997 resultados para Physiology, Comparative.


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The Asian elephant Elephas maximus and the African elephant Loxodonta africana that diverged 5-7 million years ago exhibit differences in their physiology, behaviour and morphology. A comparative genomics approach would be useful and necessary for evolutionary and functional genetic studies of elephants. We performed sequencing of E. maximus and map to L. africana at similar to 15X coverage. Through comparative sequence analyses, we have identified Asian elephant specific homozygous, non-synonymous single nucleotide variants (SNVs) that map to 1514 protein coding genes, many of which are involved in olfaction. We also present the first report of a high-coverage transcriptome sequence in E. maximus from peripheral blood lymphocytes. We have identified 103 novel protein coding transcripts and 66-long non-coding (lnc)RNAs. We also report the presence of 181 protein domains unique to elephants when compared to other Afrotheria species. Each of these findings can be further investigated to gain a better understanding of functional differences unique to elephant species, as well as those unique to elephantids in comparison with other mammals. This work therefore provides a valuable resource to explore the immense research potential of comparative analyses of transcriptome and genome sequences in the Asian elephant.


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Present in the excrement of humans and animals, 17 beta-estradiol (E-2) has been detected in the aquatic environment in a range from several nanograms to several hundred nanograms per liter. In this study, the sensitivities of rare minnows during different life stages to E-2 at environmentally relevant (5, 25, and 100 ng l(-1)) and high (1000 ng l(-1)) concentrations were compared using vitellogenin (VTG) and gonad development as biomarkers under semistatic conditions. After 21 days of exposure, VTG concentrations in whole-body homogenates were analyzed; the results indicated that the lowest observed effective concentration for VTG induction was 25 ng l(-1) E-2 in the adult stage, but 100 ng l(-1) E-2 in the larval and juvenile stages. After exposure in the early life stage, the larval and juvenile fish were transferred to clean water until gonad maturation. No significant difference in VTG induction was found between the exposure and control groups in the adults. However, a markedly increased proportion of females and appearance of hermaphrodism were observed in the juvenile-stage group exposed to 25 ng l(-1) E-2. These results showed that VTG induction in the adult stage is more sensitive than in larval and juvenile stages following exposure to E-2. The juvenile stage may be the critical period of gonad development. Sex ratio could be a sensitive biomarker indicating exposure to xenoestrogens in early-life-stage subchronic exposure tests. The results of this study provide useful information for selecting sensitive biomarkers properly in aquatic toxicology testing.


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1. Catabolic processes of the phasic and catch parts of the adductor muscle ofPlacopecten magellanicus have been studied in relation to valve snap and valve closure responses. It is concluded that the snap response is powered by both parts of the adductor muscle and the valve closure response is powered exclusively by the catch part. 2. Both parts of the adductor muscle show a high glycolytic potential, reflected by high levels of glycolytic enzymes (Table 1) and high glycogen levels (Table 2). Lactate dehydrogenase could not be detected. In contrast, octopine dehydrogenase shows high activities in both parts of the adductor muscle. It is therefore concluded that a main anaerobic pathway in both tissues is the breakdown of glycogen to octopine. In the catch part, however, a considerable amount of the pyruvate formed from glycogen may also be converted into alanine (see below). The glycolytic flux in the catch part is much higher during the snap response than during valve closure. 3. The absence of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in the adductor muscle ofP. magellanicus and the observed changes in aspartate, alanine and succinate demonstrate that the energy metabolism in the catch part during valve closure shows great similarities to that which occurs only in the initial stage of anaerobiosis in the catch adductor muscle of the sea musselMytilus edulis L. 4. Arginine kinase activity and arginine phosphate content of the phasic part are much higher than those of the catch part (Tables 1 and 3). This may explain why in the phasic part during the snap response most ATP equivalents are derived from arginine phosphate, and in the catch part during both valve responses most are derived from glycolysis (Table 6). Despite the limited contribution of glycolysis in the phasic part during the snap response, the glycolytic flux increases by a factor of at least 75. 5. Evidence is obtained that octopine is neither transported from one part of the adductor muscle to the other, nor from the adductor muscle to other tissues.


