967 resultados para Personal Values


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In their 2010 study drawing on 500 empirical philanthropy studies, Bekkers and Wiepking identified eight consistently significant giving mechanisms. The pilot study reported here extends what is known about one mechanism, values, as a giving driver, in particular considering how national cultural values apply to giving. Personal values are not formed in a vacuum. They are influenced by the wider culture and society: thus values have a socio-cultural dimension. Accordingly, this pilot research draws on media theory and cultural studies work on national ethos to explore how these national cultural values interact with giving. A directed qualitative content analysis has been undertaken to compare US and Australian print media coverage about philanthropy. The two nations share an Anglo–Saxon orientation but differ significantly in national character and philanthropic activity. This study posits that a nation's media coverage about giving will reflect its national cultural ethos. This coverage can also shape personal values, thus implications exist for theory about the antecedents of personal giving values. Wider national values may drive or stifle giving, so this wider view of values as a driver has implications also for philanthropy promotion and fundraising.


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This key planning textbook on designing healthy and sustainable communities informs planners about community life and the processes of planning and equips them with the essential knowledge and skills they need to organise change and improve the quality of urban living. The author examines the impacts of social and economic change on community life and organization and explores ways in which these changes can be planned and managed. Community planning is presented as a means to balance and integrate beneficial change with the maintenance of valued cultural traditions and life styles. This involves bringing together fields of study and practice including urban and regional planning, design, communication, housing, community organization, employment, transport, and governance. Links drawn between personal values, human activities, physical spaces and societal governance assist this process of synthesis. Establishing a common vocabulary to discuss planning - for urban and regional planners, including health planners; and open space planners - enables both students and practitioners to work with each other and with those for whom they provide services to create stronger, healthier and more sustainable communities. The aims and roles of community planning are explored and the key planning operations are explained, including the phases and applications of community planning method; the planning and location of community facilities; the roles of design in shaping responsive community spaces; and the capacity of different types of community governance to improve the relations between citizens and societies. The book is organized into two main parts: after the first three chapters have established the interests and scope of community planning, the next six each moves from an account of issues and theoretical concerns, through a review of case studies, to summaries of leading practice. This positive approach is intended to encourage readers to develop their own capacities for effective participation and action. The concluding chapter draws together the contributions of preceding ones to demonstrate the integrity of the community planning process


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Institutional graduate capabilities and discipline threshold learning outcomes require science students to demonstrate ethical conduct and social responsibility. However, neither the teaching nor the assessment of these concepts is straightforward. Australian chemistry academics participated in a workshop in 2013 to discuss and develop teaching and assessment in these areas and this paper reports on the outcomes of that workshop. Controversial issues discussed included: How broad is the mandate of the teacher, how should the boundaries between personal values and ethics be drawn, and how can ethics be assessed without moral judgement? In this position paper, I argue for a deep engagement with ethics and social justice, achieved through case studies and assessed against criteria that require discussion and debate. Strategies to effectively assess science students’ understanding of ethics and social responsibility are detailed.


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INTRODUCTION: The shortage of nurses willing to work in rural Australian healthcare settings continues to worsen. Australian rural areas have a lower retention rate of nurses than metropolitan counterparts, with more remote communities experiencing an even higher turnover of nursing staff. When retention rates are lower, patient outcomes are known to be poorer. This article reports a study that sought to explore the reasons why registered nurses resign from rural hospitals in the state of New South Wales, Australia. METHODS: Using grounded theory methods, this study explored the reasons why registered nurses resigned from New South Wales rural hospitals. Data were collected from 12 participants using semi-structured interviews; each participant was a registered nurse who had resigned from a rural hospital. Nurses who had resigned due to retirement, relocation or maternity leave were excluded. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and imported into NVivo software. The constant comparative method of data collection and analysis was followed until a core category emerged. RESULTS: Nurses resigned from rural hospitals when their personal value of how nursing should occur conflicted with the hospital's organisational values driving the practice of nursing. These conflicting values led to a change in the degree of value alignment between the nurse and hospital. The degree of value alignment occurred in three dynamic stages that nurses moved through prior to resigning. The first stage, sharing values, was a time when a nurse and a hospital shared similar values. The second stage was conceding values where, due to perceived changes in a hospital's values, a nurse felt that patient care became compromised and this led to a divergence of values. The final stage was resigning, a stage where a nurse 'gave up' as they felt that their professional integrity was severely compromised. The findings revealed that when a nurse and organisational values were not aligned, conflict was created for a nurse about how they could perform nursing that aligned with their internalised professional values and integrity. Resignation occurred when nurses were unable to realign their personal values to changed organisational values - the organisational values changed due to rural area health service restructures, centralisation of budgets and resources, cumbersome hierarchies and management structures that inhibited communication and decision making, out-dated and ineffective operating systems, insufficient and inexperienced staff, bullying, and a lack of connectedness and shared vision. CONCLUSIONS: To fully comprehend rural nurse resignations, this study identified three stages that nurses move through prior to resignation. Effective retention strategies for the nursing workforce should address contributors to a decrease in value alignment and work towards encouraging the coalescence of nurses' and hospitals' values. It is imperative that strategies enable nurses to provide high quality patient care and promote a sense of connectedness and a shared vision between nurse and hospital. Senior managers need to have clear ways to articulate and imbue organisational values and be explicit in how these values accommodate nurses' values. Ward-level nurse managers have a significant responsibility to ensure that a hospital's values (both explicit and implicit) are incorporated into ward culture.


