967 resultados para Personal Time


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This dissertation describes a networking approach to infinite-dimensional systems theory, where there is a minimal distinction between inputs and outputs. We introduce and study two closely related classes of systems, namely the state/signal systems and the port-Hamiltonian systems, and describe how they relate to each other. Some basic theory for these two classes of systems and the interconnections of such systems is provided. The main emphasis lies on passive and conservative systems, and the theoretical concepts are illustrated using the example of a lossless transfer line. Much remains to be done in this field and we point to some directions for future studies as well.


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Megillat ha-Megalleh av Abraham bar Hijja (Spanien, 12. årh.) är bäst känd som en samling av messianska beräkningar. Men boken som helhet innehåller, vid sidan om beräkningarna, varierande innehåll såsom filosofi, bibeltolkning och astrologi. Bar Hijja framför en argumentering, inför det växande inflytandet på judarna från de kristna, för att den judiska religionen, och särskilt judarnas väntan på den messianska tiden, fortfarande är giltiga. Bar Hijja utvecklar, med hjälp av den judiska traditionen, arabiska vetenskapliga och andra källor samt omdefinierade kristna ideér, en syn på historien som en determinisk händelselopp som består av goda och dåliga tider men eventuellt skall kulminera i en messiansk tid för judarna. Boken innehåller även en omfattande astrologisk kommentar på historien, som bland annat beskriver uppkomsten och historien av de kristna och muslimska världsmakterna, samt deras förhållanden med judar. Boken är tydligt avsett att övertyga judarna att förbli judar, genom att argumentera med hjälp av både judiskt och ickejudiskt material, att oavsett läget i exil har de den framtid som de väntat för. I det medeltida sammanhanget syns detta inte enbart som en religiös fråga utan också som en politisk strävan till att säkerställa det judiska samfundets framtid.


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Finansanalytiker har en stor betydelse för finansmarknaderna, speciellt igenom att förmedla information genom resultatprognoser. Typiskt är att analytiker i viss grad är oeniga i sina resultatprognoser, och det är just denna oenighet analytiker emellan som denna avhandling studerar. Då ett företag rapporterar förluster tenderar oenigheten gällande ett företags framtid att öka. På ett intuitivt plan är det lätt att tolka detta som ökad osäkerhet. Det är även detta man finner då man studerar analytikerrapporter - analytiker ser ut att bli mer osäkra då företag börjar gå med förlust, och det är precis då som även oenigheten mellan analytikerna ökar. De matematisk-teoretiska modeller som beskriver analytikers beslutsprocesser har däremot en motsatt konsekvens - en ökad oenighet analytiker emellan kan endast uppkomma ifall analytikerna blir säkrare på ett individuellt plan, där den drivande kraften är asymmetrisk information. Denna avhandling löser motsägelsen mellan ökad säkerhet/osäkerhet som drivkraft bakom spridningen i analytikerprognoser. Genom att beakta mängden publik information som blir tillgänglig via resultatrapporter är det inte möjligt för modellerna för analytikers beslutsprocesser att ge upphov till de nivåer av prognosspridning som kan observeras i data. Slutsatsen blir därmed att de underliggande teoretiska modellerna för prognosspridning är delvis bristande och att spridning i prognoser istället mer troligt följer av en ökad osäkerhet bland analytikerna, i enlighet med vad analytiker de facto nämner i sina rapporter. Resultaten är viktiga eftersom en förståelse av osäkerhet runt t.ex. resultatrapportering bidrar till en allmän förståelse för resultatrapporteringsmiljön som i sin tur är av ytterst stor betydelse för prisbildning på finansmarknader. Vidare används typiskt ökad prognosspridning som en indikation på ökad informationsasymmetri i redovisningsforskning, ett fenomen som denna avhandling därmed ifrågasätter.


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The prlmaiy objective of this study was to Identify and describe the physical and psychological stress factors that elementary school teachers experience and how teachers cope with stress. A secondary objective was to offer boards and teachers potential coping strategies counteracting stress and the effects of stress. The sample consisted of 120 elementaiy teachers from southern Ontario. Ten elementaiy schools were randomly chosen. The Teacher Stress Inventory questionnaire (Flmian, 1989) was used. Data were analyzed using a variety of statistics. Test norms and interpretations were performed based on standard results obtained from the author of the questionnaire (Flmian, 1988). Overall, the results indicated that work-related stressors were the main factor for teacher stress. This Included such factors as caseload/class is too big, too much administrative paperwork, and having little time to prepare lessons. Implications for further research and practical suggestions for further reseairch are discussed. Also a variety of recommendations to boards and for individual use are discussed. Some recommendations are having counselling available for teachers, workshops on how to handle stress, and learning how to breathe and using calm visualization.


