978 resultados para Permanent Defence Force Other Ranks Representative Association


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Resumen: Augusto Del Noce es un reconocido intérprete filosófico del siglo XX. Sin embargo, su método de filosofar a través de la historia y su diálogo con distintas corrientes del pensamiento han dificultado la tarea de los estudiosos a la hora de ubicar su filosofía. El estudio que aquí ofrecemos acerca de la relación del pensamiento de Del Noce con el tomismo es un aporte para comprender mejor cuáles son los supuestos metafísicos de este autor, cuál es el fundamento último de su propuesta de interpretación de la historia y de la modernidad en general. Frente a quienes entienden que Del Noce no toma suficiente distancia respecto del pensamiento idealista e inmanentista, y frente a quienes cuestionan la solidez de sus fundamentos metafísicos, sostenemos aquí que se trata de un autor que adhiere profunda y coherentemente a la metafísica del ser, y lo hace con referencias explícitas al tomismo. Para llegar a esta conclusión reconstruiremos su período de formación, su relación filosófica con el tomista Gilson y su idea de filosofía cristiana.


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Ao contrário da maioria dos transtornos psiquiátricos, o transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT) apresenta uma fator causal necessário, embora não-suficiente: a exposição a um evento traumático (EPT). Em consequência deste evento desenvolvem-se três dimensões de sintomas: revivescência, esquiva/ entorpecimento emocional e hiperexcitabilidade. Um dos achados mais relevantes das pesquisas epidemiológicas de TEPT é que embora a maioria dos indivíduos seja exposta a um evento traumático em algum momento de sua vida, apenas uma minoria destes vai desenvolver o transtorno. Desta forma, a maior parte dos indivíduos expostos pode ser considerada resiliente. A resiliência consiste, portanto, na capacidade de adaptação eficaz diante de um distúrbio, estresse ou adversidade. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática com metanálise de estudos longitudinais que investigaram fatores preditores de resiliência ao desenvolvimento de TEPT. A ausência de TEPT foi considerada proxy de resiliência. Em função do grande número de estudos identificados pela estratégia de busca, decidimos post hoc restringir as variáveis preditoras a apoio social (AS), personalidade, autoestima e eventos de vida potencialmente estressantes (EVPE). Apenas vinte artigos preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade. Treze estudos avaliaram apoio social, nove avaliaram personalidade e dois avaliaram EVPE. Nenhum dos trabalhos que pesquisou autoestima era elegível. Dezesseis dos vinte estudos incluídos nesta revisão avaliaram a associação de interesse na população geral. A maioria dos trabalhos avaliou a exposição de interesse após o EPT. Ainda que alguns destes tenham tentado captar a informação sobre a exposição antes do ocorrido, devido à natureza retrospectiva desta aferição, não há como se isentar o potencial efeito do trauma sobre resultado obtido. Além disso, foi observada grande heterogeneidade entre as pesquisas, limitando o número de estudos incluídos nas metanálises. Neuroticismo foi a única dimensão de personalidade avaliada por mais de um estudo. As medidas sumárias resultantes da combinação destes trabalhos revelaram que maior apoio social positivo prediz resiliência ao TEPT enquanto neuroticismo reduz a chance de resiliência. Os dois estudos que investigaram EVPE não puderam ser combinados. Um deles foi inconclusivo e o outro demonstrou associação entre menor número de EVPE e resiliência. Ressaltamos que as medidas sumárias devem ser interpretadas com cautela devido à grande heterogeneidade entre os estudos. Heterogeneidade na forma de avaliação dos fatores preditores de resiliência ao TEPT é compreensível devido à complexidade dos construtos avaliados. Todavia, a falta de padronização do método de operacionalização reduz a comparabilidade dos resultados.


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Em O mau humor da TPM: uma interpretação do feminino propomos mostrar como são construídas algumas representações do feminino a partir da sua relação com a menstruação e discutir alguns significados culturais acerca dos transtornos de humor derivado de uma síndrome comumente conhecida como a tensão pré-menstrual. A partir de um recorte teórico do corpo e do olhar médico sobre este enquanto objetos das ciências sociais, isto é, como construções sociais, e tendo como orientação os estudos feministas, analisamos dois tipos de discursos circulantes acerca da menstruação, localizados nas camadas médias cariocas, no início do século XXI, que dizem representar ou dialogar com este corpo hormonal. Estes seguem duas direções diferentes: o primeiro discurso analisado é um livro de um médico, no formato de literatura de auto-ajuda, voltado para a discussão da inteligência hormonal; que pretende ser um modelo de subjetivação do feminino, baseado no olhar médico-científico. Este propõe um controle sobre o corpo, organizando o feminino a partir de idéias essencializadas as quais universalizam os corpos e tratam das descrições desse feminino como pré-determinadas por condições localizadas no corpo Natural. O segundo é um conjunto de entrevistas realizadas com bancárias, que registram o feminino subjetivado. Estes discursos sobre a vivência do feminino, apesar de também articularem descrições corporais enraizadas na biologia e nas ciências médicas, revelam ainda outros significados culturais representativos, destacando assim a importância dos estudos que privilegiam o agenciamento do sujeito na construção social de gênero, no caso desses femininos.


