963 resultados para Phosphotransferases (alcohol Group Acceptor)
Abstract Objectives In this work we investigated how immunological dysfunction and malnutrition interact in alcoholic and viral aetiologies of cirrhosis. Methods To investigate the matter, 77 cirrhotic patients divided in three aetiologies [Alcohol, HCV and Alcohol + HCV) and 32 controls were prospectivelly and sequentially studied. Parameters of humoral immunity (Components 3 and 4 of seric complement and immunoglobulins A M, G and E) and of cellular immunity (total leukocytes and lymphocytes in peripheral blood, T lymphocytes subpopulations, CD4+ and CD8+, CD4+/CD8+ ratio and intradermic tests of delayed hypersensitivity), as well as nutrititional parameters: anthropometric measures, serum albumin and transferrin were evaluated. Results Multiple statistical comparisons showed that IgM was higher in HCV group; IgG was significantly elevated in both HCV and Alcohol + HCV, whereas for the Alcohol group, IgE was found at higher titles. The analysis of T- lymphocytes subpopulations showed no aetiologic differences, but intradermic tests of delayed hypersensitivity did show greater frequency of anergy in the Alcohol group. For anthropometric parameters, the Alcohol +HCV group displayed the lowest triceps skinfold whereas creatinine – height index evaluation was more preserved in the HCV group. Body mass index, arm muscle area and arm fat area showed that differently from alcohol group, the HCV group was similar to control. Conclusion Significant differences were found among the main aetiologies of cirrhosis concerning immunological alterations and nutritional status: better nutrition and worse immunology for HCV and vice-versa for alcohol.
In anoxic environments, volatile methylated sulfides like methanethiol (MT) and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) link the pools of inorganic and organic carbon with the sulfur cycle. However, direct formation of methylated sulfides from reduction of dissolved inorganic carbon has previously not been demonstrated. When studying the effect of temperature on hydrogenotrophic microbial activity, we observed formation of DMS in anoxic sediment of Lake Plußsee at 55 °C. Subsequent experiments strongly suggested that the formation of DMS involves fixation of bicarbonate via a reductive pathway in analogy to methanogenesis and engages methylation of MT. DMS formation was enhanced by addition of bicarbonate and further increased when both bicarbonate and H2 were supplemented. Inhibition of DMS formation by 2-bromoethanesulfonate points to the involvement of methanogens. Compared to the accumulation of DMS, MT showed the opposite trend but there was no apparent 1:1 stoichiometric ratio between both compounds. Both DMS and MT had negative d13C values of -62 per mil and -55 per mil, respectively. Labeling with NaH**13CO3 showed more rapid incorporation of bicarbonate into DMS than into MT. The stable carbon isotopic evidence implies that bicarbonate was fixed via a reductive pathway of methanogenesis, and the generated methyl coenzyme M became the methyl donor for MT methylation. Neither DMS nor MT accumulation were stimulated by addition of the methyl-group donors methanol and syringic acid or by the methyl-group acceptor hydrogen sulphide. The source of MT was further investigated in a H2**35S labeling experiment, which demonstrated a microbially-mediated process of hydrogen sulfide methylation to MT that accounted for only <10% of the accumulation rates of DMS. Therefore, the major source of the 13C-depleted MT was neither bicarbonate nor methoxylated aromatic compounds. Other possibilities for isotopically depleted MT, such as other organic precursors like methionine, are discussed. This DMS-forming pathway may be relevant for anoxic environments such as hydrothermally influenced sediments and fluids and sulfate-methane transition zones in marine sediments.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) welcomes the call for submissions by the Government Alcohol Advisory Group and commends the Justice Minister, Brian Lenihan TD., for establishing this group. IPH aims to improve health on the island of Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. IPH promotes cooperation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in research, training, information and policy. A report from IPH, Inequalities in Mortality 1989-1998 – A report on all-Ireland mortality data found that those in the lowest occupational class are 280% more likely to die from alcohol abuse than those in the highest occupational class. The poorer you are the more likely your life will be negatively impacted by alcohol. In addition, alcohol is a contributory factor to deaths from accidents, which also show a pronounced socio-economic gradient.
