975 resultados para Physico-mineral-chemical correlation to ancient texts


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Environmental contamination and climate changes constitute two of the most serious problems affecting soil ecosystems in agricultural fields. Agriculture is nowadays a highly optimized process that strongly relies on the application of multiple pesticides to reduce losses and increase yield production. Although constituting, per se, a serious problem to soil biota, pesticide mixtures can assume an even higher relevance in a context of unfavourable environmental conditions. Surprisingly, frameworks currently established for environmental risk assessments keep not considering environmental stressors, such as temperature, soil moisture or UV radiation, as factors liable to influence the susceptibility of organisms to pesticides, or pesticide mixtures, which is raising increasing apprehension regarding their adequacy to actually estimate the risks posed by these compounds to the environment. Albeit the higher attention received on the last few years, the influence of environmental stressors on the behaviour and toxicity of chemical mixtures remains still poorly understood. Aiming to contribute for this discussion, the main goal of the present thesis was to evaluate the single and joint effects of natural stressors and pesticides to the terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus. The first approach consisted on evaluating the effects of several abiotic factors (temperature, soil moisture and UV radiation) on the performance of P. pruinosus using several endpoints: survival, feeding parameters, locomotor activity and avoidance behaviour. Results showed that these stressors might indeed affect P. pruinosus at relevant environmental conditions, thus suggesting the relevance of their consideration in ecotoxicological assays. At next, a multiple biomarker approach was used to have a closer insight into the pathways of damage of UV radiation and a broad spectrum of processes showed to be involved (i.e. oxidative stress, neurotoxicity, energy). Furthermore, UV effects showed to vary with the environment medium and growth-stage. A similar biomarker approach was employed to assess the single and joint effects of the pesticides chlorpyrifos and mancozeb to P. pruinosus. Energy-related biomarkers showed to be the most differentiating parameters since age-classes seemed to respond differently to contamination stress and to have different metabolic costs associated. Finally, the influence of temperature and soil moisture on the toxicity of pesticide mixtures was evaluated using survival and feeding parameters as endpoints. Pesticide-induced mortality was found to be oppositely affected by temperature, either in single or mixture treatments. Whereas chlorpyrifos acute toxicity was raised under higher temperatures the toxicity of mancozeb was more prominent at lower temperatures. By the opposite, soil moisture showed no effects on the pesticide-induced mortality of isopods. Contrary to survival, both temperature and soil moisture showed to interact with pesticides to influence isopods’ feeding parameters. Nonetheless, was however the most common pattern. In brief, findings reported on this thesis demonstrated why the negligence of natural stressors, or multiple stressors in general, is not a good solution for risk assessment frameworks.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia Marinha e Aquacultuta), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Chemical methods to predict the bioavailable fraction of organic contaminants are usually validated in the literature by comparison with established bioassays. A soil spiked with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was aged over six months and subjected to butanol, cyclodextrin and tenax extractions as well as an exhaustive extraction to determine total PAH concentrations at several time points. Earthworm (Eisenia fetida) and rye grass root (Lolium multiflorum) accumulation bioassays were conducted in parallel. Butanol extractions gave the best relationship with earthworm accumulation (r2 ≤ 0.54, p ≤ 0.01); cyclodextrin, butanol and acetone–hexane extractions all gave good predictions of accumulation in rye grass roots (r2 ≤ 0.86, p ≤ 0.01). However, the profile of the PAHs extracted by the different chemical methods was significantly different (p < 0.01) to that accumulated in the organisms. Biota accumulated a higher proportion of the heavier 4-ringed PAHs. It is concluded that bioaccumulation is a complex process that cannot be predicted by measuring the bioavailable fraction alone. The ability of chemical methods to predict PAH accumulation in Eisenia fetida and Lolium multiflorum was hindered by the varied metabolic fate of the different PAHs within the organisms.


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The Western Treatment Plant, a major sewage treatment plant west of Melbourne, Australia, is widely regarded as a significant conservation site for waterbirds. But experiences from various parts of the world suggest that sewage can also be hazardous to waterbirds, and has probably been responsible for mass-kill events. The intent of this contribution is to raise awareness about the potential for adverse impacts of sewage treatment plants on waterbirds, and to stimulate debate on the issue, with the ultimate objective of developing appropriate management strategies to mitigate the risk of mass kills.


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Traditionally, quantum theory has traditionally relied heavily on the use of  mathematics. However, there is a significant cohort of students who are  weak in mathematics, for example, students who are majoring in   biochemistry, biological sciences, etc. This paper reports on the use of  spreadsheets to generate approximate numerical solutions and visual  (graphical) descriptions as a method of avoiding or minimizing symbolic  manipulations, mathematical derivations and numerical computation. A  specific example from quantum theory is provided. Some aspects of  educational pedagogy of spreadsheet usage are discussed.


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The nature of the species in solution plays a major role on the effectiveness of the corrosion inhibitor on a steel substrate. The speciation of lanthanum 4-hydroxy cinnamate (La(4OHCin) 3) in solution has been evaluated using experimental techniques composed of potentiodynamic polarisation, immersion tests, nuclear magnetic spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy. It is evident that the species in solution are dependent on pH and this impacts the corrosion inhibition mechanism and the efficiency. It was found that at a neutral pH of 5.5 the La(4OH-Cin)3 behaves as a strong anodic inhibitor. Whereas, when the pH shifts to low (pH2.5) and/or high (pH8) the corrosion mechanism changes.


