82 resultados para Phascolarctos-cinereus


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Marked differences were observed in proximate biochemical compositions of the skin and muscle of white pomfret. The skin showed comparatively higher content of extractable lipids and was more susceptible to radiation-induced oxidative changes like development of rancid odours and yellow discolouration than the muscle. Irradiation of skin samples under vacuum suppressed these changes. The present paper also reports on the efficacy of vacuum packaging in controlling oxidative rancidity and yellow discolouration in white pomfret skin subjected to irradiation and subsequent storage at 0-2°C.


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White pomfret fillets packed under aerobic conditions had a limited shelf life of 8 days as against 10 days for samples packed under vacuum and stored at 0-2°C. Irradiation and subsequent storage of the fillets under vacuum at 0-2°C exhibited shelf lives of 30, 50 and 60 days for radiation doses of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 Mrad respectively in contrast to aerobically packed fillets which showed only 20, 35 and 50 days of storage life for the same levels of radiation doses and developed yellow discolouration and rancid odours.


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Triglycerides, phospholipids and sarcoplasmic proteins fractions of white pomfret produced considerable amounts of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBRS) on irradiation. Incubation of malonaldehyde with pomfret skin under aseptic conditions developed yellow pigmentation of the skin tissues, similar in spectral characteristics to those produced on irradiation of the skin.


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Surface fibrils (fimbriae) have been observed on fungi from every major group. Fimbriae are thought to be involved in the following cell to cell interactions: conjugation, flocculation and adhesion. Several higher fungi exibit two other types of interactions: hyphal fusion (anastomosis) and clamp connection formation. As a prelude to examining the role of fimbriae in these processes, the fimbriae of two fungi that undergo these fusion events were examined. Electron microscopy studies revealed that Coprinus cinereus and Schizophyllum commune are fimbriated. C. cinereus fimbriae were 5 nm in diameter and 0.5 to 20 11m in length. Fimbriae of C. cinereus oidia were more numerous and longer than those of the hyphal stage. S. commune fimbriae were also 5 nm in diameter, but were only 0.5 to 2 11m in length. There was an unequal distribution of fimbriae on the hyphal surfaces of S. commune . Fimbriae were sparsely distributed over the entire hyphal surface, with higher densities of fibrils present on the side growths of the hyphae found in the older sections of the mycelium. Antiserum raised against Ustilago violacea fimbrial protein (AU) crossreacted strongly with 37 and 39 kd C. cinereus mycelial proteins. In contrast, AU bound very weakly to 89 and 92 kd S. commune mycelial proteins. Since AU cross-reacted poorly with S. commune fimbrial proteins, it was impossible to further characterize the fimbriae of this specIes. The 37 and 39 kd C. cinereus proteins, were isolated by electroelution and were shown to be able to form fibrils the same diameter as oidial fimbriae. The 37 kd protein was shown to be composed of several proteins with isoelectric points ranging from pH 6.1 to 7.63. Furthermore, the 37 kd protein was found to be multimeric, while the 39 kd protein was not. These results strongly suggested that the 37 kd protein is the structural fimbrial protein of C. cine reus . Finally, a series of experiments were designed to determine whether fimbriae are required for conjugation in U. violacea Conjugation was inhibited significantly with AU, but not with pre-immune serum or AU preincubated with purified fimbrial protein. Thus, it was concluded that fimbriae play a central role in mating in this organism.


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Surface proteinaceous fibrils, termed fimbriae, were first identified on gram negative bacteria in the 1940s. Fungal fimbriae, discovered some 25 years later, are found on members of all fungal classes. In the present study, polyclonal antiserum raised against the fimbrial proteins of U. vio/acea were used in order to identify antigenically related proteins from Coprinus cinereus and Schizophy//um commune. Two polypeptides with molecular masses of 37 and 39 kDa from C. cinereus were observed and confirm earlier results. A single previously unidentified 50 kDa polypeptide in S. commune crossreacted with the antiserum. The 50 kDa protein was found to consist of 3 isoforms with isoelectric points ranging from 5.6 to 5.8. A fimbrial cDNA derived from U. vio/acea was used to identify DNA restriction fragments from C. cinereus and S. commune showing homology to the fimbrial transcript of U. vio/acea. Heterologous hybridization with this cDNA was used in order to screen a C. cinereus genomic DNA library. A single clone, A2-3A, with a 14 kbp insert showed strong homology to the pfim3-1 cDNA. The region of homology, a 700 bp Xba I fragment, was subcloned into pUG19. This plasmid was refered to as pXX8. DNA sequence determinations of pXX8 and adjacent fragments from A2-3A suggested that the cloned DNA was a portion of the rONA repeat encoding the small subunit rRNA. DNA sequence analysis of pfim3-1 yielded an incomplete open reading frame. The predicted amino acid sequence codes for a 206 amino acid, 22 kDa polypeptide which contains a domain similar to a transmembrane domain from rat leukocyte antigen, GDS3. As well, an untranslated 576 nucleotide domain showed 81 % homology to pXX8 and 830/0 homology to the 188 rRNA sequence of Ustilago maydis. This sequence was found adjacent to a region of adenine-thymine base pairs presumed to represent the polyadenylation sequence of the fimbrial transcript. The size and extent of homology is sufficient to account for the hybridization of pfim3-1 to rDNA. It is suggested that this domain represents a completely novel regulatory domain within eukaryotes that may enable the observed rapid regeneration of fimbriae in U. violacea.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Larvae of Potamophilops cinereus (Blanchard, 1841) from Brazil, Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Grande (Fazenda Intervales, Rio Carmo) are described for the first time and illustrated. The larvae were found associated with adults. The larva of P. cinereus is most similar to larvae of species of the Mexican and Central American genera Disersus Sharp and Hispaniolara Brown, but can be easily distinguished chiefly by the head being not visible when seen from above, due to being concealed by the anterior projection of the pronotum. Comparisons of the three genera are presented. Photographs of the adult habitus of P. cinereus are also furnished. A key to the larvae of the genera of Larainae of Brazil is included.