The overall aim of the National Alcohol Policy, launched in 1996, is to reduce the level of alcohol-related problems and to promote moderation for those who wish to drink. This report complements the work of the Strategic Task Force on Alcohol (STFA) which takes primarily a public health approach as outlined in paragraph 1.1 of the Second Report of the STFA which states that â?othis approach, endorsed by the WHO, recognises that alcohol contributes to a range of health, social and behavioural problems- in terms of its toxicity, its potential to create dependency and its negative impact on human behaviour. The overall level of alcohol consumption and the predominant pattern of drinking in the population, are predictive of alcohol problems in any given society. Therefore, alcohol policy must take into account the total drinking population when defining the scope of public health action as well targeting high risk groups and individual high risk drinkers.â?Âù Download the Report (PDF, 202kb)
Report of the Implementation Group on Alcohol Misuse The Implementation Group was formed to monitor and report on progress on the implementation of the recommendations contained in the report â?oWorking Together to Reduce the Harms Caused by Alcohol Misuseâ?T. This report was produced by a Working Group established under the Sustaining Progress Special Initiative on Alcohol and Drugs Misuse. The Working Group, which comprised Social Partners and relevant Government Departments and Agencies, Click here to download PDF: 84kb
Report of the Working Group on Sports Sponsorship by the Alcohol Industry Click here to download PDF 60KB
OBJECTIVES: To show the effectiveness of a brief group alcohol intervention. Aims of the intervention were to reduce the frequency of heavy drinking occasions, maximum number of drinks on an occasion and overall weekly consumption. METHODS: A cluster quasi-randomized control trial (intervention n = 338; control n = 330) among 16- to 18-year-old secondary school students in the Swiss Canton of Zürich. Groups homogeneous for heavy drinking occasions (5+/4+ drinks for men/women) consisted of those having medium risk (3-4) or high risk (5+) occasions in the past 30 days. Groups of 8-10 individuals received two 45-min sessions based on motivational interviewing techniques. RESULTS: Borderline significant beneficial effects (p < 0.10) on heavy drinking occasions and alcohol volume were found 6 months later for the medium-risk group only, but not for the high-risk group. None of the effects remained significant after Bonferroni corrections. CONCLUSIONS: Group intervention was ineffective for all at-risk users. The heaviest drinkers may need more intensive treatment. Alternative explanations were iatrogenic effects among the heaviest drinkers, assessment reactivity, or reduction of social desirability bias at follow-up through peer feedback.
The present study evaluated the effectiveness of attendance at a clinically based, short-term, in-patient group CBT program largely based on Monti, Abrams, Kadden, and Cooney(1) to treat problem drinking. Participants were 37 males and 34 females diagnosed with alcohol dependence. Patients attended 42 CBT sessions over three weeks, with each session being one hour in duration. Measures included the Khavari Alcohol Test (KAT), the Short Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire (SADD), the Beck Anxiety Index (BAI), the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90), a General Self-Efficacy scale (GSE), and the Drinking Expectancy Profile (DEP). Group attendance rates were monitored daily. Two structured phone calls were conducted at one month and three months post-discharge. Results showed that attendance rates at CBT group sessions were not associated with improvements found at the end of therapy or in drinking behaviors at three-month follow-up. Full support could not be found for the effectiveness of group CBT and cognitive models of problem drinking.
Despite widespread recognition of the problem of adolescent alcohol and other drug (AOD) abuse, research on its most common treatment modality, group work, is lacking. This research gap is alarming given that outcomes range from positive to potentially iatrogenic. This study sought to identify change mechanisms and/or treatment factors that are observable within group treatment sessions and that may predict AOD use outcomes. This NIH (F31 DA 020233-01A1) study evaluated 108, 10-19 year olds and the 19 school-based treatment groups to which they were previously assigned (R01 AA10246; PI: Wagner). Associations between motivational interviewing (MI) based change talk variables, group leader MI skills, and alcohol and marijuana use outcomes up to 12-months following treatment were evaluated. Treatment session audio recordings and transcripts (1R21AA015679-01; PI: Macgowan) were coded using a new discourse analysis coding scheme for measuring group member change talk (Amrhein, 2003). Therapist MI skills were similarly measured using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity instrument. Group member responses to commitment predicted group marijuana use at the 1-month follow up. Also, group leader empathy was significantly associated with group commitment for marijuana use at the middle and ending stages of treatment. Both of the above process measures were applied in a group setting for the first time. Building upon MI and social learning theory principles, group commitment and group member responses to commitment are new observable, in-session, process constructs that may predict positive and negative adolescent group treatment outcomes. These constructs, as well as the discourse analysis method and instruments used to measure them, raise many possibilities for future group work process research and practice.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion (DC) and the cytotoxicity of photo-cured experimental resin composites containing 4-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenethyl alcohol (DMPOH) combined to the camphorquinone (CQ) compared with ethylamine benzoate (EDAB). The resin composites were mechanically blended using 35 wt% of an organic matrix and 65 wt% of filler loading. To this matrix was added 0.2 wt% of CQ and 0.2 wt% of one of the reducing agents tested. 5x1 mm samples (n=5) were previously submitted to DC measurement and then pre-immersed in complete culture medium without 10% (v/v) bovine serum for 1 h or 24 h at 37 °C in a humidifier incubator with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of experimental resin composites using the MTT assay on immortalized human keratinocytes cells. As a result of absence of normal distribution, the statistical analysis was performed using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis to evaluate the cytotoxicity and one-way analysis of variance to evaluate the DC. For multiple comparisons, cytotoxicity statistical analyses were submitted to Student-Newman-Keuls and DC analysis to Tukey's HSD post-hoc test (=0.05). No significant differences were found between the DC of DMPOH (49.9%) and EDAB (50.7%). 1 h outcomes showed no significant difference of the cell viability between EDAB (99.26%), DMPOH (94.85%) and the control group (100%). After 24 h no significant difference were found between EDAB (48.44%) and DMPOH (38.06%), but significant difference was found compared with the control group (p>0.05). DMPOH presented similar DC and cytotoxicity compared with EDAB when associated with CQ.