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We compared non-shivering thermogenesis between two adjacent populations of the common spiny mouse Acomys cahirinus from different habitats, in relation to increasing salinity. Individuals were captured from the north- and south-facing slopes of the same valley, that represent


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The European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, is one of the most important marine species cultivated in Southern Europe and has not benefited from selective breeding. One of the major goals in the sea bass (D. labrax) aquaculture industry is to understand and control the complexity of growth associated traits. The aim of the methodology developed for the studies reported in the thesis was not only to establish genetic and genomic resources for sea bass, but to also develop a conceptual strategy to efficiently create knowledge in a research environment that can easily be transferred to the aquaculture industry. The strategy involved; i) establishing an annotated sea bass transcriptome and then using it to, ii) identify new genetic markers for target QTL regions so that, iii) new QTL analysis could be performed and marker based resolution of the DNA regions of interest increased, and then iv) to merge the linkage map and the physical map in order to map the QTL confidence intervals to the sea bass genome and identify genes underlying the targeted traits. Finally to test if genes in the QTL regions that are candidates for divergent growth phenotypes have modified patterns of transcription that reflects the modified whole organism physiology SuperSAGE-SOLiD4 gene expression was used with sea bass with high growth heterogeneity. The SuperSAGE contributed to significantly increase the transcriptome information for sea bass muscle, brain and liver and also led to the identification of putative candidate genes lying in the genomic region of growth related QTL. Lastly all differentially expressed transcripts in brain, liver and muscle of the European sea bass with divergent specific growth rates were mapped to gene pathways and networks and the regulatory pathways most affected identified and established the tissue specific changes underlying the divergent SGR. Owing to the importance of European sea bass to Mediterranean aquaculture and the developed genomics resources from the present thesis and from other studies it should be possible to implement genetic selection programs using marker assisted selection.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of intraocular straylight (IOS) induced by white opacity filters (WOF) on threshold measurements for stimuli employed in three perimeters: standard automated perimetry (SAP), pulsar perimetry (PP) and the Moorfields motion displacement test (MDT).¦METHODS: Four healthy young (24-28 years old) observers were tested six times with each perimeter, each time with one of five different WOFs and once without, inducing various levels of IOS (from 10% to 200%). An increase in IOS was measured with a straylight meter. The change in sensitivity from baseline was normalized, allowing comparison of standardized (z) scores (change divided by the SD of normative values) for each instrument.¦RESULTS: SAP and PP thresholds were significantly affected (P < 0.001) by moderate to large increases in IOS (50%-200%). The drop in motion displacement (MD) from baseline with WOF 5, was approximately 5 dB, in both SAP and PP which represents a clinically significant loss; in contrast the change in MD with MDT was on average 1 minute of arc, which is not likely to indicate a clinically significant loss.¦CONCLUSIONS: The Moorfields MDT is more robust to the effects of additional straylight in comparison with SAP or PP.


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Infrared thermography is a non-invasive technique that measures mid to long-wave infrared radiation emanating from all objects and converts this to temperature. As an imaging technique, the value of modern infrared thermography is its ability to produce a digitized image or high speed video rendering a thermal map of the scene in false colour. Since temperature is an important environmental parameter influencing animal physiology and metabolic heat production an energetically expensive process, measuring temperature and energy exchange in animals is critical to understanding physiology, especially under field conditions. As a non-contact approach, infrared thermography provides a non-invasive complement to physiological data gathering. One caveat, however, is that only surface temperatures are measured, which guides much research to those thermal events occurring at the skin and insulating regions of the body. As an imaging technique, infrared thermal imaging is also subject to certain uncertainties that require physical modeling, which is typically done via built-in software approaches. Infrared thermal imaging has enabled different insights into the comparative physiology of phenomena ranging from thermogenesis, peripheral blood flow adjustments, evaporative cooling, and to respiratory physiology. In this review, I provide background and guidelines for the use of thermal imaging, primarily aimed at field physiologists and biologists interested in thermal biology. I also discuss some of the better known approaches and discoveries revealed from using thermal imaging with the objective of encouraging more quantitative assessment.