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Although the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) has been applied successfully in the area of food choice, it has been criticized for its pure utilitarian approach to the factors determining behaviour. Despite the increase in predictive power of the model with added components such as affective attitude and moral and ethical concerns, in most studies the elicitation process still only addresses people's utilitarian beliefs about the behaviour with little attention paid to other aspects. This study compares the traditional method of elicitation of advantages and disadvantages with two other methods (word association and open-ended) in the elicitations of beliefs, attitudes and moral concerns in relation to the consumption of organic foods. Results show the traditional method to be best for eliciting cognitive beliefs, open-ended emotion task for eliciting emotional beliefs and open-ended beliefs task best for moral concerns. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed.


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Cette étude propose d’explorer, parmi un ensemble de variables propres à la vulnérabilité des personnes, celles qui expliquent le mieux les inquiétudes face à la victimisation criminelle chez les aînés. L’utilisation d’un instrument de mesure validé en français et adapté à une population âgée québécoise, le WAV (Worry About Victimization), nous aura permis d’étudier la peur du crime en précisant ses dimensions émotionnelles, cognitives et béhaviorale. L’échantillon est constitué de 387 répondants âgés entre 60 et 98 ans résidant dans les centres urbains de Montréal, Sherbrooke et Trois-Rivières. Les résultats suggèrent, qu’en somme, la préoccupation envers le crime en général, les préoccupations envers certains crimes plus spécifiquement définis, de même que les précautions prises contre le crime sont expliquées par des caractéristiques se rapportant à la vulnérabilité des personnes. Pour ces trois dimensions, le sexe représente le meilleur facteur explicatif. Les autres dimensions : perception générale du risque de victimisation, inquiétude diffuse face à l’éventualité d’être victime d’un crime, et recours à des mesures de protection s’expliquent à la fois par des caractéristiques de vulnérabilité et la recherche de protection. Il est à noter que pour ces autres dimensions, le sexe n’est pas au rang de facteurs explicatifs. Des analyses selon le sexe montrent par ailleurs que les inquiétudes des hommes sont moins fonction des caractéristiques de vulnérabilité que pour les femmes. À l’inverse, les expériences de victimisation criminelle de même que les caractéristiques définissant le réseau social, sa disponibilité, l’utilisation qui en est faite et la satisfaction qu’on en tire expliquent davantage l’inquiétude des hommes que celle des femmes. Cette étude conclut que la considération d’autres théories, en complémentarité avec celle de la vulnérabilité, pourrait être bénéfique selon la dimension des inquiétudes étudiée et le sexe des répondants. Cela dit, l’utilisation du WAV apparaît être le premier pas vers l’obtention de connaissances plus nuancées et ainsi plus cohérentes en regard des différentes dimensions de l’inquiétude liée à la victimisation exprimée notamment par les personnes âgées.


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This short paper looks at Orde Wingate's role in armed policing and counter-bandit operations in Sudan during his time with the Sudan Defence Force.


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This book is a collection of papers originally presented at a workshop entitled 'After Nine Eleven: Ethics in the Time of Terror' hosted by Monash University on 24 June 2005. The workshop participants included members of the Ethics of War and Peace (EWAP) working group which was inaugurated at the first Oceanic Conference on International Studies in July 2004. EWAP provides a cross-disciplinary forum for scholars and non-academic professionals to exchange and debate ideas on topics including the ethics of armed intervention, the Just War, pacifist ethics, international humanitarian law, ethics in the military profession, and the relationship between law, ethics and politics.

The chapters within this book examine themes including 'lesser evils' and 'dirty hands' in the fight against terrorism, the ethics of intelligence gathering, humanitarian intervention, terrorism and the North-South divide, cultural equality as a response to terrorism, human rights and counterterrorism legislation, and the ethics of defending against 'bioterrorism'. 

Contributors include Alex Bellamy and Richard Devetak (University of Queensland), Baogang He (Deakin University), Christopher Michaelsen (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), Jeremy Moses (University of Canterbury), Christian Enemark and Hugh Smith (University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy).


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Objective: The aim of ths study was to examine the association between habitual physical activity and positive and negative affect.