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Purpose The aim of this paper is to empirically explore antecedents of local food purchase intention in two food producing countries with different cultural backgrounds. Design/methodology/approach An online survey was employed to collect data from consumers located in Chile (n=283) and Australia (n=300). A proposed model is tested with structural equation modelling (SEM). Findings Attitude towards consuming local food is a strong and direct driver of intentions to purchase local food in both countries. Attitude toward supporting local agri-businesses and consumer ethnocentrism are found to positively impact attitude towards consuming local food in both countries. Attitude towards local agri-businesses also has a direct effect on intentions to purchase local food in Australia, but not in Chile. Interestingly, subjective norms are not found to affect intentions to consume local food in either country. Research limitations/implications The paper examines factors affecting the attitude toward and behavioural intention regarding local food consumption and develops an extended model of local food consumption. An outcome of this new model is the inclusion of personal variables, which influence local food purchasing behaviour. Practical implications Producers and retailers need to develop campaigns explaining how consuming local food supports local businesses and farmers, which will reinforce personal values associated with local consumption. Originality/value This is the first study to demonstrate that positive attitudes toward local foods are important drivers of local food purchase behaviour, independent of the cultural characteristics or level of economic development within a country.


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The study examined immigrants´ attitudes towards acculturation, in other words the social and cultural changes that take place in the adaptation process. The perspective of acculturation studies was also expanded by examining immigrants´ cultural values and their experiences of majority´s expectations. In addition, special interest was directed to the relations between acculturation attitudes and values and both factors´ relevance on psychological well-being. Indian born immigrants were selected as subjects as they are one of the fastest growing ethnic minorities in Finland. This minority has not been included in immigration studies previously. The seventy-five immigrants that participated as subjects represent a highly educated subgroup of Indian born immigrants. The study was carried out with posted questionnaires. Most of the subjects received an inquiry of their motivation to participate by e-mail or phone before the postal questionnaire. The results were in line with previous studies in Finland as the attitudes emphasising cultural integration were dominant. However, attitudes towards marriage, reflecting deeper and less flexible parts of culture, were dominated by separation motives. Immigrants´ perceptions of majority´s expectations reflected partly the real assimilation wishes demonstrated in previous studies. Against hypotheses, discrepancies between acculturation attitudes and experiences of majority´s expectations did not predict immigrants´ psychological well-being in a clear way. The highly educated Indian born immigrants emphasised self-direction and universalism in their values. This separates them from the traditional cultural values of India. The hypotheses made of the predictive relations between values and acculturation attitudes were partly confirmed. Also, the assumptions concerning both the stress buffering role of collectivistic values and the positive effect of achievement values on feelings of mastery were confirmed. Despite the limitations in the data, this study strengthens the view that cultural and personal values play a significant role in immigrants´ adaptation process. Information about values can benefit individuals making hard decisions and coping with cultural change as well as officials modifying Finnish immigration policy and planning the support system for immigrants.


