959 resultados para Pertence, José Paulo Sepúlveda


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O presente artigo descreve duma forma sumária a cooperação estabelecida entre a Universidade do Algarve (UAlg), através da Escola Superior de Tecnologia (EST), com a Delegação Regional do Algarve do Ministério da Cultura, no processo de reabilitação do Teatro Lethes, em Faro (Figura 1), levada a cabo pela empresa S.T.A.P. – Reparação, consolidação e modificação de estruturas, S.A.


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Dissertação mest., Biologia e Geologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Dissertação mest., Oceanografia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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Dissertação de mest., Recursos Hídricos, 2007, Faculdade de Engenharia de Recursos Naturais, Universidade do Algarve


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Environmental impacts of airports are similar to those of many industries, though their operations expand over a very large area. Most international impact assessment studies and environmental management programmes have been giving less focus on the impacts to soil and groundwater than desirable. This may be the result of the large attention given to air and noise pollution, relegating other environmental descriptors to a second role, even when the first are comparatively less relevant. One reason that contributes to such ‘‘biased’’ evaluation is the lack of systematic information about impacts to soil and groundwater from airport activities, something the present study intends to help correct. Results presented here include the review of over seven hundred documents and online databases, with the objective of obtaining the following information to support environmental studies: (i) which operations are responsible for chemical releases?; (ii) where are these releases located?; (iii) which contaminants of concern are released?; (iv) what are the associated environmental risks? Results showed that the main impacts occur as a result of fuel storage, stormwater runoff and drainage systems, fuel hydrant systems, fuel transport and refuelling, atmospheric deposition, rescue and fire fighting training areas, winter operations, electrical substations, storage of chemical products by airport owners or tenants, and maintenance of green areas. A new method for ranking environmental risks of organic substances, based on chemical properties, is proposed and applied. Results show that the contaminants with the highest risks are the perfluorochemicals, benzene, trichloroethylene and CCl4.


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Esta monografia tem por objectivo analisar a contribuição da Química Supramolecular no desenvolvimento de aplicações farmacoterapêuticas. É apresentada uma revisão e é feita uma análise detalhada das propriedades e aplicações já existentes das ciclodextrinas e também de novos nano-contentores que possam ter estas aplicações no futuro, com destaque para os cucurbiturilos. A Química Supramolecular é o ramo da Química que se foca no estudo das interacções não covalentes. Segundo Jean-Marie Lehn, Prémio Nobel da Química em 1987, a Química Supramolecular é o campo da ciência que estuda os conceitos químicos, físicos e biológicos de espécies químicas de grande complexidade que se mantêm unidas e organizadas através de interacções não covalentes. Relacionado com a Química Supramolecular está o conceito drug delivery, o processo de administração de fármacos com finalidade terapêutica. Neste processo podem ser utilizados complexos moleculares que aprisionam um fármaco, protegendo-o e alterando o seu perfil de libertação, absorção, distribuição e eliminação. Desta forma o fármaco chega ao local de interesse de uma forma mais eficaz e segura. As Ciclodextrinas são estruturas da família dos ciclo-oligossacarídeos correntemente usadas nestas aplicações terapêuticas. Possuem uma cavidade relativamente apolar no seu interior, com a capacidade de encapsular componentes hidrofóbicos. O exterior é hidrofílico, sendo pois solúveis em água. Possuem baixa toxicidade, dependendo da via de administração. São usadas em aplicações farmacêuticas, nomeadamente como forma de melhorar a biodisponibilidade do fármaco. Os Cucurbiturilos são uma família de contentores moleculares que podem encapsular uma variedade de espécies catiónicas e neutras com alta afinidade. Por esta razão mostram grande potencial em drug delivery. Foram feitos vários estudos no sentido de avaliar a toxicidade e estabilidade destas moléculas transportadoras. Até agora todos os resultados apontam para um futuro promissor dos cucurbiturilos em aplicações farmacoterapêuticas.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Relatório de Estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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In the last two decades, there was a proliferation of programming exercise formats that hinders interoperability in automatic assessment. In the lack of a widely accepted standard, a pragmatic solution is to convert content among the existing formats. BabeLO is a programming exercise converter providing services to a network of heterogeneous e-learning systems such as contest management systems, programming exercise authoring tools, evaluation engines and repositories of learning objects. Its main feature is the use of a pivotal format to achieve greater extensibility. This approach simplifies the extension to other formats, just requiring the conversion to and from the pivotal format. This paper starts with an analysis of programming exercise formats representative of the existing diversity. This analysis sets the context for the proposed approach to exercise conversion and to the description of the pivotal data format. The abstract service definition is the basis for the design of BabeLO, its components and web service interface. This paper includes a report on the use of BabeLO in two concrete scenarios: to relocate exercises to a different repository, and to use an evaluation engine in a network of heterogeneous systems.