Method: This cross-sectional study included 276 women aged 20 +, from the Geelong Osteoporosis Study. Habitual physical activity and other lifestyle exposures were assessed by questionnaire, concurrent with anthropometric assessments. Physical activity was categorized as very active, moderately active or sedentary. Positive and negative affect scores were derived from the validated 20 item Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) self-report and were categorized into tertiles.

There was a pattern of lower positive affect scores for lower levels of physical activity. With very active as the reference category, the odds for having a positive affect score in the highest tertile were sequentially lower for those who were moderately active (OR = 0.53, 95%CI 0.28–1.01) and sedentary (OR = 0.28, 95%CI 0.10–0.75). Associations were sustained after adjusting for body mass index and polypharmacy (OR = 0.50, 95%CI 0.26–0.96 and OR = 0.25, 95%CI 0.09–0.72, respectively). These associations were not explained by age, negative affect score or other exposures. No association was detected between physical activity and negative affect scores.

Conclusions: This study reports that higher positive affect scores, encompassing emotions such as interest, excitement, enthusiasm and alertness, are associated with higher levels of habitual physical activity. These observations warrant further investigations into possible mechanistic interplay between neurobiological and psychosocial factors that underpin this association.


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Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) are reported as the number one cause of injury and death for allied troops in the current theater of operation. Deakin University’s Centre for Intelligent Systems Research (CISR) is working on next-generation technology to combat the threat. In 2006 CISR was awarded funding through the Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) Program managed by the Australian Defence Force. The objective was to investigate the use of haptics or force feedback technology for Counter-IED (CIED) tasks. Over the past six years, engineers from CISR have worked alongside Defence stakeholders to develop a series of robotic platforms designed to immerse a soldier in the remote environment. Utilising a natural user interface, haptic force feedback and stereovision, the technology has undergone initial trials in Sydney, Canberra, Woomera and at the CISR testing facility in Geelong, Australia. The technology has proved popular among operators allowing them increased fidelity and manipulation speed while significantly reducing required training. CISR has a history of rapidly delivering technology to meet the needs of police and law enforcement in Australia. The OzBot™ series of robots developed in conjunction with the Victorian Police is currently in service and used extensively for hostage negotiation and first responder roles. The CISR robotics group works on technologies that reduce operator fatigue, minimise training liability and maintenance. Over 55 engineers develop simulation environments for increased training availability and continuous improvement to the current range of mobile platforms, including communications range, payload, manipulator reach and capability. This paper describes a number of the technologies, methods and systems developed by CISR for IED neutralisation, with the aim to increasing military awareness of Australian capability.


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In 2010, Defence Force Recruiting (DFR) Navy Marketing entered into a media sponsorship package with the Australian version of the reality TV show So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD): Footage of the day aired on national television on SYTYCD and weekly ‘dancer bootcamp’ sessions training the dancers in Navy values featured on a dedicated and branded Navy section of the official SYTYCD website. This article analyses the Navy’s SYTYCD ‘integration opportunities’ to consider the role of reality television in the redefinition of the defence forces as a training and vocational pathway for young people. Underpinning such considerations is the conceptualization of the work of reality television through the prism of public and popular pedagogies. Taking sexuality as a focal point, the article will reflect on efforts to lift recruitment through an emphasis on the incorporation of diversity. Reading the work of Jasbir Puar against the Australian ‘archive’ of integration opportunities, this article contributes to queer critiques of homonormative and homonationalist tendencies in contemporary politics.


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Hazing, or bastardisation, has been the subject of repeated scandal in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) for at least 40 years. At its most serious, as documented in the 2011 Piper Report, hazing is clearly criminal behaviour. This article uses the techniques of criminology to explore hazing as a group social practice in the ADF, and considers whether the response of the ADF to hazing can be characterised as collective denial.


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Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) are reported as the number one cause of injury and death for allied troops in the current theater of operation. Current stand-off technologies for Counter IED (CIED) tasks rely on robotic platforms that have not improved in capability over the past decade to combat the ever increasing threat of IEDs. While they provide operational capability, the effectiveness of these platforms is limited. This is because they primarily utilise video and audio feedback, and require extensive training and specialist operators. Recent operational experience has demonstrated the need for robotic systems that are highly capable, yet easily operable for high fidelity manipulation. Force feedback provides an operator with more intuitive control of a robotic system. This sense of touch allows an operator to obtain a sense of feel from a stand-off location of what the robot touches or grasps through a human-robot interface. This paper reports the design and development of a Haptically-Enabled Counter IED robotic system that was funded by the Australian Defence Force. The presented work focuses on the design methodology for the system, and provides the results of the manipulator analysis and trial outcomes.