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La germination des spores est une étape essentielle dans le cycle de vie de la majorité des champignons filamenteux. Les champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules (CMA) forment un certain nombre de propagules infectieuses différentes qui augmentent leur potentiel à coloniser les racines. Parmi elles se trouvent les spores extraracinaires et intraracinaires. La paroi cellulaire des spores joue un rôle majeur dans la survie de ces propagules en étant une barrière physique et osmotique. Puisque une cellule peut faire des ajustements considérables dans la composition et la structure de sa paroi, en réponse aux conditions environnementales, il est possible que les parois des spores intraracinaires et extraracinaires montrent des propriétés mécaniques et osmotiques différentes affectant leur germination et leur survie. Pourtant, contrairement à la connaissance de la génétique moléculaire et de la formation de la paroi cellulaire des CMA, peu d’information est disponible au sujet de ces propriétés mécaniques. Les informations sur la germination des CMA dans des conditions hypertoniques sont aussi rares, et les modèles expérimentaux ne séparent généralement pas les effets directs de la forte pression osmotique externe sur la germination des champignons et les effets attribuables aux plantes. Cette étude avait pour but de répondre à deux importantes séries de questions concernant le comportement des spores mycorhiziennes. Nous avons d'abord déterminé la relation entre la composition de la paroi cellulaire, la structure et les propriétés mécaniques du champignon modèle Glomus irregulare (isolat DAOM 197198). La micro-indentation a été utilisée pour mesurer quantitativement les propriétés mécaniques de la paroi cellulaire. La composition (contenu de chitine et de glomaline) de la paroi cellulaire a été quantifiée par immunofluorescence tandis que la microscopie optique a été utilisée pour mesurer l'épaisseur de la paroi cellulaire. La densité locale en glomaline et l’épaisseur de la paroi étaient significativement plus élevées pour les parois des spores extraracinaires alors que la densité locale en chitine et la rigidité n’ont pas montré de variations entre les spores extraracinaires et intraracinaires. La grande variabilité dans les paramètres étudiés nous a empêchés de cibler un facteur principal responsable de la force totale de la paroi lors de la compression. La diminution des concentrations de chitine et de glomaline a été corrélée à l'évolution de la paroi du champignon au cours de son cycle de vie. On a aussi observé une composition différentielle des couches de la paroi: les polymères de chitine et de glomaline furent localisés principalement dans les couches externes et internes de la paroi, respectivement. Dans la deuxième partie de notre travail, nous avons exploré les effets directs d'engrais, par rapport à leur activité de l'eau (aw), sur la germination des spores et la pression de turgescence cellulaire. Les spores ont été soumises à trois engrais avec des valeurs de aw différentes et la germination ainsi que la cytorrhyse (effondrement de la paroi cellulaire) des spores ont été évaluées après différents temps d'incubation. Les valeurs de aw des engrais ont été utilisées comme indicateurs de leurs pressions osmotiques. L'exposition des spores de Glomus irregulare au choc osmotique causé par les engrais dont les valeurs de aw se situent entre 0,982 et 0,882 a provoqué des changements graduels au niveau de leur cytorrhyse et de leur germination. Avec l'augmentation de la pression de turgescence externe, la cytorrhyse a augmenté, tandis que le taux de germination a diminué. Ces effets ont été plus prononcés à des concentrations élevées en éléments nutritifs. La présente étude, bien qu’elle constitue une étape importante dans la compréhension des propriétés mécaniques et osmotiques des spores de CMA, confirme également que ces propriétés dépendent probablement de plusieurs facteurs, dont certains qui ne sont pas encore identifiés.