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"We teach who we are" (Palmer, 1998, p. 2). This simple, yet profound, statement was the catalyst that began my thesis journey. Using a combination of self-study and participant narratives, Palmer's idea was explored as search for authenticity. The self-study component of this narrative was enhanced by the stories of two other teachers, both women. I chose to use narrative methodology to uncover and discover the relationship between the personal and professional lives of being a teacher. Do teachers express themselves daily in their classrooms? Do any lessons from the classroom translate into teachers' personal lives? The themes of reflection, authenticity, truth, and professional development thread themselves throughout this narrative study. In order to be true to myself as a teacher/researcher, arts-based interpretations accompany my own and each participant's profile. Our conversations about our pasts, our growth as teachers and journeys as individuals were captured in poetry and photographic mosaics. Through rich and detailed stories we explored who we are as teachers and how we became this way. The symbiotic relationship between our personal and professional lives was illustrated by tales of bravery, self-discovery, and reflection. The revelations uncovered illustrate the powerful role our past plays in shaping the present and potentially the friture. It may seem indulgent to spend time exploring who we are as teachers in a time that is increasingly focused on improving student test scores. Yet, the truth remains that, "Knowing myself is as crucial to good teaching as knowing my students and my subject" (Palmer, 1998, p. 2).


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This descriptive-exploratory study examined factors which were perceived by students at a College of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) campus as influencing them in choosing to come or not to come for personal counselling and why they would or would not retum. A total of 250 students selected through a sample of convenience were surveyed. A questionnaire survey was conducted with quantitative data collected using a 4-point, forced-choice Likert scale and yes/no questions and qualitative data collected using open-ended questions and invited comments. The responses were analyzed using means and modes for the Likert responses and percentages for the yes/no and check-off questions. The narrative responses were subjected to content analysis to identify themes. The mean score findings on factors influencing students to come for personal counselling were at or close to the mid- point of 2.5. Personal distress was the only variable found to have a negative response, meaning students would not come to counselling if they were in personal distress. On factors that would keep them from choosing to come to counselling, students seemed to trust counsellors and feel accepted by them and rejected the notion that peer pressure or the first session being unhelpful would keep them away from counselling. The counsellor's relationship with the student is the major determinant for repeat sessions. When asked what factors would influence students to not retum for personal counselling, students rejected the variables of peer pressure, the extra time needed for counselling, and not getting what they wanted in a session, but, in one instance, indicated that variables regarding the counselling relationship would keep them from returning.


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This research identified and explored the various responses often women Registered Nurses displaced from full-time elnployment as staff nurses in general hospitals in southern Ontario. These nurses were among the hundreds in Ontario who were displaced between October 1991 and October 1995 as a result of organizational downsizing and other health care reform initiatives. The purpose ofthis research was to document tIle responses of nurses to job displacement, and how that experience impacted on a nurse's professional identity and her understanding of the nature and utilization of nursing labour. This study incorporated techniques consistent with the principles of naturalistic inquiry and the narrative tradition. A purposive sample was drawn from the Health Sector Training and Adjustment Program database. Data collection and analysis was a three-step process wherein the data collection in each step was informed by the data analysis in the preceding step. The main technique used for qualitative data collection was semistructured, individual and group interviews. Emerging from the data was a rich and textured story ofhow job displacement disrupted the meaningful connections nurses had with their work. In making meaning of this change, displaced nurses journeyed along a three-step path toward labour adjustment. Structural analysis was the interpretive lens used to view the historical, sociopolitical and ideological forces which constrained the choices reasonably available to displaced nurses while Kelly's personal construct theory was the lens used to view the process of making choices and reconstruing their professional identity.