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The starting point of the study was that good teaching requires a teacher to be aware of the sources of his or her pedagogical decisions; that is, personal values, beliefs and understandings. From this perspective, a teacher s professional development refers to a process of extending one s self-knowledge. The aim of this study was to promote student teachers' professional development with the help of identity work. Identity work refers to reflecting on both personal and professional experiences. Identity work consists of student teachers self-reflection on their life experiences (self-identity) and video diary-based reflection on their classroom practice (professional identity). The research questions of the study were 1) how is identity work manifested by the participants? and 2) what is the potential of identity work in promoting student teachers professional development? The research data was collected from four student teachers in the academic year 2007-2008; the research group had 24 meetings during the research process. Student teachers take part in a multimode teacher education programme, where students work as ordinary teachers in schools during their university studies. The data collection was conducted by using two methods: participants narratives based on autobiographical writings and video diaries based on participants lessons. Narrative research data was analysed by employing qualitative methods and strategies as they were needed in the research. The research results revealed four different ways of working with identities, each of them revealing different aspects of and approaches to identity work. The results also showed that identity work has the potential to promote professional development. As the research progressed, there were visible changes in the participants reflection. However, despite encouraging results, some issues should be critically questioned. Although reflection sounds attractive and fruitful as a tool for promoting professional development, there are also difficulties and obstacles. On the basis of the results, a proposal for promoting student teachers professional development is offered. Keywords: Teacher identity, identity work, reflection, teacher professional development


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The aim of this masters thesis was to examine subjective wellbeing and personal happiness. Empirical study of happiness is part of broader wellbeing reseach and is based on an idea that the best experts of personal wellbeing are the individuals themselves. In addition to perceptions of personal happiness, the aim was also to acquire knowledge about personal values and components personal happiness is based on. In this study, moving into certain community and the charesteristics of neigbourhood contributing happiness, were defined to represent these values. The object was, through comparative casestudy, to obtain knowledge about subjective wellbeing of the inviduals in two different residental areas inside metropolitan area of Helsinki. In comparative case study the intention usually is that the examined units represent spesific "cases" from something broader and therefore the results can be somehow generalized. Consequently the chosen cases in this study were selected due to their image of "urban village" and thus the juxtapositioning was constructed between secluded post-suburban village and more heterogeneous urban village better attached to excisting urban structure. The researh questins were formed as follows: Are there any differencies between the areas regarding the components personal happines is based on? Are there any differencies between the areas regarding the level of residents subjective wellbeing? Based on the residents assesments, what are the most important charesteristics of neigbourhood contributing personal happiness? The data used in order to gain aswers to these questions was obtained from internet-based survey questionnaire. Based on the data residents of post-suburban village Sundsberg seem to share highly family oriented set of values and actualizing these values is ensured with high income, wealth and secure work situation. Insteadt in Kumpula the components of happiness seem place more towards learning and personal developement, interesting leisure and hobbies and specially having an influence regarding communal decisions. Conserning subjective wellbeing of residents there can be seen some differencies as well. Personal life is experienced a bit more happier in Sundsberg than in Kumpula. People are more satified with their personal health and job satisfaction in Sundsberg and additionally feelings of loneliness, inadequancy and frustration are bit more common in Kumpula. Regarding the charesteristics of neigbourhood contributing happiness data suggests that key charesteristics of area are peacefulness and safely, good location and connections and proximity of parks and recreational areas. These charesteristics were concidered highly significant in both areas but they were experienced to actualize better in Kumpula. In addition to these components the residents in Kumpula were overall more satisfied with various charecteristics contiburing happiness in their residental area. Besides these attributes mentioned above residents in Kumpula emphasize also some "softer" elements connecting into social, functional and communal side of area. From Sundsberg point of view residental area best contributing happiness is child friendly and safe community based on likeminded people who share the same sosioeconomical situation. The results of this study can be linked back into the society and metropolitan area, which they were chosen from as a cases to be studied. The results can thereby be seen as an example of differentation of conditions of personal happiness between certain population segments. It is possible to detect an spatial dimetion to this process as well and thereby the results suggests that regional segmentation affects between high-ranking residental areas as well. Thereby the results of this reseach contributes to the debate on innovative, diverse and dynamic urban area and as well cohesion of metropolitan area and the society in whole.