Background A higher burden of head and neck cancer has been reported to affect deprived populations. This study assessed the association between socioeconomic status and head and neck cancer, aiming to explore how this association is related to differences of tobacco and alcohol consumption across socioeconomic strata. Methods We conducted a case-control study in Sao Paulo, Brazil (1998-2006), including 1017 incident cases of oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer, and 951 sex- and age-matched controls. Education and occupation were distal determinants in the hierarchical approach; cumulative exposure to tobacco and alcohol were proximal risk factors. Outcomes of the hierarchical model were compared with fully adjusted ORs. Results Individuals with lower education (OR 2.27; 95% CI 1.61 to 3.19) and those performing manual labour (OR 1.55; 95% CI 1.26 to 1.92) had a higher risk of disease. However, 54% of the association with lower education and 45% of the association with manual labour were explained by proximal lifestyle exposures, and socioeconomic status remained significantly associated with disease when adjusted for smoking and alcohol consumption. Conclusions Socioeconomic differences in head and neck cancer are partially attributable to the distribution of tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption across socioeconomic strata. Additional mediating factors may explain the remaining variation of socioeconomic status on head and neck cancer.
The research reported builds on our earlier work (Houghton, Carroll, & Odgers, 1998) which explored young children's and adolescents' views pertaining to knowledge and awareness of alcohol and alcohol-related issues. In this second study 640 (286 male and 354 female) school students randomly selected from five primary schools and five high schools in Perth, Western Australia participated. Data were obtained using The Which Group picture booklet questionnaire which comprises five parts and utilises illustrations (drawn by a professional children's artist) to gather information about children's and adolescents' orientations towards alcohol risk social situations, reputation enhancement, self-concept, and other related issues. Of the sample, 73% of males and 70.6% of females had tried alcohol, with beer being consumed most often. Significantly more participants in higher Year levels had tried alcohol. Over 90% said they drank at a party. Multivariate analysis revealed that nine of the 11 dependent variables contributed to the significant main effect of alcohol risk group, of which three were self-concept variables and six were reputation enhancement variables. It appears that individuals with the highest levels of orientation to alcohol risk believe that they are liked by their families, are physically attractive and have greater confidence in themselves. They also have higher levels of Admiration of Alcohol Related Activities and also of prosocial activities. While striving to attain a non-conforming reputation these individuals also wish to be ideally perceived by others as conforming. Gender and Age differences are investigated.
We previously showed that 16-day-old rats exposed to a relatively high dose of ethanol at 10-15 postnatal days of age have fewer neurons in the hilus region of the hippocampus compared with controls. Dentate gyrus granule cell numbers, however, showed no statistically significant changes attributable to the ethanol treatment. It is possible that some of the changes in brain morphology, brought about as a result of the exposure to ethanol during early life, may not be manifested until later in life. This question has been further addressed in an extension to our previous study. Wistar rats were exposed to a relatively high daily dose of ethanol on postnatal days 10-15 by placement in a chamber containing ethanol vapour, for 3 h/day. The blood ethanol concentration was found to be similar to430 mg/dl at the end of the period of exposure. Groups of ethanol-treated (ET), separation control (SC), and mother-reared control (MRC) rats were anaesthetised and killed either at 16 or 30 days of age by perfusion with phosphate-buffered 2.5% glutaraldehyde. The Cavalieri principle and the physical disector methods were used to estimate, respectively, the regional volumes and neuron cell numerical densities in the hilus and granule cell regions of the dentate gyrus. The total numbers of neurons in the hilus region and granule cell layer were computed from these estimates. It was found that 16-day-old animals had 398,000-441,000 granule cells, irrespective of group. The numbers of granule cells increased such that by 30 days of age, rats had 487,000-525,500 granule cells. However, there were no significant differences between ethanol-treated rats and their age-matched controls in granule cell numbers. In contrast, ethanol-treated rats had slightly but significantly fewer neurons in the hilus region than did control animals at 16 days of age, but not at 30 days of age. Therefore, it appears that a short period of ethanol exposure during early life can have effects on neuron numbers of some hippocampal neurons, but not others. The effects on hilar neuron numbers, observed as a result of such short periods of ethanol treatment, appeared to be transitory. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) is a set of signs and symptoms that typically develops in alcohol-dependent people within 6–24 h of their last drink. It may occur unintentionally if abstinence is enforced by illness or injury, or deliberately if the person voluntarily stops drinking because of an alcohol-related illness, or as a prelude to becoming and remaining abstinent. The signs and symptoms of the syndrome (panel) are largely, but not exclusively, those of autonomic hyperactivity, the reverse of the effects of alcohol intoxication. They represent a homoeostatic readjustment of the central nervous system (CNS) to the neuroadaptation that occurs with prolonged alcohol intoxication.1 RC Turner, PR Lichstein and JG Peden et al., Alcohol withdrawal syndromes: a review of pathophysiology, clinical presentation and treatment, J Gen Intern Med 4 (1989), pp. 432–444. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (39)1 They vary in severity from mild to severe.1