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This project examines students in a private school in southwestern Ontario on a 17 -day Costa Rica Outward Bound Rainforest multielement course. The study attempted to discover whether voluntary teenage participants could increase their self-perceptions of life effectiveness by participating in a 17-day expedition. A total of9 students participated in the study. The experimental design that was implemented was a mixed methods design. Participants filled in a Life Effectiveness Questionnaire (LEQ) at four predesignated times during the study. These time intervals occurred (a) before the trip commenced, (b) the first day of the trip, ( c) the last day of the trip, and (d) 1 month after the trip ended. Fieldnotes and recordings from informal group debriefing sessions were also used to gather information. Data collected in this study were analyzed in a variety of ways by the researcher. Analyses that were run on the data included the Friedman test for covariance, means, medians, and the Wilcoxon Pairs Test. The questionnaires were analyzed quantitatively, and the fieldnotes were analyzed qualitatively. Nonparametric statistical analysis was implemented as a result of the small group size of participants. Both sets of data were grouped and discussed according to similarities and differences. The data indicate that voluntary teenage participants experience significant changes over time in the areas of time management, social competency, emotional control, active initiative, and self-confidence. The types of outcomes from this study illustrate that Outward Bound-type opportunities should be offered to teenagers in Ontario schools as a means to bring about self-development.


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One way of exploring the power of sound in the experience and constitution of space is through the phenomenon of personal listening devices (PLDs) in public environments. In this thesis, I draw from in-depth interviews with eleven Brock University students in S1. Catharines, Ontario, to show how PLDs (such as MP3 players like the iPod) are used to create personalized soundscapes and mediate their public transit journeys. I discuss how my interview participants experience the space-time of public transit, and show how PLDs are used to mediate these experiences in acoustic and non-acoustic ways. PLD use demonstrates that acoustic and environmental experiences are co-constitutive, which highlights a kinaesthetic quality of the transit-space. My empirical findings show that PLDs transform space, particularly by overlapping public and private appropriations of the bus. I use these empirical findings to discuss the PLD phenomenon in the theoretical context of spatiality, and more specifically, acoustic space. J develop the ontological notion of acoustic space, stating that space shares many of the properties of sound, and argue that sound is a rich epistemological tool for understanding and explaining our everyday experiences.


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Personal Support Workers (PSWs) spend a large amount of time with long-term care (LTC) home residents providing assistance with their activities of daily living. The s limited research on their perceptions of cultural competence presents the need to bridge this knowledge gap. The researcher conducted a qualitative case study at a LTC home in Ontario. Data were collected by conducting a policy document analysis, a key informant interview with the Director of Care (DOC), and two focus groups with PSWs. The five major overarching themes were: The Culture of the LTC Home, Provision of a Supportive Environment, Collaborative Team Approach to Care, Building a Relationship with the Residents, and Maintenance of Staff Morale. The findings illuminated the broad nature of culture, connections to person centered care, and the factors that facilitate or hinder PSWs’ culturally competent care. The ambiguous perception of cultural competence among PSWs suggests further research and education on cultural competence in LTC home settings.


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This research identified and explored the various responses of ten women Registered Nurses displaced from full-time employment as staff nurses in general hospitals in southern Ontario. These nurses were among the hundreds in Ontario who were displaced between October 1991 and October 1995 as a result of organizational downsizing and other health care reform initiatives. The purpose of this research was to document the responses of nurses to job displacement, and how that experience impacted on a nurse's professional identity and her understanding of the nature and utilization of nursing labour. This study incorporated techniques consistent with the principles of naturalistic inquiry and the narrative tradition. A purposive sample was drawn from the Health Sector Training and Adjustment Program database. Data collection and analysis was a three-step process wherein the data collection in each step was informed by the data analysis in the preceding step. The main technique used for qualitative data collection was semistructured, individual and group interviews. Emerging from the data was a rich and textured story of how job displacement disrupted the meaningful connections nurses had with their work. In making meaning of this change, displaced nurses journeyed along a three-step path toward labour adjustment. Structural analysis was the interpretive lens used to view the historical, sociopolitical and ideological forces which constrained the choices reasonably available to displaced nurses while Kelly's personal construct theory was the lens used to view the process of making choices and reconstruing their professional identity.


