970 resultados para Phase angle
A general theory of fracture criteria for mixed dislocation emission and cleavage processes is developed based on Ohr's model. Complicated cases involving mixed-mode loading are considered. Explicit formulae are proposed for the critical condition of crack cleavage propagation after a number of dislocation emissions. The effects of crystal orientation, crack geometry and load phase angle on the apparent critical energy release rates and the total number of the emitted dislocations at the initiation of cleavage are analysed in detail. In order to evaluate the effects of nonlinear interaction between the slip displacement and the normal separation, an analysis of fracture criteria for combined dislocation emission and cleavage is presented on the basis of the Peierls framework. The calculation clearly shows that the nonlinear theory gives slightly high values of the critical apparent energy release rate G(c) for the same load phase angle. The total number N of the emitted dislocations at the onset of cleavage given by nonlinear theory is larger than that of linear theory.
A avaliação do estado nutricional em pacientes com HIV é de grande importância, pois as conseqüências provocadas pelo processo patológico da doença estão associadas com perda de peso corporal, massa magra e desnutrição grave, o que prediz aumento da morbimortalidade. Os valores de linfometria CD4 também têm sido utilizados como preditores a curto e médio prazo para o desenvolvimento de infecções oportunistas, as quais são incomuns em pacientes com CD4 >200 cels/mm3. Partindo deste conhecimento, optou-se por estudar o estado nutricional de homens e mulheres HIV positivos de acordo com a contagem de células CD4. Utilizou-se como parâmetros nutricionais o índice de massa corporal (IMC), a área muscular do braço corrigida (AMBc), albumina sérica e o ângulo de fase (AF). Foram estudados 39 pacientes HIV positivos, acompanhados pelo ambulatório de doenças infectoparasitárias do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE/UERJ). Não foi observada desnutrição na população estudada, quando avaliada pelo IMC e albumina em ambos os sexos, independente do número de células CD4. Entretanto, a AMBc e o AF, tanto nos homens quanto nas mulheres, demonstraram comprometimento nos parâmetros de massa magra. Em relação à associação entre os indicadores nutricionais e o número de células CD4, foi observado correlação significante com a AMBc e a albumina no grupo estudado. A correlação de acordo com o sexo manteve-se significante em ambos os grupos para AMBc e com uma tendência positiva (p=0,06) entre o AF e CD4 no grupo dos homens. Portanto, estes resultados demonstram que para avaliar o estado nutricional, principalmente o compartimento de massa corporal magra de pacientes HIV positivos sob terapia antirretroviral, é preciso utilizar indicadores mais sensíveis, mesmo naqueles pacientes com melhor estado de controle da doença.
O objetivo deste trabalho é conhecer e compreender melhor os imprevistos no fornecimento de energia elétrica, quando ocorrem as variações de tensão de curta duração (VTCD). O banco de dados necessário para os diagnósticos das faltas foi obtido através de simulações de um modelo de alimentador radial através do software PSCAD/EMTDC. Este trabalho utiliza um Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) com o intuito de detectar VTCDs e realizar a estimativa automática da frequência, do ângulo de fase e da amplitude das tensões e correntes da rede elétrica. Nesta pesquisa, desenvolveram-se duas redes neurais artificiais: uma para identificar e outra para localizar as VTCDs ocorridas no sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica. A técnica aqui proposta aplica-se a alimentadores trifásicos com cargas desequilibradas, que podem possuir ramais laterais trifásicos, bifásicos e monofásicos. No desenvolvimento da mesma, considera-se que há disponibilidade de medições de tensões e correntes no nó inicial do alimentador e também em alguns pontos esparsos ao longo do alimentador de distribuição. Os desempenhos das arquiteturas das redes neurais foram satisfatórios e demonstram a viabilidade das RNAs na obtenção das generalizações que habilitam o sistema para realizar a classificação de curtos-circuitos.