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Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa cujo objeto é a percepção da enfermeira sobre a prática do aleitamento materno no contexto da feminilização da Aids. Tem por objetivos: analisar a percepção das enfermeiras de maternidade sobre a prática do aleitamento materno e a feminilização da Aids e discutir a prática da enfermeira em relação ao aleitamento materno a partir da feminilização da Aids. Os sujeitos do estudo foram nove enfermeiras de três maternidades municipais do Rio de Janeiro que possuem título de Hospitais Amigo da Criança. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A técnica de análise do conteúdo foi baseada em Bardin. Emergiram três categorias: a) A percepção da enfermeira sobre sua prática quanto ao aleitamento materno; b) As percepções da enfermeira sobre a feminilização da Aids; c) A prática da enfermeira em relação ao aleitamento materno a partir da feminilização da Aids. Constatamos que a enfermeira percebe sua prática em relação ao aleitamento materno sob influência das Políticas Públicas voltadas para a promoção e proteção do mesmo, como a Iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Criança e o Alojamento Conjunto. Em relação à Aids, o advento da feminilização surpreende as enfermeiras que reagem com indignação, tristeza, medo e angústia. Estes sentimentos justificam-se, pois, para elas, pensar soropositividade em mulheres significa privá-las de exercer sua saúde reprodutiva e sexual plenamente, ou seja, os papéis esperados socialmente de uma mulher, como ser mãe e amamentar. A condição social e sexual da mulher (gênero) também emergiu dos depoimentos como determinantes para soropositividade. Ao perceberem sua prática às mulheres soropositivas nas maternidades, as enfermeiras apontam dificuldades geradas pela dicotomia (incentivo ao aleitamento materno e inibição da lactação) tanto para elas profissionais quanto para as mulheres que não podem amamentar. O processo de feminilização e os investimentos e recursos voltados para este acarretaram mudanças na prática da enfermeira, que refere mais segurança pessoal após disponibilização de teste rápido para HIV e cursos de capacitação para os profissionais. Além da prática voltada para as questões técnicas, apontam uma nova abordagem às mulheres soropositivas, como o objetivo de não expô-las às outras puérperas nas enfermarias de alojamento conjunto. Desta maneira, constatamos que as mudanças ocorridas nas práticas das enfermeiras estão relacionadas com o estabelecimento de políticas públicas voltadas para a amamentação e o HIV/Aids. Os valores pessoais ainda interferem na prática das enfermeiras, e a Aids ainda é vista como uma doença possuidora de estigmas tanto sociais quanto culturais. Reforçamos a necessidade de estratégias que possam diminuir a divergência das Políticas de Incentivo ao Aleitamento Materno e as de Prevenção à Transmissão Vertical, a fim de qualificar a prática de enfermagem às mulheres soropositivas.


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Este estudo tem como objeto de pesquisa as ações de cuidar da enfermeira na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) diante da vulnerabilidade feminina para o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) considerando o contexto familiar. Discutir a vulnerabilidade para o HIV, ainda constitui um desafio social, principalmente considerando a mesma, a partir das relações de gênero existente em nossa sociedade no que diz respeito ao papel social e sexual de homens e mulheres no interior de suas famílias. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivos: descrever a percepção sobre o HIV no contexto familiar para a enfermeira da ESF; compreender a percepção da enfermeira da ESF sobre a vulnerabilidade feminina para o HIV no contexto familiar e analisar as ações de cuidar da enfermeira da ESF acerca da vulnerabilidade feminina. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória com abordagem qualitativa, a qual teve como sujeitos da pesquisa onze enfermeiras que foram selecionadas e atuavam na ESF no ano 2012, na Área Programática 2.2 do município do Rio de Janeiro. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A técnica de análise do conteúdo foi baseada em Bardin. Emergiram três categorias: a) Percepções das enfermeiras em relação ao HIV e o contexto de familiar; b) Percepções das enfermeiras em relação à vulnerabilidade feminina para o HIV; c) Ações de cuidar das enfermeiras relacionadas à vulnerabilidade feminina para o HIV considerando o contexto familiar. Constatamos que o HIV é para as enfermeiras, o determinante de uma doença grave, de difícil acompanhamento, que não tem cura, de caráter complexo e também como um agravo que impõe limites em relação a sobrevida. As enfermeiras pouco valorizam as questões de gênero e o contexto social sobre a condição de vulnerabilidade das mulheres, responsabilizando-as por sua contaminação. A prevenção do HIV é realizada em grande parte nas atividades de educação em saúde desenvolvidas pelas enfermeiras da ESF, entretanto ela não é abordada considerando especificamente cada contexto familiar e social da mulher. Os valores pessoais ainda interferem nas ações das enfermeiras, e o HIV é apontado como um agravo possuidor de estigmas tanto sociais quanto culturais. Considerando a ESF uma ação governamental que tem por objetivo a autonomia do sujeito, as mudanças de paradigmas em relação à saúde dos indivíduos, e importante aliada na minimização dos problemas de saúde pública como a vulnerabilidade para o HIV é necessário que as enfermeiras estejam mais sensibilizadas e capacitadas (educação permanente), nas questões sociais (gênero) especificas da população feminina, para que suas ações possam minimizar a vulnerabilidade ao HIV nessa população.