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Following the horrors of chemical warfare in two World Wars and the Vietnam War (see box), the international community worked to develop an encompassing treaty to prevent the use of chemical weapons. After extensive work, the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction came into force in 1997. Commonly known as the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), it requires member states to declare and destroy chemical weapons and provides for inspection of facilities and investigation into alleged use. The CWC has been ratified by 190 countries and is administered by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Warfare (OPCW). In 2013, the OPCW won the Nobel Peace prize "for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons". Notable in the official announcement is the reminder that neither the US nor Russia met the 2012 deadline for destruction of their stockpiles of chemical weapons, although both have made significant progress. In July 2005, an invitational joint International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)/OPCW Conference concluded that for the work of OPCW to succeed and be sustainable, engagement in formal educational contexts and public outreach was needed. To this end, the Multiple Uses of Chemicals website


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To evaluate the maximum residual signal auto-correlation also known as pitch amplitude (PA) values in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. Method. The signals of 21 Parkinson's patients were compared with 15 healthy individuals, divided according age and gender. Results: Statistical difference was seen between groups for PA, 0.39 for controls and 0.25 for PD. Normal value threshold was set as 0.3; (p <= 0.001). In the Parkinson's group 80.77%, and in the control group only 12.28%, had a PA < 0.3 demonstrating an association between these variables. The dispersion diagram for age and PA for PD individuals showed p=0.01 and r=0.54. There was no significant difference in relation to gender and PA between groups: Conclusion: the significant differences in pitch's amplitude between PD patients and healthy individuals demonstrate the methods specificity.-The results showed the need of prospective controlled studies,to improve the use and indications of residual signal auto-correlation to evaluate speech in PD patients.


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The use of statistical methods to analyze large databases of text has been useful in unveiling patterns of human behavior and establishing historical links between cultures and languages. In this study, we identified literary movements by treating books published from 1590 to 1922 as complex networks, whose metrics were analyzed with multivariate techniques to generate six clusters of books. The latter correspond to time periods coinciding with relevant literary movements over the last five centuries. The most important factor contributing to the distinctions between different literary styles was the average shortest path length, in particular the asymmetry of its distribution. Furthermore, over time there has emerged a trend toward larger average shortest path lengths, which is correlated with increased syntactic complexity, and a more uniform use of the words reflected in a smaller power-law coefficient for the distribution of word frequency. Changes in literary style were also found to be driven by opposition to earlier writing styles, as revealed by the analysis performed with geometrical concepts. The approaches adopted here are generic and may be extended to analyze a number of features of languages and cultures.


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III-nitride materials are very promising for high speed electronics/optical applications but still suffer in performance due to problems during high quality epitaxial growth, evolution of dislocation and defects, less understanding of fundamental physics of materials/processing of devices etc. This thesis mainly focus on GaN based heterostructures to understand the metal-semiconductor interface properties, 2DE(H)G influence on electrical and optical properties, and deep level states in GaN and InAlN, InGaN materials. The detailed electrical characterizations have been employed on Schottky diodes at GaN and InAl(Ga)N/GaN heterostructures in order to understand the metal-semiconductor interface related properties in these materials. I have observed the occurrence of Schottky barrier inhomogenity, role of dislocations in terms of leakage and creating electrically active defect states within energy gap of materials. Deep level transient spectroscopy method is employed on GaN, InAlN and InGaN materials and several defect levels have been observed related to majority and minority carriers. In fact, some defects have been found common in characteristics in ternary layers and GaN layer which indicates that those defect levels are from similar origin, most probably due to Ga/N vacancy in GaN/heterostructures. The role of structural defects, roughness has been extensively understood in terms of enhancing the reverse leakage current, suppressing the mobility in InAlN/AlN/GaN based high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures which are identified as key issues for GaN technology. Optical spectroscopy methods have been employed to understand materials quality, sub band and defect related transitions and compared with electrical characterizations. The observation of 2DEG sub band related absorption/emission in optical spectra have been identified and proposed for first time in nitride based polar heterostructures, which is well supported with simulation results. In addition, metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM)-InAl(Ga)N/GaN based photodetector structures have been fabricated and proposed for achieving high efficient optoelectronics devices in future.


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Heusler Materialien wurden bisher vor allem in Volumen- und Dünnfilmproben aufgrund ihrer technischen Bedeutung untersucht. In dieser Arbeit berichtet über die experimentellen Untersuchungen der chemischen Synthese, Struktur, und der magnetischen Eigenschaften von ternären Heusler-Nanopartikeln. Die grundlegenden Aspekte der Physik, Chemie und Materialwissenschaft bezüglich der Heusler Nanopartiikel wurden untersucht. Außerdem wurde eine silicatgestützte Herstellungsmethode für Karbon-ummantelte, ternäre intermetallische Co2FeGa Nanopartikel entwickelt. Die Bildung der L21 Co2FeGa Phase wurde mit Röntgenbeugung (XRD), Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spektroskopie (EXAFS), und 57Fe Mössbauer Spektroskopie bestätigt. Die Abhängigkeit der Phase und der der Größe der Co2FeGa Nanopartikel vom der Zusammensetzung der Precursor und des Silicats wurden untersucht. Durch das Koppeln der aus Transmissions-Elektronen-Mikroskopie (TEM) gewonnen Teilchengröße und der Mössbauerspektroskopie konnte die kritische Größe für den Übergang von superparamgnetischem zu ferromagnetischem Verhalten von Co2FeGa Nanopartikel ermittelt werden. Die silicatgestützte chemische Synthese von Co2FeGa Nanopartikeln besitzt großes Potential für eine generelle Herstellungsmethode für Co-basierte Heuser Nanopartikel. Des weiteren wurde auch eine chemische Herstellungsmethode von metallischen Nanopartikeln mit Synchrotronstrahlung untersucht, die so gewonnen Nanopartikel sind vielversprechende Materialien für die Nanobiotechnologie und die Nanomedizin.