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The corner stone of the interoperability of eLearning systems is the standard definition of learning objects. Nevertheless, for some domains this standard is insufficient to fully describe all the assets, especially when they are used as input for other eLearning services. On the other hand, a standard definition of learning objects in not enough to ensure interoperability among eLearning systems; they must also use a standard API to exchange learning objects. This paper presents the design and implementation of a service oriented repository of learning objects called crimsonHex. This repository is fully compliant with the existing interoperability standards and supports new definitions of learning objects for specialized domains. We illustrate this feature with the definition of programming problems as learning objects and its validation by the repository. This repository is also prepared to store usage data on learning objects to tailor the presentation order and adapt it to learner profiles.


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The e-Framework is arguably the most prominent e-learning framework currently in use. For this reason it was selected as basis for modelling a programming exercises evaluation service. The purpose of this type of evaluator is to mark and grade exercises in computer programming courses and in programming contests. By exposing its functions as services a programming exercise evaluator is able to participate in business processes integrating different system types, such as Programming Contest Management Systems, Learning Management Systems, Integrated Development Environments and Learning Object Repositories. This paper formalizes the approaches to be used in the implementation of a programming exercise evaluator as a service on the e-Framework.


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It is widely accepted that solving programming exercises is fundamental to learn how to program. Nevertheless, solving exercises is only effective if students receive an assessment on their work. An exercise solved wrong will consolidate a false belief, and without feedback many students will not be able to overcome their difficulties. However, creating, managing and accessing a large number of exercises, covering all the points in the curricula of a programming course, in classes with large number of students, can be a daunting task without the appropriated tools working in unison. This involves a diversity of tools, from the environments where programs are coded, to automatic program evaluators providing feedback on the attempts of students, passing through the authoring, management and sequencing of programming exercises as learning objects. We believe that the integration of these tools will have a great impact in acquiring programming skills. Our research objective is to manage and coordinate a network of eLearning systems where students can solve computer programming exercises. Networks of this kind include systems such as learning management systems (LMS), evaluation engines (EE), learning objects repositories (LOR) and exercise resolution environments (ERE). Our strategy to achieve the interoperability among these tools is based on a shared definition of programming exercise as a Learning Object (LO).


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This paper presents a tool called Petcha that acts as an automated Teaching Assistant in computer programming courses. The ultimate objective of Petcha is to increase the number of programming exercises effectively solved by students. Petcha meets this objective by helping both teachers to author programming exercises and students to solve them. It also coordinates a network of heterogeneous systems, integrating automatic program evaluators, learning management systems, learning object repositories and integrated programming environments. This paper presents the concept and the design of Petcha and sets this tool in a service oriented architecture for managing learning processes based on the automatic evaluation of programming exercises. The paper presents also a case study that validates the use of Petcha and of the proposed architecture.


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Assessment plays a vital role in learning. This is certainly the case with assessment of computer programs, both in curricular and competitive learning. The lack of a standard – or at least a widely used format – creates a modern Ba- bel tower made of Learning Objects, of assessment items that cannot be shared among automatic assessment systems. These systems whose interoperability is hindered by the lack of a common format include contest management systems, evaluation engines, repositories of learning objects and authoring tools. A prag- matical approach to remedy this problem is to create a service to convert among existing formats. A kind of translation service specialized in programming prob- lems formats. To convert programming exercises on-the-fly among the most used formats is the purpose of the BabeLO – a service to cope with the existing Babel of Learning Object formats for programming exercises. BabeLO was designed as a service to act as a middleware in a network of systems typically used in auto- matic assessment of programs. It provides support for multiple exercise formats and can be used by: evaluation engines to assess exercises regardless of its format; repositories to import exercises from various sources; authoring systems to create exercises in multiple formats or based on exercises from other sources. This paper analyses several of existing formats to highlight both their differ- ences and their similar features. Based on this analysis it presents an approach to extensible format conversion. It presents also the features of PExIL, the pivotal format in which the conversion is based; and the function definitions of the proposed service – BabeLO. Details on the design and implementation of BabeLO, including the service API and the interfaces required to extend the conversion to a new format, are also provided. To evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of this approach this paper reports on two actual uses of BabeLO: to relocate exercises to a different repository; and to use an evaluation engine in a network of heterogeneous systems.