O contingente de idosos iniciando tratamento de diálise vem aumentado de maneira importante desde o ano de 2000, conforme mostrado pelo United States Renal Data System. Dados nacionais demonstram que cerca de 31,5% dos pacientes em diálise tem idade acima de 65 anos, segundo o Censo Brasileiro de Diálise de 2011. Estes dados alertam para a importância no cuidado da saúde do idoso em diálise. O cuidado nutricional desse grupo merece especial atenção, uma vez que já foi demonstrado que a prevalência de desnutrição energético-proteica nos pacientes idosos em diálise é significantemente maior do que a de adultos jovens em diálise. Nesse sentido, faz-se importante desenvolver estudos com instrumentos que avaliem o estado nutricional desse grupo. Os questionários de avaliação subjetiva global de 7 pontos (ASG-7p) e o malnutrition inflammation score (MIS) têm sido bastante empregados em estudos incluindo pacientes em diálise. Contudo, estes instrumentos estão originalmente na língua Inglesa, e para o seu uso em nosso meio, é necessário a tradução por meio da adaptação transcultural. Porém, até o momento, não há estudos que tenham realizado a tradução transcultural desses questionários para a língua Portuguesa. Deste modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a adaptação transcultural para o português de dois instrumentos de avaliação do estado nutricional em pacientes idosos em tratamento crônico de hemodiálise (HD). O estudo é do tipo observacional e seccional. A adaptação transcultural consistiu na tradução para a língua Portuguesa da ASG-7p e MIS pelo método da retrotradução, avaliação da equivalência semântica, confiabilidade e validade de construto. Para tanto, 101 pacientes idosos em HD foram avaliados. Ambos questionários apresentaram alto grau de similaridade semântica. A consistência interna apresentou um valor de α de Cronbach para a ASG-7p de 0,72 (satisfatório) e para o MIS de 0,53 (não satisfatório). A ASG-7p apresentou discreta reprodutibilidade intra-avaliador e moderada reprodutibilidade interavaliador; e para o MIS tanto a reprodutibilidade inter quanto intra-avaliador foi indicativo de forte reprodutibilidade. Referente à validade de construto, ao avaliar o estado nutricional pela ASG-7p notou-se que os pacientes classificados como bem nutridos apresentaram medidas de peso corporal, adequação da dobra cutânea tricipital, percentual de gordura corporal, circunferência da panturrilha e creatinina sérica significantemente maiores do que de pacientes desnutridos. Para o MIS, ao comparar os grupo de bem nutridos com o de desnutridos, a albumina sérica, ângulo de fase, percentual de gordura corporal, a adequação da força de preensão manual e da dobra cutânea tricipital e a circunferência da panturrilha apresentaram diferença significante entre os grupos. Em conclusão, os questionários ASG-7p e MIS traduzidos para o português podem ser utilizados na população de idosos em HD.
The currents of de and ac components and their phase-angle cosines for a superlattice under a direct bias and alternating field are calculated with the balance equations. It is found that the de currents as functions of the direct field show resonance peaks at the fields corresponding to the Bloch frequency equal to n omega. With increasing alternating field intensity the resonance peaks of higher harmonic increase, and simultaneously the first peak caused by the de field decreases. The results are in good agreement with the experimental results, indicating that this resonance can be understood in terms of electron acceleration within the miniband, i.e., it is a bulk superlattice effect, rather than caused by the electric-field localization mechanism (Wannier Stark ladder). The phase-angle cosine for the first harmonic cos phi(1) becomes negative when the Bloch frequency increases to be larger than the frequency of the ac field omega, and it also shows resonance peaks at the resonance frequencies n omega. The negative cos phi(1) may cause the energy transferred to the alternating field, i.e., oscillation of the system.
We describe a first-principles-based strategy to predict the macroscopic toughness of a gamma-Ni(Al)/alpha-Al2O3 interface. Density functional theory calculations are used to ascertain energy changes upon displacing the two materials adjacent to the interface, with relaxation conducted over all atoms located within adjoining rows. Traction/displacernent curves are obtained from derivatives of the energy. Calculations are performed in mode I (opening), mode II (shear) and at a phase angle of 45 degrees. The shear calculations are conducted for displacements along < 110 > and < 112 > of the Ni lattice. A generalized interface potential function is used to characterize the results. Initial fitting to both the shear and normal stress results is required to calibrate the unknowns. Thereafter, consistency is established by using the potential to predict other traction quantities. The potential is incorporated as a traction/displacement function within a cohesive zone model and used to predict the steady-state toughness of the interface. For this purpose, the plasticity of the Ni alloy must be known, including the plasticity length scale. Measurements obtained for a gamma-Ni superalloy are used and the toughness predicted over the full range of mode mixity. Additional results for a range of alloys are used to demonstrate the influences of yield strength and length scale.