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Four different beta-galactosidases (previously named BbgI, BbgII, BbgIII and BbgIV) from Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB41171 were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity and their biochemical properties and substrate preferences comparatively analysed. BbgI was forming a hexameric protein complex of 875 kDa, whereas BbgII, BbgIII and BbgIV were dimers with native molecular masses of 178, 351 and 248 kDa, respectively. BbgII was the only enzyme that preferred acidic conditions for optimal activity (pH 5.4-5.8), whereas the other three exhibited optima in more neutral pH ranges (pH 6.4-6.8). Na+ and/or K+ ions were prerequisite for BbgI and BbgIV activity in Bis-Tris-buffered solutions, whereas Mg++ was strongly activating them in phosphate-buffered solutions. BbgII and BbgIII were slightly influenced from the presence or absence of cations, with Mg++, Mn++ and Ca++ ions exerting the most positive effect. Determination of the specificity constants (k(cat)/K-m) clearly indicated that BbgI (6.11 x 10(4) s(-1) M-1), BbgIII (2.36 x 10(4) s(-1) M-1) and especially BbgIV (4.01 x 10(5) s(-1) M-1) are highly specialised in the hydrolysis of lactose, whereas BbgII is more specific for beta-D-(1 -> 6) galactobiose (5.59 x 10(4) s(-1) M-1) than lactose (1.48 x 10(3) s(-1) M-1). Activity measurements towards other substrates (e. g. beta-D-(1 -> 6) galactobiose, beta-D-(1 -> 4) galactobiose, beta-D-(1 -> 4) galactosyllactose, N-acetyllactosamine, etc.) indicated that the beta-galactosidases were complementary to each other by hydrolysing different substrates and thus contributing in a different way to the bacterial physiology.


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Two competing hypotheses have been suggested to explain thermal sensitivity of lizards to environmental conditions. These are the static and the labile hypotheses. The static hypothesis posits that thermal physiology is evolutionary conservative and consequently relatively insensitive to directional selection. Contrarily, the labile hypothesis states that thermal physiology does respond readily to directional selection in some lizard taxa. In this paper, we tested both hypotheses among species of Liolaemus lizards. The genus Liolaemus is diverse with about 200 species, being broadly distributed from central Peru to Tierra del Fuego at the southern end of South America. Data of field body temperature (T(b)) from Liolaemus species were collected from the literature. Based on the distributional range of the species we also collected data of mean annual ambient temperatures. We observed that both the traditional analysis and the phylogenetic approach indicate that in the genus Liolaemus T(b) of species varies in a manner that is consistent with ecological gradient of ambient temperature. The data suggest that the thermal physiology of Liolaemus lizards is evolutionarily flexible, and that this plasticity has been partially responsible for the colonization of a wide array of thermal environments. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Transcription factors (TFs) are major players in gene regulatory networks and interactions between TFs and their target genes furnish spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression. Establishing the architecture of regulatory networks requires gathering information on TFs, their targets in the genome, and the corresponding binding sites. We have developed GRASSIUS (Grass Regulatory Information Services) as a knowledge-based Web resource that integrates information on TFs and gene promoters across the grasses. In its initial implementation, GRASSIUS consists of two separate, yet linked, databases. GrassTFDB holds information on TFs from maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), sugarcane (Saccharum spp.), and rice (Oryza sativa). TFs are classified into families and phylogenetic relationships begin to uncover orthologous relationships among the participating species. This database also provides a centralized clearinghouse for TF synonyms in the grasses. GrassTFDB is linked to the grass TFome collection, which provides clones in recombination-based vectors corresponding to full-length open reading frames for a growing number of grass TFs. GrassPROMDB contains promoter and cis-regulatory element information for those grass species and genes for which enough data are available. The integration of GrassTFDB and GrassPROMDB will be accomplished through GrassRegNet as a first step in representing the architecture of grass regulatory networks. GRASSIUS can be accessed from www.grassius.org.


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Thermal and water balance are coupled in anurans, and species with particularly permeable skin avoid overheating more effectively than minimizing variance of body temperature. In turn, temperature affects muscle performance in several ways, so documenting the mean and variance of body temperature of active frogs can help explain variation in behavioral performance. The two types of activities studied in most detail, jumping and calling, differ markedly in duration and intensity, and there are distinct differences in the metabolic profile and fiber type of the supporting muscles. Characteristics of jumping and calling also vary significantly among species, and these differences have a number of implications that we discuss in some detail throughout this paper. One question that emerges from this topic is whether anuran species exhibit activity temperatures that match the temperature range over which they perform best. Although this seems the case, thermal preferences are variable and may not necessarily reflect typical activity temperatures. The performance versus temperature curves and the thermal limits for anuran activity reflect the thermal ecology of species more than their systematic position. Anuran thermal physiology, therefore, seems to be phenotypically plastic and susceptible to adaptive evolution. Although generalizations regarding the mechanistic basis of such adjustments are not yet possible, recent attempts have been made to reveal the mechanistic basis of acclimation and acclimatization. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)