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Two types of leptocephalus-eel, identified as ophichthyid larva and Muraenesox cinereus, collected from the Vellar estuary, India, are described. M. cinereus larvae are common in the estuary during November-January whereas ophichthyid larvae are very rare, collected on one occasion (January) only.


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木材腐朽菌是生物多样性的重要组成部分,在森林生态系统中起着关键的降解还原作用;同时,木材腐朽菌还是重要的生物资源,与人类的生产与生活密切相关,具有重要的经济价值。因此,木腐菌一直是真菌研究的重点领域之一,然而过去对华东地区木腐菌的研究还非常薄弱,对华东地区木腐菌的种类和资源还缺乏清晰的认识。本文对华东地区不同森林生态类型中的木腐菌进行了广泛的调查采样,通过形态学、分子系统学和单孢融合交配实验,对华东地区的木腐菌多样性与资源进行了系统的研究,同时对具有重要经济意义和潜在应用价值的种类进行了菌种的分离保藏,并初步分析了华东地区木腐菌的区系特点。通过本论文的研究,提高了对华东地区木腐菌资源与多样性的认识,丰富了我国木材腐朽菌的种类,为控制林木病原菌、开发利用有益真菌资源提供了基本信息和科学依据。本论文的主要研究结论如下: 1.华东地区的木腐菌有3目13科92属270种,其中真菌新种6个,分别是:铁杉集毛孔菌Coltricia tsugicola Y.C. Dai & B.K. Cui,香榧嗜蓝孢孔菌Fomitiporia torreyae Y.C. Dai & B.K. Cui,拟囊状体大孔菌Megasporoporia cystidiolophora B.K. Cui & Y.C. Dai,菌索多年卧孔菌Perenniporia rhizomorpha B.K. Cui, Y.C. Dai & Decock,微小硬孔菌Rigidoporus minutus B.K. Cui & Y.C. Dai,浅黄芮氏孔菌Wrightoporia luteola B.K. Cui & Y.C. Dai;中国新记录种9个,分别是:紫多孢孔菌Abundisporus violaceus (Wakef.) Ryvarden,卡玛蜡孔菌Ceriporia camaresiana (Bourdot & Galzin) Bondartsev & Singer,撕裂蜡孔菌Ceriporia lacerata N. Maek., Suhara & R. Kondo,塔斯马尼亚集毛孔菌Coltriciella tasmanica (Cleland & Rodway) D.A. Reid,瑞克纤孔菌Inonotus rickii (Pat.) D.A. Reid,骨质多年卧孔菌Perenniporia minutissima (Yasuda) T. Hatt. & Ryvarden,灰硬孔菌Rigidoporus cinereus Núñez & Ryvarden,凹形栓孔菌Trametes ectypus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Gilb. & Ryvarden,变形干酪菌Tyromyces transformatus Núñez & Ryvarden。 2.利用分子系统学方法,确定了一些通过形态学研究难以鉴定或容易混淆的种类的分类地位,并对嗜蓝孢孔菌属、彩孔菌属和多年卧孔菌属进行了系统发育分析,发现木腐菌新种3个:Fomitiporia sp.、Hapalopilus sp. 和Perenniporia sp.。 3.华东地区的异担子菌为岛生异担子菌,并且存在两个生物种:T生物种和Y生物种。T生物种为腐生菌,Y生物种为兼性腐生菌,华东地区不存在多年异担子菌这一严重的森林病原菌。 4.华东地区的木腐菌种类丰富,组成复杂多样。优势科为多孔菌科,其次为锈革孔菌科,这两科的种类构成了华东地区木腐菌类区系的主体;优势属主要有多年卧孔菌属、多孔菌属、针层孔菌属和泊氏孔菌属。 4.华东地区木腐菌科的地理成分分为3类:热带亚热带成分,北温带成分和世界广布成分,以世界广布成分为主。属的地理成分分为5类:世界广布属,北温带分布属,热带–亚热带分布属,东亚–北美分布属,大洋洲–北温带分布属,以世界广布属和北温带分布属为主。种的地理成分分为8类:世界广布种,北温带分布成分,泛热带分布成分,亚–欧共有成分,东亚–北美共有成分,东亚–澳大利亚共有成分,东亚成分,中国特有种,以北温带分布种和世界广布种为主。 5.华东地区木腐菌的各主要区系成分均有分布,以世界广布成分和北温带成分为主,表现出明显的北温带性质,可能起源于北半球,华东地区木腐菌类的区系地理成分与其所处的地理位置、气候特点与植物区系的组成密切相关。此外,华东地区的中国特有种类也较为丰富,说明了华东地区木腐菌类的区系具有一定的独特性,也在一定程度上反映了华东地区生态环境条件的特殊性,而木腐菌的生长与环境条件和寄主树木种类有很大的关系。 6.华东地区的木腐菌资源非常丰富,林木病原菌有36种,其中新发现的病原菌有3种;野生的食用木腐菌有11种,野生的药用木腐菌64种,工业用木腐菌有28种。对其中的一种重要经济真菌——黄白多年卧孔菌进行了分离培养,找出了最佳生长条件:最适生长温度为25℃左右,相对最适pH值为5.5,相对最好的碳源为可溶性淀粉和葡萄糖,相对最好的氮源为酵母汁。