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Este estudo investigou as motivações de alunos da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) para participar de um projeto de Extensão Universitária em um hospital pediátrico, assim como as contribuições percebidas pelos estudantes em relação às suas trajetórias pessoais e profissionais relacionadas à participação no projeto. O Projeto de Extensão Universitária Alunos Contadores de Histórias é desenvolvido no Instituto de Puericultura e Pediatria Martagão Gesteira (IPPMG) há quatro anos e visa à melhoria do cuidado junto à clientela, através da oferta de uma atividade lúdica, a contação de histórias, que representa algo de positivo num momento de muitas perdas e sofrimento. A cada semestre é realizada uma seleção e, após a capacitação, os alunos passam a contar histórias para as crianças, os adolescentes e seus familiares, nos diversos setores assistenciais da instituição durante duas horas por semana, por no mínimo seis meses. Foi realizado um estudo exploratório usando os métodos quantitativo e qualitativo. Os dados utilizados foram provenientes da análise de registros existentes em documentos do projeto e de dois grupos focais realizados com alunos. A análise dos dados apontou que os alunos participantes buscam o projeto no intuito de poder realizar uma atividade solidária, junto às crianças. Suas percepções sobre a experiência e suas contribuições, de uma maneira geral, são muito positivas, e revelam amadurecimento e redimensionamento de valores com ampliação da visão social, através de uma atividade a qual referem ser prazerosa. As principais dificuldades observadas foram a falta de flexibilização curricular e o desconhecimento das propostas da Extensão Universitária por grande parte do corpo discente e também dos docentes e técnico administrativos dos diversos cursos. O projeto está sintonizado com as propostas da Política Nacional de Extensão Universitária e o presente estudo espera contribuir para o aprimoramento das atividades de Extensão Universitária em ambientes institucionais análogos.


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This article seeks to explore how teachers develop tolerance and respect within an inclusive school
in Northern Ireland. Drawing on interviews and observation of 18 teachers, it will be shown that
teachers’ own personal values and assumptions exert a defining influence on the school ethos. It will
be argued that if teachers are not accorded the time and space to develop an understanding
of their own values and beliefs then there is the potential for schools to simply reinforce the psychological
barriers which sustain division.


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This teaching case explores the longitudinal evolution of a small environmental micro-enterprise, The Green Planet retail store. Exploring two decades of business history it analyses the development of this business as sustainability issues and greener consumer goods mainstreamed in society. The case presents one of the first explorations of the individual trade-offs that owners make between economic, environmental and social criteria, alongside an exploration of the role that the personal values of the owner played in the evolution of this business. Also presented is a sample of other environmental enterprises profiled alongside The Green Planet in the early 1990s. This additional dataset provides a rich resource for readers, and a number of indicative discussion themes are identified. Readers interested in topics such as marketing, business strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility and environmental management will find this case a valuable addition to their teaching resources.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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This qualitative study>addresses the question of how Ontario elementary school principals negotiate their varied work roles, through interviews with and observations of 6 principals. Using inductive data analysis, principals' negotiations were divided into 5 categories: negotiating priorities, negotiating the process, negotiating constraints, negotiating the roles of others, and negotiating the self. These principals worked within these categories simultaneously, emphasizing some more than others, dependent on the circumstances. For these principals, the time they spent with people in the school and the resulting relationships that enabled them to build were a first priority, and a large part of how each principal chose to negotiate the demands of their role arose from their personality and their personal values.