One other QTL, not identified as associated with root reaction, was positioned on group 1 and contributed to 6% of the variation. This genetic linkage map provides an entry point for future molecular-based improvement of lucerne in Australia, and markers linked to the QTLs we have reported should be useful for marker-assisted selection for partial resistance to P. medicaginis in lucerne.
Phytophthora diseases cause major losses to agricultural and horticultural production in Australia and worldwide. Most Phytophthora diseases are soilborne and difficult to control, making disease prevention an important component of many disease management strategies. Detection and identification of the causal agent, therefore, is an essential part of effective disease management. This paper describes the development and validation of a DNA-based diagnostic assay that can detect and identify 27 different Phytophthora species. We have designed PCR primers that are specific to the genus Phytophthora. The resulting amplicon after PCR is subjected to digestion by restriction enzymes to yield a specific restriction pattern or fingerprint unique to each species. The restriction patterns are compared with a key comprising restriction patterns of type specimens or representative isolates of 27 different Phytophthora species. A number of fundamental issues, such as genetic diversity within and among species which underpin the development and validation of DNA-based diagnostic assays, are addressed in this paper.