We describe a first-principles-based strategy to predict the macroscopic toughness of a gamma-Ni(Al)/alpha-Al2O3 interface. Density functional theory calculations are used to ascertain energy changes upon displacing the two materials adjacent to the interface, with relaxation conducted over all atoms located within adjoining rows. Traction/displacernent curves are obtained from derivatives of the energy. Calculations are performed in mode I (opening), mode II (shear) and at a phase angle of 45 degrees. The shear calculations are conducted for displacements along < 110 > and < 112 > of the Ni lattice. A generalized interface potential function is used to characterize the results. Initial fitting to both the shear and normal stress results is required to calibrate the unknowns. Thereafter, consistency is established by using the potential to predict other traction quantities. The potential is incorporated as a traction/displacement function within a cohesive zone model and used to predict the steady-state toughness of the interface. For this purpose, the plasticity of the Ni alloy must be known, including the plasticity length scale. Measurements obtained for a gamma-Ni superalloy are used and the toughness predicted over the full range of mode mixity. Additional results for a range of alloys are used to demonstrate the influences of yield strength and length scale.
A one-step method was developed to fabricate conductive graphene/SnO2 (GS) nanocomposites in acidic solution. Graphite oxides were reduced by SnCl2 to graphene sheets in the presence of HCl and urea. The reducing process was accompanied by generation of SnO2 nanoparticles. The structure and composition of GS nanocomposites were confirmed by means of transmission electron microscopy, x-ray photoelectron and Raman spectroscopy. Moreover, the ultracapacitor characteristics of GS nanocomposites were studied by cyclic voltammograms (CVs) and electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The CVs of GS nanocomposites are nearly rectangular in shape and the specific capacitance degrades slightly as the voltage scan rate is increased. The EIS of GS nanocomposites presents a phase angle close to p/2 at low frequency, indicating a good capacitive behavior.
Composite polymeric electrolytes of PEO-LiClO4-Al2O3 and PEO-LiClO4-EC were prepared and the ionic conductivity by a.c. impedance was calculated using four different methods, and three kinds of representations of a.c. impedance spectra were adopted. The first is based on the Nyquist impedance plot of the imaginary part (Z") versus the real part (Z') of the complex impedance. The second and the third correspond to the plots of imaginary impedance Z" as a function of frequency (f), and the absolute value (\Z\) and phase angle (theta) as a function of f, respectively. It was found that the values of the ionic conductivity calculated using the three representations of a.c. impedance spectra are basically identical.
Ray tracing is a rapid and effective method for wave field calculation. Not only in the field of seismic-wave theory, but also in the field of seismic inversion and migration imaging,the seismic ray tracing method has become one of the most important methods. In anisotropic media, group velocity and phase velocity have different propagation directions. The seismic wave propagates along the direction of group velocity , it does not depend on the direction of phase velocity. Ray angle is a complex function with respect to phase angle, it is difficult to measure and calculate. But most rocks are weak anisotropic, so the expression of phase velocity can be simplified greatly. Based on the approximate expression of phase velocity this thesis for rotating axisymmetric weak anisotropic media deduces an expression of the partial derivative of phase velocity and an expression of group velocity with the method of linear approximation. This paper uses the fourth order Runge-Kutta method together with the two-dimensional interpolation and linear interpolation to obtain the parameters of the physical locations. At last the paths of seismic wave in rotating axisymmetric weak anisotropic media are computed. According to the analysis of the computational results, it indicates that the method developed in this paper has strong adaptability, high computational efficiency and high accuracy for rotating axisymmetric weak anisotropic media.