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John B. Davis explores the question of what the economic individual is. He bases his considerations of orthodox economics on the assumption that these theories implicitly rely on a conception of the individual that has its origin in Locke’s idea of the self as subjective inwardness. Economic history then is the attempt to deal with Locke’s inherent problems that this view involved. If neoclassical economics still has aspects of human psychology, mainstream economics dropped the subjective concept of the individual out of their considerations. However, Davis demonstrates that even the neoclassical concept of the individual fails to pass the existence test of individual identity. The latter is an idea developed in analogy to philosophers’ concern about personal identity and examines if the individual can be distinguished among different individuals and if he or she can be reidentified as the selfsame individual through time. The failure of the theory of the individual in orthodox economics led Davis to develop a concept of a socially embedded individual in accordance with heterodox accounts of economics. He submits this conception to the same test of individual identity. It appears that the socially embedded individual can be said to hold an identity in specific circumstances.


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Biometrics deals with the physiological and behavioral characteristics of an individual to establish identity. Fingerprint based authentication is the most advanced biometric authentication technology. The minutiae based fingerprint identification method offer reasonable identification rate. The feature minutiae map consists of about 70-100 minutia points and matching accuracy is dropping down while the size of database is growing up. Hence it is inevitable to make the size of the fingerprint feature code to be as smaller as possible so that identification may be much easier. In this research, a novel global singularity based fingerprint representation is proposed. Fingerprint baseline, which is the line between distal and intermediate phalangeal joint line in the fingerprint, is taken as the reference line. A polygon is formed with the singularities and the fingerprint baseline. The feature vectors are the polygonal angle, sides, area, type and the ridge counts in between the singularities. 100% recognition rate is achieved in this method. The method is compared with the conventional minutiae based recognition method in terms of computation time, receiver operator characteristics (ROC) and the feature vector length. Speech is a behavioural biometric modality and can be used for identification of a speaker. In this work, MFCC of text dependant speeches are computed and clustered using k-means algorithm. A backpropagation based Artificial Neural Network is trained to identify the clustered speech code. The performance of the neural network classifier is compared with the VQ based Euclidean minimum classifier. Biometric systems that use a single modality are usually affected by problems like noisy sensor data, non-universality and/or lack of distinctiveness of the biometric trait, unacceptable error rates, and spoof attacks. Multifinger feature level fusion based fingerprint recognition is developed and the performances are measured in terms of the ROC curve. Score level fusion of fingerprint and speech based recognition system is done and 100% accuracy is achieved for a considerable range of matching threshold


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Las relaciones comerciales entre países del mundo han venido aumentando recientemente, mejorando a través de tratados y acuerdos, entre estos países. China ha sido una potencia económica fuerte en sus relaciones comerciales y de negocios establecidos con países del mundo. En lo que a Colombia se refiere, se han venido planteando posibles negociaciones para el logro de acuerdos en un futuro cercano que permitan un intercambio libre de productos y servicios. Aprovechando las relaciones entre estos países surge la idea de un negocio para la importación de un producto chino novedoso orientado al sector de belleza en Colombia. Este producto es un aparato electrotérmico inalámbrico, el cual aun no existe en el mercado colombiano, razón por la cual podría tener una muy buena aceptación por parte de la mujer colombiana, pues es un producto que le permitirá ahorrar tiempo y eliminar la dependencia al uso de una toma corriente para utilizar este aparato electrotérmico. Para evaluar la factibilidad de negocio, se realizo un estudio de mercado del cual se obtuvieron buenos resultados, pues un porcentaje alto aceptaron que comprarían este producto al precio que esta dentro del rango del precio de venta en Colombia. Se estudiaron también las inversiones necesarias para iniciar el negocio y los costos de funcionamiento de este. Se realizo una proyección a cinco años del funcionamiento del negocio, y los resultados de este fueron que la empresa siempre tendrá liquidez para solventarse en el transcurso de estos cinco años. Para realizar la inversión inicial del negocio se requiere capital de los socios y obtención de un crédito por parte de estos. Un crédito que será pagado en su totalidad en el tercer año. Se realizo el cálculo del costo de venta del producto para determinar su precio final el cual, no resultó mayor al promedio de los aparatos electrotérmicos actuales del mercado con el valor agregado que el producto que se pretende importar es inalámbrico. Lo anterior es una ventaja del producto del mercado, junto con la garantía y calidad que se pretende tener en este producto. Dado que el negocio el viable, según lo descrito anteriormente, se investigaron los papeles y costos necesarios en cámara y comercio para la constitución de una empresa.


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Presentation motivating the activities around group work /teamwork and personal managment