This paper details the prototyping of a novel three axial micro probe based on utilisation of piezoelectric sensors and actuators for true three dimensional metrology and measurements at micro- and nanometre scale. Computational mechanics is used first to model and simulate the performance of the conceptual design of the micro-probe. Piezoelectric analysis is conducted to understand performance of three different materials - silicon, glassy carbon, and nickel - and the effect of load parameters (amplitude, frequency, phase angle) on the magnitude of vibrations. Simulations are also used to compare several design options for layout of the lead zirconium titanate (PZT) sensors and to identify the most feasible from fabrication point of view design. The material options for the realisation of the device have been also tested. Direct laser machining was selected as the primary means of production. It is found that a Yb MOPA based fiber laser was capable of providing the necessary precision on glassy carbon (GC), although machining trials on Si and Ni were less successful due to residual thermal effects.To provide the active and sensing elements on the flexures of the probe, PZT thick films are developed and deposited at low temperatures (Lt720 degC) allowing a high quality functional ceramic to be directly integrated with selected materials. Characterisation of the materials has shown that the film has a homogenous and small pore microstructure.
Variations in the phase angle difference between a remote 11kV connected wind farm and the centre of Belfast during a typical working day are investigated in the paper. The results obtained using phasor measurement units (PMUs) are compared with the data generated using a PSS/E simulator configured to model the N.Ireland network. The study investigates the effect of changes in the load demand and the wind farm output power on the phase angles at various locations on the network. The paper finally describes how a major system disturbance on the All-Ireland network was monitored and analysed using PMUs located at Queen's University, Belfast and University College Dublin. ©2007 IEEE.
Pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) have applications in the fields of packaging, joining, wound care, and personal care. Depending on the application of the PSA, different performance tests are carried out when new products are developed or the quality of the existing products is checked. Tack is the property of an adhesive that enables it to form instant bond on the surface under light pressure. The tack of a PSA strongly depends on the way the bond is created. Parameters such as the bonded area, contact time and the nature of tack materials all affect the tack force measured. In the development of any PSA, it is desirable to correlate the performance related properties such as tack and peel strength to the rheological behaviour. Finding these correlations would make it possible to evaluate the performance of a PSA using its rheological characteristics. In this investigation we have studied the influence of rheological behaviour of three different PSAs on their tackiness. The three different PSAs used in this study are a low molecular weight rosin ester, high molecular weight rosin ester, and dicyclopentadiene. Various rheological properties such as viscosity, phase angle, and elastic and viscous moduli are measured versus the frequency and temperature. Also the tack properties at various removal speeds and temperatures are evaluated. Analysis of the results indicates different performances of the three PSAs which could be related to their rheological properties, especially the phase angle, at different frequencies and temperatures. The PSA with high molecular weight rosin ester is more sensitive to temperature changes and showed drastic changes in tackiness from high temperature to low temperature. On the other hand, rosin ester with low molecular weight is less sensitive to temperature changes. © 2010 VSP.
In this work we present core–shell nanowire arrays of gold coated with a nanometric layer of cobalt. Despite the extremely small Co volume, these core–shell nanowires display large magneto-optical activity and plasmonic resonance determined by the geometry of the structure. Therefore, we are able to tune both the plasmonic and magneto-optical response in the visible range. Through optical and ellipsometric measurements in transmission, and applying a magnetic field to the sample, it is possible to modulate the value of the phase angle (Del {Δ}) between the S and P polarised components. It was found that the core–shell sample produced an order of magnitude larger variation in Del with changing magnetic field direction, compared with hollow cobalt tubes. The enhancement of magneto optical properties through the plasmonic nature of the gold core is complemented with the ability to induce magnetic influence over optical properties via an externally applied field. Moreover, we demonstrate for the first time the ability to use the remanent magnetisation of the Co, in conjunction with the optical properties defined by the Au, to observe remanent optical states in this uniquely designed structure. This new class of magnetoplasmonic metamaterial has great potential in a wide range of applications, from bio-sensing to data storage due to the tuneable nature of multiple resonance modes and dual functionality.
This paper presents a new method for online determination of the Thèvenin equivalent parameters of a power system at a given node using the local PMU measurements at that node. The method takes into account the measurement errors and the changes in the system side. An analysis of the effects of changes in system side is carried out on a simple two-bus system to gain an insight of the effect of system side changes on the estimated Thévenin equivalent parameters. The proposed method uses voltage and current magnitudes as well as active and reactive powers; thus avoiding the effect of phase angle drift of the PMU and the need to synchronize measurements at different instances to the same reference. Applying the method to the IEEE 30-bus test system has shown its ability to correctly determine the Thévenin equivalent even in the presence of measurement errors and/or system side changes.